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NAME: ___________________________________ DATE: ______________ SCORE: _______



Direction : Observe the following Major scales. Answer the questions that follow. Choose and write the letter of
the correct answer

How many notes are there in the C Major Scale? G Major Scale? and F Major Scale? 8
What is the first pitch name of the first note in C major scale? G Major Scale? and F Major Scale?
Where can you find the first note on the staff in C Major Scale? G major Scale? And F Major Scale?
ledger line – second line – first space
What is the name of the second scale shown in the illustration above? G major scale
It is one of the basic elements of music that pertains to the linear succession of musical tones.Melody
A ________ is a series of tones arranged from lowest to highest and from highest to lowest.Scale

The most common musical scale in Western music is the _________. This scale has eight tones that go up or
ascend or go down or descend the musical staff. A half step is the shortest distance between two tones on the
keyboard. diatonic scale
A scale that has no flats and no sharps.. C Major scale

In this scale, the first note or home tone is G. it is followed by other seven notes in ascending order. It also has a note with a sharp
before it. G Major scale
This scale utilizes a flat sign instead of a sharp sign. The flat sign on B helps in making sure that the scale
follows the pattern of half steps and whole steps for major scales. F Major scale

Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F is the statement is not correct. Write your answer on your notebook. Look at pages
8 to 9 for your guide.
.________ Melody is one of the basic elements of music that pertains to the linear succession of musical tones.
False A pentatonic is a six-tone scale.
_________The most common diatonic scale is the MAJOR scale.
__________There is a flat and sharp in C Major Scale.
________The first home tone of G major scale is G or so.

Direction: Construct C Major Scale on the given staff (Descending).

NAME: ___________________________________ DATE: ______________ SCORE: _______


Read the following sentences. Choose the correct letter of your answer and write it on the space provided.
Time- A mark made by a pointed tool such as brush, pen or stick; a moving point.
Value - . It is a degree of lightness and darkness.
Shape - . A flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width.
Texture - . Describes the feel of an actual surface. The surface quality of an object; can be
real or implied.
Perspective - It is the illusion of depth.

Direction: Identify the principles of arts described in each number. Choose the answer from the list

Contrast Unity

Rhythm- ----. Regular repetition of or alternation in elements to create cohesiveness and interest.
Balance -----A distribution of visual weight on either side of a vertical axis
Balance - The arrangement of opposite element in a composition so as to create visual interest.
Emphasis - . Used to make certain parts of an artwork stand out. It creates a center of interest or focal
Pattern - Repetition of specific visual elements such as a unit of form or shape.

1.File menu
2. Select
3. Free form line
4. Fill
6. Eraser
7.Color Picker
8. magnifier
10. lines

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