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Written by: Sahil Sharma 1CSE-2 3102

Dark was the night as the young and handsome king walked towards the entrance of his magnificent castle. A single ray of moonlight illuminated his path and his handsome face. With his sharp features and his unusual charm, he could deceive anyone of his true intentions. Checking his surroundings every second ,the young king stealthily walked towards the gate. A sudden sound of rustling leaves made him stop dead in his tracks, but finding no disturbance he walked on towards the entrance. A huge golden veil covered the towering gate. Seeing his destination in sight the King felt pleased as he would no longer have to worry about anything more once his job was done. As he stood an inch from the veil,he whispered something in a strange language. At once the veil lost it's bright golden color and became pale and transparent. He walked through the veil and saw what he was looking for. A tall centuar stood before him. The creature had an air of pride about himself. With his well built arms and strong legs, anyone with an eye for a half horse and half man would admire his body.

"Dajir my lord,King Nehar..conquerer of conquerers and Almighty Vanquisher!" said the centuar addressing the young king in a sturdy tone. "Dajir my faithful servant. Aymir. Has the work been done?" asked Nehar authoritatively. "Yes my lord. The creatures of this land have been made aware of your intentions and they are being put to work as we speak." said Aymir with excitement in his voice. "Very good Aymir,you have done your task well. You will get your reward as soon as the work is over." said Nehar curtly. "Thank you ,my lord i'm forever your servant. However... there is something i need to ask you about.."said Aymir hesitantly. "Very well, let me know your question". As Nehar said the these word there was a crackling sound of dead from the nearby bushes. "It seems we are not alone here tonight" said Nehar. "No my lord , I have taken pains to ensure that no one followed me here." said Aymir with an uncertain look on his face. "Very well, guards!" he signaled to all the guards nearby surrounding the castle to go away. At once

Aymir and Nehar were alone near the entrance of Nehar's castle. "Now tell me what did you want to ask me?" he asked with a curious look on his face. "My lord ,with all due respect and faithfullness, I wish to ask you about the location of the sixth element." Asked Aymir in a weak whisper. "How Dare You!! You lowly servant!! How dare you ask me such a question!" retorted the king angrily.. "My apologies my lord but it is essential for our goal....." said Aymir weakly. and saying so the king took out a locket from under his robes. The locket had a brilliant electric light blue crystal in it's center in the shape of a star. ""It looks the same as people have described about the legendary crystal, i'm priveldged to see it my lord!.Thank you !Thank you! I can now continue with our work." said Aymir with a voice full of admiration for the locket. "I just have to check now whether it is the "One" my lord " said Aymir. "here take it and do your checking fast" Nehar said impatiently. As Nehar lunged foreward to hand over the locket to Aymir blinding light lit up the dark night followed by a deafening sound. In a moment both

Aymir and Nehar were thrown apart like twigs . "Ahhh!!!" cried Nehar as he saw the locket slipping away from his hands. He fell in the mud with a dull thud, followed by the sound of Aymir's body hitting a nearby tree.. A beautiful lady stepped out from behind a tree holding an unconscious guard. Her blond hair glistening in the shimmering moonlight. Her delicate features made her look beautiful even when she was covered in mud.. "Not so fast Nehar! You owe me quite a lot" said the lady in blunt voice yet pleasant to hear. "Ah, a guardian at my doorstep? Welcome, you have arrived on time! We are almost ready you see." said Nehar with a fake smile. "You and your plans are not going anywhere as long as i'm alive!" the lady said while inching towards the locket lying on the ground "Don't you dare!!" roared Nehar seeing her run towards the locket lying on the ground "Hah, a coward will stop me?" said the lady scornfully She hurriedly ran and picked up the locket. At once king Nehar roared "Guards!! Stop her!!" , the guards came out clumsily and ran towards the lady. At once the lady shot red coloured flash of light

