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Santa Luke Saves the Day

Sonny always knew the day would come when he could no longer turn a blind eye to Carly's trickery. He just had not expected it to be at 11:00 in the
morning on Christmas Eve.

Just returning from a trip to Puerto Rico, Johnny had told him Ric was with Carly that he had been there since Michael had left at 9:00 am, to go to

Sonny just shrugged at him and went in the penthouse. He expected to see them in the living room but they weren't there. Neither were they in the
kitchen. That only left one more place to look. Thank God I came home early. Bracing himself he mounted the stairs. He could hear them before he even
reached the top.

"God Ric that feels sooo good. Harder. Oh Ric Sonny never makes me feel this way."

"Just wait until we control everything. Then everything will be even better than this. God your husband is an idiot." Ric says.

"I know it. That bitch attorney ruined him. At least I have the satisfaction of knowing she won't ever let him near her again. Getting Ned on our side sure
did speed things up. Speaking of getting things up let's do it again. You can go again?" And Carly let's out a squeal as Ric climbs back on her.

"Just the thought that he is too dumb to know that I am Sorrel's son gets me going." Ric laughs.

Barely controlling his anger Sonny quietly moves back down the stairs. He opens the door and steps into the hall with Johnny.

"Give me your phone." he says. He punches in a number and says "Get over to the penthouse NOW!"

"Boss is something wrong?' Johnny asks.

"Yes and no Johnny. I'm not blind anymore but it may have cost me everything." Sonny says.

Johnny looks at him confused. He would have sworn Carly was in there having sex with Ric. But he just can't tell by Sonny's reaction. Well what do I
expect he always forgives her.

Just then the elevator opens and Jason steps out. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"If you want Carly to live you go in there and haul her out from underneath Ric. You take her to Bobbie's. You tell her if she likes to keep breathing she
will explain to Michael how bad she has been and that I will continue to see him. I will give her a financial settlement. For Michael! And continue to pay
for her house. You leave Ric up there. Johnny and I will handle him." Sonny told Jason.

As Jason opened the door to the penthouse. Sonny said "Oh yeah. Jason you tell her there will be no divorce! You know you can't have a divorce revoked.
That also means that was a phony priest I used." And Sonny turned and went into penthouse 4. Where he used his key to let himself in. Five minutes later
even through the walls of the other penthouse he could hear Carly shrieking. Then total silence. A couple of minutes later Johnny's knock on the door.

"Why wasn't she still yelling in the elevator?' Sonny asked.

Smiling Johnny said "Because Jason popped her in the jaw to shut her up."

When they got up stairs they found Ric struggling to put his pants on.

"Leave them off. You seem to prefer it that way." Sonny said.

Ric started out begging for his life. By the time he was done telling Sonny everything he and Carly had been up too. He was begging Johnny
to end his life.

"Wish granted." Johnny said.

Four hours later Sonny, Benny, and Johnny had gone over everything Ric had a hand in. They found several things that had been on the verge of
destroying Sonny. Max and Adam had been personally sent out to straighten out a few lost sheep.

Sonny finally sent Johnny and Benny home. Looking around he decided he couldn't stand to be in this place a moment longer and left.

He didn't know why but he ended up at Luke's. A few people were there. Luke was not one of them. He ordered himself the dinner special and a
bottle of Luke's best Rum.

Three hours later Luke and Claude found Sonny at the back table three sheets to the wind. Talking to the half empty rum bottle.

"She love rum." Sonny says to the bottle.

"Hey mobster man. What are you doing here?" Luke says.

"Sheelerating Sannntaaa Flaus" Sonny replies.

"Shouldn't you be home with that she devil my sister calls her daughter?" Luke asks.

"Nope. I'm Sleed Man. Freed Man. I crossed tossed her out. She was in my bed." Sonny slurred.

"Well isn't that where she is supposed to be?' Luke asks.

"She was in with my Lawyer. Not Me!" Sonny says.

"She was in bed with Natasha? I didn't know she was like that." Luke laughs.

At this Sonny tries to raise up out of his chair but can't.

"Not Alesish with that Ric. But I got rid of them two's Snarly's right. She won't ever take me back. I'm annnnn doper no an Idiot. She has my baby. Isn't
she betaful Luke?" Sonny says.

Luke looks at Sonny trying to decipher what the drunken Don is saying. Baby the only baby he has seen lately is the Princesses baby. The lights come on in
Luke's head. "You mean Ned isn't that baby's father you are?"

"Don't say that. He isn't she is mine. They both are mine. She hates me Luke. I can't do anything right." Sonny sobs taking another swig of the rum.

