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Male Manipulated
Continued Irom Page 21 niiidc sure that he sees a sacrifice in her waiver of work, lie, mure than :my uilmr nuui, mistakes his wife's lack of intellectual ambition for modesty, her stupidity for exceptional femininity, her giving up responsibilities for love. More than any other man, lie is able to close his eyes to the clear evidence of his own exploitation. In this country man is manipulated with much less inhibition than in other countries: hence women should be even easier to unmask. Uut tlm American man docs not want to see or know. Since the American woman is the highest paid wife, she, of course, wants something in return for her money. She is the leading consumer of cosmetics: she, uses more lipstick, more cream, more powder, more color than a woman of any other nationality. Although she has a reputation for being especially dowdy, she needs more money for her clothes and other masquerades. Of all women, she leads the most comfortable life. She has a fully automated household, a bus takes her children to school, and they are gone almost all day, so that she has nvery opportunity to go to work; and yet the percentage of. married women working in America is considerably lower t h a n ill other industrialized | never get the idea that he is actually the victim. countries. "It's better to let them think YV o m e n ' s Liberation lias failed. The story of the under- they are king of the castle," a privileged woman was an inven- female reader of "Psychology lion and against an invention Today" wrote, "lean a n d deone cannot stage a rebellion. pend on them, and continue to O n c e again, men are the control and manipulate them as mourners. In a country where we always have." man is exploited as unscrupuExcerpted from The Maniplously by women as in the ulated Mail by Esther Vilar U.S.A., a movement that fights lor yet mora ol women's rights Copyright (c) 1973 by Faris reactionary, and, as long as rar, Stalls and Giroux, Inc. the screaming for female equalPublished by arrangement with the Publisher. ity docs not stop, man will WHAT SHE REALLY MEANS Conslant self-abasement in the presence of men has led women to develop a secret language which other women understand but is incomprehensible to men, since they take it literal-

Aviva chapter of B'nai B'rith Women will show Lady and The Tramp, a children's movie, 2 p.m. J a n . 21 at Peretz Folk School, COO Jefferson Avenue, West Kildonan. Tickets, at 75 cents for adults or 50 eejits for "When does it come?" I perAge 42, Connie had come to drugs and their effects on the children, can be obtained from C A L G A R Y (CP) Dismy office rather reluctantly. sisted. Mrs. Simon Rich, 020 McGregor traught parents and frightened user. "Well, she repealed, "right Like so many other women, she Police and hospital officials Street, Suite 11. or sick drug users can find help referred to her problem with after intercourse I guess." cases centre "And you have a normal re- 24 hours a day at the Drug In- oftena refer issued to the centre some embarrassment: a heavy, by the formation Centre in the city's and card malodorous discharge. When I sponse? You enjoy it and expe- old YWCA building. may break down the barriers of inquired about other difficulties, rience climax?" The centre has six telephone officialdom when laws and regUnexpectedly Connie looked however, she responded more Visit ulations need to be bent to gel and there are readily. "Just before my period down and began to cry. "No! I linesare busy with nights when expert aid. TORONTO (CP) Toronto's information really don't. In fact, it's just all 1 get this heavy pressure in my The centre is open to the poEmpire Club, a male refuge requests, potential suicides or pelvis," she said. "Just like terrible. I haven't enjoyed it for pleas for help. 130 Osborno South lice except when a small red since 1903, admitted its first something's i n s i d e pushing so long I sometimes wish I women members Thursday. Understanding is the main light shines above the doorway. down. Then I get feeling all weren't married at all." When lit, it signals that an After a mail ballot showed Further discussion revealed q u a l i t y demanded of the emergency is being handled tense and nervous, too." members favoring the move, centre's seven full-time workers The rest of the history re- Connie had become obsessed and 70 volunteers who handle and the law might frighten a the club extended membership vealed that Connie's condition with the idea that she was the phones on a shift basis. drug user being talked down to the only two women who had was essentially normal, a con- growing old and losing her CODED: After all, we are living in an age of equality. The volunteers include high from a bad trip. applied. beauty. Despite her husband's DECODED: If he thinks he can order me about, jusl be- clusion verified by the following frequent expressions of