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1st Jerusalem is destroyed in 587 BC by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. This destruction includes the Temple (built by King Solomon) and the protective walls of the city. The best and brightest are taken as captives to Babylon. Some of these include Daniel of lions den fame. The prophets had predicted this would happen because the people had tuned God out, and eventually God was going to tune them out. The prophets also predicted that this time of exile would last 70 years and the end of which the people would seek God and God would allow himself to be found of them. Eventually the Babylonians are conquered by the Persians. In 538 BC under the Persian King Cyrus some Jews are allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. Eventually others return to help with the restoration of the rest of the city. So the return of the exiles to Judah, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, was accomplished in three main stages. The first and main party returns with Zerubbabel 538 BC. They rebuild the temple. A second party returns with Ezra about 80 years later. They make spiritual and religious restoration and reform. A third wave returns with Nehemiah in 445 BC. They rebuild the city walls and gates but not many houses.

21 Days of Fasting and Praying Outline/Guide for 2013

January will be a month dedicated to fasting and praying on specific focuses for the New Hope Church Family. The purpose of the praying and fasting is: to acknowledge the issues that exists in our lives, communicate directly to God about the issues, and allow God to bring a resolution to the issues. Please join us in 21 days of fasting and praying starting January 11 through January 31. We will fast for 21 days and pray daily for one hour on each monthly topic. If God leads you to do more, please follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Before fasting, please consult with your physician to ensure it wont cause any health problems if you plan on doing a food fast. Here are examples of fasting that can be done: Traditional Fasting: Daniels Fast which consist of eating only vegetables, fruit, some type of protein and drinking water & fruit juices. General Fasting: This is where you give up things that you enjoy doing or that are pleasurable to you, i.e. TV, video games, shopping, social media, telephone, and certain types of food. Combinational Fasting: A combination of the first two bullets - a Daniels Fast and a General Fast where you give up something.

Dedicated Prayer Line

There will be a daily prayer line open at 7:30 a.m. 7:40 a.m. Monday thru Saturday. Someone will be designated to be on the line to facilitate the prayer focus of that days topic, discuss the bullet points and then pray collectively for the church.

Nehemiah's book chronicles his experiences in leading the third wave.

Pastor C.L. Senior

TO ACCESS THE DAILY PRAYER LINE: Free Conference Call Conference Dial-in Number: (559) 546-1000 Participant Access Code: 603486#
Participant: When prompted, enter the assigned access code, followed by the # key. Once connected to the free conference call, please mute your phone. The facilitator will announce themselves and will start the prayer focus for that day.

Valentines Day Ball

January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month
National Birth Defects Prevention Month is a time to raise awareness of birth defects and promote healthy pregnancies. Many birth defects can be prevented. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, these tips can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby: Take a multivitamin with folic acid every day before and during pregnancy. See your doctor or midwife regularly as soon as you think you're pregnant and throughout your pregnancy. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date. Eat well and stay active. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and other drug use. Prevent infections from food and other sources.

The Date: The Date: February 9, 2013

February 9, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013 6:00pm

Valentines Day Ball sponsored by the Marriage Ministry will be held at: Magnuson Hotel Marina Cove 6800 Sunshine Skyway Lane South St. Petersburg, FL 33711 Tickets - $30.00 per couple, can be purchased from Willette or Robert Washington, Bernona or Leonard Climes. For more information contact Rev. William or Shauna Shepherd at 727-896-8506.

For more information visit:

Health and Wellness Ministry

Your 2012 Tax Statement is available. Please complete a request form located in the Vestibule.

Marriage Ministry

February is American Heart Month and is a time to battle cardiovascular disease and educate Americans on what we can do to live heart-healthy lives. Heart disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. You are at higher risk of heart disease if you are: A woman age 55 or older A man age 45 or older Or a person with a family history of early heart disease Heart disease can be prevented. To keep your heart healthy: Watch your weight. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. Get active and eat healthy. Talk to your doctor about taking aspirin every day if you are a man over the age of45 or a woman over 55. Manage stress.

St. Luke's United Methodist Church has agreed to sponsor NOMADS (Nomads On Mission, Active in Divine Service) to do work in the community for those in need, free of charge. Our focus is to help people in need of repairs to their houses who cannot afford those repairs. Cosmetic type work will not be considered. This application is for structural repairs to houses owned by the occupant-- no rentals will be considered. The sponsored workers will be here during February and March of this year. Applications are available in the Vestibule.

"The C.o.n.X.i.o.n
(pronounced 'connection') "Come over n Xchange ideas or needs" Who: Young Adults ages 18- young at heart, this is a family friendly gathering/ kids are welcome What: We will gather over lunch (provided) and chop it up over the sermon, how it applies to our lives and fellowship. When: Sunday January 20th after 10:30 am church service Where: The McCall's home- 3014 40th Ave. So, St. Petersburg, FL 33712 (contact Mayo McCall to RSVP or for questions:

Health and Wellness Ministry

Why: We want to grow together this year...bring a friend with this same passion. Young World Ministry

Pastor C.L. Senior

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Hope Missionary Baptist Church has been in existence since 1913, shedding light upon a dark world. To help us celebrate our First Founders Day, we cordially request your attendance at this momentous event The Centennial Celebration will kick off with Founder's Day, on February 10, 2013. If you have anything pertaining to the History of New Hope such as newspaper articles, souvenir books, etc. Please bring them to either Sis. Margie Senior or Sis. Claudenia Jones by Sunday, February 3rd. Thank You!

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