at the guards, and all of them fell down like pins or got thrown away " Alas you won't succeced!!" said Nehar menacingly The lady looked at Nehar with eyes full of disgust which didn't suit her almond like eyes. "Ah ! i see revenge is it?" said Nehar jesting her. "I won't stoop as low as you you lowly being." Replied the lady with a voice full of anger ,which strangely was still pleasant to hear. "well you don't have a choice then!' said Nehar laughing . At that moment Aymir kicked the lady with his hooves from behind, and the lady was thrown away. She dropped the locket when she hit ground again. "Finally i can boast of destroying a guardian!!" said Aymir pleased with his doing." "You may destroy me O mighty warrior ,but u can never lay your filthy hands on something immensely purer than you!" said the lady while trying in vain to get up. " Enough!! guards take her away!" at that moment the lady shouted "Arth Incas Zyat!!" All of a sudden a hole appeared in mid air near her. And the Locket rose

from the ground and started floating toawards the hole. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" screamed Nehar. Again there was a blue flash which caused Aymir and Nehar to get blasted away fromt he Locket. At that moment the locket passes through the hole and closed instantaneously. the women satisfied with her work, collapsed unconscious. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" cried nehar violently. In his rage he shot a bolt of lightning at his guards ,and instanly they were evaporated from their spot. As the first ray of dawn hit Nehar's face,he pined for his lost possesion......

A ragged man limped on the grassy plain, towards the magnificent castle lying ahead of him. He knew what he was doing, and was aware of the consequences if he got caught, but he convinced himself "i must do it, for only then can i get my revenge. Its a small price to pay to savour the sweet taste of triumph over your enemy." . At last he reached the gates.

The Begining of the Journey

"Halt, Who are You?" a guard asked in a aggressive voice. "Dajir my friend, tell your master that a faithful servant of his has some very important information for him." "What information do you have?" enquired the guard. "Something he would be overjoyed to learn about"said the ragged man with a smirk. "No,no i can't let you go in like that, sorry please go away"said the guard dissatisfied with the other man's explanation. "Ah, what if i tell you its about his recently lost possession?" the ragged man said with his eyes full of glee. "WHAT!?!? Oh im so sorry, i will take you to him right away!!" the guard said shakingly as he rembered Blue bolts of light, just some hours back. "Very well, lets move" and they started walking towards the golden Veil. A single candle Burned and cast it's light in the small dingy cottage. A man stirred slightly,then fell back asleep. He was uneasy about something. Unable to bear his thoughts, he finally opened his

eyes. His green eyes gleamed like 2 finely cut emeralds. He sat up slowly on his rickety bed,and thought about something for a while. Suddenly there was a crack,and a blinding white light illuminated the shabby cottage. "Rone,you have been summoned for. Do not tarry..the council awaits you...." said a female voice. Perplexed, Rone looked around for the source of this announcement, and noticed a lady in white with her head surrounded by a halo. Instantly the lady vanished. Rone surprised at this unusual message , thought maybe she did not like his place and was in a hurry. Since he rarely got visitors,this wasn't a unexpected behaviour.Finally he got down on the dusty floor, and walked towards a shelf. He looked at himself in the mirror, a very lean figure and a body full of strange marks defined him. Those marks were the things that reminded of his Pride, Honour, the glorious things he did...and ofcourse his ultimate goal. He combed his shabby hair and walked out of his house. A cool night breeze greeted him, he stood there gazing towards the mountains at the far end of horizon. Then he walked towards a nearby big rock. He put the palm

of his hand on it and whispered something, Immediately a big hole emmiting blue light appeared on the rock. Smiling and unaware of the hardships coming his way, Rone entered the hole and closed it behind him.

Blinded by the strong light, Rone Stepped out fumbling from the hole in midair. "Ugh! why does it have to be so high always?!" cursed Rone as he found his vision recovering after landing on the ground He saw what he expected, the same old lake with creatures gliding over it, a Huge Mountain on his left and a vast grassland ahead. Sighing he turned left towards the Mountain's base and said "I'm Rone , Son of Gerile, Prince of the Fytham clan. I'm here , as i have been summoned by the council of Kesis, let me in. Incas Umi!" as soon as he said the last two words, a Huge straight crack appeared in front of him on the huge mountain side.It slowly Widened to reveal a jet black dragon staring at him, rather amusingly.