love, school students who have never "It's a movement with the .' For Stomach Distress examination. T h e discharge been involved with drugs of any times," said president Joseph cause he earns money for me, he is sorely mistaken. wasn't excessive, nor was it in- she remained unconsolcd, in- kind to persons who have a 'A relief for heartburn, * + * To Elect Officers Potts after the executive had capable of realizing how attracfected or odorous as she had lost of appetite, sour CODED: I'm so bad at doing things like that. s i g n e d Joslin Bennett, who The women's auxiliary to tive she truly was, and how first-hand knowledge o f the stomach, cxcesi acid, DECODED: That's a job he will have to do. What's he suggested. Except for a slight very much needed. problem. works in an investment house, Winnipeg unit No. 1 of the tenderness, which may have hyperacidity, has been Program co-ordinator Louis Army, Navy and Air Force Vetand Shirley Conroy, a secretary there for, anyway? The dialogue that followed inb e e n largely emotional, the * * * used for the last 18 Pike estimates there arc 400 to with a loan company. pelvis was in good condition. volved several sessions over a GOO heroin users in the city. erans in Canada, 299 Young years with results. At CODED: He knows absolutely everything. They now will be able to join period of weeks and included Street, will meet to elect ofall drug stores. DECODED: He even serves the function of an en- Connie wasn't anaemic, and her Connie's husband Bart. Much of About calls a month are ficers 8 p.m. Tuesday. about 2,MO m a l e members in blood pressure, heart, and urine weekly luncheons held to hear cyclopedia. the time 1 merely functioned as made to the centre by heroin were all normal as well. * * * users and 12 eventually decide distinguished speakers discuss "You seem to be in good con- a sounding board, but Connie's to apply for treatment. CODED: If a couple really love each other, there is no public topics. dition," J remarked afterward. confidence was gradually resneed to get married at once. The centre acts as a screen- j tored. Bart, in turn, learned The club has never had an ofDECODED: He is being a bit obslinatc, but I'll soon get "And you're sure there's noth- how to help her maintain it. ing agency for the withdrawal ficial ban on women, but its exing elscV Something you haaround him in bed. Today the sexual problems program at Foothills Hospital ecutive through the. years had FOR ven't told me about?" + * maintained a no-women tradiShe hesitated. "Well, I do Connie's real reason for visiting to e n s u r e candidates arc CODED: I love him. tion. Recently, it asked the have a weird sort of pain a lot j me in the first place arc serious about wanting to break DECODED: lie is an excellent workhorse. members to vote on the quesof times . . . like in my pelvis." gone. The marital and physical the habit. Half those applying Of stock phrases like these only tion and Mr. Polls said their there iscourse women use hear them. In the company of when "In addition to the pressure relationship has ripened into are rejected due to a lack of! a man around to other ' IN one of mature understanding beds at the hospital. admission was given "a clear women they talk about their men quite normally, as they you mentioned earlier?" as might be supposed, Most of the centre's work Connie frowned. "Well, not and, mandate." .would speak of a domestic appliance, which everyone knows to exactly." She could hardly have Connie's pelvic symptoms have d e a l s with bad LSD trips. The Canadian Club of Toronto disappeared entirely. Y o u n g people often would in 1071 ended a 75-year ban on be practical anyway. "I've decided to give up wearing this been more vague. If a woman says, r a t h e r come down from a I women. coat or that hat because my boy friend doesn't like it," "bummer" there than face the I she really means, "I might as well do him that favor. He's problem at home. doing everything I want anyhow." For Beauty and Charm Competition for drug sales is j keen and techniques of boosting Excerpted from THE MANIPULATED MAN by Esther the potency of drugs, often unVilar Copyright (c) 1Q73 by Farrar, Straus and Giloux, Inc. scrupulous, may result in disasPublished by arrangement with the Publisher. BEAUTY CREAM which can be learned in only by DR. JOYCE BROTHERS ter for their users. Partially to Cain a beautiful o f f s e t this problem, street I complexion. Mas-1 safjed into y o u r| worker Bruce Martin gathers "PYRO-VOX" bkin. Morfosd guards] i ing out to friends and the samples of available drugs and DEAR DR. BROTHERS: y o u r complexion! CLASSES BEGIN j w o r 1 d , to experiment w HOME FIRE ALARM while you sleep. My father says that I am the centre has them analysed. Your i a ce feels] spread going to end up trying to marry human relations and yet to still The w o r d is clean, frebh, alive MONDAY, JANUARY 8th & 15tK proKcti whlli you ilitp. U.L.C. and youthful. a