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From: [mailto:iday.srfn@ontera.

net] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 06:12 AM To: National Chief Shawn Atleo Cc: Regional Chief Stan Beardy; Patrick Madahbee <>; Chief Wallace Fox <>; D Mukwa <>; Dutch Lerat <>; Perry Bellgarde <>; Heather Scoffield <>; Bill Curry <>; Nation Talk <>; APTN Jorge B <>; Simon Bird <>; Regional Chief Bill Erasmus; Regional Chief Bill Traverse; David Harper <>; Ovide Mercredi <>; Regional Chief Ghislain Picard; Regional Chief Roger Augustine <>; Grand Chief Clearsky <>; Grand Chief Derek Nepinak <> Subject: URGENT - we must not gamble when death knocks at the window. National Chief: I offer these words in desperation and sadness - but I feel strongly that you must carefully heed this message. The Assembly Of Nation as a great organization hangs in the balance. More critically - lives are at stake; lives are at stake; lives are at stake. I implore you to stop this meeting with the PM - lives are at stake!!!! Chasing after those of colonial rule to 'give' us solutions as seen by their terms is potentially going to be the very reason for the death of First Nation hunger strikers. It would be most unfortunate if this meeting today is the very reason for the loss of life of these three protesters. "It is expected that Shawn Atleo will be there; there will be a number of important issues to discuss...." - Robert Fife, CTV News Shawn, as the National Chief you must listen to the Chiefs. There is not one Chief who wants life to end for another - going into this meeting clearly gives the Prime Minister of this country an 'out' to any self-imposed sense of responsibility in the event that these hunger strikers pass. He will claim that it was the Chiefs who attended the meeting who caused him to attend the meeting as scheduled and ignore the stand of the Chiefs behind the demands of the hunger strikers. !!!!!!!! National Chief; you must not take the tainted bait that will kill this great organization under the terms

of this Harper regime! And most importantly, you must not allow this heartless man to script the story of death of these three protesters - while the Chiefs of this country who stand behind Theresa Spence, unfairly become credited as the authors of tragedy and death. This belongs to Stephen Harper - not chiefs out of desperation to meet with this government! I am asking you to take serious observance of the lay of the land this morning and make an assessment in assembly. You will see that the vast majority of Chiefs in Canada support Chief Spence - we do not want her or the other two protesters to die - attending this meeting with the PM will author their death. Do not be the political fool that Harper can point his finger at and say - "its his fault, he was a leader who could not lead his people." Shawn - I fear that death is becoming of these First Nation warriors for peace if any chief should attend this meeting. For this, I am imploring and further will beg that you do not go to this meeting. Further, I direct you to urge all Chiefs to NOT attend this meeting because it will further put lives at stake. Should you go, knowing the danger of death could have been assessed and prevented, I will not be the only Chief to ask for a vote of confidence against your leadership, but this letter serves that I will be the first in line. Brother, please act with an instinct of love for these protesters and not act in haste that would be a partial cause for the loss of their lives. Solemnly, Chief Isadore Day, Wiindawtegowinini Serpent River First Nation

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