The Crystal

"Welcome back Rone, Long time no see? you didn't even write to me!" said the dragon mockingly to Rone. "Well Zoyre, You are right, 10 years is long enough. I guess i was busy trying to hide all these years and couldn't write to you!. Please accept my apology, i will make it up to you old friend." Rone said heartedly. "Ah, that explains it! never mind you got a job to do at the moment. Carry on, we will catch up later!" said Zoyre. "Thanks, i'm sure the council is eager to see me" saying thing Rone entered the Tunnel behind Zoyre and walked towards the Huge Oak door ahead. As Rone neared the Oak door, he noticed a huge Beautifully colored owl perched atop the Door. "well this is new to me" Rone thought to himself while staring at the owl. "Greeeeeeeeetinnnnggs Stranger!! What brought you here?!?!!?" Asked the Owl Joyfully. "I was Invited by the council for some urgent work" said Rone rather curiously. "OOOOO!! Well, Lets play some game first! How about riddles?! DO you like them?!!?" Asked the owl eagerly.

Rone couldnt believe what he just heard, he came here in the middle of the night just to hear a owl ask riddles? He shaked his head in disbelief. "Oh There You are!" Rone turned to see a man walking down right corridor, beside the door. "Ah! i see, i think you have met Liu. He is annoying sometimes..." said the man. "Ok Liu thats enough, you can play later, Let Rone enter he has urgent work!" the man said in a authoritative tone. "Awww.. Fine.. but i will make you play my game someday Rone"saying this He flew down to the middle of the door and pecked its beak inside a hole, as if it were a key! The door Swung open slowly to reveal a Wide hall. "Lets not keep them waiting shall we?" said the man to Rone, who was still getting over what just transpired. At the far end of the hall, there was arrangement of about fifteen Seats, which were distributed evenly on both sides of a central Throne. An Old man sat there dressed in purple robes holding a spear like object with a circle at the top end. "Dajir, The Council of Kesis" said Rone kneeling before the old man at the center. Several people

on both sides of the throne acknowledged Rone's greeting. "Rise Rone, today you have a great Task ahead. I appreciate you coming here, given you rarely visit us.." Said the old man. "Well, i had some trouble Lord Brian. What is the urgent work you summoned me for?"asked Rone inquisitively. "You see Rone, the news just arrived that the Sixth element has been recovered by her guardian" said brian with a remorseful look. "Why, this is a moment to celebrate then! Why do you look so pale Lord Brian?" asked Rone Puzzled. "You see, while recovering the element her guardian Esthaa transferred it to some other place to keep it from King Nehar." said Lord Brian again looking paler. "Great, so why exactly you don't sound happy?". "Ahem, it was transferred to another Realm." said Lord Brian, finally relieved of the burden. "WHAT!?!? WHERE!?!? ah.... i get it now, you want me to fetch it now don't you? I Knew i should have kept sleeping!" Rone replied sarcastically.

"Please Rone, you are the only one who has experience of the Earth realm.Please help us!! Besides you won't be Alone.." Pleaded Lord Brian. " What Do You Mean by Not Alone?" asked Rone suddenly Curious. "Haha, here take a look who consented to come with you for this dangerous task" with a twinkle in his eye Lord Brian took out a light blue crystal from his robes and displayed it to Rone. Rone's jaw dropped. He was having hell of a Day! Rone kept staring at the crystal in Lord Brian's hand. "You are not serious are you?!" asked Rone still swallowing what he was seeing in front of him. "Well don't you want to ask it yourself?"saying this Lord Brian gave the crystal to Rone, who took it still awing at its beauty. He stared at it for a moment, then said "O great Emiser, please give me the privledge of your presence. Incas Umi!" said Rone loudly. Instantly the crystal shined brighter and lit up the whole hall. it floated away from Rone's grasp and grew big in size. Light started beaming out from the cracks of the crystal. Everyone present there

The Emiser

was blinded by a flash of light. As Rone's vision recovered he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing! The Legendary Emiser was standing right before him! It tossed the long flowing golden hair from its head to its side. It stood tall with all its four legs towering above all present in the hall. It radiated a bluish glow from its body. It had a smooth and silky skin. Its face had somewhat human resemblance but what set it apart was the diamond shaped crest above its head. It surveyed the fall slowly, acknowledging everyone's presence, finally stopping its gaze on Rone, who was still looking in awe. "Greeting's human. Were you the person who summoned me?" asked the creature in a sweet echoing voice. "Uhh.. yyyess..yye..YES! O mighty Emiser. I'm Rone,Son of Gerile, Prince of the Fytham clan. Lord Brian here tells me that you will be accompanying me, on my journey" said Rone meekely. "That is correct" the creature again said it in its echoing voice "I'm Glad to hear that. May i know your name O great Emiser?" asked Rone respectfully