telephone because I find it so keep an inner space for them- throughout the city on the qualppf Od local hl (UUclor. Ho tutltrlM 5 tft plus T" much easier to talk with girls selves and to protect them- ity of the latest shipment. or wir. Atk your Dlr or phoni Air Z.OU & Paitago Guird: 247-4276. on the phone than in person. selves from stimulation which At Drug and Dcpl. SI Counsellors meet with famiBecause of this, I'll often tall they might not be able to ban- lies w h e r e communications several girls and have long con- dle it the person were really h a v e broken down between there. p a r e n t s and children using TORONTO (CP) An Air vcrsations, rather than asking At your age, it is not unusual ' one of them for a date. I've C a n a d a spokesman denied several girl friends my age (14) for boys to feel somewhat safer drugs.c o u r s e is offered for A 215 - 267 Edmonton St., Winnipeg R3C 1S2 Thursday accusations by the lut actually I'd just as soon be and more at case with their parents that attempts to create Phone 942-0614 women's rights group that the vith guys my age than taking a own sex. The fact that you're a better understanding about able to relax with girls on the airline is guilty of discrimi- jirl out. I don't tell my father phone is a good sign that you nation toward its woman em- his because then he'd really will also be able to enjoy them worry. I". R. without anxiety and tension ployees. DEAR P.It.: when you do feel like going out The w o m e n ' s group had I'm sure your father is only with them. charged Air Canada with sexual iidding you about what may he Your phone calls at the mobias in the use of the term your excessive use of the tele- ment, are acting like a kind of ihone. Certainly, from what introduction and preparation to "stewardesses" and in allegedly using contracts which do not you say in your letter, you have real dating. If your father is permit women to become pur- nothing at all to worry about as seriously upset, you might offer !ar as your social relations go. to help pay for the calls by sers. At 1-1, you should feel no pres- doing extra chores around the The charges were made by about having to iiouse or by contributing money Lynn McDonald, sociology pro- sure at date. Sometimes, when young you might earn. fessor at McMasler University people are pressured too early in Hamilton, Lauria Sabia of St. Catharines, and Flora Hogarth by their families, they may use Club Re-Opens and Elaine Borins, both of the phone as a kind of comproThe Darby and Joan Club, Toronto. The four are members mise. which has been closed The telephone offers a means Christmas holidays, will for the of committees attempting to re-open have recommendations of the of free expression with no one 2 p.m. Tuesday. New members II o y a 1 Commission on the peering into your face and you may join the club of approxiTlii'.rr. are no short t:nts in n uroffssunutl Status of Women implemented. have the comfort of a good safe mately 45 elderly women which cttnwr. ilcctniiinu nn luttsiuiuling hnir styllicly commended by so many I m i t a t i o n is the sinceiest They wanted Air Canada to distance. You can stand on is run by Winnipeg municipal ist rc.intircK skill and tirtiatry. . . nntl that's Governors, Senators and Repfonn of (laMcry. Bui if you're use the term "flight attendant" your head or get in any com- c h a p t e r of Imperial Order uVicrn the MAItl'EL ItKAUTY SCHOOLS fortable or uncomfortable posi- Daughters of the Empire. Club resentatives. We've even relook'ng for I ho loul thing, you rather man "stewardess." can ln'.lp. tion while you talk and no one members meet for social activiceived a special citation lor don't want to be contused. They also charged that Air will look at you in a strange our v/otk from the Vice PresiHere's how you can tell Weight H'K promise to fascinate, stinnilttto and enCanada forces flight attendants manner, unless some member ties weekly at 213 Osborne dent of the United States. Wo'chers"-' from all the others. to retire from their jobs after of the family happens to be Street. courage yon. Only Weight Watchers Only Weight Watchers 10 years and frowns on appli- passing by. has the depth of experience has that round symbol with Ih'farc you know it you can be a fullycants who are married. One of the reasons teen-agers ^f^v0v4r*&VJ?