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SONG - INTRO 1 EXT. ABANDONED STREET - DAY - B CAM CAMERA moves past an overgrown Midwest town.

abandoned streets and haunts. 2 INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - DAY - B CAM Through 1

A dust covered, wrecked, fucked up abandoned house. Remnants of previous owners still broken and scattered about. Pictures on the walls, tables, an chairs, empty cupboards. CAMERA moves through the house HANDHELD viewing the surroundings. SONG - CHORUS 1 3 INT. BEDROOM 1 - DAY - A CAM 3

SM SHOT: Striking beautiful CU of a BOY and GIRL making out. Their tongues in each others mouths. CAMERA moves around them. SONG - VERSE 1 4 INT. BEDROOM 1 - DAY - B CAM 4

A young GIRLs eyes open. She lies on busted BED, alone in a destroyed old room. A stand up mirror leans in the corner. Her things spattered about on the floor. Her mouth is covered by DUST MASK with a SIGIL emblem painted on it. She is dressed like a runaway. She's wearing a medical bracelet. Her hair is purple. She is about 15. CAMERA CUTS around to her hanging out in the room. She reads a book. Looks at a map on the floor as she smokes a cig. She is bored but at peace. Crystals and amethyst line the window sill. An IPAD sits next to the map with weird imagery on it. She tries on different clothes in the mirror. She puts on old make up she has found around. As she hangs out she freely fucks the room up. Kicking things around. Throwing things. Painting the wall above the bed. She picks up a STRANGE CHROME OBJECT and looks at it. The song builds up. She looks at the mirror and sees herself holding the object. She throws it at the mirror. SONG - CHORUS 2

2. 5 INT. BEDROOM 1 - DAY - A CAM SMASH! SM SHOT: Mirror explodes slowly. The chrome object hits directly in the middle and shatters the mirror outwards. CAMERA CUTS around to different SM shots of shards and dust. SM shots of the Girl dancing as the mirror shatters. WE SEE HER REFLECTION in a broken shard. Soft, beautiful, euphoric within the violence. SM SHOT: A BOY, 16, dressed like a thug, walks up as she dances and and grabs her. They look at each other. They Both wear dust masks. SONG - VERSE 2 6 INT. KITCHEN - DAY - B CAM The two kids hang out in the kitchen. The boy has a RIFLE strapped around his back. The boy takes things out of his backpack and places them on a wobbly kitchen table. Within his bag are come a jug of wine, rolling tobacco, fruit, can goods, old wine glasses, spray paint, candy, batteries, needles and medicine. The Boy takes out some fresh cut flowers tied with shoestring and gives them to the girl. A moment The boy takes some medicine. He fills a syringe and injects both and he and the girls arms. The two wearing masks staring at each other. A moment. They remove each others masks and stare at each other. 7 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - B CAM 7 6 5

CAMERA JUMP CUTS around with the two young lovers hanging out. Quick shots of them hanging out drinking, dancing, smoking. Showing the crawl of a lazy afternoon. The flowers in a vase filled with wine. The boy skate boards around until he falls and the board goes flying into something, breaking it. The kids laugh. She grabs the board, throws her glass up in the air and swings the board sending shattered glass and wine across the room. The two continue breaking shit. Pushing each other, until the girl finally picks up a chair and throws it through a window. SONG - CHORUS 2

3. 8 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - A CAM SM SHOT: Chair goes smashing through the window. 8

SM SHOT: SM shot of the girl smashing a lamp with the boys skateboard. 9 INT. KITCHEN - DAY - B CAM 9

The kids thrash the kitchen. Tearing it apart. Plates against the wall, can foods being juggled, a dead potted plant across the room, skateboard against a light fixture, exploding lightbulbs, the boy jumping on the kitchen table, it spits in half, smashing kitchen chairs, spray painting the walls, running through a wall. They're fucking shit up and it's playful. They chase each other around. 10 INT. DINING ROOM - DAY - B CAM 10

