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Paul Popa 4th Hour 10/25/10 10 Truly Important Facts & 10 Truly Ridiculous Facts for Chapter 11

Important Facts: 1. Jefferson won the presidential election of 1800 largely because of Aaron Burr, who turned New Yorks electoral votes in favor of Jefferson. 2. Thomas Jefferson later found himself reversing many of the political principles he had so vigorously championed. 3. Marbury v. Madison solidified the fact that the final decision as to whether or not a legislation is constitutional lies solely in the hands of the Supreme Court. 4. Thomas Jefferson was very distressed over the Louisiana Purchase because he knew the agreement was unconstitutional. 5. The Louisiana Purchase helped make the United States more independent and less inclined to become a victim of Old World rivalries. 6. Britain issued a series of Orders in Council, which closed European and American ports under French control, unless the vessels first stopped at a British port. 7. In addition, Britain also practiced unfair impressment towards American sailors. 8. Jeffersons Embargo Act backfired so badly that it ended up hurting the Americans much more than the British. 9. Britain, at the time of the early 19th century, became the unchallenged ruler of the worlds oceans, while Napoleonic France was the absolute ruler of warfare on land. 10. Aaron Burr tried to lead successful succession twice: first with New England, and the second time with the trans-Mississippi West. Ridiculous Facts: 1. One of the accusations laid against Thomas Jefferson early in his presidency was that he fathered all of the children belonging to Sally Hemings (this was later proven to be true through modernday DNA testing). 2. Thomas Jefferson would often receive callers in informal attire. 3. Jeffersons repeal of the excise tax cost the United States government some $1 million in urgently needed revenue- all for the importance of principle. 4. Thomas Jefferson only asked for the port of New Orleans and as much of Florida as it could get for $10 million; instead, he received all of Louisiana for $15 million. This agreement nearly doubled the size of the United States. 5. Lewis and Clarks expedition across the Louisiana Territory took 2 years to complete. 6. The Chesapeake affair infuriated the Americans to such a degree that Thomas Jefferson could easily have had war if he had wanted it. 7. War hawks were young hot heads of Congress who strongly favored war. 8. Thomas Jefferson continually found himself facing the exact ideals he disapproved of, especially warfare and foreign alliances. 9. Napoleon tried multiple times to exert supremacy over Britain through alliance with the United States, which would later ultimately lead to his downfall. 10. The Federalist stronghold of New England was so against the Republican spirit of war that it actually helped supply provisions to British troops, making both Old England and New England enemies of the United States.

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