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Why Do Creators Proselytize?

By Bro. Wayne
Why do Creators put out literature and why are we constantly trying to bring people over to our religion? Well, I think that it's a simple fact that for any religion to grow, there has to be a form of recruitment on the part of its members. Obviously we believe that we have the truth on our side and as such are adamant in educating the masses of our people and trying to help them return back to reality and sanity and use their own good logic and common sense and clear the cobwebs away by having them read a Credo a day. Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible are two hard-hitting books. Any person that has read them knows that they have a lot of powerful stuff. It is the goal of Creators to get 10 million copies of those two books in the hands of our White Racial Comrades. We are trying to get them printed in every language that White people speak and have succeeded in doing so for nearly a dozen languages including French, Russian, Serbian, German and Portuguese. Creativity is a worldwide White movement for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race. We put out our literature and material for one reason because we care. We see that our people are on a dark course, they are not progressing, they are retrogressing. We are convinced that the truth is on our side, and while truth alone doesn't set people free as a Christian would claim, we believe that the truth is very powerful if it is used the correct way. The key term is: Ideology without action is sterile. Some ideologies have more truth than others, that is a simple fact. We aren't going to get all philosophical right now and argue just what truth is, because its not pertinent at this time. Just know that we do what we do because we believe that it is not only the right thing to do, but why not? We have every reason to promote our religion just as any other adherent of any other religion does, we just respectfully ask that we have the same rights as others in doing such. Of course, there are plenty of antiWhite misguided individuals that would love to not only deny us our basic rights but have us burned alive at the stake. Creators are heretics of the modern day. We share a value system that is vastly different than that of mainstream society. We have plenty of peculiar and unique beliefs that are very intriguing to many people, and the media tries to focus solely on our racial beliefs. Not that many know that we reject space exploration, and believe that the raw-fruit diet is the optimum for all breeds of man. While lots could be said about just why we engage in activism, one thing is clear and simple: because we are trying to build a better world for our people. The typical response to that is: why not build a better world for all people? Our response to that is because as part of our religious beliefs, we believe in aiding and abetting our own kind and we are very selective of our charity, even amongst our own kind. I will not water-down Klassen's writings or even speak for them. Our holy books are clear, concise, and even as he would do, I must refer you back to our two main books, Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible. There were over 500,000 Facts! Booklets distributed during the reign of Reverend Matthew F. Hale as Pontifex Maximus of the World Church of the Creator, at least so I was told. They informed a lot of people and still to this day we can hear some of the content reiterated, even though the source goes unmentioned, mostly due to lack of just what/who the source was. I will say this much, we sure give the enemies of our racial cause a run for their money. We piss them off because they hate when we educate the masses of our people. They don't want our people embracing reality, because they want them to keep embracing their (our racial enemies) false idealistic ideologies that are based on the sand and slowly start to crumble away. It's like a big vine on a tree, or even more known, the main log in a beaver dam. There are plenty of small vines and sticks but when you go towards the main one, it all starts coming down. Our four-dimensional three-in-one is based on the laws of Nature as we understand them. We don't ask for your blind faith. As our founder, Rev. Ben Klassen said: "We don't ask anyone to take anything we say on faith. We ask you to check it out against the real world as it is. Check it out against history. Check it out against the realities of Nature. Check it out against your own personal experiences in life. Then think about it with an open mind and come to your own conclusions." There you have it. Check out our books. Listen to what we are saying, you might agree with more than what you once thought. Most if not all have agreed with us somewhat at least on one of our basic beliefs. Let's get to work as the revolutionaries that will usher in the next Golden Age, lets proselytize Creativity.

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