"I'm Snira, the Emiser of sixth element. Im a part of the sixth element itself that is the element of Light.I'm here to accompany you to find the stone of the sixth element. I was awakened when Estha the guardian of the sixth element touched the elemental stone.We Emisers are the voice of the elements." finished Snira, contended with her speech. "I see ,respected Emiser Snira, but before we begin our journey i need answers to some questions from Lord Brian" Rone said while kneeling in front of Snira. "Very well, proceed as you wish" Snira said Rone turned towards Lord Brian again and spoke,"well you drive a tough bargain my lord. To be accompanied by a Emiser is indeed something from legend. However i have a few questions before i accept your offer." "Very well Rone, what would you like to know?" said Lord Brian Smiling. "First and foremost,why i wasn't involved in the plot to recover the stone? after all its been me who has been supplying the council information


about King Nehar and his plans! Next where were you people when i was being chased to death by Nehar's men? I barely managed to give them a slip. I have been in hiding for over 3 months now! " Rones blustered his eyes seething with anger." "For your first question, you weren't involved because we needed your help in finding the other 5 elements. Imagine what would the Pioneers do, without any information about the location of the stones? We couldn't risk your life! Next..." at that moment Lord Brian's explanation was cut short by another council member sitting to the far right of Lord Brian. "Rone? You are very valuable to us. Without you the whole concept of pioneers does not exist. King Bama was been supporting us with his troops. Nehar been able to know our actions in advance somehow. We ourselves were in grave danger . This sanctuary was almost breached by Nehar's forces. These are troubled times..Rone, we really wanted to help you." said the lady everyone else agreed in unision with her response. "Thank you Sedna, i hope Rone understands us better now" Lord Brian said looking at Rone.

"Fine, but why do i have to go to this Earth realm? i already had a good experience for a lifetime there!!" retorted Rone still unsatisfied "Because you know what its like there better than any of us. And because you swore to protect the elements at all costs! This is your chance of redemption Rone, Dont you see it?" said Sedna with almost misty eyes. Rone got up looked Sedna, bowed to Lord Brian and started to walk back towards the oak doors. "Hmmm?" came a soft whisper . Rone stopped and Looked at Snira, he stood there remembering something while looking into Snira's blue eyes and seeing his own reflection. He nodded "Very well ,lets go great Emiser" sighed Rone, still wondering why he agreed. Snira looked back at the council, shook its head. The council members gave and understanding nod. Again a Blinding flash of light, and the crystal reappeared and floated towards Rone. Rone let it drop on his palm and walked out of the doors in a rush.

As Rone exited through the oak doors, he ignored Liu and walked straight towards Zyore. "The meeting is done Zoyre, please move aside so i can leave" asked Rone in a rush. "No, first you promise me you will look after yourself and not react rashly like you always do" asked Zoyre with a meaningful look in his eyes. "Ok, don't worry about me, i have an Emiser taking care of me now" said Rone smiling. "Oh!! so thats what all the hush hush was about! Good go ahead and goodluck with your quest old friend" Zoyre said while moving aside to reveal the Stone Door. "Incas Umi" Rone said, and the stone vanished to reveal the base of the mountain again. Rone stepped out and say the sunlight illuminating the lake gracefully. "So now what do we do great Emiser?" Rone asked Snira in the crystal as the door closed behind them. "I suppose your emotional upheaval has gone by? Don't worry Rone, we will triumph no matter what come sour way. For now we need to meet Rotem