Luke grabs the bottle from him. Just then Luke's cell phone rings "Start yakking." he says

"And a Merry Christmas to you too Luke."

"Well just the person I was thinking of what can I do for you?" Luke says.

"Can you come over and see me for a little while. I know it's Christmas Eve and everything."

"Not a problem I got a little some thing I want to give you. I will be there soon." Luke hangs up the phone. A devious plan coming to light in his head. Now
everything makes sense to me. Santa Luke to the rescue. She is gonna love this.

"Hey Sonny do you want Alexis back? Do you really love her?" Luke asks.

"She won't talk to mmeeee. I did wrong wrong wrong by her. " Sonny says.

"That aint what I asked you man. Do you LOVE ALEXIS?" Luke shouts.

"Yes I love her. But she hates me." Sonny says looking for his rum.

"Get the Mob Man Claude. Santa Luke has a delivery to make." Luke laughs.

Alexis has moved with Kristina into a cottage that Nicholas and Stefan gave her. They wanted her out of the apartment. They wanted them in what they
considered a real home. And once Alexis had seen it she had fallen in love with it.

At the ringing of the doorbell. Alexis hurried to answer it.

"Luke come in." she grabbed his hand pulling him inside.

"Great digs Princess. Where is the little marshmallow?" He said.

"Her name is Kristina and she is blessedly asleep for awhile." she replied.

Luke started coughing. "Drink Drink" he gasps. And Alexis hurries him into the kitchen getting him a glass of water.

"Better?" She asks.

"Yup. Here you go Natasha Merry Christmas." He hands her the package he had in his hands. "Open it up. I wanna see what you think." he says

Alexis takes the package and sees that it is very thin. She opens it carefully. As she turns it over she lets out a gasp." Where did you find this?" As tears
run down her face she looks lovingly at the play bill from one of her mother's few concerts. This even bears her photo.

"Oh I got my ways you know. I'm always finding thing's some fool throws away. Cause they don't know what they got." he says.

Alexis throws her arms around him hugging him. Pulling away she hands him an envelope that is sitting on the table.

"Here open it." she says

He takes the envelope and opens it up. "Alexis this is a visitor's pass to see Laura."
"I know it's only good for tomorrow. You can stay all day so long as you don't upset the staff or Laura. You better get going the Cassadine Jet is waiting
for you. Nicholas and I hope you have a Merry Christmas Luke." Alexis says.

Turning to leave Luke comes back and grabs Alexis in a hug. Whispering in her ear he say's "I had Claude leave you something very special up in your
bedroom. It's something you lost. You hold on tight to it this time Natasha! Don't you let anyone or any thing take it away from you again. Not even that
royal pride. You promise me you will hold on to it forever." Luke pulls back to look at her.

"I promise Luke I will hold on to it forever this time. What is it?” She asks smiling at him.

"Hey I got a jet to catch to see an angel that is waiting for me. Merry Christmas." Luke runs out of the cottage.

I better go see what he left. Alexis thinks. Just then she hears Kristina's cries from the baby monitor. Well it will keep for a little longer.

Half an hour later. Kristina has been fed changed and rocked back to sleep. Well I better go see what Luke left. Lord knows what it is. When she reaches
her bedroom she pushes the door open. All she can see from the firelight is a lump in her bed covered by the quilt.

She turns on the bedside lamp. Definitely a body. OHHHH Helena he got rid of her and gave me the body. Luke you are so thoughtful. Wait you better
not think like that I bet Santa just took away a present for a naughty thought like that. Well suck it up girl just whip back that quilt and see what he left.
How bad could it be?

Alexis whips back the quilt and immediately stops breathing. Her whole body has frozen. She can't even think. Finally her oxygen deprived brain kicks in
and says BREATHE! Oh my God! He didn't, how did he, how could he! I'm going to kill him! Then Alexis recalls what Luke told her before he left.

"It's something you lost. You hold on tight to it this time Natasha! Don't you let anyone or any thing take it away from you again. Not even that royal
pride. You promise me you will hold on to it forever."

"I promise Luke I will hold on to it forever this time."

Damn you Luke Spencer. She wipes the tears from her face. He is just what I wanted! I always try to keep my promises.

"Sonny, Sonny wake up." Alexis says shaking him. But he groans and rolls towards her letting out a rum laced breathe.

"Sweet mother of God your Loaded! Cripes! No way I can get you out of that bed. Well it is kingsize so there is plenty of room for the two of us. Careful
girl or your gonna lose another present the way your brain is going. Well he can't sleep in all those clothes. I better get some of them off."

