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<Jazzikinns>Addule: *walking absentmindedly down the hallways, wondering where his <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Walks through the halls aimlessly,

wondering what to do since he has some free time. * <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *downstairs in the basement messing witht he fuse box* hmm hmm hmm =w= *lights go out in the building* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *looks up at the lights, sighs, and stops in the hall* <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Stops what he'd been doing, and walks to the nearest wall, putting his hands on it, and looks around.* What the hell..? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -we was in a good mood and he was going to head outside to sit on a step and play his newly aquired guitar. He stopped dead in his tracks when the lights went out and frowned<Double-AA-202>Lewis; * Sighed, and pulled out his phone, pressing a button to light it up.* Ahh, now I've lost where I was. Dammit. * He said to himself, looking around with the light of his phone.* <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *flys up to a vent and crawls in* kekekek * crawling around* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -slowly walks forward, feeling the wall with his hand. He turns a corner and sees Lewis and his phone- Hullo? <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Hearing someone, but not close enough to see their face in his small phone light, he looks in the direction of it, and shines his phone that way.* Hhello..? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -slowly walks forward, using the wall to feel his way. He makes his way to Lewis- What...the hell happened? <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *plops on Lewis's head fby jumping out of a vent very unexpectadly* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *walks dejectedly to the wall, sliding down it and pulling himself into a lotus position, quietly waiting* <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * As the light reached Cillian, who was walking towards him. Buuuut, as Mika landed on his head, he screamed somewhat loudly, and jerked backwards, probably freaked the fuck out. Lifting his hand, he placed it on Mika, and somewhat realized whom it was.* W-what the hell.. I don't even know, Cillian. And what the hell is wrong with you Mika, trying to give me a heart attack..? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner doesn't rattle easily... except when he first met Rooter and thought it was Flint's hellspawn child)) <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: HAHAHHA you shoulda heard yourself~ hilarious~ <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Ehh, shut up. * He whined, smooshing Mika slightly with his hand.* You really did scare the shit out of me. <RemixedMagic>[A pair of hands suddenly grabbed Mika and pulled him into the shadows.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -raises his eyebrows at Lewis screaming. He doesn't jump back but he leans back slightly. He squints his eyes and barely makes out Mika's figure. He moves his head side to side and agree with Mika- Yeah. That was kina amusing <Sunflower-Baffu>*kinda <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Looks towards Cillian.* Oh shut it Cillian, you'd scream too if it happened to you.. ;; <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: .......Jumped? Maybe. Screamed? No. <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *is grabbed* =A= EH! AHH! Help!

to see nothing.* W-what the hell... Mika..? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -shrugs- ....He probably buggered off..... <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He turned back towards Cillian, shining his phone that way as well.* After screaming help..? I doubt it. <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: OOF!...... .... ... =_= <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *flat monotone* Greetings. <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he squints his eyes at the sudden light-....Well...Doesn't he like to pull pranks? I wouldn't put it past him if he fake it.... <Sunflower-Baffu>*faked <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: 0_0 you kidnap me? <RemixedMagic>[A spray of sweetly scented perfume was left on Mika. Very odd...] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Of course. My head was cold. <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Sighed and lowered his phone.* You could be right, I guess. Sounded pretty real to me though. * He looked back in the direction where Mika poofed off too.* But now we just need to figure out this blackout.. <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: =w= well then you shoulda asked first then~ I know it can be hard asking a handsom devil like me for something~ *knows he's lying* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Yeah.....-he looks around even though it is completely meaningless-....It doesn't help that I have no idea where we are anyway.... -scratches his head0 <Sunflower-Baffu>*<RemixedMagic>[Another spray of something sweet was emitted back where Lewis and Cillian were.] <Blood-and-Spice>Malo: *sniffing himself* hmmmm... I smell girly... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: My most sincere apologies, I will give proper notice the next time I abduct you, that you may clear your appointments. <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well shit. * He turned back to Cillian, still holding the light downward.* You don't know where you're at as well? Well, damn. I was depending on you knowing, I did know, til it went back. * He stopped, when something sweet smelling began to fill the room, he looked around again, wondering what it could be. * <Double-AA-202>Malo, Blood, it's Mika. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>jfsdlkfsdlsd)) <Blood-and-Spice>DAMMIT )) <Blood-and-Spice>Mika sorry. )) <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: Why think you my kind sir~ *plops off* <w< >w> <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Yeah....I was trying to find a door outside but I took a different way today.....-he sighs and then gets a waft of the sweet smelling something-....Do you smell that? ....It smells....sweet.... -he tries looking around again and stops. So pointless<Blood-and-Spice>*thank <RemixedMagic>[Something grabs Lewis by the leg and pulls him down, then releases and disappears.] <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Y-yeah, you're not alone, I do smell that.. * He was cut off, as he suddenly was pulled to the ground, being grabbed by the leg. Screaming yet again, and not catching himself, he hit the ground. * O-ouch. What the fuck man. * He sat normally, and looked behind himself. *

