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rackling energy pulses through the air the moment
that the door to our suite closes behind us. I suck
in a small breath at the heat that burns in Kaden’s
eyes when he meets my gaze from across the room.
“Wife,” he says as a sly smile curls his lips.
The sound of that word on his tongue makes my spine
tingle. I match his smile. “Husband.”
My dress rustles against the floor as I start closing the
distance between us. Reaching up behind me, I grab the
zipper and slowly begin pulling it down. Kaden’s eyes darken
with desire as he watches me.
“You threatened the priest with a knife,” I say as I drift
closer while inching the zipper down.
His mouth tilts up in a half smirk. “I did.”
The dress slides down so that it’s barely resting over my
breasts. I give Kaden a knowing look. “Are you still carrying
He slips a hand into his suit jacket and pulls out a blade. I


watch him carefully. The moment he begins spinning the knife

the way he always does, I push the dress off my tits and over
my hips as I let the entire flowing garment fall to the floor.
Kaden, who never misses a single twirl no matter what,
almost fumbles the knife at the sudden sight of my body in
only white lace lingerie. I let out a smug laugh under my
After catching the knife right before it could fall from his
hand entirely, he flexes his fingers on the hilt to restore his
grip and then narrows his eyes at me.
“Devious,” he says, sounding impressed.
I flash him a victorious grin as I close the final distance
between us.
The moment I’m within range, he yanks the knife up and
places it against my throat. Threats and delicious promises
swirl in his dark eyes as he holds my gaze.
“Very devious, indeed,” he muses while sliding his blade a
little higher up my throat. “And what were you planning on
doing after that?”
“Distract you some more.”
With that devilish smile still on my lips, I slide my hands
up his firm chest and slip them underneath his suit jacket. A
shiver courses through his body at my touch. While keeping
my eyes locked on his, I start slowly pushing his suit jacket off
his shoulders.
It slips down one arm. But because he is keeping the other
one raised in order to hold the knife to my throat, it gets
stuck there. I raise my eyebrows expectantly. He lets out a soft
breath of amusement. Then he shifts the knife to his other
hand and lets the suit jacket flutter to the floor behind him.


“Look at you,” I tease, shooting him a smug smile. “Taking

orders without me even needing to say anything.”
He pushes the flat of the blade higher up underneath my
chin, forcing me to tilt my head back ever so slightly.
Challenge dances in his eyes, and he raises his eyebrows as if
saying, your move.
I trail my fingers along the top of his shirt collar, brushing
my fingertips over his bare skin.
Another shudder rolls through his body and his eyes
I let out a smug chuckle that makes Kaden narrow his
eyes. But before he can do anything about it, I shift my hands
to the topmost button on his dress shirt and slip it open. He
glances down, watching me as I slowly let my hands drift
downwards, undoing each button.
My core throbs with need as the shirt at last falls open to
reveal a sliver of his chest and abs.
I slide my hands underneath the fabric of his open shirt
and run them over his warm skin. It’s so soft, which is an
incredible contrast against the hardness of his muscles. I
relish the feeling as I draw my hands along his ribs.
A moan tears from his chest.
Sparkling warmth fills my soul at the sound of it.
He clenches and unclenches his hands, and his eyes flutter
again, as I trace the contours of his sharp abs and then trail
my fingers along the top of his pants.
“You truly are a little villain,” he presses out, his voice
With a smirk on my face, I start unbuttoning his pants. “I
His chest rises and falls with deep controlled breaths as I