First go the shoes and socks. Now you know Sonny just has to wear that trench coat. First Alexis tugs at his left arm no good she can't get it off. I'm
gonna have to get him to sit up. She tries tugging on him that doesn’t work. Hmmmmmm. I can prop him up with the pillows. She climbs up on the bed and
sits on the top of his thighs. She pulls the pillows over so she can reach them. She grabs him by the collar of his coat and pulls him to her. She wraps her
left arm around his neck to hold him while with her right hand she puts the pillows behind him. And finally let's go and Wala he stays upright.

Now she pushes the coat over his shoulders and works his arms out. Then goes the Armani jacket. Then she unbuttons his dress shirt and divests him of

Now all this movement drunken stupor or not some of Sonny's senses never sleep!

She starts to roll the t-shirt up his chest when two of the pillows shoot out and Sonny goes falling back taking Alexis with him.

Woof! The breath leaves her as she crashes into his half bare chest. His arms come around her holding her face first into his chest.

She starts to push "Sonny Baby as much as I love this I can't breathe." Letting loose of the t-shirt she forces her arms out and breaks his hold on her.
"Ok the t-shirt stays on. Much to my disappointment but I have to breathe."

The pants are the next to go. As she slides off of him she notices a lump in his pants.

"I bet that isn't coal. There you go Alexis that one really cost you a present." With shaking hands she opens the belt unsnaps the pants and slowly pulls
down the zipper. She sticks her fingers in the sides of his pants and pulls them down.

Holding them in triumph and finally taking a breath again she puts them on a chair with the coat, jacket, and dress shirt. Turning back to look at him she
gasps in horror!

There is Sonny laying on her bed in a T-shirt and a pair of Black Satin Boxers. That have of all things Strawberries printed on them!

Well there is no way in heck any Black Satin anything is ever touching any bed I sleep in again those things are going! And Alexis walks back over to him
and yanks them off. Which elicits a moan from Sonny as that lump didn't take the yanking to well.

Holding the offensive boxers by two fingers she tosses them into the fire where they burst into flames.

Before she even can think about it she shoves his legs under the sheets and quilt. Covering him up.

"Of all the nerve coming here in those things. I hope Santa takes away all your presents."
Alexis says as she climbs into the other side of the bed. How could he buy something like that to wear for Carly.

Just wait till he wakes up I'm gonna give him the what for.

Thank you Luke. I love my present and I am going to hold on to him forever this time. Bad underwear or not.

My God! My head! I should know better than to drink a bottle of rum. What was I thinking! Ok. Open one eye at a time. Prepare your self for the pain of
daylight. Not too bad fairly dark in here yet. Ok open the second eye. OK! Both eyes open. What the Heck? I don't know that ceiling. Why don't I know
that ceiling? Maybe you idiot because you aren't in your own bed?

Slowly Sonny looks down. He doesn’t know this quilt either. Next he slowly turns his head to the left. There is a lump next to him. It looks like a body.
Dear God please tell me I didn't go to Bobbie's after Carly. Maybe I can sneak out before she wakes up. Sonny slowly turns his head to the right. The last
light coming from the fireplace illuminates a picture on the nightstand. It can't be I can't be here! I was at Luke's I think he came in. Yea he did he said
something. Ok close your eyes. You must be dreaming. Open your eyes again. You will find you are in your own bed in the penthouse. One Two Three. Eyes
open head right. Still the same picture frame with the same picture. It's a picture of Alexis and Kristina. Suddenly there comes a cry through the baby
monitor. He feels the lump next to him start to move. Then suddenly the quilt is flung over his head. He hears Alexis say "Okay sweetie. Mommy's coming.
Just let me grab my robe."

Sonny hears her feet hit the floor and then her footsteps as she walks away. Next he hears her in the monitor. "Here I am baby. Come here my girl let's
get those pampers changed. Then Breakfast is ready."

Sonny smiles she is such a natural. I know she was terrified about being a Mom. I should have been with her. "Ok. Let's sit in the rocker. Breakfast is now
being served." and Alexis starts to hum.

I should leave. I don't know how I got here. But she can't be happy with me. Sonny goes to swing his legs out of the bed and finally realizes something. He
has on a t-shirt but his boxers are gone! Looking around the room he sees his clothes on a chair. They must be over there. He gets up off the bed and
looks down as his foot has bumped something. A trash can. With a “That can't be! We didn't! I would remember that.” But alas it is a used condom hanging
on the edge of the can. Just like it had been tossed from the bed. Oh God what did I do?

"There you go sweetie all done. You got a burp for your Mom." Sonny can hear her patting the baby and then a burp.

"Back to sleep again huh. Well that sounds good to me too. I'm going to hit the sheets again too." Alexis puts Kristina back in her crib and starts back
down the hall.