The Portal

the keeper of passage. He alone knows the mystery of the portals between our world" said Snira in the same sweet echoing voice. "So where can we find him? And how do we get there? I don't have anymore warp stones with me." said Rone trying to think of a way "Let me help you."saying this the crystal floated away from Rone and in an instant the tall sturdy figure of Snira emerged. Rone noticed the absence blinding light this time. "Come, climb on me" said Snira giving a warm smileand kneeling down . "I'm privileged great Emiser" Rone said while climbing cautiously overs Snira's silken skin. he sat near Snira's head. The gold hair around him was warm and cosy. Rone held to it tightly. "Ready my dear friend?" asked Snira mischievously. "Yes Emiser" said Rone trying to sound bold. With a huge jerk, two wings spread out from Snira's skin, white in color. With one big swipe, Rone and Snira were high in the air. Another swipe and Snira lurched forward , its golden hair swaying behind with Rone scared to death and holding

tightly. Snira giggled and slowed down. They started Cruising over the grassy planes. "Wow, you got great power great Emiser!" Rone said in admiration recovering from the initial shock. "Thank you Rone, and you can call me Snira, the council isnt here anymore" said Snira mildly. "Haha.. well, great to know you Snira" said Rone laughing "Same here Rone" said Snira as they glided forward. ********************************************* ***************************** It was evening by the time they saw what they were looking for. Snira and Rone landed on the bank of the river. Rone got down, glad to be back on land again. Snira nudged him towards the waterfall. A pale looking old man sat next to it on a rock, trying to catch fish. As Rone and Snira approached him, he looked up. "Ah about time you arrived here great Emiser. Welcome to my humble abode!" said the old man. "Greetings Rotem, we have come here for your help."said Snira in the same echoing sweet voice.

"Please come in" said Rotem poniting towards the cave behind the waterfall. Rone followed unaware that his wildest imaginations are going to start soon....

Rone and Snira followed Rotem towards the Waterfall. "Incas Mohiri Umi!" said Rotem and suddenly there was a huge jerk in the ground. The waterfall parted in the middle to reveal a hidden passage. Rotem beckoned Snira and Rone to follow him. Snira turned back into a crystal and softly landed on Rone's palm.As they entered the passage, flames leapt up on the walls to illuminate their path.The tunnel went deeper and deeper in the ground. Finally Rone saw some light ahead. As Rone walked out of the tunnel, the sight he saw bedazzled him! A pool of water reflected of light from 6 different large holes which were each surrounded by a huge crystal of different color, namely red,blue,green,white and black. Rone noticed one of them had a empty space in place of a crystal as

The Realms

if.. something was torn apart from there. He looked at Rotem for some explanantion, but he merely smiled. Snira explained seeing Rone perplexed. "These Holes represent the 6 realms around our world of Irsat. Each of the surrounding stones signify the basic element the world is based upon. The empty spot you see there is where the light realm's crystal stood. Light realm is the most powerful of all the other 5 realms, and as i have been told, Nehar stole it from here in his attempt to control the elemental stone." finished Snira serenly "Hmmm, i never knew Irsat so deeply. That answers a lot of questions" said Rone looking satisfied. "so what do we do now?" asked Rone eager to see more mysteries. "Rotem is the only person who can manage the realms power. Ofcourse this ability came with a price. But he is willing to do anything to save this Land. He will guide us now" said Snira "Yes, Please follow me" said Rotem while moving towards the whole with the green stone

When all three of them reached the green stone, Rotem said "Before you leave, beware that nobody else should find out the portal's location on the other side, otherwise it would be of great consequence. Also take these" he handed Rone a package and a scroll. "Please deliver it to whom its addressed. It is very vital that you deliver it." said Rotem inspecting Rone's reaction. "Sure, we will." said Rone Firmly as Snira watched patiently. Rotem gestured both of them to stand next to the portal and then said "Incas ahitas Eushi Realma Eartha Elementisia!" instantly both Snira and Rone were cocooned in a green bubble. The bubble floated towards the hole and stopped right on top of it. Expecting something amazing to happen Rone waited eagerly. and then "Puck" came a sound and the bubble bursted. He fell straight down the holw along with Snira. What a rude way to depart!

As Rone fell down the passage , he clutched Snira tightly in his right hand and the package in the left. The wind rushed against his face as he fell

The Earth Realm

weightlessly through the dark tunnel. Finally he saw a faint glow at the the other end. He tried to slow down, but in vain. He got nearer and nearer to the glow and it kept getting brighter, and then "spffffffff.....shhs" he slided across the floor, which was strangely very soft to land on.He shot out like a bullet, and landed with a thud on green marshy floor. "Ugh... what is this place" said Rone seeing himself all muddy. He surveyed his surroundings, and saw many shipwrecks in a distance. He stood up and walked towards one of them. It was a huge ship. Rone had seen ships in Irsat too near the Leishian Sea, but they were puny compared to the size of this ship. He stared at it for a while and then looked at Snira's crystal for some kind of explanation. "Don't look at me, I'm as new here as you are " said Snira cooly Suddenly there was a clicking sound from behind "Halt, don't you dare take another step!! Who are you and how come you are here?" asked a Burly man with some strange item in his hand pointing at Rone. "Answer me will you!?!" said the man impatiently.

