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by KAREN ERICKSON Amber Quill Press, LLC

Breaking Free An Amber Quill Press Book This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review. Copyright 2007 by Karen Erickson ISBN 978-1-60272-159-3 Cover Art 2007 Trace Edward Zaber Layout and Formatting Provided by: Elemental Alchemy Published in the United States of America

Also by Karen Erickson Covet Hard To Resist Night Wolf

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Chapter 1
She shouldn't have come here alone. Mallory Woodward glanced about the crowded room. She could barely make out the faces in the dim light. The walls were painted black, a heavy stream of machine generated fog filled the room continuously and strobe lights flashed in time with the heavy throb of the music. A sex club. She still couldn't believe she was there. And not just any sex club either. No, the most popular, hard to get into sex club in the city, Kama Sutra Club. Somehow, someway they'd approved her application, and sent her the invitation to attend their annual fall fling party, one of their biggest gatherings of the year. She'd jumped at the chance, didn't even need to think about it twice, she'd been so happy that she'd gotten in. Now reality had hit and she was apprehensive. Nervous. All alone in a sex club. What was she thinking? Of course, none of her conservative friends would've come with her, not that she even told them about it in the first place. And she didn't have a boyfriend. She didn't want one. That's why she wanted to join the club. Mallory wanted to act out her deepest desires, those secret naughty thoughts that ran through her mind on a continual loop. She'd always thought she was weird, not right, not normal. Now that she'd become a member of the club, saw all of the fellow members in attendance, she realized she wasn't alone. The place was filled to the brim with people of all shapes and sizes, wearing all types of clothes. Conservative, trendy, a little sexy, blatantly sexy, and even nothing at all. In fact, when she looked to her left she found a naked man with a paunch getting a blow job from another man who was crouched before him clad in only white leather pants. She couldn't freaking believe it. A woman bumped into her and Mallory stepped back, mumbling her excuses. The woman smiled, her ruby red lips glistening in the light from the flashing strobe, revealing straight, downright predatory teeth. She licked her lips and tipped her glass toward Mallory. "Your first time here?" Mallory smiled nervously. "How could you tell? Am I that obvious?" "Oh, I could see by the fascinated gleam in your eye. It's pretty wild, isn't it?" Mallory nodded. "Definitely." The woman extended her hand, her long fingernails the same shade of red as her lips. "My name is Harlow." Mallory shook her hand. "Mallory. Unusual name, Harlow." Harlow smiled and shook her head. "My mother had an unusual fascination with old movie stars, Jean Harlow in particular. Hence the name." "Very cool." Mallory had no idea what to say. Was this woman hitting on her? Did she mind? Not like she was into lesbian sex. But no, she found she didn't mind. It kind of gave her a little thrill. And, heck, at least someone was talking to her. "So, did you come here with someone?" Mallory shook her head. "No, I'm all alone. And wondering if that was a good idea." "Listen, people here are very respectful. Blake runs a tight ship at the club and he doesn't allow any funny business.

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And when I say that I mean freaks who are out to hurt people, fuck with people, whatever." Harlow waved her hand as she talked, the liquid in her glass sloshing precariously. Mallory took a step back. "Who's Blake?" Harlow sipped from her glass. "He's the manager of the club, one of the investors. Super rich guy from a conservative family, sexy as hell. I gave him a blow job once, a long time ago." Mallory's eyes widened at Harlow's words and naughty wink. She wondered what it would feel like to be so nonchalant about sex that she could tell complete strangers who she gave a blow job to. That she even gave fairly anonymous blow jobs in the first place. She wouldn't mind finding out. Harlow leaned toward her, a wicked smile curving those red, red lips of hers. "He has a huge cock." "Wow. Um, that's great." Mallory gulped. She didn't know what to say. She wanted this, to experience a sex club. She'd been craving it for what felt like forever, and now that she was finally in, finally free to let all of her past hang-ups go, she wasn't sure she could. Maybe it would be best if she took it slow. Her problem? Deep down she didn't want to take it slow. She wanted to experience it all, and she wanted to do it now. Tonight. She just needed to find a man first. And he had to be just right. Handsome as sin, sexy enough to singe her with just one look; she wanted to experience a tangible sexual connection. With a man she'd probably never see again. Considering her past relationship history, that was fine by her. "Blake's usually here every night, always with a different woman on his arm. Sometimes two, sometimes three." Harlow explained with a grin. "He has a bit of a playboy reputation, but he's clean. A really nice guy." With a really huge cock.Mallory wanted to giggle, but she held herself in check. He sounded exactly like what she had in mind. But would he be interested in her? "Are you here with someone tonight, Harlow?" Harlow shook her head. "No, I'm all alone, too, winging it. I was bored, thought I'd come down here and check out the action. It's busy tonight." "The fall fling." "Right." Harlow finished off her drink and set it on a small table behind her. "People will surely be flinging tonight. Want to walk around together, check it out?" "Yeah, let's do it." It might be easier walking around with someone versus alone. All alone and she just might bolt out the door. Mallory followed Harlow through the crowd, eyes wide as she took it all in. People were already starting to get into it since lots of kissing and heavy petting abounded. Mallory didn't want to be caught staring, didn't want to be rude, but she couldn't stop looking. A woman's bared breast here, a skirt flipped up there, a hand on a bulging male crotch in the corner. Soft whispers and moans filled the air as well as the undeniable scent of sex. She couldn't help but feel an appreciative twinge in her own pussy. "Hey." Harlow stopped, took Mallory's hand and squeezed it tight. "Don't be afraid to look. These are the exhibitionists of the group; they want you to watch. Trust me, you'll see some sexy stuff. Lots of people come to the club just to watch." "I'm already seeing some sexy stuff," Mallory couldn't help but mutter. She glanced to her right, caught sight of a woman kneeling before another female with her face buried in the standing woman's crotch, and stared in fascination. "Have you ever had a woman go down on you?" Harlow whispered in her ear. Mallory shook her head, unable to take her eyes away from the scene before her. The woman who stood spread her legs, allowing the other easier access, and the crouching woman took it. The unmistakable sounds of a tongue making