The kids jokingly set the dining room table. Fill cups with wine and then dance and skate on top of the table. Breaking everything. They laugh. 11 INT. BEDROOM 2 - DAY - B CAM 11

The kids looking through an old bedroom. Trying on clothes from the closet. They find an old box in the closet. It contains a Rosary, old mecidine, photographs from another time in the 80s and 90s. Someone elses 90s past. They see and old Wedding Dress and folded Military uniform. The Girl coaxes the boy to take off his clothes and put an old ugly church dress. The boy dances around jokingly. The Girl has on the oversized military uniform and is spray painting a bulls eye on the wall. SONG - VERSE 3 12 INT. BEDROOM 2 - DAY - A CAM SM SHOT: The girl lifts the rifle up into frame. aiming at something. She is 12

SM SHOT: The boy stands with his shirt off in front of hte bulls eye. The vase filled with wine and flowers on his head. He stands nervous, bracing for the Vase to be shot of his head. SM SHOT: The Girls trigger finger, almost ready to pull.

4. SM SHOT: The Boys face. The emotions on it. closed, but then slowly opening. SM SHOT: RACK FOCUS on from Gun to GIRL. His eyes





SM SHOT: ECU of Boys face as the vase shatters from his head. Red wine spray and spills everywhere. The boy screams in excitement and terror. SM SHOT: Wide shot of the two laughing, freaking out in excitement and running to each other. They embrace. 14 INT. BEDROOM 2 - DAY - A CAM SM SHOT: The two slow dance with each other in their costumes. Her head on his shoulder. A moment. 15 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - B CAM The Kids spray paint down the hallway, laughing. spray paint through a window. 16 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - A CAM SM SHOT: The boy firing at thing OC with the gun. It Throwing 15 14


SM SHOT: A potted plant, spraying dirt circularly. smashes against a wall.

SM SHOT: A plate flying through the air and smashing above a fireplace. 17 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - B CAM The kids continue breaking things. the ceiling. 18 INT. BEDROOM 1 - DAY - B CAM Pulling fans down from 17


The boy draws a big X on the wall and tries to kick it down. He makes some damage. The girl tells him to move and runs toward the wall.

5. 19 INT. FAKE WALL - DAY - A CAM 19

SM SHOT: CAMERA moves in as the girl smashes through the wall in SM. As dust clears we see the boy cracking up behind her. 20 INT. BATHROOM - DAY - B CAM 20

They are in a bathtub. Facing each other. Eating junk food. Trying to throw chips into each other mouths. Drinking the rest of the wine. Smoking a joint. Chewing bubble gum. Blowing bubbles. CU of Boy. Bubble pops on his face with smoke inside of it.

They laugh. They kiss and hold each other. 21 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - B CAM 21

The play hopskotch on the floor. The lines are sprayed with spray paint. They throw wine glasses instead of rocks. Wine glass shatters on the ground. glass. 22 INT. BEDROOM 1 - EVENING - B CAM There feet jump on the


The kids pack up there things as the sun sets out the window. They kick a couple other things around. They pile up clothes, their trash, a medical pamphlet, the future object and the ipad. They pour gas on the top of the bed and gaze down upon it. The boy takes his lit cig and flicks it on the bed. 23 INT. BEDROOM 1 - EVENING - A CAM - COLOR SM SHOT: ECU of fire igniting on fabric. COLOR BEGINS TO FILL THE FRAME. 23 The flames dance.

SM SHOTs (2 shot, CU BOY, CO GIRL): Colorful/psychedelic/TV STATIC light is projected on the young lovers faces. Their mesmerized. INT. HOUSE ENTRANCE - EVENING - B CAM - COLOR The two are exciting the smoke filled house. front door and stop. They open the

6. They look at each other and return the dust masks to each others their faces. Similar to the earlier shot of them removing their masks. They leave. SONG - OUTRO EXT. HOUSE - EVENING - B CAM - COLOR The couple are hand and hand running off into the future. They run toward the CAMERA as fast as they can. CUT TO BLACK:

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