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Name:____________________ 33.

A: Social Studies Terminology

Graded by: ________________ Score: ____________________

Vocabulary Word Capitalism Wage Labor Communism Socialism Trade Unions Transnational Businesses Telegraphs Foreign Investment Colony Steam Engine Heavy Industry Textiles Imperialism Paternalism Social Darwinism Indirect Rule


A. The idea that a more powerful country has the right or responsibility to control a less powerful country for that countrys own good (Pater = father, so paternalism is when a strong country tells a weaker country what to do, like a father with a son) F. A system where a person sells their time to an employer for a set wage (hourly worker). Historically, wage laborers have been mistreated by employees, leading to the creation of labor unions.

B. The industrial term for cloth. A textile factory might process cotton and make carpet, clothes, or any other cloth-based product.

C. A philosophy of the late mid1800s to the mid-1900s that involved a European country or the United States taking control of another country and using it to produce raw materials to be sent home and used in factories.

D. An economic system where the means of production (factories), distribution (stores) and ultimate control of a business or industry are owned by the government. This system is usually opposed with Capitalism.

E. A machine that sends a series of beeps along a wire. These beeps formed a code that was translated into a message. Telegraphs were used before phones. (AT&T stands for American Telephone and Telegraph)

G. An economic system where the means of production (factories or similar), distribution (stores to sell things) and ultimate control of a business and its profits are owned by private individuals L. A piece of one country that is controlled by another.

K. An economic system that mixes capitalism (privatelyowned business) and communism (governmentowned business) P. When an imperialist country uses its money to build factories, schools, hospitals, etc in a country it is controlling, in order to make it a better place to get resources to be sent back home.

H. A machine that uses coal to water, creating steam. This steam turns a rotor, creating kinetic energy used to turn a wheel on an axle. Steam engines were used for a variety of purposes, especially for creating steam-powered trains. M. The construction of large plants and factories or factories that produce large, industrial equipment (like trains).

I. Pride in ones own country, as well as the desire for ones own country to control itself (Anti-Paternalism)

J. During imperialism, European countries or the US would control other countries economically and use that leverage to force these countries to do what the US or Europe wanted, indirectly ruling these countries O. A trade union (also called a labor union) is a group of workers who have come together to demand better working conditions from their employers.

N. Businesses that operate across countries.

Q. The idea that businesses and countries that are the strongest will survive, while others will fail and go out of business or be taken over by others. This term comes from Charles Darwins theory of Natural Selection: Survival of the Fittest

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