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contact with a juicy pussy filled Mallory's ears, even though the music still throbbed noisily. Her entire body tingled with arousal as she watched. "I don't mind going both ways." Mallory startled at Harlow's suggestive words, her even more suggestive smile. She started to back away, but realized Harlow still held her hand. "I don't think so..." "Oh, come on, Mallory. You look like the type who likes to experiment. I bet you're dying to release all that pent up aggression and sexuality you hold inside of you. It's no good going through life so repressed." "I never said I was repressed." Did she? "You don't have to, honey. I can spot your type a mile away." Harlow yanked on Mallory's hand, pulling her so close her mouth hovered close to Mallory's ear. "Tell me it doesn't turn you on to watch that woman eat her pussy." Mallory couldn't deny it, but just because it turned her on didn't mean she wanted it done to her. Did it? She had no answer. "I'm sure it turns you on. I know it's turning me on." Harlow moved even closer, her body brushing against Mallory's, her lips and teeth tugging on Mallory's ear lobe. "We could get a private room and I could go down on you. Lick your pussy until you're begging and screaming for more." Mallory flinched away from her, yanked her hand from Harlow's with a jerk. "I'm sorry, I appreciate your friendliness, but you're coming on a little too strong." Harlow grinned. She didn't seem the least bit perturbed. "Oh, come on, honey, isn't this what you came here for? A little forbidden action? If it makes you uncomfortable to be alone with me, I'm sure we could find a guy who would be more than willing to take the both of us on." Oh, good lord, what had she walked into? Ten minutes at the club and she was propositioned by the most aggressive female she'd ever witnessed in her life. She had not come to the KS Club to find a woman for a lesbian experience. She wanted to find a man. "Hey, Harlow, who's your friend?" Thanking God up above for the interruption, Mallory whirled around to find a devastatingly handsome man standing before her, a devilish smile on his face. Exactly what she had in mind for tonight. He was tall, well over six feet, with impossibly broad shoulders that were encased by a straining black T-shirt. Closely cropped dark hair, sun kissed skin stretched over prominent cheekbones and a firm jaw. Brilliant blue eyes stared at her, assessing her, but not in an overt way. She allowed her own gaze to trail down over his athletic form and gulped when she glimpsed the impressive bulge encased by snug black leather pants. He was her every fantasy come to life. "Hi, Blake, this is Mallory. She's new." Harlow moved so she stood beside her, smirking. Mallory wanted to wipe the smug smile from her face. "Mallory." He offered his hand to her and she took it, her palm sizzling when they connected. His fingers were warm and sure as they wrapped around hers, and he shook her hand slowly before releasing it. Almost reluctantly, she thought. "Hi." She felt like a fool, but she didn't know what else to say. It was as if the man had taken away her ability to speak or even think. All she could do was stare. "He's the owner of the club, Mallory. Remember I told you about him?" Harlow shot her a knowing glance. "Yes, that's right," Mallory murmured. She felt her cheeks heat up and hoped no one could tell she was blushing. Of course, the club was so dark she could hardly see anything. Remembering Harlow's comment about the size of his penis, she couldn't help but evaluate, since the leather pants hugged it so well. How embarrassing. "I'm just an investor, one of many owners, though I do manage the club." He smiled in Mallory's direction and her

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knees wobbled, threatening to give out. "So, what do you think of it, Mallory? The club?" "Oh, it's...nice." He cocked a dark brow, an utterly sexy move. " Nice, huh? Has Harlow given you the full tour?" Mallory shook her head, her low ponytail swishing across her bare back. She was thankful for the snug red halter top she'd chosen to wear tonight. It flattered her moderately sized chest immensely. A fact she realized even more when she caught Blake's gaze wandering downward, landing right at her breasts. "I really just got here." "Well, since I run the place, it's only fitting that I give you the grand tour." He offered his arm to her and she took it, her arm hooking around his thickly muscled bicep. His arm was as hard as a rock and she longed to run her fingers over his warm skin. "I would appreciate it," she said with a tiny smile. Harlow stood beside them with her mouth hanging open. "Um, Mallory, didn't you want to..." Mallory shook her head. "Thanks for everything, Harlow. Maybe I'll see you around later?" They left the dumbfounded Harlow where she stood, and Mallory could barely contain the giggle that wanted to spill. Blake gazed down at her, his expression much like one of a co-conspirator. "Don't tell me she hit you up." Mallory's mouth dropped open in shock. "How did you know?" Blake shrugged, his arm brushing against her side, and she shivered. "She hits on all of the new girls; it's her thing. She's a rampant lesbian, though she hates to admit it. Why, I have no idea. She loves nothing more than to lick a woman's pussy." Tingles danced along Mallory's spine at his use of the word pussy. She could imagine this man talking dirty to her, ramming his long, thick cock deep inside her over and over again while she lay tied up and defenseless on a bed. A bed covered in black satin sheets, her body sprawled and tied spread-eagled. Her pussy flooded with moisture at the thought. "I apologize for her behavior. She's not a true representative of our club. We're classier than that." He smiled. "I hope." She was completely enthralled. With his face, the sound of his voice, the feel of his long hard body brushing against hers as they walked. He was the epitome of sex, all slick masculinity and raw sexuality rolled up in one. Without a doubt she knew she wanted him. By the look in his eye she thought she had a pretty good chance of ending up in bed with him. Mallory couldn't wait.

Chapter 2
The woman on his arm was gorgeous, no doubt about it. Blake watched Mallory appreciatively as she walked with a natural, smooth grace beside him, her brown eyes wide as she drank in all that surrounded them. The club's annual fall fling brought all of the exhibitionists in their full glory out and tonight didn't disappoint. It was still early by club standards, yet all of the naked flesh and goings-on were already in full force. Mallory didn't seem to mind. Oh, she appeared a little shocked, but he could tell she watched with curiosity and not

