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A.N.S.I Standards Adapter Affinity law s Air ingestion Alignm ent Application Atm ospheric pressure B.E.P.
Am erican National Standards Institute. Set of specifications for centrifugal pum m p anufactured in the U.S.A. Connects and aligns the power end of a pum to the wet-end p Predict how capacity, head and horpower are affected by changes in im peller diam and shaft speed Air entering the stuffing box due to negative suction pressure When centerline of pum is perfectly aligned to centerline of driver p Description of the fluid and operating conditions you are trying to pum p Pressure of the atm osphere on earth. Sea level is 14.7 PSI The best efficiency point. It is the point where the power com out of the pum (water horse power) is the ing p closest to the power com into the pum (brake horse power) from the driver. This is also the point where there ing p is no radial deflection of the shaft cause by unequal hydraulic forces acting on the im peller. Brake horse power. The actual am ount of horsepower being consum by the pum as m ed p easured on a pony brake or dynam eter. om Used in som centrifugal pum to position stuffing box and provide a wear surface for the im e ps peller The pum and m p otor m ount on this unit Am oving stream of liquid or gas exerts less sideway pressure than if it were at rest. The result is that m aterial appears to be drawn into the stream but are actually being pushed in by higher pressure from outside , Surface pum used to increase pressure in a fluid line or to pull from a storage tank or pit. Also used to p pressurize a water system Am ethod of m easuring hardness of m etal parts. Hardness higher than 350 can be difficult to m achine Recirculates fluid from pum discharge to stuffing box p Fluid flow m easured in gpm liters/m M 3 /hr. etc. , in, Vacuum created when discharge capacity of pum exceeds the replacem in the suction line. Cavitation can p ent occur when diam eter of the input line is too sm or too long. These bubbles vibrate and can dam all age pum p Pum that m p echanically spins solution in order to push it out by centrifugal force Valve that allows solution to flow in one direction only Pum im p peller m ounts directly to drive m echanism shaft Change to elastic shape when exposed to heat. Round O-ring becom flat es Any object of elastic m aterial has a natural period of vibration. At this speed, m inor vibrations will be m agnified Directs pum ped solution to the discharge port. May be a high wear point Touching of a com ponent to dissipate vibration Movem or displacem of a shaft in the radial dim ent ent ension. (run-out) Precise tool used to m easure deflection or shape of shaft Housing or part that fits around im peller. Strips solution from the rotating im peller & forces it out the discharge line, reducing solution velocity while increasing static pressure. Som es this feature is designed into volute etim This design incorporates two cut waters to prevent shaft deflection when pum is running off-B.E.P.. Lowers p efficiency and not used in sm aller pum ps

B.H.P. Back plate Base Plate Bernoulli's Law Booster pum p Brinnell hardness Bypass line Capacity Cavitation Centrifugal pum p Check valve Close coupled Com pression set Critical speed Cut w ater Dam ping Deflection Dial indicator Diffuser Double volute

Ductility Dynam ic Head Efficiency Elastom er Eye of the Im peller Expeller Float valve Flow rate Foot Foot valve Francis' vane Friction loss Galvanic series Gland Head pressure Horse pow er Im peller

Property of a m etal allowing deform ation without cracking The pum head created by friction in the piping system p Power in / power put A rubber like m aterial that when com pressed, will return to 90% of original shape in less than five seconds The center of the im peller where fluid enters A second im peller used to lower the stuffing box pressure. Responds to changes in fluid level, preventing overflow by blocking input flow Volum of fluid m e oving past a given point, in a unit tim (gal/m e. in) Part of fram that supports wet and power end of pum Attaches to base plate e p. (check valve) Placed below a surface pum to prevent reverse flow in a pipe when pum is off. So pum will not p p p loose prim e Com on im m peller shape used in the range of 1500-4000 rpm loss of fluid pressure due to length of pipe or elbows on discharge List of m etals where in a certain m edium (eg: salt water) the m noble m ore etals will be attacked by the less noble The part that holds one half of the m echanical seal to the stufing box The equivalent height of the liquid. 20C. water is used as the standard where 10 m eters (33.9 ft.) of water equals one atm osphere (14.7 psi. or 1 bar). The term head is used instead of pressure in the centrifugal pum p business. 33,000 foot pound / m in Rotating centrifugal pum part with vanes propelling solution outward creating centrifugal forceand driving p solution to the discharge. Three basic design types: Closed / open and sem i-open Open im pellers require a clearance between the volute or the pum back plate depending upon design. This p clearance m be set when the pum is at operating tem ust p perature and m be reset to com ust pensate for wear. (0.015" to 0.020" or 0,04 m to 0,05 m is typical) m m Open eye in center with vanes on both sides Open eye with water wheel shape Eye in center with vane on one side only Plates located on both sides of im peller to pervent solids from penetrating Blade between eye and outside diam of im peller directing solution flow Cavitation or com pression of air bubbles m aking noises and dam aging pum parts p Sm axial flow vane attached to im all peller to increase N.P.S.H. available Corrosion at the grain boundires of a body of m aterial Loss of efficiency caused by solution flow between wear rings or im peller/volute clearance. A device used to supply lubricant to packing. Usually located in the m iddle of the packing ring set. Can cause excess heat inside pum Rise of 10 degrees C is excessive. Usually caused by throttling discharge p. valve or reduced pipe ID due to residue build-up A condition that can cause excessive heat inside the pum volute. A tem p perature rise of 10 (18 across the C F) operating pum is considered excessive. Norm p ally caused by throttling a pum discharge valve. p The net positive suction head available to prevent cavitation of the pum It is defined as: Atm p. ospheric pressure + gage pressure + static pressure - vapor pressure - friction loss in the suction piping Net Positive Suction Head required to stop a pum from cavitating, Num Is usually supplied by m p ber anufacturer Original Equipm Manufacterer of the pum not the distributor ent p, (potential Hydrogen) Measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Where 7 is neutral, a higher num is alkaline ber Strain put on a pum which can change the shape causing im p peller contact Surface voids in m etal caused by corrosion, erosion or cavitation Initiating solution flow in a dry pum by m p anually filling volute