Oh boy what do I do? No pants back under the covers. And Sonny dives back under the covers just yanking the quilt over his head before she comes back
in. He hopes everything looks as she left it. Sonny hears her toss the robe aside and then feels the bed dip as she gets back under the covers.
"AAHHHHH" Alexis sighs and snuggles back under the covers with her back to Sonny. A few minutes later he hears her breathing that of the sleeping.
What the heck is going on? Did she not know I'm here? Does she think I'm still asleep? If she thinks I'm asleep and we made love last night why is she on
that side of the bed? Why isn't she cuddled up next to me? What the hell am I going to do? My head hurts. Maybe if I sleep a little longer I will be able
to figure it all out. And Sonny falls back to sleep.

Three hours later Sonny wakes up. Damn it? I wasn't dreaming. I'm still here in Alexis's bed. He turns his head left but that side of the bed is empty. He
turns his head right but this time on the night stand is a glass of water two aspirin and a note." Left towels etc. in bathroom for you. Come downstairs
when you’re ready. Breakfast will be waiting for you."

At least now I know she knows I'm here. He gets up looks at the trash can again. How could I not remember that? He walks to a door opens it. Yup, the
bathroom. He is amazed. Now this is a bathroom. It has the biggest old fashioned tub he has ever seen in the middle of the room. Off to the right is the
shower. I better do the shower. That tub though. We could so easily fit in that tub. Get in the shower the ladies are waiting for you. Taking off the t-
shirt he opens the door the shower has jets all through it a seat big enough for two. It even doubles as a sauna. His thoughts start to wander about what
he and Alexis could do in this shower. With that he turns the water to cold so he cools down.

He finds the towels comb toothbrush lying on the counter where she left them. Her things are laid out. Her brush. Silver with her name engraved on it.
He runs his fingers over the letters. Sighing he hangs up the towels. And puts his clothes back on. Still he doesn’t find his boxers. What the hell
happened to them. Jez do I ask Alexis or just forget it? I better just take it one step at a time. I wonder who she got to deliver breakfast to her. Sonny
walks out of the bedroom. He looks down into the living room his breath leaves. There is Alexis in a beautiful red robe. Holding Kristina showing her the
lights and ornaments on the tree. How could I ever have let her get away from me? I'm keeping her this time. He starts down the stairs. Hearing his
footsteps Alexis turns to look at him. He realizes her face has become a mask he can't read.

"Merry Christmas" she says. Stepping up to them Sonny says "Merry Christmas. Alexis about last night I..."

"I don't want to talk about that right now. I'm starved. Let's eat then we can talk or yell all you want." Alexis said walking to the kitchen.

Sonny had no choice but to follow her. The table was set and Alexis had put Kristina in her carrier. "Sit down Sonny." Alexis pulled the plates out of the
oven where she had left them to stay warm.

There was a bowl of fresh fruits cut into slices on the table a glass of O.J. and she set the plate down he saw it was an omelet. She took her own seat
across from him and said. "Well go on eat before it gets cold. A little food should help your hangover you know." And Alexis started eating her own
breakfast. Sonny thought about the last breakfast they had shared as he dug into his food.
Suddenly it hit him this was good and he didn't recognize where this breakfast came from. "Alexis who made this. This is great!"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told." she replied.

"Really Alexis who did you get to deliver this."

"No one delivered it Sonny. I made that omelet myself." Alexis said unable to keep from grinning. Once she had over come her fear Alexis was surprised
how well she actually cooked.

"What did you say?" he asked he was sure he had misunderstood her.

"Don't look so stunned. I made this omelet myself. After all I have Kristina. I don't want servants to feed her every meal like I did. I can't believe how
independent it made me feel once I conquered my fear. You don't need to worry I can feed Kristina healthy meals just like you can." She said.

That was the first time she had ever even begun to admit Kristina was his daughter. They finished their meal in silence. Kristina decided it was time for
her to eat again and let out a wail. "Just leave those dishes Sonny I will take care of them later. Your daughter is hungry." Alexis said taking Kristina and
walking back into the living room. Sonny being Sonny didn't listen and cleaned up the kitchen. It gave him time to think. Walking into the other room he
finds Alexis sitting in the rocker breast feeding Kristina. "I'm sorry I'll wait in the kitchen. "

"It's ok Sonny. It's not like they are something you haven't seen before. I don't know why but it never has embarrassed me to breast fed her anywhere.
You of all people should be able to watch."

Sonny sat on the floor in front of the rocker and watched his daughter eat. "Would you like to burp her? Here take her."

And for the first time Sonny held his own living breathing child. It wasn't, long burp accomplished, Kristina fell back to sleep.