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disgust. He always liked to meet the first timers, especially the women. They were always so eager, so enthusiastic, so experimental. He loved his job, relished it really. He'd grown up rich, his father having earned his millions the hard way, with lots of work and endless devotion to his tireless job. Basically abandoned his family, choosing instead to work long hours, and forced Blake's mother to find something to occupy her time. Unfortunately, she didn't occupy her time with her only child and son, but instead dumped him on an endless string of nannies. Of course, he'd rebelled every chance he got. Always expected to work for his father's export business, he'd completely surprised his parents and quit. Invested some of the trust money he came into when he turned twenty-five into the Kama Sutra Sex Club, much to his parent's dismay. His friend Rob had started the club, and Blake couldn't resist the temptation. An endless string of women looking to get laid every night, what man could resist that? Four years later and the club was a complete success, with many thanks to him. He never thought he'd manage the club, yet here he was and he enjoyed it, too. Not just the perks of being surrounded by women every night, but he relished the day-to-day process of actually running a business. He liked it, he was good at it, and he didn't want to stop. Hell, he'd already half convinced Rob to start a chain of KS clubs throughout the state. Rob was currently on the hunt for other investors. Mallory squeezed his arm gently with her delicate hand, bringing Blake back into reality. He glanced down at her, and she turned her face up to look at him. His breath caught in his throat as he drank in her features. Her expressive brown eyes, the pert little nose and rosy lips that practically begged to be kissed. He could become lost studying that face. Shit.Where the hell did that come from? He didn't get lost in studying anyone's face, beautiful or not. He hadn't believed in relationships ever. Hell, he hardly believed in casual dating. He liked his interludes with women to be simple, just a meeting of flesh, a few hours of gratuitous sex. He could admit it to himself. Relationships freaked him out because of his parents. The phrase "long-term" didn't exist in his vocabulary. Just one look at this woman and already he thought differently. "So, I hear there are different themed rooms?" Her soft voice wafted over him, made his cock jerk and harden beneath the tight confines of his leather pants. "Yes, there are the personal rooms that have various themes. The open rooms have different themes as well. This one is our Moroccan themed parlor." He'd led her into the place he was most proud of, the one public room that aroused him like no other. The walls were painted a rich burgundy with amber colored glass lamps hanging from the ceiling by thick chains. Low, overstuffed couches filled the room, scattered with plump, vibrantly colored silk pillows. A belly dancer wandered around the room, shaking her hips to the sound of the sitar music piped in through the built-in speakers. The soft clanking of her coin belt tinkled over the sound of the music and all of the men, and even the women, who watched her were enthralled. "I love it," Mallory breathed as she looked around. "I think this is my favorite. It's exactly what I pictured a Kama Sutra-themed club to look like. Exotic, like from another time or place." His chest swelled with pride. That was the look he was going for. "We have private rooms that have a similar theme. Most of the rooms come equipped with various Kama Sutra books, with the exception of our BDSM-themed ones. The private rooms that have a similar appearance to this one are the most heavily requested." "I'd love to see one." She said it so quietly he almost thought he imagined it. But, no, Mallory watched him expectantly, heat flaring in her wide eyes. His cock hardened even more and he desperately wanted to reach down and adjust himself. Damned if he'd made a fool of himself before, walking around his own club with a hard-on. Of course, not like anyone would really notice. The place was notoriously full of hard-ons. Blake took her hand and brought it to his lips, pressing the lightest kiss to her knuckles. "I show you that room, Mallory, and I promise you we won't leave it for hours."

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She smiled, a temptress's smile if he ever saw one. "Promises, promises." He dropped her hand, but still kept it within his grasp. "Do you want to see the room now, or shall we wait a bit? Check out the other features the club has to offer?" The belly dancer now danced mere inches from them, her lush hips rolling and shaking with the music, the chain belt jangling with a steady beat. She danced in front of a man seated on an overstuffed chair, her breasts spilling from the jeweled bra top she wore, her long dark hair swaying back and forth. The man watched her with glazed eyes as if hypnotized, his mouth hanging open, his body stiff. Blake shook his head. The dude had it bad. Of course, Alana had a way with the men he didn't quite understand. The dancer moved and swayed to the beat in such a sensual way, she had the men hypnotized much like a snake put under by a charmer. "I think I'd like to go to the room now. I've seen more than enough." She hadn't nearly, but who was he to tell her otherwise? If she wanted to go back to a private room and let him fuck her for hours, then he was all for it. But first, he had to let her know exactly what she was in for. Blake pulled her close, slipped his arm around her slender waist. She had a very feminine figure, slim waist, flared womanly hips, full breasts. He couldn't wait to explore her feminine form with his hands, mouth and tongue. "Are you sure you're ready to be alone with me?" His voice came out a low growl, and her eyebrows rose when he spoke. Good. He wanted her to know exactly what she was in for tonight. An absolute, mind blowing treat. "Yes, I am," she said, flipping her hair off her shoulder. Trying to look confident, he was sure. And she did, a little bit. But he also knew she was nervous. He could tell. He could always tell. "You're mine for the entire night." He leaned forward, pressed a gentle kiss to her full lips. "I get to do to you whatever I want, and you must do as I say. No questions asked. Are you prepared for that?" She nodded, a solemn expression on her face. Straight white teeth nibbled on her lower lip, and Blake wanted to groan at the sight of her. Everything she did turned him on. "We're going to do things you've never experienced before." He kissed her again, unable to resist the draw of her lush lips. "Things that will shock you. But I promise you'll enjoy it. Do you like to experiment, Mallory? Do you want to experiment?" "Yes, please. I'm ready." The urgency in her voice thrilled him. "Then let's go." Blake steered her toward the hallway which led to the private rooms. Her hand trembled in his grip, though her expression was perfectly composed, not revealing any apprehension or nervousness. He had to give to her, she was great under pressure. And he couldn't wait to get a sample of her.

Chapter 3
Mallory couldn't believe her good luck. She'd assumed it was a pipe dream, her hopes of finding a sexy man to show

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her a wild time in bed. She'd gone to the KS Club looking for an outrageous experience, to do things she'd never dared to before. Looked like all of that was about to come true and more. Blake stopped in front of a nondescript door and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door quickly and held it open for her and she walked inside. The room didn't disappoint. Painted in the same rich shade of burgundy as the public meeting room they'd just been in, it was gorgeous. The bed sat in the center of the room, covered in rich sumptuous gold fabric and piled high with various plump silk pillows. The floors were bare wood save for a thick rug she assumed would feel like heaven beneath her feet. The lights were dimmed low, giving it an ethereal feel. A single window stood open, the gold curtains pulled back to reveal the dark starry night. All of it set up for a night of seduction, of intense pleasure. Excitement hummed in the pit of her stomach and her hands literally shook. She smoothed them over her hair, tried to get a grip on herself. She wasn't afraid, oh, no. She was terribly excited. "Here." Blake grabbed a heavy, oversized book from a table that stood against the wall close to the door and handed it to her. "Look at this while I pour us something to drink." She gazed at the cover of the book, The Illustrated Guide of the Kama Sutra. She sat on the edge of the bed, and with trembling fingers, opened the book, eyes widening at the graphic illustrations it held inside. The people drawn were barely covered by opened colorful robes, their genitals on full display. A woman being fucked by a man while another woman held her and two other women watched. The next picture showed a woman bent over a man, her mouth stuffed full of cock while another man came at her from behind, ready to fuck her with an impressive cock, his hands on her breasts. Her heart beat heavy against her chest and her panties dampened at all of the drawings. She knew the positions of the Kama Sutra were kinky, developed with ultimate pleasure in mind, but she didn't realize they also depicted group sex. A mnage. She'd always wanted to experience a mnage. "Here you go." Blake handed her a wineglass full of ruby colored liquid. She took it, and gulped half of it down without missing a beat. He watched her with raised brows, an amused expression on his face as he sipped from his glass. "Thirsty?" Mallory nodded, a little embarrassed. She needed the alcohol for liquid courage more than anything. Not that she was about to admit that. "Yes, I am." "Find anything in there that you liked?" He nodded toward the book which sat opened in her lap. "Oh." She glanced down at the book, saw that it was opened to the pictures depicting two men and a woman, and attempted to snap it shut. He grabbed it from her lap before she could do so. "Hmm, does this turn you on? The idea of two men with you, pleasuring you?" He glanced up, his crystal blue eyes meeting hers. "It can be arranged, you know. I don't have a problem sharing, as long as the woman knows who's ultimately in command." His confident words thrilled her. She couldn't believe he just offered her the ultimate fantasy. The one she kept buried for so long, afraid if she confessed her secret desires to anyone, they would view her as a freak. And this man offered it up to her like offering her a gourmet meal from a menu. Unbelievable. "It's always been..." She paused, cast her gaze down into her lap. "...a secret fantasy of mine. To be taken by two men." Thick warm fingers slipped beneath her chin, tilting her head up so their eyes met. "You want it, just say the word." "I want it," she whispered.