finish with his pants and curl my fingers over the edge.
Moving ever so slowly, I start pushing them down.
He yanks the knife away from my throat and spins it in his
hand while shaking his head. “Fuck it. I surrender. I can’t take
it anymore. You win.” Wild desire burns in his eyes as he
levels a commanding stare on me and jerks his head. “Get on
the bed. Now.”
A victorious little laugh spills from my lips as I wink at
him. Then I start towards the bed while swaying my hips way
more than necessary.
Behind me, Kaden quickly strips out of his remaining
Before I have even managed to finish lying down properly
on the bed, he climbs onto it, straddles me, plants a hand
against my chest, and shoves me down on my back.
“Impatient much?” I taunt, and grin up at him.
His dark gaze slides over my body before locking on my
eyes. “The things I will do to you.”
While keeping his commanding stare on me, he takes his
hand off my chest but remains straddling my hips. I arch my
back, raising my arms to reach behind me so that I can get my
bra off. But Kaden stops me with one single look.
“Oh, no,” he warns, shaking his head at me. “Did you really
think it would be that easy?”
“You’ve already surrendered,” I point out.
He smiles like the villain he is. “I lied.”
Before I can retort, he gently scrapes the point of his blade
over my ribs.
I suck in a breath.
A dark chuckle rolls from his chest.
“Put your hands above your head,” he orders. “And keep
them there.”


Raising my arms, I move them up over my head and then

rest the back of my hands against the soft sheets while I try to
suppress a shiver of pleasure. Kaden slides the knife along my
ribs and towards the center of my chest. The metal is cold
against my heated skin. I suck in a shuddering breath. My
heart patters.
Every muscle in my body tenses as Kaden positions the
blade right underneath the middle of my thin lace bra. My
clit throbs and dark anticipation pulses through me. Kaden
just watches me in silence for a few seconds, a smirk on his
Then he slides the knife underneath the sheer fabric.
My heart pounds in my chest.
He yanks his hand up.
The sound of tearing fabric seems to echo between the
pale walls in our glittering white and silver wedding suite. A
jolt shoots through me as the bra rips from the middle,
making my breasts spill out as the support that held them in
Kaden’s hungry gaze rakes over my naked tits.
The throbbing in my clit intensifies.
Using the tip of his blade, he pushes the ruined sides of the
bra fully off my tits. Then he caresses the curve of my breast
with the knife.
A moan spills from my lips, and I shift my hips underneath
him, grinding myself against him.
“Now who’s the impatient one?” Kaden says, his voice full
of wicked satisfaction.
He traces a slow circle around my tit, inching the knife
closer to my nipple. I suck in shallow breaths as the tension
inside me grows. My core pulses with need. He continues
circling. Slowly. Too slowly.


Impatience crackles through me, and I start to reach

for him.
“Do it,” he says, his voice dark. “Lift your hands. I dare
A frustrated groan escapes my throat, but I let my hands
drop back down to the mattress above my head. Kaden lets
out a smug chuckle. I try to clear the haze in my mind enough
to glare at him, but before I can, his weight disappears from
my hips.
The loss of his powerful body above me is so unexpected
that I don’t realize what is happening for a few seconds.
Then the cold metal of the blade appears against my thigh,
and Kaden starts sliding it up towards my panties. Pleasure
courses through me like ripples as he traces the inside of my
thigh before slipping the sharp blade underneath the lace
fabric. My chest heaves, and I suppress the urge to squirm.
He yanks up with his knife.
I gasp as he shears through my panties.
The thin fabric flutters down and slides across my skin.
Kaden uses the tip of his knife to push it all the way off me.
My pussy aches with need and I’m so wet that I can’t stop
myself from pressing my thighs together.
“Oh, I don’t think so.” Kaden taps my leg with the flat of
the blade. “Spread your legs for me.”
Fire sears through my veins, and I suck in labored breaths
as I shift on the mattress and spread my legs for him.
“Hmm,” he hums, sounding satisfied. “So perfect.”
I can’t focus on anything but the white ceiling above and
the final threads of my restraint as Kaden caresses my hip
with his knife, but I can feel his gaze burn into my skin as he
watches me.
Another gasp rips from me as Kaden suddenly presses the