He has never seen anything more beautiful.

His daughter nursing from her mother, the woman he loves more than any one else in the world.

Alexis has her eyes closed and is slowly rocking back and forth. Silent tears running down her face.

Sonny kneels down in front of her and stops her rocking motion. He reaches out and wipes away her tears.

"Look at me Alexis. Please." Sonny begs.

She opens her eyes and he sees a sadness that breaks his heart into more pieces. The knowledge that he put that look into her eyes and into her heart.

"Give me today to make things better. Please give me one more chance to earn your love." Sonny pleads.

"Alright. I must be out of my mind though." She said.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. It may be a few hours though."

Sonny leans forward and gives Alexis the sweetest kiss he can. Then he gently kisses the top of Kristina's head.

He is almost to the door when Alexis says "Oh. Sonny I forgot. I promised Lila, Kristina and I would come over for an early dinner with her. I can't
disappoint her!"

Turning back Sonny grins at her. "Don't you worry about Lila. I will explain everything to her. You know Lila is the second best friend I have ever had."

He went and got his jacket and coat from the bedroom and went down the stairs. Then it hit him. He had no car. Damnit I should have called for the limo.
He looks at the hall table and there are the keys to Alexis's car. This is better now I don't have to worry about her driving some where.

Three hours later Sonny pulled up to the Q's mansion. Benny had been thrilled when he found out what Sonny wanted. Benny had called Johnny who had
begged to help Sonny accomplish his goal in the shortest time possible.

It was spending those three hours with Johnny and Benny that Sonny finally found out what his men thought about his taking back Carly.

And when he discovered that a few had actually wanted to kill Carly and Sonny when they had found out Alexis was pregnant.

Unbeknownst to Sonny they all took turns trying to keep an eye on Alexis. He learned they almost got rid of Carly after they found out about Alexis being
left in labor in the park. It was one of the few nights everyone had been assigned to something. Three of them were chasing Carly around. They felt that
was why no one had been with Alexis.

Obviously they made sure she never saw them. Max and Johnny had seen Alcazar torment Alexis at the hospital.

It was then they decided to get rid of him, and they did. Johnny wouldn't say whether it was he or Max who pushed Alcazar. But they assured Sonny if
anyone else was arrested for it that they deemed worthy they could prove with out a doubt that they had acted in self defense.
"Why have you done all this for her? You would never have done this for Carly!" Sonny said.

"Because Ms. Davis has always treated us as equals and with respect. Not like servants." Johnny said.

Sonny got out of the car and rang the bell. Reginald answered the door. "May I please speak to Mrs. Quartermaine?" He asked.

"This is going to be good isn't it?" Reginald asked.

Sonny just grinned at him. As he was led into the drawing room.

"Get out you Mobster!" Edward yelled.

"Hush Edward its Christmas. Hello Michael. How lovely to see you." Lila said.

Ned standing in the back by the patio doors is fuming. How dare he come here? He thinks.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Sonny says as he leans over kisses Lila's cheek. Then he whispers in her ear. "Hang on beautiful. Santa Luke made all my
wishes come true last night."

"Oh. How wonderful dear boy. Luke always seems to do the most delightfully unexpected things. Go ahead tell everyone what he gave you for Christmas."
Lila says smiling at him.

Reaching into his coat he pulls out two envelopes. He walks over to Ned and says. "Merry Christmas Nedly. In this envelope you will find the correct
results of the DNA tests that you had forged. As you already know Kristina is my daughter. Just so you know I never believed otherwise. You can ask
your grandmother about that if you don't believe me. Lila has also always known what Alexis is like. Lila never believed for a moment that she would sleep
with you when her sister was sleeping with you. Never! But they were in danger because of Alcazar and it was better for them to be kept away from me.
But that threat is gone now. Thanks for hiring Ric to go after Carly. That got her out of my bed forever. Luke God love him listened to my drunken ravings
last night at his club. He figured out what was really going on. He and Claude took me home. Luke had Claude put me to bed while he had a nice little chat
and exchanged Christmas gifts with Alexis. She gave him a pass and the jet to go spend today with Laura. Luke well he is just so darn intuitive. He gave
Alexis me for Christmas. Had Claude wrap me up in her bed and everything. Yup that Luke always comes through for his friends. Any way Merry Christmas
Ned!" Sonny starts to turn away from him and slaps his palm to his forehead. Turning back to Ned he says "I almost forgot the second envelope has a
copy of Kristina's birth certificate in it. Kristina Adele Cassadine Davis Corinthos. Alexis just hadn't filed the certificate yet. Benny found it and filed it
for her. So that's one less thing for her to worry her beautiful little head about. Now I could have also had a restraining order put in there for you but
it's Christmas what the heck your a smart man Nedly. You know enough to stay away from my child and her mother now don't you?” Sonny then walked
back to Lila kissed her cheek once more and said. "Thank you Lila. You gave me faith when I thought it was all gone. Alexis and I will bring Kristina over to
see you tomorrow. Tonight we want to celebrate our daughter's first Christmas alone."