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He smiled, his fingers caressing her chin. "I'll make the call. He'll be here later. First, it'll be about me and you." Anticipation sang through her veins and she watched Blake murmur requests into his cell phone. He snapped it shut and smiled at her, cupping her cheek with his free hand. "We have an hour." Mallory leaned into his hand, rubbing her cheek against his palm much like a purring kitten. "An hour until...?" "Someone else joins us." He took her wineglass and set the both of them on the table, then sat down on the bed next to her, his solid weight dipping the mattress. The hard warmth of his thigh pressed against her leg, and she edged closer, wanting to really feel him. Ultimately become consumed by him. "Mmm, I'm excited, but I'm more excited to get you naked," she said, feeling bold. She was comfortable with this man, probably because he didn't make her feel bad or wrong for her choices. No, he made her feel strong, exciting. She liked that. He shook his head, a tiny smile curving his full lips. "Not quite, sweetheart. Did you happen to look at the headboard?" She glanced toward where he gestured, her gaze wandering over the ornate iron headboard. Noticing the crimson velvet cuffs that hung on either side, she turned to him and smiled. "Are those for you?" "No, they're for you." Blake chuckled and leaned in close, pressed a quick kiss to her lips. "Get undressed." Mallory didn't hesitate at his firm command. No, she rather liked the way he took control of the situation. Her past lovers had been very passive, not impressive in the least. For a long time she didn't even think it was possible to experience an orgasm while having intercourse. Just one look from Blake's sexy gaze and she thought she might come on the spot. She stood and reached behind to untie her halter top. The fabric fell forward, revealing her bare breasts, and she heard his harsh intake of breath. His reaction fueling her on, she pulled the shirt off over her head and tossed it on the ground, standing before him in only her jeans. "Beautiful," he murmured, his eyes roving over her appreciatively. Her nipples hardened to tight little points at his blatant perusal and she unsnapped her jeans and turned around, bending to slide them down her legs slowly. Giving him a full view of her ass, her white lace thong revealing almost everything she had, she stepped out of the jeans as gracefully as she could, even though her heeled sandals caught on the legs. Wouldn't do to make a fool of herself and stumble to the ground with her tight jeans around her ankles. Talk about mortifying. "Keep the panties on," he said, his voice rough. "And the sandals." With a smile she turned around, her hands cupping her breasts, hiding them. "You like?" He nodded and stood, the hungry expression on his face making her nearly preen with pleasure. "Lay down on the bed." She walked over to the large bed and lay down on top of it, directly in the middle, her arms at her sides, her legs pointing straight down. Nervousness bubbled in her belly and she trembled as she lay there, waiting. "Spread your arms and legs, Mallory." Slowly she did, putting herself in a spread eagle position. Blake walked toward the bed and grabbed her arm, shackling it in the velvet cuff with one quick movement. "Test it. Does it hurt?"

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Mallory yanked on it, the gentle tug of the velvet against her skin pinching just a bit. But the pinch felt good. "No." He smiled and went to the foot of the bed, shackling her ankle in the velvet cuff she hadn't even seen there. "Good." Barely a minute later and she was tied to the bed, her body at complete and utter surrender to Blake. She felt vulnerable, open. Yet she trusted him, knew that he would do no harm to her. Nor would he push her to do something she didn't want to do. "Ah, you're so beautiful, lying there like that." Blake smoothed a hand up her thigh, making her jump, her leg automatically yanking against the restraint. "So sensitive, too." Hmm, he was right. His every touch did seem amplified, and she could only owe that to the fact that she was restrained. She watched as he went to the same table where he found the Kama Sutra book. He opened the tiny drawer and pulled a long piece of black silk from its depths. He turned around, the fabric held between his hands, and nodded toward her. "May I blindfold you?" Her heart slammed against her chest at the thought of not being able to see. Of truly giving herself over to this man, completely. He asked first, though, and that reassured her. Helped her realize he really was doing this for her pleasure as well, and not just his own. "Yes," she finally answered, her voice scratchy. She cleared her throat. "You may blindfold me." With a smile he came toward her and gestured for her to lift her head. She did so and he slipped the soft fabric around her, the inky blackness of the silk shading her eyes so she couldn't see a thing. He tied it at the back of her head, giving the knot a good tug, and she lay back against the pillows. "Can you see?" Mallory shook her head. Streams of light shone on the periphery of the blindfold, but she couldn't make out a thing. "Are you comfortable? It's not too tight is it?" "No, it's fine." She rolled her body to the side as far as she could go, tugging on the restraints with her arms. "What do you plan on doing to me?" She could literally hear the smile in his voice. "That's for me to know." His hand smoothed up her thigh again, tickling at the edge of her panties. "And for you to find out." Oh, God, she couldn't wait to find out.

Chapter 4
Mallory was gorgeous, lying there in only a pair of white lace panties, her long legs spread wide, pretty little feet encased in pale gold sandals with extra pointy heels. Her breasts jiggled with her every movement, the rosy red tips of her nipples so hard, just begging for his mouth. Blake stood there and watched her, enjoying his view. Enjoying even more the idea that she trusted him enough to allow him to do this to her. Shackle her to a bed with velvet cuffs, blindfold her. Invite another man into their sexual adventure. It excited him that she was so open, so willing to trust. "What are you waiting for?" Her sweet voice washed over him, made his cock jump against the tight confines of his leather pants. Her impatience amused him, made him want to take his time and savor her, but they only had an hour before Dax joined them. He wanted to have his taste of her, fuck her at least once before Dax's arrival.