"I'm Rone, from the land of Irsat. Greetings dear friend" said Rone calmly. "What gibberish, what is this irsiuat u say!?!? afff.. i had enough you are coming with me Irsy guy" saying this he tried to grab hold of Rone.Instantly he was thrown away by a flash of light blue spark. They man got up shaking "What the hell was that!?! Who are you!?!?" asked the man scared out of his wits. "Oh, I'm sorry but that wasn't me. It was the great Emiser Snira who did that to you. I guess he did not approve your action." said Rone while pointing at the crystal. At that moment a group of men arrived, and one of them walked forward and asked the man who was blasted by Snira. "Whats the commotion here Nair?" asked the man sternly. "This ...this.. man attacked me when i tried to know his whereabouts Victor!"said Nair still shaking. "Is that true?" asked Raze looking at Rone. "No , he tried to attack us first" said Rone without a hint of fear. "Oh , now did you Nair?" asked Victor looking at Nair. "Uhmm.. well yess .." confessed Nair.

"In that case im sorry for this bad episode. Let me welcome you to the Bermuda Triangle!" said Victor cheerfully.

A fire crackled in the mantelpiece giving warmth to the two people sitting next to it. "How are things going for you?" asked the man sitting on the left side of the fire "Not good, dear friend. Somehow my worst fears have come true" said the other man miserably. "Worry not, He will be safe where he is going. This is the best and only thing we can do" Said the first man trying to pacify his friend "I know, but its still very hard. Specially when i think of her finding out about this. She would be devastated if she ever comes to know about this" said the second man remorsefully "But what you have done and are doing is a good thing my friend. May God be with You And the "Hope" we are trying to save" the first man said while getting up to leave from the house. "Yes, may gods be with us in saving our last chance of freedom" replied the second man.

The Informer

As the first man closed the door behind him, the second man stared at the fire. The fire crackled and then came a sudden voice from it "It is Time" came a voice from the crackling fire. The Man nodded and moved away. A jet of fire erupted from the mantelpiece and a something fiery and fierce landed on the silk carpet. The man gasped in astonishment as he saw what emerged from the flames. ********************************************* ***************************** A guard came running towards Nehar's chamber and knocked on the door "Come in if you have some worthwhile news for me or i will burn you to the death!"said Nehar "Sirrrrr... Siirr... Thereeee ... Isss someone.. someone to see you..." said the guard frightened out of his wits. "And who may that be?" Asked Nehar sternly "he.. he says.. that he has information about the whereabouts of ... of..." gasped the guard "OF WHAT?" asked Nehar Angrily "the sixth element my lord" said the guard expecting a blow on himself.

"Very well ,bring him here" said Nehar calmly "Yes ,my lord" said the guard as he moved away, unable to believe his good fortune.

Victor Beckoned Rone to follow him. Rone obliged and walked along with Raze,Nair and others. "So you live here Victor?" enquired Rone puzzled looking at the wrecked surroundings. "Oh! yes.. you see , we all are doomed sailors stuck at this place. Well at least most of us ." Victor said while giving a quick glance to Nair "Call it our fortune or misfortune, but our mighty ships were brought here by this island. They were humbled and wrecked. But somehow all sailors of each ship were spared by the sea. Ever so often we find new people coming aboard here. Sometimes by sea sometimes by air!" finished Victor "I see, so you all have adapted to this enviornment." said Rone "Yes, pretty much because there is no way off this place as far as we know." said Victor "But what caused your ships to get wrecked here?" asked Rone

