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Research Paper Unit Outlining Lesson Terminal Objective: SWBAT independently create an individual outline for their persuasive

e research paper. Content Standard: CCSS 8.W.7, 8.W.8 Language Standard: Listen actively to the ideas of other to acquire new knowledge. (ELL-L&S-3) and identify, describe, and apply conventions of Standard English in his or her communications (ELL-W-2) Time (Class Length): 60 minutes

Sub-Objective SWBAT explain to a partner why outlines are used in writing. *Blooms level: Comprehension Time: 5 minutes SWBAT explain how an outline is formatted. *Blooms level: Comprehension Time: 25 minutes

Teaching Strategies Bellwork: Think back to our first class on research papers. Why did we decide outlines are important when writing? T will call on NV using popsicle sticks. Lecture: Outlines are used to organize writing. They outline each part of the paper. Handout (back of notetaker) with examples, steps for creating one. Cold calling, questions from handout ex) What do the roman numerals, letter, and numbers actually stand for? Guided Practice: As a class, begin creating an outline with worksheet. Students will finish the mini-outline in pairs and create their own. Modeling, monitor each student as they work.

Active Student Participation Bellwork: Think back to our first class on research papers. Why did we decide outlines are important when writing? Think/Pair/Share Note-taker: Students will add notes in provided blanks, checked for credit. Intermittent Closure: Explain how an outline is formatted and written. Share w/ class. Guided Practice: As a class, begin creating an outline with worksheet. Students will finish the mini-outline in pairs. Intermittent closure: Groups share with class and explain why they made their outline in the manner they did.

SWBAT create a mini-outline for an example paper in pairs. *Blooms level: Application Time: 15 minutes

SWBAT begin creating their individual outline for their research paper. * Blooms level: Synthesis Time: 15 minutes

Using popsicle sticks, NV will share the parts of an outline. Assign outline homework, take questions or concerns, students begin working.

Using popsicle sticks, NV will share the parts of an outline. Express questions or concerns. Students begin working on actual outline.

**Note: access to my Promethean board has been limited due to a technical issueI did not include a Powerpoint or Prezi because of this. Instead, students will be guided on the white board. I will take notes, fill in the blanks, etc but it will be written together with the students. This is a change from my original lesson set up to accommodate my actual classroom** Materials Needed: Outlining/mini-outline worksheet for guided practice Worksheet/note taker on how to create an outline Homework: Complete the assigned outline for your research paper. Remedial: If students need additional help teacher will assist them during group work on the example outline. Extension: If students quickly grasp the lesson they may share their example outline with their peers and/or begin on their individual outlines.

Bellwork Think back to all the different ways of pre-writing we have learned about and our first day of study research papers. Of those prewriting exercise you have used, which have been most effective? Why have they helped you? What is it that those strategies make you do that organizes your thoughts?

The Outline - Notes What does an outline do? Take a guess! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An outline is another writing tool you can use to organize your thoughts. For research papers this comes in handy because you are dealing with TONS of facts and MANY different sources. You are guiding your writing! Why might this be important? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outlines help you write something that will make sense! They are broken into smaller parts that are each given their own label. I. ROMAN NUMBERALS These are your BIG ideas! Your thesis can probably be broken down into 2-4 smaller ideas that it encompasses. These will become your roman numerals or your topics. A. LETTERS These are your sub-topics! These relate to your big topics. They will become your paragraphs. Your big topic is too much information to be turned into one paragraph, so you must break it into subtopics. 1. Numbers These are your DETAILS! Think of them as the facts you have written on your notecards. They are SPECIFIC pieces of information that will help support the point you are making in your subtopics.

What an outline will look like: I. II. Introduction: Your actual introduction (with your thesis at the end will go here). First Main Idea a. First Sub topic b. Second sub topic c. Third subtopic 1. detail 2. detail 3. detail

Important things to remember: no part of your outline can stand alone because it will get lonely without more information to keep it company. If you have an I. you need an II. If you have a a. you need a b. And if you have a 1 you need a 2. Everything must have AT LEAST two. If your subtopic doesnt need more than a single supporting details, just leave it blank. Youll still add the detail when writing it, but you wont need to list it on the paper. REMEMBER: As you write up your paper in the lab, you will have your outline next to you. It will guide everything you write. If your outline is good, then your paper will be MUCH easier to write!!

Sample Outline:

**Two worksheets per student. 1st is for them to write down modeling, 2nd is for pairs to create their own mini outline on made up topic. Lets Make an Outline Together! Topic: Rough Thesis: I. ____________________________________________________ A. ______________________________________________ 1. ________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ B. _______________________________________________ 1. __________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ II. _______________________________________________________ A. _________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________ B. ___________________________________________________ 1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ III. __________________________________________________________ A. _________________________________________________ 1.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ B. ___________________________________________________ 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ IV. __________________________________________________________

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