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"I like looking at you," he admitted, unbuttoning his pants and shucking them along with his boxers. He kicked off his shoes, yanked off his shirt, and stood at the foot of the bed, naked. For a moment he wished she could see him, see how hard she made him. He stroked his cock with sure fingers, smearing the drop of pre-cum at the tip so his hand could move even easier. He knelt on the edge of the mattress, climbed onto the bed on all fours and moved so that he was positioned between her spread legs, his face directly in front of her lace-covered cunt. Her heady scent filled his nostrils, and he breathed deeply, enjoying it. She squirmed, her wrists and ankles jerking against the cuffs, and he smiled, placing his hand flat against her rounded belly. A belly ring winked at her navel, a little hoop with a silver heart dangling from it. He flicked it with his finger and the muscles of her stomach constricted beneath his touch. "Calm down, sweetheart," he whispered. "Just enjoy the ride." Blake adjusted himself so he lay between her spread legs. He rubbed his face against her fabric covered sex, satisfaction filling him when he noticed just how wet that fabric was. No denying it, his little Mallory was aroused. He wanted to drive her crazy, he wanted to watch her explode. Her hips circled, bucked up, and she nearly pressed her cunt to his face. He pressed his mouth to her for the briefest moment, and she cried out when he moved away. "You like that?" He swore her panties dampened even more right before his eyes, and he restrained himself from just diving right in and eating her like he wanted to. "Oh, yes. I want more," she whispered, her breathing ragged. He pulled the soaked fabric to the side to reveal her cunt to his gaze. The swollen lips glistened with her juices and her tiny clit protruded from its hood. He swiped at it with his tongue, watching her squirm with unrestrained delight, so he did it again. She tasted good, a sweet, tangy, musky combination. He licked her folds, searching them with his tongue. Her soft mewling cries encouraged him and he slipped one, then two fingers into her snug channel, pumping slowly. Mallory moved against him in a natural rhythm as much as she could even with the restraints. He sucked her clit between his lips, played his tongue against it, and her entire body tensed, straining for its release. "Let go, Mallory," Blake encouraged, thrusting his fingers deeper inside her. "Let it happen, sweetheart." His words seemed to encourage her and to his surprise she shattered, fell apart all around him as the orgasm washed over her. Her entire body shook, her inner walls grasping and clenching around his fingers, and he watched in amazement as she rode out the remnants of her climax. He'd never seen a more beautiful reaction. Or such a quick one. His aching cock brought him back to reality. Their alone time was limited and there was so much more he wanted to do. He withdrew his fingers and carefully slid up her body, brushing his body against her soft, heated skin and making her moan. Without hesitation he kissed her and her mouth opened for him with ease. He stroked the soft recesses of her mouth with his tongue, circling around her own tongue. She shifted and moved beneath him, her breasts brushing against his chest, and he was tempted to plunge deep inside her. But he restrained himself. He wanted to make this last. The second he slid into her, he was afraid he'd come on the spot. "I wish I could touch you," Mallory murmured against his mouth, her tongue darting out to lick at the corner. "These cuffs are making me crazy." "I like having you as my captive," he said with a smile, kissing her. He thrust against her, his cock brushing against her hot wet center. "If you don't like it, I can take the cuffs off." "Oh, I like it. But I want my chance to touch you, too." Her words made his heart swell and he kissed her again, not wanting to hear anything else she had to say. Yet. It made

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him uneasy, a little uncomfortable. Not so much her words, but his reaction to them. Blake slid down, his hands cupping her breasts. They fit his palms perfectly, her nipples hard, rosy beckoning points. He licked first one, then the other with a slow swipe of his tongue. "Perfect," he whispered against her soft, fragrant flesh, raining kisses over each globe. "They're not very big," she protested weakly. He shook his head. "I can't believe you even said that. They're gorgeous, trust me." Her upper body lifted in invitation and he took it, paying careful attention to each breast. He kissed them, kneaded them with his hands, sucked and tongued her nipples until she cried out his name. He wanted her primed, ready to take all of him, because he knew he couldn't hold out much longer. "I want you inside me, Blake. Please." Her plea was a thready little whisper, the sound of it making his stomach turn somersaults. The sound of almost pure desperation in her voice aroused him beyond reason. He wanted to be inside her, too. "Are you ready?" He moved up so he hovered above her, staring down at her flushed face. He had to see her, wanted to see the look in her eyes when he entered her. He pushed the silk scarf above her head and into her hair. Her eyes opened and she smiled at him, her expression dreamy. "Yes, please don't wait any longer." With one sure move he pushed inside of her, her vaginal walls immediately clenching around his throbbing cock. He lay still, inched himself further and further until he was seated fully inside her, his balls brushing against her swollen pussy lips. Shit, if he wasn't careful he could come right now. And he hadn't even really moved inside her yet. "You're huge," she whispered, squirming beneath him to adjust herself. "And you're tight. And wet." He shifted, reared back a bare inch and then moved inside her again. "Hmmm, more Blake. Faster." Sweat broke out on his brow as he tried to control himself. He'd love to go faster, but knew it would be over before it even began. Her eyes closed and she moved against him with a subtle lifting of her hips, allowing him to sink even deeper, which he didn't think was possible. Fuck, how much more of this could he stand? He withdrew from her body almost all the way and thrust inside of her continually, again and again. The sound of damp skin slapping against skin sounded throughout the room, accompanied by soft little moans coming from Mallory with his every thrust. He increased the tempo, sweat dripping down his face, the muscles straining in his arms as he held himself above her. Mallory tugged against the cuffs in frustration, her body undulating against his with her movements. Her eyes opened wide, her lips trembling. "Take the cuffs off my wrists, Blake. I need to touch you. Please!" Quickly he moved above her and unsnapped each cuff, then her arms came around his neck, fingers threading through his hair. "Ah, yes," she said, a note of satisfaction in her tone. Her hands moving all over his body, her greedy cunt grasping and clutching his cock proved too much. He rammed inside of her once, twice, three times before he came with a shout, his cum filling her body with a steady stream. She followed right behind him, her hands clutching his back as she rode out her second orgasm of the night, this one

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seemingly just as intense as the first. He smiled with satisfaction as he slumped against her, careful to keep his body from crushing her. "That was amazing." Her hands slipped up and down his back, her long nails lightly scratching his skin. He shivered at her touch. "It was pretty fucking great," he agreed. "So, when does our guest get here?" Blake lifted his head so he could stare down at her, and caught the naughty little smile that lit up her face. "Eager to move on to the next part of our evening or what?" "More than you'll ever know." He had a feeling she was one percent right.

Chapter 5
The man who entered their private room ten minutes later was the complete opposite of Blake. Where Blake was tall, his body broad but also lean, his hair dark, this man was shorter with bulging muscles everywhere. A tribal band tattoo circled his thick right bicep, giving him a bad boy image. He wore his spiky blond hair in a buzz cut, and his beautiful hazel eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light. He also sported an impressive denim covered package between his legs. Mallory couldn't believe her luck. Two men in one night; she never thought it could happen. It had always been a fantasy of hers, but that's where it stayed. A fantasy conjured within her own head. Not tonight, though. No, thanks to Blake, her naughtiest fantasy was about to come to life. "This is Dax," Blake said to Mallory. She sat in the bed with the covers drawn up over her naked body. He'd been kind enough to unshackle her and take off her shoes before Dax showed up. She didn't want to establish anything by allowing herself to remain cuffed to the bed. She wanted to have some sort of control over this fantasy. It was, after all, hers. "Nice to meet you, Dax. I'm Mallory." She smiled at him and he smiled back, the sight of it making her pussy clench with need. He had a very attractive smile. "Dax works here at the club," Blake explained from the foot of the bed, watching out of the corner of his eye as Dax approached the bed as well, standing next to him. "He's very good at what he does, if you know what I mean." Goodness, did this man get paid to service women? Was she actually going to have a threesome with an escort? She knew the club had a strict safe sex policy, so she wasn't worried there. But was Dax really a male prostitute? She had no idea nor did she care. Both men standing by the bed looked good enough to eat. In fact, that sounded like a damn good idea. "Whenever you're ready, we can get started," Blake urged her with a gentle smile. The glimmer in his eye told her he knew she was up to something.

