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A List of Japanese Verbs with Kanji and Hiragana to dry up to give to correct to die to reach to regret [Day] breaks.

to reveal [a secret] to hold a grudge to consider to yearn to round to know to eat to eat to drink to rejoice ho-su ata-eru tada-su shi-nu ita-ru ku-iru a-keru a-kasu ura-mu

omonpaka-ru nen-jiru maru-meru shi-ru ta-beru shoku-suru no-mu yoroko-bu

to get angry to get angry to lament to enjoy to make to move to be upset to bear fruit to work to live to be born to bear to produce to rear to ask for to rely on to laugh to make [somebody] laugh

oko-ru ika-ru kana-shimu tano-shimu tsuku-ru ugo-ku d-jiru mino-ru tsuto-meru i-kiru u-mareru u-mu sh-jiru yashina-u tano-mu tayo-ru wara-u wara-wasu

to waver to divide to decide to be decided to believe to walk to step to strain [oneself] to strengthen to gather strength to say to be in high spirits to pay attention to become white to become sparse to become red to become black to become yellow

mayo-u wa-keru ki-meru ki-maru shin-jiru aru-ku ayu-mu riki-mu tyuyo-meru tyuyo-maru i-u isa-mu kokoro-suru shira-mu su-ku aka-ramu kuro-zumu ki-bamu

to become vacant to write to shine to become clear to make clear to repair to love to go up to raise to rise to calm down to come to make an effort to measure to study to prosper to investigate to bunch

a-ku ka-ku hika-ru ha-reru ha-rasu nao-su ai-suru a-garu a-geru nobo-ru nago-mu ku-ru tsuto-meru haka-ru mana-bu saka-eru shira-beru taba-neru

to lose or to remove to go to regard to stand up to stand [something] to distinguish to deepen to excel to excel or to grow up to run to head to feel to be against to bend to go ahead to take the place of [something] to replace to suffer

na-kusu i-ku moku-suru ta-tsu ta-teru kaku-suru fuka-meru ta-keru ch-zuru hashi-ru mu-kau kan-jiru han-suru so-ru saki-njiru ka-waru ka-eru kuru-shimu

to taste to cling to make use of to think, to suppose, or to guess

aji-wau ama-eru mochi-iru omo-u

to take the form of [a fox or a raccoon dog] ba-keru to bewitch to complete to guard to suffice to suffice to enter to put [something] into to come next to lose to intersect to mix or to combine to learn to go out ba-kasu matto-usuru mamo-ru ta-ru ta-riru hai-ru i-reru tsu-gu ushina-u maji-waru maji-eru nara-u de-ru

to aim at to be decided to add to join to rejoice to be fond of to be fond of to move up to be moved up to express to record to match to celebrate to celebrate to profit or to benefit to announce to look at to show

sada-meru sada-maru kuwa-eru kuwa-waru yoroko-bu su-ku kono-mu haya-meru haya-maru hy-suru shiru-su a-u iwa-u shuku-suru ri-suru tsu-geru mi-ru mi-seru

to order to count to narrow to carry to become rich to transmit or to inform to be connected with to point or to indicate to become extinct to eradicate to be smoky to pray to trade to pile to sparkle to remove or to detach to come off to cry

mei-jiru kazo-eru hoso-meru hako-bu to-mu tsuta-eru china-mu sa-su ta-eru ta-yasu kemu-ru ino-ru akina-u tsu-mu kira-meku hazu-su hazu-reru na-ku

to attack to remain to wither to make [something] wither to indicate to lack to bless to travel to explain to found to sharpen to pierce to compel to become complete to achieve to end to finish [something] to talk

se-meru ama-ru ka-reru ka-rasu shime-su ka-ku megu-mu tabi-suru to-ku mou-keru to-gu sa-su sema-ru na-ru na-su o-waru o-eru hana-su

to tell [a story] to talk together to wrap to fold or to break to declare

kata-ru kata-rau tsutsu-mu o-ru m-su

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