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Eusocial: At the start, it was used for invertebrates only, usually social insects.

These are its main features

1. 2. 3. Different animals have different jobs to do. There is a division of labour. Some castes may be sterile. Animal generations overlap. There are different generations in the hive or nest. Animals cooperate to care for the young.

A poikilotherm is an organism whose internal temperature varies considerably. It is the opposite of a homeotherm, an organism which maintains thermal homeostasis. Usually the variation is a consequence of variation in the ambient environmental temperature

Methuselah is purported to be the oldest person to ever live.


: physiological stress on the body that is caused by the cumulative damage done by free radicals inadequately neutralized by antioxidants and that is held to be associated with aging

free radical
n. An atom or group of atoms that has at least one unpaired electron and is therefore unstable and highly reactive. In animal tissues, free radicals can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases.

n. pl. lymphoma or lymphomas Any of various usually malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue.

adv. 1. In a position that is turned or twisted toward one side; askew. 2. Away from the correct course; amiss. See Synonyms at amiss.

contact inhibition inhibition of cell division and cell motility in normal animal cells when in close contact with each other.

Hypoxia: A lower-than-normal concentration of oxygen in arterial blood, as opposed to anoxia, a complete lack of blood oxygen. Hypoxia will occur with any interruption of normal respiration.

n. 1. The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a period of time. 2. a. The practice or condition of being married to only one person at a time. b. The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime. 3. Zoology The condition of having only one mate during a breeding season or during the breeding life of a pair.


A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, by an extremely limited range of activities and interests, and often by the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviors.

adj. Biology Relating to or exhibiting approximately 24-hour periodicity.

gonadotropin : any hormone that stimulates the gonads, especiallyfollicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Monomorphic existing in only one form; maintaining the same form throughout all developmental stages. inbreeding
n. 1. The breeding of related individuals within an isolated or a closed group of organisms or people. 2. The continued breeding of closely related individuals so as to preserve desirable traits in a stock.

n. 1. The breeding of distantly related or unrelated individuals, often producing a hybrid of superior quality. 2. Anthropology The mating of persons from different groups, often as a consequence of proscriptions against marriage within the group.

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