"Michael you tell Alexis I understand completely. Nothing is quite as wonderful as when you spend your first Christmas Alone with your family. I'll see the
three of you tomorrow." Lila said.

Fifteen minutes later Sonny pulls up at Alexis's cottage once more. Home. He thinks. His heart feels so much lighter.

She isn't going to be happy about the birth certificate. But I can take a little heat if it means I get what I want.

I got to think of something to do for Luke. He uses the key on the ring and opens the door. He doesn’t see them down stairs. So he goes up the stairs to
find his women. Better not ever say that out loud. Alexis would have a cow.

He looks in the nursery first but they aren't in there. He goes back to the bedroom. There they are. His ladies.

Curled up in the middle of that big bed. Kristina sprawled across her mother's chest. Both sound asleep.

That's good I need the time to get ready. He leans over and kisses both of them gently on the forehead. Sonny wants nothing more than to crawl into
that bed with them. But right now he needs to get his surprise for them ready.

He hopes Lila is right he has only to speak from his heart to have all his Christmas wishes granted. Sonny heads down the stairs to get everything ready
for all of them.

The smell of food woke Alexis slowly. God I haven't smelled anything that wonderful since. Well since Sonny last cooked for me. Looking down she saw
Kristina was awake and looking at her. "Ok sweetie. Let's get all dolled up for your Daddy. It smells like he has been doing something wonderful in the

Twenty minutes later Alexis and Kristina enter the kitchen looking for Sonny. He turns towards them when he hears the door open. His breathing stops
for a moment.

They are so beautiful. Kristina is in a beautiful royal blue velvety dress with white lace at the cuffs and collar. Alexis is in the same royal blue velvety
dress. Hers stops at the tops of her knees. It shows every curve. Hers has a sweetheart neckline and a zipper up the back. She has swept her hair up into
a small bun on the back of her head.

Her beautiful neck is exposed for his gaze. I love her neck. Her pulse is beating faster. I hope I am the reason it is beating faster. Is she remembering
the things I did to her neck? I finally pull my gaze back up to her eyes. She is remembering. Her eyes have become huge. I don't want to make her

"Good evening Ladies. Or should I say Princesses? Come on let me show you to your seats." Sonny holds his arm out for Alexis to take. And walks them
into the dining room.

As she takes his arm she thinks. He is so handsome in that tuxedo. God I hope I don't have drool running down my face. What was I thinking staring at
him like that? Get a grip. You have a baby here. What would she think if she saw her mother throw her father down on the table and ravish him? Alexis
lets Sonny take Kristina from her and put her in her carrier that is set in the middle of the table.

Grinning at her Sonny says "I thought Kristina should have the best seat in the house. Is she gonna get hungry Alexis?"

"God I hope not!" Seeing the look on his face she quickly adds. "Well I'm breast feeding her and getting this dress down to feed .......Oh God I can't
believe I said that." as she blushes.

"It's ok. I know what you mean. For future reference I will gladly help you out of it if Kristina gets hungry. Let me go get our dinner." Sonny walks back
into the kitchen. A few minutes later Sonny watches Alexis eat with gusto. I love to watch her eat. Most of the time it's like it could be the last meal she
going to have.

"Sonny this is so good. Way better than anything I would have had at the Q's. Was Lila upset?"

"No. I told her we would bring the baby over to see her tomorrow. She said to tell you that a baby's first Christmas is special and not to worry about
anything. How about desert? Let me clear these plates away and I will be right back." He picked up the plates and was back in a few moments with desert.

A beautiful chocolate cake. Sprinkled in powder sugar on the top it said Merry Christmas Alexis, Sonny and Kristina. Seeing the questioning look on her
face Sonny told her. "I had a little help from Johnny with the food. He had the cake and decorated it. I didn't even see it until I opened the box just
now. Let's see if it tastes as good as it looks." He cuts each of them a slice.

"I didn't know Johnny could bake like that. If I had I would have hired him away from you." Alexis said laughing at him.

"He would leave me and come to work for you Alexis. Max and the others would too. They adore you as I was told earlier today. Hell I think Benny would
leave me if you asked him too. Sonny picked up their empty plates and took them to the kitchen. When he came back he took Kristina and her carrier and
held his arm out to Alexis.

