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Sexis After Hours!!

Alexis was lost in Sonny's arms and sweet, sweet mouth. It was better than any of her fantasies. Apparently Sonny defied imagination. She couldn't get close enough
to him or get her tongue deep enough into his mouth. She heard his moan as her tongue tickled the top of his palate. Sonny held her even more tightly and was about
to make short work of the zipper on the back of her red dress when he realized that the lights seemed to be flashing on and off. Alexis too had been moving her
hands from the back of Sonny's neck to his chest so she could get his shirt off and feel his flesh against her when she too noticed the flashing lights. Alexis
wondered if it was the police coming to arrest her for the criminal thoughts that were currently running with abandon through her mind when she and Sonny pulled
regretfully out of the kiss to look toward the flashing lights. Alexis and Sonny suddenly remembered where they were and that a bevy of reporters had been flashing
pictures of what should have been a very private moment. More terrifying than the reporters, however, was the sea of Port Charles' finest citizens whose
expressions ranged from awe (Kristina), anger (Jax), angst (Ned), to absolute shock (Nikolas). Sonny felt Alexis' sharp intake of breath and was afraid she'd pull
away. But when Alexis buried her head in his chest and held him tighter, Sonny felt that he was capable of handling anything that came their way. Sonny had never
been so honored in his life than when Alexis trusted him to handle this situation. So he did.

He gave the photographers and crowd a big dimpled shit-eating lethal Sonny Corinthos grin – something he rarely ever shared with anyone but close friends. Sonny
then turned around, motioned subtly to Johnny and Max and then moved a surprisingly pliable Alexis to the right hallway so they could go out the back of the club
without facing anymore reporters. He and Alexis ignored the shouted, "Alexis – wait . . ." that came from Jax, Ned, and Kristina respectively. Max and Johnny used
their highly paid broad shoulders to create a wall that no one could get past to follow the couple.

All was going well except for one thing. Unfortunately, the hallway did not lead to an exit. Alexis had been buried in Sonny's neck whimpering in embarrassment when
he suddenly noticed she'd lost her focus. She was now placing tender kisses on his neck and her hands had moved up to his hair and she was gently running her fingers
though it at the base of this neck. Sonny gasped at the feelings that shut to his crotch and knew that he had to be with Alexis immediately and didn't have time to
fight the press, crowd, or Alexis' guard dogs.

He saw a door and opened it praying it wasn't a closet. Alexis removed her mouth from Sonny's flesh and looked down some poorly lit stairs a little confused. Sonny
saw the stairway leading down and said to Alexis, "It's okay . . . get down there."

Alexis still holding tightly on to Sonny slowly and carefully moved down the stairs with him. "Sonny, is this the way out?" Alexis asked with some trepidation. Sonny
sighed and turned toward Alexis so that she could see his tented pants. "Alexis, there was no back door but I just couldn't wait to be with you." Sonny looked down in
embarrassment, "I'm sorry. We should go. You deserve better than a basement."

Alexis smiled and took Sonny's hand and pulled, "Are you kidding? Let's check this place out.. As far as I can see it has three very good things going for it." Sonny
followed Alexis as she pulled him into what was obviously a storage facility for the club. Not the most romantic place for their first time.

Sonny raised his eyebrows and looked at Alexis waiting for her to tell him the three "good" things going for this basement. Alexis released Sonny's hand and went
into logical lawyer mode with him, "Number one, it is certainly private here - no press, no sisters, no ex-spouses, no rat bastard ex-fiancés that move on to your sister,
and no sniveling Quartermaine’s, although that might be redundant."

Sonny nodded and added pointedly looking at Alexis, "and no upstart employee wannabes touching who they shouldn't even think about touching if they want to remain

Alexis coughed and went on. "Number two, we won't starve or go thirsty," she said as she picked up a jar of olives and a bottle of Stolys' Vodka off of two shelves..
She handed Sonny the vodka and the olives. Then, Alexis looked around and went to a linen shelf where she pulled out a pressed white table cloth and laid it carefully
over a large crate. Alexis continued foraging as she found two martini glasses and placed them on top of the table cloth. Alexis grabbed five small candle holders with
votives inside and set them on the middle of the crate. She reached into her purse that had been hanging over her shoulder and pulled out a set of matches from
Carly's club and lit the candles. Alexis then went and found the lights and turned them off so they were in the glow of the candles. Alexis decided they needed a little
more light, so she went back to the shelves and pulled off another five candle holders and lit them as well. She looked up at an amazed Sonny and said, "Voila – a most
romantic setting for dinner."

"Olives and Vodka?" Sonny asked with amusement.

"You have your ethnic traditions, and I have mine." Alexis said regally her Cassadine royal genes showing. "In Russia, this is the standard evening meal. Any
complaints?" Sonny approached Alexis slowly like a panther and gently placed the vodka and olives on the table as he continued moving toward her with a look in his
eyes that cut off Alexis' air flow. Sonny stopped so close to Alexis she felt they were breathing as one. Sonny moved his lips in close to hers and said, "While I intend
to drink, lick, bite, suck, and even eat, it's not going to be Vodka and olives I devour. Know what I'm saying?"

