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<SpikeballX>Leon: *opens up eyes - feeling cold like he was stuck over night in an ice-desert (HAHAHA - he WAS stuck in an ice

desert). Slowly he tried to get up* ...uh.. <RemixedMagic>[The past avalanches now seemed to have been fully subdued. Clearly stiffly stood up and stretched himself after having sat and watched the boring scenery for what seemed like a long time. He turned around when he heard a faint noise.] "Hmm? Oh, guess who's awake." <SpikeballX>Leon: Awake, yes... *he grinned at the other demon and tried to get up* It's silent again, hm? I feel like making some campfire.... uff *stumbled a alittle and supported himself on a rock* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly focused his attention to Leon to make sure he doesn't fall off where they are.] "Perhaps when we get back down, or even return to our respective camps. Think y' have enough strength to return to ground?" <SpikeballX>you timed out of the OOC-chat )) <SpikeballX>Leon: Yeah...yeah... I'm alright. *he looked up into the air, searching for people that might help* Wasn't Master Jenner here before? <RemixedMagic>[Clearly opened his mouth without saying anything at first, thought about it for a moment, then said,] "He didn't come back after all." <SpikeballX>Leon: *lifts a hand in a quick gesture* Guess he is busy with his own team - man that was some chaos... *sighs* Never saw such snow-walls before... did you, mate? <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "First time, actually." [He put his hands to his hips and gazed out again at the thicker-than-before whiteness that nearly concealed all the trees across him.] "And hopefully it should remain my last." <SpikeballX>Leon: *he nodded in agreement and leaned back a little* Still feeling exhausted.... Man - thanks for the help, pal - would have had a cold grave otherwise, I guess~ <RemixedMagic>[Clearly laughed softly.] "Not a problem at all. I suggest if you wanna doze away again, we should start headin' down first. It'll be dark soon, and that's when the air'll get twice the colder." [He scoffed at the idea of the cold, as he had done routinely for the past month.] <SpikeballX>Leon: *nodded again and got up - his arms and legs had frostbites already - itchy but he refrained from scratching* Let's get rolling . uah~ *stumbles a little* ...I could try and fly us down there... <RemixedMagic>[Clearly nodded.] "But only if you're able to. I wouldn't like to push you if you're not up for it yet." <SpikeballX>Leon: Yeah - I can get this done for sure - might just not be that much od a fluent travel~ *grins* A little challenge but who cares~ <RemixedMagic>[Clearly decided to shrug and give him a partially encouraging smile.] "Well, only if y' wish to." <SpikeballX>Leon: Yo - I'm not outside to hang and dry~ *smiles widely and summons his windboard, taking one step on it, then placing his whole weight on it* Come on - gotto carry you again, then~ ** Hazel-Teahas joined <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Can't I just stand on it like you do?" <SpikeballX>Leon: Unless you suddenly learned to controll wind, I don't think so~ <RemixedMagic>[Clearly sighed and walked to the wind board.] "I think I'm light 'nough." [He put out his foot and tried to step on the board.] <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -he frowned at what Liethell said.- I wasn't ignoring you Liethell and I don't want another bond. You are the perfect partner for me, I don't want any other. -he bends down and places his hand on Liethell's back<SpikeballX>Leon: Uhm.. *Clearly's foot would find some resistance* Tchatcha~ I guess you are light after all but.. I dunno if it is that safe... <RemixedMagic>"Looks alright." [With that, Clearly hops onto the board, or possibly attempted to.] <ToastBusters>Liet "Don't butter me up!" His voice cracks in the middle of the sentence and he