"Let's go in the living room and sit in front of the fire. He sat Kristina and her carrier down on the carpet in front of the tree so she could see all the
lights. He helps Alexis sit down on the carpet next to her then he sits beside her. He handed Alexis a present with Kristina's name on it.

"Open it for her."

"Oh Sonny are you sure you want to give this up. It was yours wasn't it?" Alexis says looking a well worn but obviously very loved Sock Monkey.

"Yes very sure. My mother made that I always planned on giving it to my first born child." He told her. "His name is Jingles he used to have bells on his
feet. When my mother first gave him to me." He looks up from the sock monkey and sees tears running down Alexis's face.

Sonny takes the Monkey from her hands. He wipes the tears from her face tilting her chin up so she has to look at him.

"Hey no tears tonight. The three of us are right where we belong together. I love you Alexis. I know I'm going to have to work hard to prove it to you.
You have no reason to believe me. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have made you listen to how I felt that day when you sent me back to her. I
was scared. Carly was easy I always know what to expect. When I'm with you I know you want me to be better than I am. I want to be a better man too.
And well you really don't need me for anything and I'm......"

Sonny can say no more because Alexis has thrown her arms around him and is kissing him.

Pulling back Alexis looks at him and says "I don't know where you got the idea that I don't need you. But you’re wrong. I need you for everything. You’re
the only one that ever has a paper bag when I need one and that knows when to hand it to me. You make me feel like I am so much more than a good
lawyer. I haven't told any one else any of my secrets or fears. Because, well, that's what I have you for. It just doesn’t feel right to tell things to
someone else. I need you to make sure I eat right. Tonight was the first decent meal I have had in almost a year. There isn't anyone else on the face of
this earth that I want to share with what I think about Kristina, then you, her father. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was so afraid. I have Helena in my
life the people in yours are nothing compared to her. I was afraid you would just want Kristina and not me. Or that you would pretend to want me
when you didn't because of her. I don't want you to be a better man. I just want you to be the real Michael J. Corinthos. The man you showed to me all
the time. I love you so much and I was so afraid of losing you that I guess I just thought it would be better if I didn't have you to start with it wouldn't
hurt so much when you were gone. But I was so wrong Sonny my heart already had you. And I'm afraid, you, I'm going to keep you this time whether you
want to stay or not. You just don't have any say in the matter. Kristina and I have decided your staying here with us forever." And this time Sonny is the
one that quiets her with a kiss.

Pulling back Sonny looks deeply into Alexis's eyes and says "I'm glad you and Kristina have decided I'm staying with you two forever. There isn't any where else I
want to be. How about if I take you and Kristina up stairs. We put her to bed and I show you how much I love you."