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A very perceptive man, her Blake. "I want you both to undress," she said, her voice firm, surprising her. She definitely planned on getting into this. Blake took off the leather pants he'd just slipped back on moments ago, revealing his already semi-erect cock. Dax shed his jeans and white T-shirt, muscles rippling as he tore off the shirt, and the sight of his smooth muscular chest made her tummy twinge. The man had a body like a Greek god. And a very thick cock as well. Not as long as Blake's but wider. She sunk back against the pillows, assessing each man as they stood next to each other. Certainly nothing she'd ever been able to experience before, two men standing naked in front of her, both so different in their seemingly similar appearances. She wanted to take her time, drink them both in. Yet she also wanted to search their bodies, have them both search her. Her mind swirled with the endless possibilities. Mallory pushed the sheet off her body and got on all fours, crawling to the end of the bed. She sat back on her haunches, could smell the unmistakable scent of aroused men as both of their cocks stood proud before her. She reached out, grasped one in each hand and stroked them, down and then up with gentle fingers. They both immediately groaned, Dax's eyes sliding shut while Blake continued to watch. She moved closer, her tongue swiping out to taste the tip of Blake's cock. He jerked within her grasp. "You taste good," she whispered, her eyes never leaving his as she laved at the head of his bulbous cock with her tongue. She continued to stroke Dax's cock with her other hand, his instinctual thrusting against her palm telling her he enjoyed it. A heady sense of power came over her as she realized exactly what she was doing. Bringing two men pleasure, about to let two men bring her pleasure. Her pussy wept with eagerness, her sticky juices already running down the inside of her thighs. She wished she could touch herself, to help ease the ache. But her hands were too full of cock to do that. She decided to give Dax a taste, so she shifted closer to him and licked him, her tongue lapping the pearly drop of pre-cum at the fat tip of his cock. His eyes jolted open and he watched slack-jawed as she took him into her mouth. He tasted different than Blake, muskier, but still it was heavenly. Heavenly to have her mouth and hand full of stiff cocks, amazing that she could experience something so hedonistic with abandon. "Does he taste good?" Blake's question surprised her. She turned to look at him, her lips still wrapped around Dax's cock. She nodded her head, releasing Dax from her mouth, and she decided to put on a show for Blake, licking up and down Dax's shaft, sucking the head of his cock noisily between her lips. Dax groaned from above, whispering words of encouragement as he thrust inside her mouth. She released her grip on Blake and focused on Dax, taking him as far as he could go, until he bumped the back of her throat before withdrawing him. Again and again, she sucked him deep into her mouth, her hands curling around him to clutch at his hard ass, her fingers sliding between the firm cheeks to play with him there. "I'm gonna come," he said, his voice ragged. "Fuck, yeah, I'm gonna come." She encouraged him with her mouth, her fingers moving to his front to play with the sensitive skin beneath his balls. Her touch seemed like magic, for he shot off in her mouth immediately, his semen sliding down her throat as he pumped against her. Blake watched all of it with a satisfied smile on his face, reaching out to slide his hand against her hair. "That was beautiful to watch." That he didn't seem to mind one bit in sharing her shocked Mallory. But she also appreciated it, was thankful for it. "It's your turn, Mallory," Blake said in that smooth voice of his, shooting a meaningful look Dax's way. "Fuck, she's unbelievable, man," Dax said, shaking his head. "I haven't come that hard in a long time." "I told you. Wait until you taste her sweet cunt." Blake glanced at her. "Why don't you go back to where you were

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amongst the pillows, sweetheart? Dax and I are going to join you." Eagerly she did as he bid, leaning back against the lush pile of soft pillows. She watched as the two men approached her, climbing onto the bed from either side. Blake settled beside her and kissed her first, his mouth drinking from hers, tongue doing a thorough search before he broke away and pushed her gently toward Dax. "Kiss him, sweetheart. Let him taste you." She did so, enjoying the touch of a strange man's mouth on hers. His kisses were tentative, his lips thinner but still enjoyable. He went on an exploratory search of her mouth with his tongue, his hand clasping her shoulder as he continued to kiss her. Blake's hands slid around her waist from behind, coming up to cup her breasts and play with her nipples. She sighed into Dax's mouth at Blake's touch, and Dax pulled her closer, away from Blake's hands. Mallory straddled Dax, her legs wrapped around his hips as he sat on the bed, and he continued to kiss her. Blake moved so he was kneeling behind her, his hands smoothing up and down her back, pushing her hair to the side so he could press a kiss to the back of her neck. She shivered when his lips made contact, groaned when Dax's fingers plucked at her nipples. Blake's palms curved over her hips, slid down her ass and squeezed. She was completely overwhelmed with sensation, surprised she didn't feel strange being with two men. No, it was liberating, exciting to know two gorgeous men desired her, wanted to be with her in every possible way. "Mallory? Why don't you lie back on the bed," Blake suggested, a whispered murmur in her ear. She broke away from Dax and scooted off him, landing on her back on the mattress. She lay there, her entire body trembling with anticipation as both men watched her, discussing who was going to do what to her next. "I want to taste her," Dax said, his gaze zeroing in directly on her pussy. He licked his lips as if he already could. "You've been with her, I want my chance." "Greedy bastard." Blake shook his head and sighed. "Since this is all about her tonight, why don't we let Mallory decide?" Oh, yes, please."I want Dax to go down on me and I want to suck your cock, Blake." Blake's eyes lit with blue fire and he smiled. "Sounds good to me. Dax, get into position." Dax adjusted himself between her legs, and she could feel his hot breath against the inside of her thigh. Blake straddled her upper body, his legs on either side of her chest, his cock directly in front of her mouth. She licked her lips and gazed up at him. "You're beautiful, Mallory," he whispered, his gaze sincere. She gasped when Dax blew on her pussy, her eyes locked on Blake's impressive cock. "So are you." With infinite care Mallory drew Blake into her mouth, his long hard cock moving to the back of her throat. She slid her lips up and down his veiny length, her tongue playing with the tip of his cock. She was surrounded by Blake, could see nothing else but him as he hovered above her, his huge erection in front of her face, his big body blocking everything else out but him. But she knew Dax was there between her legs, his tongue lightly licking at her lower lips, performing a thorough search of her soaked folds. She spread her legs wider for him, giving in to the delicious sensation of Dax's skilled mouth on her pussy, of Blake's thick cock in her mouth. Heady, heady stuff. "Suck it harder, baby. Fill your mouth with my cock," Blake encouraged, pumping inside her mouth, and she did as he bid, thrilled at his shocking words. She heard the loud slurps of Dax's mouth and tongue on her, could feel him rim her pussy hole. When he thrust his fingers deep inside her, she couldn't help but moan around Blake's length. "You like the way he licks you?" Blake watched her, his hips circling and thrusting against her face. Mallory nodded, sliding her lips up and down his pole. Her pussy tingled, her clit throbbed and she knew she was