Im peller setting Closed im peller Open Sem i-open Im peller shroud Im peller vane Im plode Inducer Intergranular corrosion Internal recirculation Lantern Ring Low flow Minim um Flow N.P.S.H.A. N.P.S.H.R. O.E.M.

pH and alower number is acidic Pipe strain Pitting Prim ing

Pum p curve Repeller/Expeller Self-prim ing pum p Series Operation Shut-off head Slurry Specific Gravity Specific speed Static head Subm ergence Subm ersible pum p Suction head Suction lift T.D.H. Therm o plastic Therm o set plastic Thrust Total Head Transducer Turbulence Vane passing syndrom e Variable speed m otor Vapor pressure Velocity Vent Viscosity Volute / Casing Volute shape Vortexing liquid Water horse pow er Wear ring Wet end

A diagram supplied by the pum m p anufacture to describe the relationship between the head and the capacity of a particular pum using various size im p pellers. The curve also include inform ation about efficiency, horse power consum ption, N.P.S.H. required, etc. A second im peller used to lower the stuffing box pressure. Centrifugal pum is designed to rem p ove air from the suction vs. "flood" pum requiring m p anual prim ing The pum are connected with the discharge of the first pum discharging to the suction of the other. The speed ps p and im peller m be m ust atched or the difference in capacities could cause cavitation or over heating problem s. Max head that can be generated with a given im peller design and horsepower Solids present in a liquid Density (weight/ unit area) vs. water(1.0) Form to describe the shape of an im ula peller. Higher specific speed = lower N.P.S.H. Max height a liquid can be pum ped Distance below static water level where a pum is set p Motor/pum com p bination designed to be placed entirely below solution level Head on the suction side of pum Subtract suction head from discharge to determ actual head. p. ine Total vertical distance from the surface of a liquid to pum body p Total discharge head. A com bination of suction head and the head produced by the pum p Material that can be softened or m elted repeatedly without losing properties (injection m olding) Can be softened & m elted, but not re-usable Axial m ovem of shaft (forward & back) ent The am ount of head produced by the pum Discharge head m p. inus suction head. If suction head is a negative num it is added to the discharge head ber Sensor atached to pum to m p onitor vibration am plitude and frequency Disturbance in fluid causing cavitation problem Often caused by elbow too close to pum suction input . p Type of cavitation caused by im peller / cutwater clearance too sm all Used to control flow in a system by varying the frequency of the m otor. Recom ended for circulating system and m s any other system where the m head is friction losses in the piping system ain . Pressure and tem perature coordinate where liquid will vaporize Distance traveled by a body in a unit of tim (feet/m e in) Used to rem ove gas or air from system Resistance to pouring. Higher viscosities can restrict seal m ovem ent. Centrifugal pum can handle a m ps axim um viscosity sim to 30 weight oil at room tem ilar perature. Above this viscosity a positive displacem pum should ent p be used Housing that contains im peller & diffuser. Solution is propelled through the volute's enlarging spiral cham ber, increasing the centrifugal effects of the im peller Spiral shape of volute that converts velocity energy to pressure energy Creating a "whirlpool effect" that can draw air into the suction of the pum p. (WHP) head X GPM / 3960 Used with closed im pellers to resist leakage from high pressure side of pum to low. Norm p ally replaced when clearnace is doubled original Parts of pum that sees solution, including: volute, casing, stuffing box, im p peller, wear rings and shaft

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