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Reuben Caven What makes a good training session?

Task 3 (tag P2)

Sport Diploma

1. The goals of the session must be made clear at the start They need to be clear because people will not know what they are doing 2. There must be a warm up

3. The three stages of a warm up (Aerobic, Mobilizing, stretching) Sport with oxygen, moving the joint like passive stretches, 4. What are the reasons for a warm up?

5. The sessions must be fun

6. The sessions must be at the right difficulty for the athlete. What would happen if the session was too easy or too hard?

7. The session must take into account what the athlete has done in previous sessions? What would you do if the previous days session was a really hard session for example?

8. Record the results of the session

Reuben Caven Task Four (Tag P2) Complete a session plan for the following four training types 1. 2. 3. 4. Cardio Vascular training Long distance run Resistance training Weight room session Flexibility training start with active, then dynamic, then PNF stretching Speed training Pool based sprint session

Sport Diploma

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