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Second Quarter
SY 2020-2021

Name: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________________

School:_______________________________________ Score______________________
Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each item.

_____1. Where can we find lower do in the Key of C Major?

A. on the first line of the staff
B. on the fifth line of the staff
C. on the second space of the staff
D. on the first ledger line below the staff
____2. Which group of notes in the Key of C Major shows re-fa-la-ti?


_____ 3. Which is the correct illustration of C Major scale?


B .


_____4. The melody of a song is arranged repeatedly in ascending (upward) or
descending (downward) directions. Which of the following musical patterns in
the Key of C Major shows ascending direction?



_____5. Key of G
Major has one sharp ( # ). Where is it located on the staff?
A. on the fifth line of the staff
B. on the third line of the staff
C. on the second line of the staff
D. on the second space of the
_____ 6. Which of the following is correct about the Key of G Major?
A. The scale in the Key of G Major has no flat or sharp sign found on the
B. The scale in the Key of G Major has one sharp sign located on the fifth
line of the staff.
C. The scale in the Key of G Major has one flat sign on the third line of
the staff.
D. The scale in the Key of G Major has one sharp sign located on the
second line of the staff.

______ 7. 4. Which of the following is correct about the Key of F Major?

A. The scale in the key of F Major has a home tone so.
B. The scale in the key of F Major has no flat or sharp sign found on the
C. The scale in the key of F Major has one sharp sign located on the fifth
line of the staff.
D. The scale in the key of F Major has one flat sign located on the thirdline
of the staff.
_______8.What are the two most important elements you need to consider in creating a
simple melody?
A. harmony and texture
B. timbre and form
C. tempo and dynamics
D. rhythm and melody
_____ 9.The song below is in the Key of G Major. What have you noticed on the first and
the last note of the song?
A. The song starts and ends with a different pitch.
B. The melody starts and ends with the same pitch.
C. The song starts and ends with different kind of notes.
D. The melody starts and ends with the same kind of note.

Are You Sleeping?

_______ 10. . Rhythm plays a vital role in composing simple melodies. Which of the
is being referred to?
A. use only one kind of note for a song
B. use eighth notes and sixteenth notes
C. use different kinds of notes in one song
D. keep the rhythm simple using half notes and quarter notes
_______ 11. Which of the following elements and principles of applied in lay outing a digital
A. Creating a sense of unity in the screen.
B. Creating a sense of organized movement
C. The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly/equally distributed on the screen.
D. All of the above
______ 12. Julius is making his digital poster. He creates a sense of unity in the screen. What principle of applied lay
outing did he used?
A. Balance B. Emphasis C. Movement D. Proportion
_____ 13. Which of the following is the first step in basic lay outing?
A. Select a theme C. Do the sketch
B. Prepare the materials D. Put a title
_____ 14. A ___________ is a kind of a placard or announcement that has its goal which is
the communication of information through words and pictures or symbols.
A. Lay out B. Sketch C. Poster D. Slogan
_____ 15.What skill is use in changing of images. These images can be digital
photographs, illustrations, prints, or photographs on film?
A. Photo editing B. Scale image C. Lay outing D. Sketching

_____ 16._____________ is a powerful and versatile software that can be used to create
beautiful digital painting and digital posters?
A. GIMP ( GNU Image Manipulation Program C. Photo Editing
B. Scale Image D. Poster

_____ 17.
Why do you think this poster is attractive?
A. A
A.. Because it is colorful. C. Because it is proportion
B.Because there is emphasis D. Because the principles and elements in lay outing were followed.
______18. Which of the following is the correct steps in making a Digital Poster? Base your answer in the box.
I. Open GIMP
II. Create a new layer for each of the objects you include in your poster
III Retrieve the image
IV Insert text
V Print your poster


_____ 19. Which of the following is the ICON for GIMP?

A. B. C. D.
______20. Annie decided to put up a restaurant. Which of the following is a coomercial poster she will use?

A. B. C. D.
_____ 21. Which of the following is an invasion game?
A. Tumbang Preso B. Agawan Base C. Patintero D. All of the above
_____ 22. What is the literal meaning of Agawan Base?
.A. Capturing Base B. Making Base C. Keeping Base D. Loving Base
_____ 23.What skills are being developed in playing Invasion Games?
A. Running B. Chasing C. tagging D. All of the above
_____ 24. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about playing Agawan Base?
A. Agawan Base involves running, chasing and tagging
B. Rocky area is an ideal place in playing Agawan Base.
C. Each team should protect its respective base.
D. The game can be played by both children and adults.
_____ 25. Why should you NOT play Agawan Base in rocky place?
A. Because the place is safe. C. Because the place is dangerous for players.
B. . Because the place is wide. D. Because the place is fat from home