The Tales of Bermuda

"We all had common experiences. Each one of us were following our usual route, but when we got too close to this particular area , our ships were pulled here like magnets pull iron nails! it was as if some magical force pulled us here!" said Victor "Magical force? hmmm..." said Rone while thinking deeply. "How long have you been here Victor?" asked Rone casually "Well, its been Three Hundred and Twenty Two years if my memory is still working as it should." Victor said while laughing "What!? How is that possible??" Asked Rone Amazed Even with knowledge of some of the most secretive magic ever known in Irsat, no one was able to achieve immortality or even extend one's lifespan beyond a century or two. "We do not know, but it is one of the gifts this island has given us all. We do not age. Owing to this we have some very old people here who still look very young" Victor said as they neared a cave like entrance

"And they can also move things without touching them" remarked Snira who had been silently listening to the discussion so far "I thought this was your first time here great Emiser!" Rone said with a clear expression of curuiosity "It is, however i have knowledge of certain things of each realm" Snira said Slyly. "Well, here we are" Victor said while pointing towards the hill in front of them. "Shall we go in ?" Asked Victor warmly. "Yes, but before we enter i need to stretch out a bit." Said Snira as the crystal began to glow brighter and brighter until everyone present was bedazzled with light and the Alternate form of Snira reappeared. Tossing the golden hair Snira looked amusingly at everyone around her Nair tried to fall back but tripped and came down on the ground. Everybody present there gasped as they saw how magnificent Snira looked "Boy, You have a lot to tell" Said Victor amazed by what he was seeing "And i have a lot to learn. Lets Begin" replied Rone

As King Nehar sat on his elegantly carved chair of wood studded with jades and sapphire, someone softly knocked on his chamber's door. "Who is it?" asked Nehar "The man who wanted to see you sir." replied the guard. "Let him enter" said Nehar. A small middle aged man entered the room limping in his ragged clothes. he stood quietly in front of Nehar. "I'm told that you have some information regarding my possession ?" Asked Nehar "That is true my Lord" replied the man meekly "If you are correct, i shall reward you handsomely. If not, u know the consequences." said Nehar trying to test the other man's fear "I understand my Lord" replied the man meekly again "Very well, you may begin" said Nehar with a hint of glee. ********************************************* ****************************** "So according to you, Esthaa sent the sixth element to the Earth realm so that it could unite

The Ragged Man

with the "Hope" that you have told me about?" asked Nehar, clearly amused by what he had just learnt "And if this "Hope" learns about his abilities and successfully unites with the sixth element , he could actually have a chance of claiming the other 5 elementals and become the ruler of realms before me?" asked Nehar, still surprised by this new information "Yes my Lord" replied the ragged man. Hmm... this is indeed quite some development" said Nehar clasping and unclasping his hand. "But, tell me this.... How do you know all this, and why are you telling me this?" enquired Nehar curiously. "I know all this, because i was the one who suggested this to the resistance. They found the "Hope" after a long and painfull search. They sent it to the Earth realm to keep it safe. And now they have been successful in obtaining the sixth element as well. And I'm telling you all this , because i have my own reasons to do so. Revenge is what drives me now. Thats the only emotion i have left in me now." finished the limped man almost on the verge of crying

"Very well. So we both have a common Enemy now. " said Nehar slyly "We do, my Lord. And unless you do something soon about this, you could soon lose your empire." the man said wiping off his eyes with his torn sleeve. "Guards!" Shouted Nehar at once four handsomely dressed guards came running in. "Get this man some better clothes, and prepare my transport" "The usual sir?" asked the guard "No, not that. Prepare the one i newly won from my enemy. It has some specialities you see." said Nehar excitedly "Lets Begin, we have to sort out this mess my new friend" Nehar said turning to the ragged man

Rone entered the cave followed by Snira who had gone back to the crystal form. Victor led them both through a series of tunnels whose walls emitted a soft light. Not too dim not too bright. Just enough to illuminate the path around. Victor stopped beside a particular section of the tunnel's wall and gently pushed it behind to reveal

The Question

a hidden room. As Rone followed Victor along with Snira into the room, he saw people sitting around on the floor.Victor then announced "Dear elders,today we have a very special guest among us. He would like to share his story with us as I'm sure you would be curious to know the secret behind the floating crystal that you see here" finished Victor looking at Snira. the elders nodded in unision. Snira gently brushed Rone's arm. Rone walked towards the centre of the windowless room, cleared his throat and spoke "Greetings, I'm Rone. I come from a land that is very different from yours. My world exists as a parallel world to yours. In fact your world is one of the six realms that exist parallel to ours. This particular island as i have been told has strange properties. This is because it acts as a portal to your realm. I believe the portal itself is the cause of all the strange things that people residing here have experienced. I suspect there is indeed a way off this place. For that , i believe the great Emiser can better explain to you." said Rone and moved a little back