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close to orgasm. "You want him to fuck you, too?" She nodded again, sucking noisily on the tip of Blake's dick. He stiffened, his balls drawing up tight against his body, and she knew he was just as close as she was. Dax vigorously licked her pussy, his tongue whipping against her clit, three fingers ramming into her body. She cried out at the sensation of his wide tongue so thoroughly licking her and spread her legs as far as she could go. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he bent lower and licked the ridged hole of her ass. He tongued her there, fingers thrusting inside of her in an incessant rhythm, and she came, her body shivering uncontrollably. Dax rode out her orgasm with soft licks to her ass and gentle thrusts of his fingers, bringing her down slowly. Blake yanked himself out of her mouth and, with a ragged moan, came all over her breasts, covering her skin in white splotches of cum. Mallory glanced down at her chest, saw the sticky mess resting there, and couldn't help it--she started to giggle. This moment was becoming way too surreal.

Chapter 6
"Come here, sweetheart." Blake hauled her on top of him and his cock brushed against her wet folds. "I'm going to fuck your pussy, and Dax is going to fuck you in the ass." "Condom," she whispered, kissing his mouth once, twice. She could go on forever kissing this man. He had the most delicious mouth she ever tasted. After at least an hour of solid playing, all three of them were finally going to fuck, full on penetration by two cocks. She'd given the both of them blow jobs, had allowed them to tongue her pussy and ass until she thought her private area would go numb from all of the oral attention. It was fun and all, but this moment was what she'd really been waiting for. "Is this the position she wants to reenact?" Dax held the Kama Sutra book open to the very illustration Blake caught her staring at earlier. That seemed like a lifetime ago, when in reality it had only been a couple of hours. "I think so." Blake smiled at her when she turned back to look at him. "Is that really what you want to do, Mallory?" She nodded, excitement bubbling up inside of her. "Yes, it is." "Yeah, Dax. That's it." Dax stood in the center of the room, naked as the day he was born, his muscular body covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He was an aggressive lover, a man who worked hard in the bedroom, and Mallory appreciated all of that hard work. His cock was rock hard, amazing since how much he'd used the thing, and it curved upward toward his belly. He flipped through the book, his head cocking to the side. "There are some pretty outrageous positions in this book, bro." Dax stared at one page in particular for a long moment before turning the page. "Crazy, man. I had no idea the Kama Sutra included group stuff." "The Kama Sutra has everything you can think of. Haven't you ever looked at that book? Or any Kama Sutra books before? Most of them focus on the one-on-one aspect, but that particular book is all about the group positions."

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Dax shook his head. "Nope." Blake snorted. "And how long have you worked at this club?" "Hey, what can I say, the chicks I hook up with never seem to choose this room. They go for the flogging and spanking scene." Dax grinned. Mallory watched Dax with curiosity. So he was into the BDSM scene, huh? It made sense, considering what an aggressive lover he'd been. He had a commanding air about him, too. But so did Blake. "Are you into flogging and spanking?" Mallory asked Blake. He smiled up at her and swatted her ass with the palm of his hand. "Only if it's your pretty ass I get to spank." Hmm, the idea of Blake spanking her ass so hard it turned pink was arousing, she had to admit. "Dax, when are you going to put that book down and join us? And don't forget a condom." Dax tossed the book on top of the table and grabbed a few condoms from a bowl that rested on the same table. He approached the bed with a sly grin and sat down on the edge of it. "Whenever you're ready." Blake smiled and kissed Mallory. "This is going to feel good." She nodded, wiggling against him when he slid his hands down her back, smoothing them over her butt. "I know." "If you want us to stop, all you have to do is say so," he whispered, kissing the tip of her nose. "If it hurts or just becomes too much, let us know. This is all about you, sweetheart. We want to respect your wishes." This man was so sweet, so tender. His words touched her and she blinked down at him. "Thank you, Blake." "Anything for you." Their mouths met in a languid kiss, his big hands roaming all over her body, teasing her, building the fire that simmered within her. Another pair of hands joined in, Dax's callused fingers skimming along her legs, teasing at her hot center. She spread her legs wider, allowing him access, and he took it, dipping his fingers into her damp folds. With a moan she rubbed against Blake, his cock brushing against her belly. Dax moved closer to her and his thick cock pressed against her ass cheeks. "I want to be inside you. I can't wait," Blake whispered, lifting his hips so his cock could easily penetrate her. She sank down on him, exhaling loudly as he completely filled her. They moved together slowly, a subtle push and pull of their bodies, and she could feel Dax's eyes on them as he watched from behind. "That's fuckin' sexy. You have a pretty pussy, Mallory," Dax said, his hand resting on her hip. "I like to watch you fuck her, Blake." "I didn't know you were a voyeur." "Ah, come on, you know I'm in to pretty much everything." Mallory continued to slide up and down Blake's shaft, her body tingling as Dax rubbed her ass, spreading her cheeks wider and wider. "That's a pretty little hole, there, babe." Dax leaned in closer to her, his mouth close to her ear. "I can't wait to fill it." His dirty talk was a little cheesy, but it still excited her. She couldn't wait for him to fill her either. "Then what are you waiting for?" she asked coyly, looking at him from over her shoulder.