wipes some tears away. He doesn't argue any further, though he's brimming with things to say, even if they don't make sense. He allows himself to be touched, however angry he feels. <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: I'm not trying to butter you up, it's the simple truth. I don't want us to fight anymore. -he puts his arm around his partner- Please forgive me? ** Blue-Violin1230has joined <ToastBusters>Liet He waits a few minutes to think it through, then sighs deeply. "I'll forgive you..." He wraps his arms around Ambrose and hugs him tight. "but next time you get a girlfriend or boyfriend, don't forget about me..." <SpikeballX>Leon: *saw clearly jump on the bird and slither over it like on a slippery surface of ice - at least it was impossible to stand on it unless one could control the air under one's feet* Careful~ <SpikeballX>*board )) <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: I didn't forget you...and I never will, you have my word. -he puts his other arm around Liet.- But I'm still keeping the one I have... <RemixedMagic>"Whoa--!" [Clearly almost instantly felt himself slip on the board like it was glass coated with water. He grabbed onto Leon's sleeve with a sharp hand and tried to stabilize himself.] <ToastBusters>Liet He stays silent about the things he heard, decided they probably either mean nothing or will cause Ambrose more pain if they do mean something. He stays quiet for a while, just holding onto Ambrose and hugging. "Thank you..." <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: No, thank you Liethell. -he smiles at him and helps him up- how about we get you something to drink? It's pretty cold, you must be frozen. ** Sunflower-Baffuhas left [connection closed] <SpikeballX>Leon: *also held Clearly on the wrist as he grabbed Leon's sleeve - instantly it should be easier for the other demon to stand* There we go - I dunno if it works like this but worth a try... I just think carrying ya would be easier~ <ToastBusters>Liet "A-a little, really. I'm fine though. I've been lost for a while, so I've been drinking from the river." He stands up and rocks on his heels as he speaks. "You wouldn't happen to know the way back, would you?" <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -he smiles down at his partner- But of course...Come~. -he motions for Liethell to follow him- So how does one find they're way so far from base? -he teases- were you chasing dinner? <ToastBusters>Liet "No..." He frowns, but lets up when he realizes Ambrose is just playing. "After the avalanche, Hideki and I went searching and found Adele and Samie...They're two fire-users, you know. They weren't on our team, but I helped carry them to camp so they'd live...I spent some time napping there, myself. I got wore out." <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -glances back at him, only for a moment.-There is nothing wrong with helping others, even if they are in another team. Your a good person Liet...-he holds his hand out for his partner, without looking back<ToastBusters>Liet He grabs his hand and swings it towards the sky and back as they walk. "I wish I had remembered that sometime earlier...did you know Winter got shot? with real bullets? By Zasha?" <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -didn't really show much concern, as he did curiosity- hmm...That must have been quite the fight, I take it she is okay though? I couldn't see such a trivial thing, like a gun, ever killing that girl. <ToastBusters>Liet "Yeah, I wound up having to heal it." His voice goes a little flat. "So if you see Zasha out here, run or kick his ass." <Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: i wouldn't run...butter I certainly wouldn't fight him straight on either. -he sighs- That man is one of few things that make me uneasy <Hazel-Tea>*but... <ToastBusters>Liet "I think he just needs to relax, get drunk and get laid. not necessarily in that order, but still." He thumbs his chin "Maybe we should hire hookers and send them to his room one day."

<Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -stops and raises his eyebrows at his partner- Sending him a lady of the night? I don't think thats a good idea...would if he catches something...sickly from one of them? <ToastBusters>Liet "That's what condoms are for, silly >3< Well, they're also used to stop the lady from having babies, but I never seem to have to worry about that when I look for guys to date. I wonder why." He giggles a little and bumps into Ambrose playfully. <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Hnnn, yeah. Y' could be right." [Quickly, he climbed onto Leon's back to sit firmly upon his shoulders, tail wrapping around his waist. He felt rather mighty and majestic to be at this height.] "Onwards, my trustworthy steed!" [he commanded jokingly.] ** ToastBustershas left [timed out] <SpikeballX>Leon: Now what? Am I a horse now? *he started to laugh - slowly ascending into the windy air - his beloved realm actually* Now then - ready? <RemixedMagic>"Yes. Yes, you are," [Clearly laughed as he tried not to look down.] "Take it easy this time." <SpikeballX>Leon: No Kidding~ *after gaining enogh height he ascelerated immediatly, over the treetops and the snow that rushed past them* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOO! ** Awa303has left [timed out] <RemixedMagic>[It was unfortunately difficult to make out what Clearly had said at this point, but this was the best I could translate it to: ] "quIUFEFKJSKAJFKKCVHXNVZMjdshfjsdhfjkahdfjsah;jhsf" <SpikeballX>Leon: *surfing the wind and having fun even if the pain from his frostbites really wasn't easy to ignore* Oy-- where are we going anyway? I am lost like an eye-lacking-eagle, man! <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "eiursfjkashdjh You know where your camp is right?!" <SpikeballX>Leon: *grinning like it was a party up there* I HAVE NO CLUUUUUEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOO~ <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Oh jolly Nelly yay . . . D'you at least remember what it looked and where it generally was?!" <SpikeballX>Leon: There were some trees next to it~ and there were traps around Tsu made~ But the traps are hidden so... if you see some hidden traps, we are close. Hidden traps and trees~ *chuckles while slowing down a bit* <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Now how d'you suppose I can look for these 'traps' if they're hidden?" <SpikeballX>Leon: Well - we could try and activate them... and we still have trees so with a biiiiit of luck..~ *smiles* I'm positive~ <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Well, if we manage to find your camp at the very least. But then we wouldn't need t' activate them . . ." <Awa303>Tsuyu: *walking searching for her partner, shaking from an abnormal wave of cold when sees Leon being mounted by a certain not-edible bunny* ...What are you doing... =__= <SpikeballX>Leon: OY - Tsu-sweetheart~ *waves and descends slowly towards his partner* Brought a friend~ *grins widely - totallly forgetting about the past happenings* You alright? <Awa303>Tsuyu: I suddenly felt I would freeze to death... What were you doing... U_ <RemixedMagic>[Once they were close to the ground, Clearly nimbly jumped off Leon. He smiled and waved at his partner.] "Hello~" <Awa303>10:29:31 PM <Awa303> Tsuyu: I suddenly felt I would freeze to death... What were you doing... U_ <Awa303>reposted]] <SpikeballX>Leon: Oh - some... *points behind him* Got into a little fight with two massive snowwalls - nothing dramatic~

<Awa303>Tsuyu: <RemixedMagic>[Clearly stared at Leon.] "Did you actually try to fight them . . .?" <SpikeballX>Leon: Uhm well - there were liet and hadaki and I could only carry one of them at once on my board so I though I could get them some time and ... *shrugs* Simple one-on-one - the snow

ran me over tho - literally~ *chuckles* <Awa303>Tsuyu: Try don't die, you kamikaze! I'm too young to become a corpse. U_ *smacks* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly chuckled as Leon got smacked.] <SpikeballX>Leon: OY! We are the same age, I think~ And as you can see I am still alive - luck's on my side~ *smiles widely and glances over to clearly* You should really bring your partner, tooo~ <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Would love to, but I'm not as sure he'd enjoy most things as we would~" <Awa303>Tsuyu: *not sure she enjoys half of the crazy things Leon does* U_U' ** ToastBustershas joined <SpikeballX>Leon: Ah come on - he'd loosen up just like tsu~ *puts an arm around his partner's shoulders and smiles* <Awa303>Tsuyu: *facepalms again* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly laughed.] "He's a tad on the tight side. Though I'm sure he could adapt." <SpikeballX>Leon: See!? He'd be fine ~ I also wonna learn to know the guy who got my awesome buddy as partner~ *patting Tsu's head while talking* <Awa303>Tsuyu: *double facepalm while thinking "what did I do to deserve this"* <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "I'm sure it would be a pleasure~" [He chuckles mischievously to himself.] <SpikeballX>Leon: *bit of a blurry vision from exhaustion* Yeah - it's a deal, mate~ we...we'll throw a party at home~ *grins to cover his sudden tiredness* <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Alrighty, if you say so.~ Speaking of which, I should really return to base before he starts suspecting where I am at the moment. Think I'll see ya around, you twooo," [he grinned as he turned around.] <Awa303>Tsuyu: *suddenly found herself serving as crutch to a tired Leon* ...Are you alright? <SpikeballX>Leon: *waves at his friend leaving* Yo - see ya around, Clear - have a good way~ *looks at tsuyu - fascading his lacking power with a grin again* Fine...see...was a busy day... hehe <Awa303>Tsuyu: Indeed, you almost died. *rolls eyes, but sighs and pets his head* Let's go back to the camp and get some rest. <SpikeballX>Leon: Sorry, partner - was a little... careless, I guess.... *stumbles but thanks to Tsu didn't fall* I would appreciate some calm hours, to be honest~ *grins*

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