Snira then floated towards the center and again a very very bright light filled the entire room and Snira emerged in the true form. "Greeting the people of earth realm" said Snira in a very serene tone even without looking at the faces of the people sitting in the room, Rone could make out the awe that everyone was experiencing on seeing Snira's true form Snira continued "I'm Snira, the voice of the light element. As Rone explained we both come from a different world having many similarities to this world. However we are here for a reason. We need to find something as soon as possible, which could be only possible if we can find a way off this island. I have been told that everyone present here has been unable to leave this island. However I'm a different being altogether and do not have human limitations. In exchange for helping you leave this island ,I ask for your friendship,loyalty and trust which i will need when the time comes. If you all are ready to swear by this, we can begin the process of leaving this fateful place" There was a total quiet in the room. Not a single whisper was heard. Everybody was busy thinking

about what Snira had just said.Finally one of the oldest elder present there said "Greeting O great Emiser Snira. I'm John Ebbuck. I was the first to arrive here at bermuda and i have lived here for over 7 centuries now. I'm deeply indebted to this place and therefore cannot leave. However my companions here can leave if the wish too, but before that i have a question for you great Emiser. Could you please answer that?" finished John "ofcourse, I know you have your doubts. Please Proceed. " said Snira curtly "How did you know we were stuck on this island and could not leave?" asked John in a suspicious tone Snira remained silent "Because Victor told us so" Rone interrupted "No,that is not the answer im looking for" said John with a slight smile on his face "I knew it because , I'm the one causing all the phenomena here" replied Snira.

Rone merely stared at Snira after what he heard. A smile crossed John's face. "Thank you great Emiser. We can now proceed whenever you wish to. " saying this John went back to his place in the room satisfied. "Are there any other questions?" Asked Snira authoritatively nobody moved a muscle "Lets Start" and instantly a bright light surrounded the whole room. however this time it was different. Rone felt a sudden feeling of weightlessness and was blinded. Next thing he knew, he was standing right outside the hill Victor had led them into. He was standing there along with the elders and lots of other people had arrived on the scene. "What just happened?" asked Victor amazed and confused "I helped you avoid some walking" said Snira while smiling mildly still standing tall in the magnificent true form. " I hope i was able to get everyone here" said Snira candidly.


"So what now?" Nair asked.. somehow he and the others knew what had transpired in the room few minutes back. "We need a volunteer first" asked Snira looking at all the people standing below. "Worry not. I know what I'm doing" Snira said reassuringly "Let me leave this damned place first" said a young handsome looking man. "And what is your name dear friend" asked Snira "I'm Bolt. I have been here too long and wish to see the world again." he said without a hint of fear in his voice "As you wish. Come and kneel in front of me, dear friend" said Snira softly Bolt did as he was told. Snira looked straight at him and the crest on her head began to glow. A single beam of purest light shot through its centre and hit Bolt. Instantly he vanished and there was a huge flash of lightning in the sky. The lightning kept reoccurring increasing in frequency as time went passed. "He is where he wanted to be now lets move." finished Snira

Rone obeyed and stood in front of Snira like others around him, still looking troubled.The lightning flash by now had split into many independent flashed and were now converging into a spherical shape. surprisingly there was no sound of thunder. The Lightning sphere slowly descended on the people gathered around Snira and engulfed them.

Main Characters: King Nehar:- (Evil minded King who stole the sixth element) Rone:-( a good minded ex-warrior with a goal, and a mission to protect something) Estha:- (The guardian of the Sixth element) Aymir:- (a important assistant of Nehar) Lord Bama :- ( A king resisting nehar's evil plan to take over the sacred land) Snira:-(the alternate form of the sixth element)

Secondary Characters: Rotem:- (keeper of portals)

Special Characters:

Zoyre:- (A friendly dragon guarding the council of kesis)

Random Supportive characters: Nair:-(a burly man who does not think a lot before acting) Victor :- (Leader of people at Bermuda)

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