<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Of course. Do forgive my lax manners. *settles book in his lap and pulls two six-inch needles from his cuffs*... <RemixedMagic>[Lewis' glasses were suddenly flicked off.] <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *waddles to the door looking around and looks back* <w< looks like a shadow demon's having loads of fun tonight~ my kinda guy <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -his eyebrows go up again. He looked at Lewis- Are you....alright?....What happened? -his eyes frantically try to search for something. Anything. He is finding nothing but the darkness<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * His hand shot up to his face, to feel that his glasses were gone.* W-what. Well, shit. * He began looking around with his phone, to see if he could find his glasses in the darkness.* Now where'd my glasses go, goddammit. <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he tries to stick around Lewis so that he can at least see something- What happened? Did you lose something? <Double-AA-202>Lewis: M-my glasses. They were suddenly pulled off, I don't know how though, and now I Can't find them. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *back up power comes on for the medical wing* ahhh. =w= the good part of being the docter. <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *waddles off and out of the room* <w< now for those panties <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Well...that sucks....-he squints, trying to look for them<Double-AA-202>Lewis: Of course it does, I literally can't see without them. * He whined, continuing to look for them.* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -stands there for a second rubbing his chin, spacing out. He thinks "Then....with the darkness and can you see nooooow?" He snaps out of his thought and goes back to help looking for Lewis's glasses<RemixedMagic>[Clearly pokes his hand out from the wall and starts tapping the glasses against the wall, making echoes throughout the hallway.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -stops and looks around-....What is that?..... -he makes a slight frown<RemixedMagic>[Clearly stops momentarily. He sucks his hand back in and continues to tap on the other side of the the two, only farther away this time.] <Double-AA-202>Lewis; * Also looks around, hearing the echoing of a tapping noise.* .. I.. I don't know.. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *closes his eyes, doing breathing exercises, a needle in each hand...waiting* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: I think... someone is fucking with our heads.....-scratches the back of his head<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Sighs and stands up, still holding his phone out, though it's rendered useless with his vision.* Most likely. <Blood-and-Spice>Sam: *walking from upstairs to downstairs with a flashlight in hand* =_= i swear if some dude messed with my wiring I'm gonna string 'em up to a pole on the beach and watch as the tide drowns im! <Double-AA-202>whose sam. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>sam takes care of all of the technical things around the base. the electrician/mechanic kinda )) <Double-AA-202>mmk. lol. ]] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly wondered if he should drop the glasses on Jenner's head. No,

perish the thought. Jenner would most immediately recognize the perpretrator and wring his neck again. And possibly dislodge his body parts this time. No, that would not do... [On second thought... he aims the glasses at the head of the flashlight-holder.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *stumbling around in the dark* <Blood-and-Spice>Sam: *is hit in the head with glasses* Ouch! What the heck, bra!? *looking around for glasses thrower rubbing face* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *hearing the man shout, sighs quietly* Soon, now... <RemixedMagic>[Clearly chuckles and sinks away.] <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well, first the blackout, then Mika, then me being pulled to the ground, and now my glasses. This night just sucks doesn't it. * He ranted to himself, now sitting down normally, and leaning against the wall, and letting the light on his phone go out.* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -sighs and gives up on trying to find Lewis's glasses. He stumbles and finds a wall. He places his back against it and slides down to the ground with his guitar case, sighing yet again. He case hits the ground with a thunk<Blood-and-Spice>Sam: *picks up glasses*.. of all things to throw at a dude why would it be glasses?..... *slips them into pocket* ...wonder who's they are... *looks around with flashlight again before continue on* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *caught in the flashlight beam* Greetings. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly sharply tugs on Addule's collar from behind before disappearing again.] <Blood-and-Spice>Sam: Hey dude... *holds up glasses* these belong to you? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *eyes closed, not turning to face the light* Probably not. Be on your guard, sir... there are demons about tonight. <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -feels up his guitar case and opens the latches. He pulls out his guitar and starts playing random chords that sound good together to pass the time<Blood-and-Spice>Sam: So I noticed. What exactly is going on anyway? <Jazzikinns>Addule: *feels something tug at his clothes* Wh-wha--? *squeak* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *shrugs* Does anyone in this base have an answer to that question? If so, please direct them to this corridor, I long to know myself. *sighs* <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Hearing random music coming from the hall they'd be in, he light his phone up again, and shinned it upward. He saw a unclear shape near him, who he knows is Cillian, and can tell that the music is coming from him, so just lays his phone back on the ground and sighs.* I didn't know you could play guitar, you're good. heh. <RemixedMagic>(hmm, now if only more people were here. =v= <Blood-and-Spice>lo there's the other staff? )) <Double-AA-202>lmao. ]] <RemixedMagic>(well, I won't force you to bring them in, if you don't want. xD;; ) <Blood-and-Spice>lol they're all probably in where they would normaly be, hoping hte light comes on. )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha's probably in his office)) <Blood-and-Spice>Jorge is probably in the green house. )) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace is obviously in the medical wing. )) <Double-AA-202>WHERES SHAMIRA? ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira is wandering around trying to find the demon she knows is behind the black out. ))

