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By Hans Smith oes a small seedling turn into a massive shade-giving Oak overnight? Were the Seven Wonders of the World finished instantaneously? Of course not. Just like no one would expect instant greatness from nature, it is unreasonable to expect such things from ourselves. However, when discouragement comes, or when we feel as though were trying to accomplish the impossible, strength and resolve can come from the successful stories of othersstories of hidden potential, much persistence, and upward progression. Take Kyni for example. Yes, it is true this company is now reaching levels of success that are causing others in the industry to
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take notice. Founded in just 2005, Kyni has a presence in 40 countries, and is quickly becoming a leader in network marketing. This may sound astonishing, and indeed it is, but remember it is not supernatural. At its core, Kyni began with people, people who may have had more ambitions than resources, but who refused to accept the status quo, and instead decided to BECOME great! Perhaps there is something to be gained by taking a glimpse into their lives before Kyni came to be. Meet Kirk Hansen, a man who believes in dedication. Why? Simply because by applying that dedication and hard work in his endeavors, he was able to turn a very small number of gas
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stations into a very widely known and used petroleum distributor in the Western U.S. Carl Taylor and his family have a similar story; though they had few resources, namely only three acres of land which were purchased from his father, he and his brother now oversee a farm in excess of 25,000 acres, one of the largest in Idaho. Again, this result came because of patience, persistence, and hard work, not simply sheer luck. What do these two men and their families have in common besides their work ethic and stories of success? They have a mutual friendship with Dick and Gayle Powell. Why is this important to mention? Like the
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Taylors and the Hansens, the Powells gratification that comes from suc- to do the same with others as they also were able to feel the satisfaction cessfully accomplishing individual partner with a community that of their dream becoming a reality and collective goals! The energy, en- believes in dreams, and achieves when a simple business idea turned thusiasm, and momentum of Kyni them. If the idea of motivating into a franchise. The friendship of is breath-taking! However, even in yourself and others to achieve more these three families, all of whom the midst of this incredible growth, is not incentive enough for you to eicame from different backgrounds, there is still more work to be done. ther join us, or take your effort to the and who had different stories, even- In a very real sense, this company next level, then wait until you hear tually melded into a very successful has just begun to scratch the surface about some of the more tangible mutual business venture, the found- of its potential to change the indus- perks this company has to offer. ing of Kyni, a company Lets face it. One of the whose potential is virtually biggest motivators for limitless, and whose global people in any company is reach continues to expand! money. Although we You see, the reason why believe it will not be the the story of this companys only reason you choose to creation and everything further your progression that led up to it in the lives within the Kyni comof these individual families munity, we understand is so motivational, rests the desire for financial simply on the fact that alfreedom, and will not though they may seem so leave you disappointed. to those who know them, Kyni has the most lucrathese families ARE NOT tive compensation plan in superheroes; their level of the industry! The secret success is available to those is that this unique plan "IN A VERY REAL SENSE, THIS who are willing to raise their focuses on volume, not COMPANY HAS JUST BEGUN TO individual potential, persist rank or structure. The SCRATCH THE SURFACE OF ITS in the attainment of a goal, earning potential within POTENTIAL TO CHANGE THE and continue on the ladder our company is virtually INDUSTRY AND POSITIVELY of progression, until they to limitless! You can conare reaching for the stars! trol your own financial IMPACT INDIVIDUAL Why not rededicate yourself security and finally be able to AND FAMILY LIVES! to a new level of personal attain a level of financial satisfaction and greatness, freedom you never thought while at the same time benefiting the try, and positively impact individu- possible! Kyni family as a whole? There is no al and family lives! If it can change As exciting as this earning plan better time than now! the lives of others, ask yourself why is, theres more to tell! Kyni also Just last year, the network mar- it could not do the same for you; yes, provides aggressive rank bonuses, keting industry made over $120 YOU can become Kynis next suc- sponsor bonuses, customer bonuses, BILLION in sales, and our very own cess story! As our mission statement and global bonus pools. Kyni is becoming one of the fastest says, [Our] mission is to empower Have you ever wanted to be a growing companies in the industry. people globally to experience more contestant on a popular game show During the first half of 2012 alone, in their lives. Kirk Hansen, one where you could finally be the one Kynis average monthly sales dou- of the founders mentioned previ- to win a dream vacation, or fancy bled! Distributors around the world ously, who is also Chairman of the car? Thats never going to happen, are attaining new ranks, skyrocket- Board, echoes this statement when right? Well, now it doesnt have to, ing their income at every level of the he says, Kyni awakens the great- because with Kyni, even that can compensation plan, and feeling the ness in people and empowers them become your reality. Its up to you!


It is possible to qualify for incentive trips to popular destinations all over the world! As for the car, weve got that covered too, thanks to our four-tiered Drive your Dream Car incentive program, which allows you to earn up to $5000 every month towards the payment of a brandnew car! Now that is amazing. It is true that incentive programs and financial compensation are very exciting topics; in reality however, how good would they truly be if the products a company provided were not just as amazing, if not more so? As with other areas of the business, Kynis products are unparalleled and simply life-changing! The Kyni Health Triangle, which serves as the basis of this companys product line, is comprised of: Kyni Sunrise, Kyni Sunset, and Kyni NitroFX. Kyni Sunrise is an extraordinary

nutraceutical featuring the Wild Alaskan Blueberry and additional Superfoods. Kyni Sunsetoffers the perfect combination of tocotrienols (the most powerful form of vitamin E) and Omega-3s. Finally, Kyni NitroFX is a proprietary blend of Noni concentrate. Used together, these wonderful products act to strengthen and maintain a persons overall health and stamina, as well as their sense of well-being. Although it is not included as part of the Kyni Health Triangle, this company also offers Kyni Nitro Xtreme to further stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide in the body. This molecule is one of the most studied and revered in all of science. Over 120,000 studies and research papers have expounded upon its many benefits and functions which include: improved circulation,

heart health, and sexual function. Imagine, all those benefits are inside of a Kyni product. Actually, it is not hard to imagine at all! So, you have now read about the founders of this great company, and how they were able to achieve great things through hard work, persistence, and an undying belief in themselves and their dreams. Youve been able to learn more about the many ways Kynis business, and its products are reshaping peoples lives for the better. Now there is only one thing left to do; if you are just joining our family, commit yourself to greatness, to becoming that proverbial Oak tree that sprouted from the seedling! Discover your true potential. If you are already part of the Kyni family, continue to change the world, continue to change yourself!

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