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University of the Philippines Visayas College of Arts and Sciences Division of Biological Sciences Public Health Program

PH 177 Medical Entomology Laboratory Exercise No. ____


Date Conducted:________________ Mosquito Species in Brgy ______________________

This is a field investigation to mainly survey presence and identify mosquito species in the assigned community, specifically to: 1. determine mosquito abundance and Rate of Capture of the adult specimen, 2. establish the following mosquito larva and pupa indices: a. House Index b. Breteaux Index c. Container Index, 3. collect sample specimen and classify these to the genus level based on physical markers only, and 4. prepare a slide of an egg, pupa larva and adult specimen for confirmation You need magnifiers to examine and count the specimen during the survey, containers with 10% formalin for your larva collection, slides and cover slips for your slide preparation, Canada Balsam for permanent slides, water for temporary slides(when identifying the genus of the larva) and droppers to transfer larvae or pupae from container to slides. For adult specimen, white clothing could facilitate detection and counting of fallen adult specimen. Reminder: Chemical sprays could best help collect the adults stages. Catching with your bare hands should be avoided for your safety, that would keep you also from damaging the specimen. You could use the simplified form of the indices that follows, yet a more comprehensive formula could be obtained elsewhere as an option (just include your sources in the Reference section of the report).For rural areas with scattered houses at least 15 houses distributed evenly over the whole area of your baranggay could be used for the indices. A. Larval/pupal investigation: a. House index- percentage of houses with mosquito larvae/pupae found inside the house
No.of Houses Infested HI = ----------------------------------------- x 100 No. of House

b. Breteaux Index- percentage of containers positive for mosquito larvae or pupae per 100 houses inspected ( in percentage)
BI = Number of container positive for larva or pupae 100 houses inspected

c. Container index percentage of water holding containers positive for larvae of pupae
No. of Positive containers CI= ---------------------------------------- x 100 No. of containers inspected

B. Adult investigation: a. Mosquito abundance based on landing rate i. Indoor ii. Outdoor b. Rate of Capture per hour i. Indoor ii. Outdoor C. Species Identification Possible species of the specimen:________________________ Proof: (if Larvae) ______________________ Proof: ( ifPupa) ______________________ Proof: (if Adult)_________________________ * for more than 1 genera just recopy the C section per species identified and provide the pertinent evidence (slides) D. Submit slides of mosquitoes specimen in all forms.(egg, larva, pupa, adult) References: Enjoy Community Work!

Prepared and revised by: Mary Ann F. Naragdao, MSc in Commnity Health and Epidemiology //Mafn 2013

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