flat of the blade right over my entrance. His fingers dig into
my thigh, keeping me immobile. My heart slams against my
He removes the blade again. But I don’t lift my head to
look, because I already know what he will find when he
inspects the blade.
“So wet.” I can hear the mischievous grin in his voice.
“That knife kink really is working out well for you, little doe.”
My heart lurches as he suddenly leans forward over me
until his dangerously beautiful face is all I can see. Light
glitters in his eyes as he braces one hand on the mattress next
to my head while twirling the knife in the other. Desperate
need pulses through my whole body.
Yanking down my arms, I press my hands against his
shoulders and push while I roll sideways. Because of the
difference in size and strength, I know that I would never
have been able to pull off that move unless he let me. But
thankfully, he does let me. And without pointing it out too.
I roll over until he’s on his back and I’m straddling him
instead. Then I grab his wrist and bring his hand and the
knife in it down to his own throat. Surprise and anticipation
flicker in his eyes as he looks up at me and raises his eyebrows
in silent question.
“You’re very mouthy for someone who surrendered only a
few minutes ago,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
But before he can finish, I wrap my free hand around his
cock and slide it up and down his length.
A moan rips from deep within his chest.
I smirk at him and do it again. “Like I said, mouthy.”
His body shudders underneath me, and his eyes flutter
while another moan threatens to spill from his lips.


With one hand still gripping his wrist and holding his own
knife against his throat, I adjust my position until his cock is
right above my entrance. Kaden blinks, trying to recover. I
don’t let him.
In one motion, I slide down until his cock is sheathed deep
inside me.
But this time, I’m the one who lets out a shuddering moan
while my eyelids flutter.
God, he’s perfect. I will never get enough of this feeling. Of
feeling his cock buried deep inside me. Of his naked skin
against mine. Of him.
Rising up slightly, I slide down again.
Our combined moans ripple through the air.
His free hand shoots out and wraps around my throat. I
keep his other hand right where it is, holding his knife to his
own throat, as he pulls me down to him and claims my mouth
with a furious kiss. I kiss him back and then bite his bottom
lip before drawing back. He releases my throat and instead
slides his hand down my chest.
Lightning skitters across my skin as he traces his fingers
over my collarbones and then around my tit. I throw my head
back as I start lifting and lowering my hips at a steady pace.
Kaden rolls my nipple between his fingers.
Another moan escapes me.
He thrusts his hips up, meeting me stroke for stroke as I
ride him while still holding his wrist and the blade against his
own throat. Pleasure pulses through me at the incredible
friction and the feeling of his fingers playing with my nipple.
I move faster.
Kaden matches me, thrusting his hips harder.
Tension whirls inside me as I soar towards an orgasm.
Electricity shoots up my spine as his cock hits the perfect


spot inside me. I keep moving. Black spots flicker before my

eyes as his cock hits that spot over and over again until I think
I’m about to lose my mind.
He pinches my nipple.
Release flashes through me.
A cry rips from my lungs as pleasure ricochets through my
body, setting every nerve on fire.
It’s only when both of Kaden’s hands appear on my
hips that I realize that I must have released his wrist at
some point. With a firm grip on my hips, Kaden keeps
me moving up and down while he thrusts into me. It
intensifies the orgasm until I feel like my brain is
My heart slams against my ribs and I suck in desperate
breaths as the waves of pleasure roll through me. Kaden
pounds into me, and incredible moans rip from his chest as he
comes as well. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside me
combined with those deep moans that escape his throat make
my heart stutter.
Once the orgasm fades, I’m left sitting there, my chest
heaving. But Kaden doesn’t even give me a second to get my
wits back about me as he lifts me off his cock and rolls us
I suck in a gasp, my stomach lurching. Still trying to clear
the orgasm haze from my mind, I blink furiously while my
back slams into the mattress hard enough to make it sway
underneath me.
Once my vision clears, I find Kaden above me. His hips are
pressed between my spread legs and he is bracing one
forearm on the bed next to me while his other hand rests
against the side of my neck.
Placing his thumb underneath my chin, he pushes my


mouth shut while keeping his commanding hand on my

Wicked promises glitter in his eyes.
And in that moment, I don’t understand how I could ever
have believed that those beautiful dark brown eyes of his were
always filled with a cold emotionless void. Because when he
looks at me, they burn so brightly that it sucks all the oxygen
from the room.
I gaze up at him as he leans closer and steals a kiss from
my lips before drawing back slightly and locking eyes with me
A smirk curls his lips.
And his next two words make excitement race up my
“My turn.”

And now, Jace is waiting for you in Irresistible Darkness. Read

his story here:


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