<Double-AA-202>>o> ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Mika is stealing shamira's panties. )) <Sunflower-Baffu>(XDDD) <Blood-and-Spice>and uhhhh.... who am i forgetting? )) <Double-AA-202>donni...? ]] <Blood-and-Spice>oh donni is huddled up int he lab. )) <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -He squints his eyes when the light shines towards him even if it isn't that bright. He stops playing for a second- Ummm...thanks....I only know chords though. Nothing too fancy, which is why I'm picking it up again. -starts playing again<Blood-and-Spice>which has elextrick back up too. )) <Blood-and-Spice>wow i destroyed that spelling. )) <Blood-and-Spice>Sam: Well alright then.... hmmm... *walks off* Take care of yourself dude~ <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Well, it's better then nothing. And it's more then a lot of people can do. Consider yourself lucky. * He replied, looking back and forth again, squinting, even though he really couldn't see anything.* <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *also has a flashlight by her side, ready to use it to beat anyone that gets to close while she looks for the culprit* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *cracks his eyes to watch the last light gleam on his needles* ...I intend to. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly flicks a careful notice of another person approaching in the hallways, someone with red hair. Strange. Had he seen her before?] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -sighs a little- That's true -starts to play a guitar version of The Scientist by Coldplay and sings<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *walking around searching for the evil demon* *sees jenner* <____< Well lookie here. at least your not naked. <Jazzikinns>[[If Clearly messes with Addule again, things might actually get somewhat amusing with him]] <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *walked down the hall reading one of her favorite novels* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: I am a reformed man, Ma'am. <Sunflower-Baffu>(HOW CAN SHE READ IN THE DARK? I AM IMPRESSED) <Blue-Violin1230>oh shinnanigins* she has one of those light clips that hook to ur book) <Blood-and-Spice>Mika destroyed the light box and caused a black out in the whole building. Then clearly took advantage of it and is now messing with everyone's heads. )) <Sunflower-Baffu>That---> Cillian: -sighs a little- That's true -starts to play a guitar version of The Scientist by Coldplay and sings- ) <Blood-and-Spice>the only places with power would be the lab and medical wing. ))) <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Sits there quietly listening to Cillian play his song, still wondering all about his glasses, and the blackout.* <Double-AA-202>Cillian and Lewis are lost in a dark hallway. ]]] <RemixedMagic>(okay, some PROMISE after I leave, you record the rest of what happens D: ) <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *walks into the building from the courtyard, after walking around the training grounds for a bit* *sees the lights are out* HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!?!? * <RemixedMagic>[Clearly wonders how many pranks he can pull in five minutes. And so

he sped-played.] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: Mmmhmmm. sure ya are. But i doubt you're the punk that decided to take out the lights so care to give me any hints on who? <RemixedMagic>[And so he: flicks Shamira's head and is gone.] <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *decides to head for the greenhouse, since the glass roof'll let in some light from the moon* Clearly? Cillian? Jenner? ANYBODY? <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: THE FUCK?! *looks around, flashlight at the ready to swing* <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *tripped in the dark* OW! <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -finishes his song and sighs-.....I wonder where everyone else is.... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Perhaps a shadow demon, like that one...? <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *is tripped into doing a barrel roll* AAAAAAAACK! <Double-AA-202>Lewis: I was about to say the same thing. I wonder if they're trying to do something, or just sitting like we are.. <RemixedMagic>[Stole Winter's book. Again. Drops that on Lewis' head.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -scratches his head- They are probably doing exactly what we are doing...if they're smart....and don't have a flashlight. <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: HELLO?!?! <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: When i get my hands on that little shit he'll be a vegetable. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: I wish you all the best of luck in that, Ma'am. <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Ergh. * He grunted, as a book hit his head. * What the hell man. Why me. * He lifted the book, and held it close to his face, with his phone light as well. * What the hell is this. And why is it falling on my head. Ugh. * He then placed the book and his phone on the ground, and looked towards Cillian.* Hopefully. <RemixedMagic>[Tugs Evie's hair and gone.] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *walks off* I don't need luck. <neaumont>She is really hot indeed. ] <RemixedMagic>[Sprays perfume in Cillian's face.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -looks over at Lewis and the book-....Where the hell did that come from? -and he jumps a little and curses. He drops his guitar- eyes..... That burns.... <RemixedMagic>[A random shoe lands on Addule. With perfume in it.] <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *stands up and trys to find a wall* SOMEONE HELP ME! <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *quietly* You mat, Ma'am... <Black-Ratchet>*may)) <Double-AA-202>Lewis: W-what burns..? * He asked, now getting annoyed from the random events going on around them.* <RemixedMagic>[He blows into Winter's ear and gone. Hehehehehe....] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: I...I got sprayed with something. And it is in my eyes. And it hurts. And it smells like....that sweet smell from before -wipes his face with his sleeve<Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *gets a shiver down her spine* HELP!?!?! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *hair tugged* OOOOOOOOOOOW! CLEARLEH YOU BASTARD! <Blood-and-Spice>Sam: *gets downstairs checking the lightbox* shit... <RemixedMagic>[Obscuring smog in Shamira's eyes~]