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Dax grinned and tore open the condom wrapper, sheathing himself. "I have no idea." "Take it easy, Dax, go slow," Blake warned, his hands resting at Mallory's hips, guiding her over his cock. "She's tight. You don't want to hurt her." "I know. I already sampled a little bit of that ass." Dax gripped her shoulders, his cock brushing against the seam of her ass. "Bend over a little bit, baby. And spread your legs if you can." Mallory adjusted herself to Dax's commands, her legs spread at the knees, her ass up in the air. Blake took advantage and thrust hard, his glistening cock sliding in and out of her. She glanced down, watching in fascination as his hard cock moved in and out of her, her swollen pussy lips cradling his length. "You like to watch, too, don't ya, sweetheart?" She nodded and bit her lip, her hair falling in front of her face. He smoothed it back with a gentle hand. The look in his eyes, the expression on his face, all of it filled with such tenderness and concern. She felt a special connection with him that she'd never experienced with anyone else before. Dax released her shoulders and spread her lower cheeks wide with his palms. A single finger swiped at her forbidden hole, lubricating it with warm, silky oil. She shivered at the contact, and he chuckled. "You're very sensitive there, aren't you?" "Yes," she whispered, holding her breath when she felt him nudge at the tiny opening. The broad head of his cock broached entry, rubbing against her ridged hole, and she thrust back against him, wanting more. "Hold on, baby, I'm big and I don't want to hurt you." Dax took his time, eased himself within her inch by excruciatingly wide inch. Her body trembled with the exertion of holding herself in position, hovering above Blake, his cock seated so deeply inside of her pussy. Blake watched her, nodding his encouragement toward Dax. "You need to relax, sweetheart. So he can get all the way inside you," Blake whispered. She nodded. "I'm trying." "Lie against me and keep your ass in the air." Mallory did so, and Dax pushed harder, his cock snug in her tight channel. She sighed at the sensation of two dicks buried deep inside her, separated by only the thinnest tissues. She heard Dax growl behind her, and he slowly began to thrust. "She's so fuckin' tight," he muttered, picking up his pace. "I could come right now." "Not yet," Blake warned as he, too, started to move within her. "Give her a few minutes. This moment is all about Mallory." Her eyes slid closed and she drank in all that surrounded her, embraced her. The push and pull of two absurdly masculine bodies, the sound of skin slapping against skin, her juicy pussy suctioning Blake's cock as he plunged within her. She heard Dax's heavy grunt every time he rammed inside of her ass, heard Blake's sexy whispered words of encouragement. She absorbed it all, reveled in it, stamping it within her mind as a memory to tuck away and never forget. Ever. Goose bumps pebbled her skin and her clit throbbed as it rubbed against the base of Blake's shaft. The two men seemed to move in tandem, one thrusting, the other withdrawing. Her entire body was lost to it all, the orgasm that built deep within keeping her on edge. Whimpers turned in to full-on shouts and she tossed her head back, arching against Blake. "Harder," she cried and they complied, their bodies pumping, battering her body with their cocks. She hung on an orgasmic precipice, almost there, not quite reaching it. Her body strained, her muscles pulled tight. One flick of Blake's thumb against her clit and she tumbled right over, her entire body quaking, her pussy contracting

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around Blake's cock, her ass clamping tight on Dax's as well. Both men came with her, Blake's hot semen filling her pussy, their sweaty bodies clinging to her. She slumped against Blake, pressing a kiss to his slick chest, and he smoothed his hand over her head, along the sweaty strands of her hair. "You did good, Mallory. I'm proud of you." She grinned against his chest. "You're proud of me for participating in a threesome?" "I'm proud of you for more things than you'll ever know."

Chapter 7
"Wake up, sleepyhead. We should head back to my place soon." Mallory's eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the dim light that shone from the lamp. She turned on her side to find Blake lying next to her, head propped on his elbow and watching her with a soft smile on his face. He leaned over and dropped a sweet kiss to her lips. "I know you're worn out, babe, but we can't stay in this room all night. It's against club rules." "All right, all right. Aren't you the manager of this place? Why can't you break the rules?" She stretched, putting her whole body into it, and moaned with pleasure. Nothing felt as good as a fine stretch. Well, maybe sandwiched between two sweaty men while their cocks stretched her could feel better. "I'd love to, but we can't. So...did you enjoy it, Mal? Did it live up to your expectations?" "Yes, it did. And I have you to thank for it." She nodded at her boyfriend of six months, sighing at the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her just by looking at him. She'd met Blake six months ago when he attended a meeting at the accounting firm his club used for their finances. Mallory had been one of the accountants assigned to handle his business's financial dealings, and one look from his intense blue eyes had her panties practically on fire. He'd seen right through her buttoned-up persona, too. Went right for her and with a little coaxing, he brought out the tigress that had always lurked just beneath the surface. With Blake she could be who she'd always wanted to be, could act out her every fantasy. She trusted Blake completely and he trusted her. When he'd offered her the gift of a threesome at his club, which she had never even been to before, she thought he was crazy. Though he tapped into her deepest, darkest fantasy, she didn't really think he meant for them to actually do it. She knew what went on at the KS Club, was intrigued to go more than once, but she preferred to act out her fantasies in the safety of either of their homes. Once he told her how serious he was about the offer though, she knew he meant it. She also knew she'd found the wonderful, all-accepting man she'd always been looking for. And she had. She was so completely, utterly in love with this man it wasn't even funny. Knew he felt the same way, too. "Dax is the perfect guy for this kind of stuff. He likes to fool around, isn't looking for a serious commitment. He just wants a good time." "He was nice," she offered, not really wanting to say much more about Dax. Yes, he'd been good, but this hadn't been about three people. It had been about two.

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"Do you regret doing it?" She shook her head. "No, not at all. I'm glad I got to experience something like that. It really was amazing. But can I be honest?" "Of course." "I don't need to ever experience it again." Mallory moved closer to him, rested her palm against his chest, his heart. "I have you and you're more than enough for me." Blake brought her close and she pressed her cheek against him, breathed deep his woodsy scent. "I agree, sweetheart." She swatted his chest lightly. "So, why did you sic Harlow on me? That was mean." He laughed, dodging her hand before she could make contact again. "You said you wanted to pretend you didn't know me and practically every single woman who attends the club by themselves for the first time gets approached by Harlow. I couldn't let you slide by." "You're naughty." "And you like it. Besides I was watching you two the entire time. I knew when to swoop in and save you." "Thank goodness you did." With a chuckle he climbed out of bed, grabbed his leather pants from the floor. "Let's go back to my place, my bed. It's a lot more comfortable." "You're right, but I want to take one of those Kama Sutra books you have hidden in that drawer. One of them that's only about couples, though." "Not a problem," he said with a grin. She watched him pull on his pants, thankful yet again that she had this man. "I love you," Mallory blurted out, unable to control herself. Blake smiled. "I love you, too."

Karen Erickson
After leaving the working world to become a stay-at-home mom, Karen Erickson realized she needed to get serious and pursue her lifelong dream of being a published writer. A busy mother of three, she fits her precious writing time in between chasing her children, taking care of her wonderful husband and pretending she has a maid. She lives in California. To learn more about Karen, you can visit her web site: **** Don't miss Covet, by Karen Erickson, available at!

Jenny is used to getting what she wants, but the one thing she covets the most is the handsome, elusive, and seemingly unattainable Tyrone Holt....naked...and in her bed! At a jazz club, a chance meeting between them leads to several sizzling encounters they can't forget. But neither of

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them "do" relationships. Will Jenny and Tyrone make an exception to their own rule?

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