Leaning over and kissing her forehead. Sonny takes Alexis's arm and leads her to the bedroom. Which somehow has been filled with Gardenia's and pink roses.
Candles are lit all around and the only light comes from them and the fire that is glowing in the fireplace. I'll be Home for Christmas is playing in the back ground.
"May I have this dance." Sonny says as he sweeps her into his arms. He pulls her close to him and puts her hand over his heart. Alexis snuggles next to him and
breathes into his neck. He smells so good and she places a kiss on his throat where she sees his pulse beating. Sighing Sonny buries his face in her neck inhaling the
scent that she knows is only Alexis. He kisses her neck. He can't help him self. He kisses her throat again small kisses that somehow lead him up to the shell of her
ear. He traces the out line of her ear with his tongue. Alexis can't help herself and she lets out a moan. She didn't think she would ever be standing with him like
this again. She leans in and kisses his throat working her way up to his ear she traces it's outline with her tongue. I love you she whispers. Pulling back Sonny looks
at her and says I love you. He crashes his lips down on hers. Running his tongue across her lips until she moans and lets him inside her mouth. Their tongues meet at
first like tentative young lovers then like old lovers who have been kept apart too long. Tongues running along each others palates. She sucks his lower lip into her
mouth. She pulls back and moves her hands up and takes his black tie off. With shaking hands she starts to unbutton his shirt. Running kisses on each part of his
flesh she uncovers. She tugs the shirt yanking it out of his pants. She takes small step back away from him so she can look her fill at him. Her fingers race along his
chest. Tracing the scars that were meant for her body but rest on his forever. Leaning forward she kisses each one slowly pushing him back to the bed. As her lips
close around one of his nipples the backs of his knees hit the bed and he sits down. Moaning at the loss of contact Alexis steps out of her shoes and kneels before
him. Kissing and licking his chest once more. Her hands reach for his belt and undoes it. Moving her mouth down lower to wear the top of the zipper starts. Taking it
gently in her teeth she pulls it down carefully. Moaning Sonny puts his hands in her hair and pulls out the diamond barrette holding it up and tosses it aside. He runs
his hands through her hair. He kicks his shoes off. She hooks her thumbs in the sides of his pants and tugs. He lifts up and swoosh off go the pants tossed behind
Alexis. She runs her palms up his firm thighs as she presses kisses up and down his long shaft. Oh God Alexis. Sonny moans as her tongue follows the path of her
lips. Her hands move his thighs farther apart so she can get closer to him. She traces the outline of his cockhead with her tongue. Then she lightly runs her teeth
over the head just before she opens her mouth wide and engulfs all of him. He moans out loud now beyond words. Her tongues slides up and down his shaft and her
hands palm his balls. Gently rolling them. She pulls her mouth off of his hard cock and runs kisses from the top down to his balls. Where she gently caresses him
with her tongue before she goes back to the top of his cock and engulfs his length again. She starts to quicken her pace up and down and her tongue goes around and
around. He arches and falls back against the bed. Alexis raises up on her knees not letting him escape her hot mouth. Faster she pumps him as her fingers lightly
caress his balls. Oh god Alexis I'm gonna cum baby you have to stop. That just goads her into taking more of him into her mouth sucking longer and harder rolling his
balls faster in her palms. Finally he can hold back no longer and spurts his hot seed into her mouth. Alexis moans as it hits the back of her throat. When she has
sucked the last out of him she pulls her mouth off him. Yummy. Alexis says to him. Sonny grabs her arms and yanks her up onto his chest. He wraps her tightly in his
arms. As his breath starts to become more even he starts to unzip the dress. He slowly pushes her upright when she is standing before him he gently pulls her dress
down off of her shoulders and lets it pool around her feet. He looks his fill at her. Her breasts are fuller and rounder. He runs his hands over them loving the feel.
He moves his hands down to he belly where faint stretch marks remain from where she carried his child. Filled with awe at the thought of it he wraps his arms
around her burying his face in her belly. Alexis feels the tears on her and runs her hands through his hair. Murmuring soothing words. Sonny drags her down onto his
lap. Nuzzling her neck. He looks in her eyes and says I love you so much I'm so sorry about everything. Sonny....Shhhhh he tells her. He turns and lays her full length
out on the bed. He hovers over her and kisses her. His tongue mingling with hers. he moves to her throat kissing biting marking her as his. He moves down to her
breasts. Sucking in one nipple tasting what she feeds their daughter. The other nipple he pinches lightly with is fingers. She starts to squirm underneath him. Sonny
slides his body down hers kissing his way. He stops at her belly button and laves it with his tongue. Sonny Alexis moans. It's okay baby. He moves her legs apart he
can smell her now. He kisses her thighs he runs his tongue along the inside of her knees. He moves back up to her center. He sees her clit waiting for his touch. He
can see how wet she is dripping wet all for him. He licks her very lightly. Sonnyyyy she moans. He licks her a little harder now. She tries to move her legs he holds
them still. Again he licks her harder finally he sucks her lips into his mouth. He lets go sticking his tongue inside her. He starts to fuck her with his tongue. She
moans louder. He lets loose of her legs and slides his hands under her ass lifting her up to him even more. Her legs come up over his shoulders she tries to pull his
whole face into her. Feeling her thrashing and starting to shake spurs him on and he licks and lightly bites her even more. Finally he feels her contracting with her
first orgasm. Alexis screams his name Sonnyyyy as she cums for what seems like an eternity. Her legs fall off his shoulder and sliding back up her he stops to kiss
her belly then each of her breasts, her throat and finally he takes her mouth in his. When he pulls away from he she says to him Sonny I want you in me now. Alexis
are you sure. Now Sonny please. She reaches for his cock pulling him into her. She is so wet that he easily slides in her as far as he can go. Sonny moans at the feel
of being back inside of her. He fits in her she was made just for him. He starts to pump in and out of her. Their bodies easily sliding back into the rhythm they had
on the night they created their daughter. Her legs come around his in and out out and in. Their breathing heavier faster. Their hearts beat heavier and faster in
time with each other. He is ready to cum again. He wants her to hurry and cum with him he reaches down between them and grasps her clit. Sonnyyyy .As Alexis
starts to cum he slides his mouth down on hers calling her name as he spills his seed into her. Finally he moves off the top of her. No don't go away she murmurs half
asleep. Shhhh it's ok. I'm never going away again. Sonny pulls the quilt over top of them. Pulling her to him.

As he starts to close his eyes in sleep he whispers to her I'm home Alexis here with you and Kristina I'm finally home.

The End

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