<Jazzikinns>Addule: *is really freaking, gets hit on the head by something and screams like a little girl lets out an ear-piercing shriek* <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: AAAIIIIIII What was that?! <Double-AA-202>Lewis: Oh, well damn. Are you alright..? Least we can know now it's the same person doing everything to us. * He sighed* <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: *shake* <RemixedMagic>[And you can hear a high-pitched echoing laughter in certain few hallways...] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira; GAH! ... grrrrrrrrr..... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *waits* <Nyyq>Irata: ...The computers.... <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -opens his eyes a little bit- Yeah....I'll be fine. But damn, that stings. -he lifts his head up a little to hear the laughter-....That...sounds like.... <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *falls to the ground and brings her knees to her chest* I DONT LIKE THE DARK! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *stumbles into the gardens, has a feeling it's clearly and tries to find a spot without shadows* LET'S SEE THAT BASTARD TRY SOMETHING NOW! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *VAINLY TRIUMPHANT* <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: I-i don't think computers can throw things. <RemixedMagic>[A quick momentary hug for Winter~ ] "Sorry." <Jazzikinns>Addule: *stops screaming for a few seconds when he hears Winter* Ah? <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: not OUR computers at least.... <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: well.. not yet <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *she screams* CLEARLY ILL KILL YOU! <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: ..... *hears winter* ....<n< clearly... huh.... *walks off to find the info on this 'clearly' * <Jazzikinns>Addule: W-WINTER-<RemixedMagic>[Nothing for Jenner? Awwww. He just got tugged on the eyebrows.' <MidnightSilhouette>((Clearly, what kind of flowers would you like at your funeral?)) <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Sighs, and stands up.* Well, I keep hearing random screams, and noises. I think I might want to walk around a bit, and find someone else, and see if people are alright. Up to tag along with me, or you gonna stick around here..? <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: ADDULE! <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *strikes like a snake with a needle as he is touched* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *poking around for a wheelbarrow* Jorge, you in here? *grumbles* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -picks up his guitar again and starts to check for damage when he dropped it. But a curious little roach decided to crawl up the leg of his pants and he drops it-....what the hell is that? -he starts to grab at his right pant leg, trying to get the roach<Blood-and-Spice>Jorge: yessssss? *hiding under a wheel barrow* Is that you eve? <Nyyq>Irata:...This is all so illogical, I can't process it. x_x <Jazzikinns>Addule: *listens out for Winter's voice* Wh-where are you? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *resumes his breathing, waiting for another opportunity* <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Standing there for a moment, he looked back to where

Cillian was.* W-what..? <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: *pats his back* i-it's okay... don't think too hard. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *smiles* Aye! *runs over, lifts the wheelbarrow* Come out from under there, Adam, Clearly moves through shadows y'know. He'll get you better in the dark. *giggles* But don't worry, he's harmless....mostly.... <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: ON THE FLOOR <Blood-and-Spice>Jorge: Clearly? Who's clearly? *hides further* people are dying out there aren't they? <RemixedMagic>[Laughter can be hollered throughout the rest of the dark, dark night... And so wil many more... accidents. If only there was so much time and so little violence. But now, Clearly decides to retire to the outside trees with a good book, where he will be momentarily safe...] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: There is something in my pants....-he keeps trying to get it but it just continues to crawl up his pants and into his shirt. He crawls across his stomach and he falls on his side, laughing hysterically<Jazzikinns>Addule: R-right. Hang on, I-I'll be there in a minute... <Blue-Violin1230>Winter: *sits quietly..alone* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *shakes her head* No, my love. He's just pranking people. Although Shamira might just kill HIM......*holds out her hand* C'mon, up you get. <Double-AA-202>Lewis: * Steps back slightly as Cillian began laughing frantically.* Ookay.. * He then begins to walk off, a bit scared of Cillians laughing, but hopes for the best with him.* Good luck with that pants problem.. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *holds out her arms* C'mon, the screaming's stopped. I think he's had his fun already.

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