Alexis grabbed Sonny's labels and pulled him closer to her and ran her tongue across his lower lip seductively before saying, "Okay, screw the Vodka, olives, and
ethnic traditions." Sonny captured Alexis tongue in his mouth sucking her into a kiss. As much as he was into the kiss something was nagging him and he pulled out,
"What's Number three, Alexis."

Alexis looked at him confused and frustrated that he'd stopped the kiss, "What?"

"You said that this basement had three things going for it, no people, food and drink, what's number three."

Alexis grinned, "You!" as she pulled him back into the kiss. Sonny moaned and finally moved his hands to the zipper on Alexis' red dress. Alexis began unbuttoning
Sonny's shirt so that she could get her hands on his flesh. She wasn't even aware that her dress had begun to collapse and was only being held up by her arms
struggling with Sonny's buttons. Sonny wanted her dress off of her so he quickly removed his jacket and shirt not breaking the kiss with Alexis. As she moved her
hands to his flesh hungrily, Sonny stopped the kiss and grabbed her hands roughly and pulled them off of him as Alexis stared at him in confusion before Sonny pulled
her dress down so it fell to the floor. Alexis wore a matching red lace bra, panties, and garter set that caused Sonny to stagger for a moment as his knees gave way
briefly. "Get over here," Sonny growled as he pulled Alexis back into his arms devouring her mouth as his hands were struggling to find the clasp on the back of her
bra. Alexis began to laugh into his mouth causing Sonny even more frustration than her damn lace bra.

As Sonny finally began pulling on the bra trying to rip it off of her, Alexis interrupted, "Sonny, Sonny. The clasp is in front, baby." Alexis said with a grin as she
reached to release it. Sonny purred like a kitten at the sound of Alexis Davis calling him baby and gently met her hands at the clasp of her bra "helping" her to
release it. Sonny's intake of breath when the clasp opened caused a surge of heat down in Alexis' core and she knew she was wet and ready for him just from that
response alone. Sonny's previously frustrated and clumsy grabbing at the bra were replaced as using both hands, he gently pushed the bra aside replacing it with his
hands. Alexis herself gasped at the feel of his hands gently holding her breasts as he leaned in and kissed the hollow of her throat lightly darting his tongue in as he
had longed to do forever. This was typically the only part of Alexis she would show in all of her tailored suits and he never admitted to himself before how much he
wanted to place his lips just there. But now to be there with his hands massaging her breasts as her nipples hardened just from the touch of his palms was driving him
over the edge. When Alexis flung back her head almost unconsciously to allow him better access to her throat and body, he thought he'd died. He was so focused on
the feelings running through him as he touched Alexis that he jumped when he felt her hands at his pants quickly unfastening them. She lowered her head to look to
see if he wanted her to continue and he raised his head to meet her mouth with a kiss that said, "Yes, touch me," so loudly Alexis started tearing at his zipper and
lowering his pants running her hands down his naked hips causing her to moan into Sonny's kiss as she realized he wasn't wearing underwear. Sonny's hands had not
been idle as he reached for Alexis' garter clasps and deftly released each one as Alexis ran her hands from his hips to his hard cock. Alexis gasped as she felt
Sonny's hands run up her ass and slowly separate her cheeks as he came at her core from behind causing her to buck and thrust toward Sonny's penis, which she still
held in her hand.

At Alexis' response Sonny grinned into her mouth and said, "Oh baby, you like that?"