_____ 26. What invasion game is illustrated?

A. Agawan Base B. Patintero C. Tumbang Preso D. Piko

______27. What benefit can you get from playing Tumbang Preso?
A. It provides opportunity to exercise with out stress. C. It promote friendly relationship.
B. It enhances lokomotor skills D. All of the above
_____ 28. What is the objective of the game PIKO?
A. The player to hit and knock down the can with pamato
B. To master body control and manage balance and body coordination.
C. The player to invade the base of the opponent.
D. The player to guard every post so that opponent can not pass
_____ 29. What should you observe in playing invasion game?
A. The safety of every player c. to distract the it
B. To win the game D. to struggle when loses the game

____ 30. What invasion game use this materials?

A. Patintero B. Agawan Base C. Tumbang Preso D. Piko
____ 31. Which statement demonstrates ways to build and keep school and communitty environment healthy?
A. Share responsibility with friend and friends C. Burn your trash
B. Just watch the people cleaning D. Make fun and make hurtful comment to your classmate
_____32. why should you maintain a clean school environment?
A. Facilitate learning C. Free from any illness and danger among school children
B. Make a comfortable polace for children to learn D. All of the above
____33. Arnie has a restaurant. She noticed that everyday the bulk of fruits and vegetable peelings are in the
kitchen. What should Arnie do?
A. Throw them in canal C. Sell it to those who like
B. Use the wates for composting
_____34.Harzardous waste are poisonous. What should be done in handling this type of waste?
A. Use gloves and mask in handling this material
B. Pinch with your hand and throw it in the trashcan
C. Put it in compost pit
D. Collect and place it in the backyard

_____35. Your family decides to have a backyard compost pit. What waste material should be place?
A. Can, plastics and contaimners
B. Expired madicine and metal scraps
C. Leaves, twigs and left over foods
D. Bottle and used newspaper
_____36.what do you call the transportation and disposal of garbag, sewage and other waste product?
A. Waste management
B. Waste disposal
C. Waste segregation
D. Waste control
____37. which of the following is a proper waste management?
A. Throw trashes anywhere if nobody is watching
B. Dump hazardous waste in the river
C. Burn non-biodegradable waste like plastic packaging to reduce waste
D. Left over foods and fruits peeling can be used to feed animals
______38. how do you manage your waste at home and at the school?
A. Do composing
B. Recycle materials
C. Segregate waste material
D. All of the above

_____39.How should you protect the environment?

A. Plant more trees
B. Participate in a clean and green project
C. Implement proper disposal of waste
D. All of the above
_____40. Mario wants to help in advocating proper waste management. He observed that people throw garbages
in the irrigation canal. What should Mario do?
A. Make a poster about protecting the irrigation canal
B. Watch the people throwing garbage in irrigation canal
C. Inform his parents aboout it
D. Announce the name of those people who throw garbage in irrigation canal


Competencies Code # of % Cognitive Process

Days Dimension ITE
Taug 60% 30% 10 MS
1.Reads simple musical MU6M 8 10% 1 2,4 3 4
notations in the key of C E-IIa-1
Major, F Major, G Major
2. Sings or plays instruments MU6M 7 8.75% 5,8 6, 7 4
in solo or group E-IIa-2
melodies/songs in C majo,
Major and F Major.
3. Creates simple melodies. MU6M 5 6.25 10 9 2
E-IIa-4 %

1. Discusses the elements and 5 6.25%

principles applied in lay A6EL- 11,12 3
outing. IIf9 ,14
2. Applies skills in lay outing 5 6.25% 16 3
and photo editing using new A6PL- 13 17
technologies( Hardware and IIg
software) in making a postert.
3. Creates an 12.5% 20 4
advertisement/commercial or A6PR- 10 19,1 18
announcement poster. IIh 5
1. Assesses regularly PE6PF 5 6.25% 21,22 23 3
participation in physical - IIb-h-
activities based on the Phil. 18
Physical pyramid.
2. Observes safety PE6GS 5 6.25% 29 25 2
precautions. -IIb-h-
3. Executes the different skills PE6GS 5 6.25% 26 24 2
involved in the game. -IIc-h-
4. Displays joy of effort, PE6PF 5 6.25% 28 27, 3
respect for others and fair -IIb-h- 30
play during participation in 20
physical activities.
1. Demontrates ways to build H6CM 8 10% 31 32 34 33 4
and keep school and H-IIc-
community environments d-3
2. Practices proper waste H6CM 4 5% 35 38 2
management at home, in H-IIh-
school, and in community. 8
3. Advocates environmental H6CM 8 10% 36 37 39 40 4
protection through proper H-IIi-j-
waste management. 9
TOTAL 80 100 11 6 7 7 5 4 40
First Summative Test
Answers Key
1. D 21. D
2. A 22. A
3. C 23. D
4. D 24. B
5. A 25. C
6. B 26. D
7. D 27. D
8. D 28. B
9. B 29. A
10. D 30. C
11. D 31. A
12. D 32. D
13. B 33. B
14.C 34. A
15. A 35. C
16. A 36. A
17. D 37. D
18. B 38. D
19. A 39. D
20.A 40. A

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