*<&r-< ond Ihe world wide success as the initials W.VV. inside. It's the I mined Hairstylist with the fatuous A spokesman for the airline are so fond of the phone is that a respected weight c o n t r o l same design on Ihe pin you anywhere, anytime, for as long said Air Canada already uses it is an ideal instrument for siorganization. get when you lose your first ns you wish and at no charge. the term "flight attendant" and multaneous physical distance len pounds with Ihe help of "Only Weight Watchers" Only Weight Watchers employs women pursers. and erotic nearness. You can Weight Watchers sensible satWe believe that's what you'll CHRISTENING is identified by the attractive isfying weight control program He said regulations against speak into one's ear in a most say, too. On Sunday, December 24, lady with the rose in all of its | flight attendants being married intimate, personal manner and 1972 at St. Patricks Anglican Only Weight Watchers ads. She's Jean Nidetch, our And I/mf's the hind of hairstylist you'll be yet, you know that you will not Church, Patrick Neil, son of changed some time ago. offers a successful, proven, Founder and Director. She become involved in any physi Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Oryniak proud to be! Free Lifetime Membership plan, s y m b o l i z e s t h e success o f cal situations that you can't and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. because "we care" about ourmany thousands of people handle, or that will lead to trou- L. W. Simpson was baptized by people, nol just for a month Nurse Graduates throughout the United States or a year, but for as long as ble or get out of control. The Rev. L. R. Willis. Godparents Enrollment Dates and in other parts of the world they need help. When you telephone is also a marvelous were Mr. Alan Burch and Dr. Receive Awards v/ho have lost weight and kepi r e a c h your "goal" weight, FEB. 5 and MAR. 5 means for the flight that most and Mrs. H. Janzcn. it oil the Weight Watcher's {and as long as you maintain Grace G e n e r a l Hospital teen-agers want and need. It's Luncheon was served at the woy. it within two pounds) you're Somr talking, tome liitrning,, school of nursing awarded 7: a perfect way to split from home of his parents at 700 welcome at Weight Watchers, Only Weight Watchers j piaxum ihjl woiln. diplomas at graduating exer- parents without ever leaving Minto St. Guests included his hos been honored ond pubgreat aunts and uncles, Miss F. cises Friday night. Prize win- the house. Even though many parents E. Gate, Mr. S. Burch and Mr. ners among this first of two groups graduating this year arc complain about the use of the and Mrs. L. Munro, cousins FIGHTING A LOSING BATTU? NftD A LKWM AT 3:00 A.M.? Karen Frascr of Stratford, Ont. phone, it provides an excellent Dean and Joanne Jnnzcn and Join Irll Walih and her gu.iti iv.,y Wtdn.idiy call Wtignt WilchtnHOPE Lin* for personal and profcssionn way for youngsters to separate Mrs. L. Good and Mr. J. AlderHAIRDRESSING SCHOOL and Frldty it 11:30 a.m. on CJAY TV Channel 7 ntt 4nt1 1 qualities; Wendy Hodgctts o themselves from their parents son. (Cab!. 5) 94J-19JJ 273 \<i Portage Av., Winniptg 2, Man. Winnipeg, for general profi and to form friendships where /JTs ffiwtijnt walcnm International, Inc. 19CI "Wtlclil wilcheri" and "\m>" an reiislerea trademarks ol weliht wilchtrs international, inc., Gnat Ntck, H.Y. ciency; Mary Fcrnquist of Win they feel secure enough because Minimum charge lor christening anPhone 942-7740 M) in n i p c g , second prize; am of the distance to express them nouncements S6.00 for first 20 lines and each additional line. M a u r e e n McKay of Norll selves with some abandon anc ?Sc. for must be submitted 4B All christenings hours hu Uattlcford, Sask., for theory. freedom. 11 is a way of reach fore publication dot*.

Women Join Empire Club Of Toronto

Here are a few examples, with a translation into male language. CODED: A man must be able to protect me. DECODED: A man must be able to spare me from all forms of discomfort. (What else could he protect her from? Kobbcrs? An atom bomb?) * + * CODED: I need a man to make me feel secure. DECODED: Above all, he must keep his money worries to himself. * * * CODED: I must be able to look up to a man. DECODED: To be a possible candidate as a husband, he must be more intelligent, responsible, courageous, industrious, and stronger than I am. Otherwise, what purpose would he serve? * * * CODED: Of course I would give up my career if my husband asked me. DECODED: Once he is earning enough money, I am never going to work again. * * * CODED: The only thing I want in life is to make him happy. DECODED: T will do everything in my power to stop him from knowing how much I exploit him. * * * CODED: I will never bother him with trivial problems. DECODED: I'll do anything rather than keep him away from his work. * * * CODED: In future I shall devote my life to my family. DECODED: I'm not going to lift another finger for the rest of my life. It's his turn now. * * * 'CODED: I don't believe in Women's Lib. DECODED: I'm not such a fool. I'd rather let a man do the work for me.
* *


The five women MPs of the 29th Parliament pause for a chat at the Speaker's reception following the opening of Parliament Thursday. They are (left to right) : Moniquc Begin (L Montreal St. Michel), Flora MacDonald (PC Kingston and the Islands), Albanie 'Morin (L Louis-Hcberr), Grace Maclnnis (NDP Vancouver- Kingsway) and Science Minister Jeanne Sauve.

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