Alexis moaned, "Don't be so cocky. Speaking of which . . ." Alexis ran her fingernails gently up Sonny's shaft to the tip grazing the opening just as Sonny found
Alexis' clit as he reached further and deeper around her ass and between her legs. Alexis' move caused Sonny to squeeze Alexis' clit harder then he meant to and
the two
collapsed together to the floor both ready to explode. Sonny released Alexis much to her consternation and stretched his arm out to a nearby shelf and pulled a
couple more linen table cloths down. He spread them on the floor quickly and moved Alexis over to the linens. She was touching and pulling to get Sonny's pants off
altogether when suddenly she felt Sonny ripping none to gently her lace panties right off of her. Her garter was still hooked around her waist but Sonny didn't
bother with it as it wasn't in his way. He grabbed Alexis' left leg and put it up to his shoulder as he reached forward and pulled on her stockings watching her as he
rolled it gently down her magnificent leg. He did the same with her right leg and then he slowly started kissing Alexis literally from the tips of her toes up her leg
slowly taking a small bite at the back of her knee causing her to moan. Alexis lay back on the linen trying to keep the orgasm about to rock her from hitting while
Sonny was only kissing her legs. Sonny felt the shivers and heard her attempts to stifle her moans, but would not move up her leg any faster. He could not keep
himself, however, from reaching his hands back up toward her hot wet core and his fingers once again began working their magic on Alexis. He started rubbing very
delicately this time because Sonny still worried that he had been a little rough before. Alexis' breaths began coming in gasps and he knew she was about to release.
He pushed three of his fingers into her suddenly up to his thumb which he used to keep rubbing her clit. Sonny felt Alexis' walls constrict around him before he
stopped kissing her left thigh and looked up to watch her climax. Sonny had never been so turned on in his life than when watching Alexis come in his hand. He felt her
juices release into his hand and as Alexis propped herself up on her elbows wild eyed to look at him, he pulled his fingers out of her and brought them to his mouth
licking at sucking at them to taste her excitement. Alexis' eyes darkened and her mouth dropped open slightly exposing her tongue as she looked at Sonny with such
longing he thought he'd die. He had intended on pleasuring Alexis next with his mouth but knew that it would have to wait because he needed to be inside of her and
fast or he was going to come all over her leg. Not the romantic impression he wanted to make. As he made this decision, Sonny heard Alexis say, "Please Sonny, I need
you. I need you inside of me, right now. I can't wait." Alexis had tears streaming down her face and Sonny immediately moved forward over Alexis his lips kissing her
eyes as he looked at her and said, "Are you ready, Alexis. I don't want to hurt you baby." Sonny said as he nibbled on her lower lip. Alexis raised her hips and wrapped
her legs around Sonny trying to pull him inside of her and he smiled at her determination. Sonny was very large and typically never entered a woman completely the
first time because he didn't want to cause her discomfort. Alexis would have none of it. As Sonny entered her slowly and stopped part way. Alexis looked at him in
frustration and used her strong legs to force his hips all the way down so he would fill her. If that was not enough she spread her legs even further so he moved all
the way in so that he could feel the tip of his cock against her walls. Alexis felt amazing but she was so tight around his cock he was afraid he'd hurt her. Sonny
hadn't missed the intake of breath or the tears that fell quickly when she'd finally taken all of him inside of her. He was very still as once again he gently kissed her
tears away and then captured her lips in a kiss that could only be called a soul kiss. The kiss began sweet but then Sonny and Alexis tongue began dueling and without
intending or meaning too. Sonny realized he was moving in and out of Alexis tight hot core in the same rhythm that his tongue was moving in her mouth. Alexis was
meeting each one of his thrusts and moaned into his mouth, "More, Sonny, More. Please, faster. Oh God, Sonny harder . . .please harder . . .Oh Sonny, I need all of you,
now. God Sonny. Faster please." Alexis hips were forcing Sonny into not only a more frenzied pace, but causing him to thrust into Alexis harder and deeper than he
ever had before. She was taking everything he had and she still wanted more from him. Sonny finally released that last vestige of care and control he'd always held
back before for fear of hurting a woman because Alexis demanded it. She made it clear that she was not only not afraid to see, have, and experience all of him –
the darkness, the light, the violence just below the surface, the sweetness along with the tears buried even deeper – she demanded he show her. As he pounded into
her violently their skin slapping together Alexis only moaned in pleasure as her legs clamped and pulled him even harder against her in the same rhythm he set. Then
she accepted him fully with love he'd never thought possible. Sonny knew he was about to come and was going to move his hand to her clit so they would come
together. But before he could move them, he felt her walls constrict around him and he knew it wasn't necessary. Sonny instead moved his hands to Alexis' face to
hold her so they could gaze at each other as they climaxed together wave after wave of pleasure shooting through their bodies. Alexis hands parroted Sonny's and
she held his face between them as the two watched mesmerized by the pleasure they gave each other. Sonny released his seed deep inside of Alexis and finally
covered her lips with his in an almost chaste kiss. The were very quiet as they held fast on to each other gently touching and kissing as the orgasms finally ran their
course. Alexis' legs held Sonny down inside of her and despite their releases she didn't release her grip. Sonny pulled out of his kisses and looked at Alexis as he felt
her legs tighten around him. She gave him a shy smile and asked quietly, "Will you stay inside of me for awhile Sonny? I don't want this to . . .I mean you feel . . .it
feels . . ." Alexis shrugged helplessly, "I guess don't ever want this moment to end."

Sonny felt the same way and had no intention of pulling out of Alexis until he was hard again and they made love once more. Sonny knew he was home. As Sonny lay
quietly inside Alexis the two lightly kissing each other, touching, and speaking words of love, he suddenly realized that they had never even talked about birth control.
Suddenly Sonny remembered an embarrassing conversation he'd overheard between Kristina and Alexis about just this subject last week with Alexis warning Kristina
to be careful as she was leaving town with Ned. Kristina yelled back the same, and Alexis commenting why should she take the pill, God knew she was never going to
have sex again and then slamming her door as she saw Sonny in his doorway laughing. Sonny opened his mouth, shut it, and grinned.

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