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a life worth giving

a commitment to generosity and service

F i r s t

U n i t e d

M e t h o d i s t

C h u r c h

W i n t e r

P a r k

ifeBeing worth atgiving Church Feels

Just Like Being at Home
Weve watched Anna (pictured) and Leah Howell be baptized, receive 3rd grade Biblesa and soon they will be confirmed into church membership. life worth giving It is our hope that everyone shares their experience that our church feels like your home. We want you to find church a warm, inviting and comforting experience. Were glad youre here.
a commitment to generosity and service

mmitment to generosity and service

First United Methodist Church Winter Park is a place to belong, a place to become, and a place to make a difference.

Ministry Through Music

a commitment to generosity and service

a life worth giving

a life worth giving

C o m m i t m e n t
142 5 C a rd in a l Roa d Orl a n d o, F l or id a 3 2 8 0 3 4 0 7 -8 9 6 -1 8 4 4 FUMCWP Log o D e s ig n M e l in d a C l a r k M a rc h 7 , 2 0 1 3

S te wa rd s h ip c a m p a ig n l og o: A Life Wor th G iv in g He a r ts in te r l in k in g re p re s e n t g e n or is ty a n d s e r v ic e , th e c or n e r s ton e s of C h r is tia n s te wa rd s h ip C ol or s c h e m e 1 : N a v y a n d S k y Bl u e

t o

a commitment to generosity and service

S e r v i n g

By Laurie Fuller
From the 4-year-old warbling slightly off key during a Chilpecans and volunteering at Broadway Bound, the musical theater drens Choir anthem to the 80-somethings who lend their grace show held annually to raise money for the youth choir tour. In an and experience to the Chancel Choir, musicians at FUMC Winter amazing show of musical solidarity, many members of the adult Park come in all ages. From the tender hymn with which the conchoirs here at FUMC Winter Park volunteered long hours pergregation serenades the newly baptized to the respectful anthems forming in and washing dishes for Broadway Bound. that comfort surviving friends and family during a funeral, music The Childrens Choirs under the leadership of Jennifer Boyd ministries at our church uplift is another amazing success, every cherished ritual. with some 40 children filling The depth and breadth of our halls with music every our churchs music ministries Wednesday. In addition to is astounding and inspiring. singing, the children have a Between the adult choirs (we chance to play instruments have four), youth choir, chiland perform in productions drens choir, bell choirs (we such as Broadway Bound. have three) and instrumenThe costs of maintaining talists about 240 people are such a high level of musical actively involved in music excellence and ministry are ministry at this church. And staggering. Obvious costs inthat is just the traditional worclude purchasing handbells Michael Roberts ship service, said Director and choir robes and mainand Laurie Fuller of Music Ministries Michael taining the organ. But there Roberts. That doesnt even inare hidden costs as well. MiWhat Does Being Part clude the talented musicians who participate chael Roberts estimates it costs $107 to purof a Church Family regularly at the contemporary service. chase enough copies of music for one ChanMean to You? One annual highlight of musical ministries cel Choir anthem. Multiply that by 52 weeks. Share your story! of FUMC Winter Park is the Festival of MuThen keep in mind that multiple choirs often sic that ushers in the Advent and Christmas perform on the same Sunday. The Contemseason. This years event brought together 60 porary Service doesnt escape the hidden singers, a 45-piece orchestra and the handbell choir in a 45-minute costs those words to the songs projected on the screen? The service combining beloved carols with lesser-known holiday works church pays royalties for them. and culminating with the Hallelujah chorus. On a personal note, I am the daughter of a childrens choir diTeenagers face innumerable demands from school, sports and rector and handbell director. I grew up singing in childrens choirs other extracurricular activities. But in an era when youth choirs and adult choir and playing handbells. Rarely a week goes by that are increasingly rare, about 25 youth make time in their busy lives a hymn or anthem doesnt bring a lump to my throat or a smile to to gather weekly in fellowship to share their love of song. The my heart. For me, worship and music are inseparable. The gift of Impact Singers will bring their talents, helping hands and sleeping music here at FUMC Winter Park lifts us all up on Gods wings. It bags to Baton Rouge this June during their annual choir tour and welcomes strangers and comforts the weary. We are truly blessed mission trip. To raise money the youth have worked hard selling to receive this gift, week in and week out.

a life worth giving

a commitment to generosity and service

C o m m i t m e n t

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K n o w i n g

G o d

What do Elbows Have to do with Being a Follower of Jesus? a life worth giving
a commitment to generosity and service

By Jon Tschanz, MDiv


1 4 2 5 C ardi nal Ro ad Orlando , F lo ri da 3 2 8 0 3 4 0 7 -8 9 6 -1 8 4 4

For years now, scientists have studied the rare Stradivarius violins to try to figure out exactly how they get their incredible sound. You would think someone would have found the plans that the great Antonio Stradivari used to create his brilliantly constructed violins. There is only one problem: Stadivari was almost illiterate and never once recorded his plans. Instead of recording, Stradivari used a process that people now call, elbow learning. This is a process where a protg is trained in a particular skill or art by sitting at the elbow of their master. Here, a protg learns the craft by copying instead of reading plans. It is as if the apprentice is rubbing elbows with her/ his master, learning each and every move they make to create and construct this incredible instrument. The more and more I dig into discovering who this Jesus is, I am constantly recognizing that we are to learn what it means for us to be elbow learners to how Jesus lived. Discipleship for Jesus meant a lot of eating, praying, healing and serving. We

F U M CW P Logo Desi gn M eli nda Clark M arch 7, 2013

S t ewardshi p camp ai gn logo: A Li f e Wor t h G i v i ng H ear t s i nt erli nki ng rep resent genori st y and ser v i ce , t he cor nerst ones of Chri st i an st ewardshi p Color scheme 1: Nav y and S ky Blue

throw around the word discipleship often, but I think it can be most easily understood in two parts: Rhythm and Courage. Rhythm because our lives must be infused with constant prayer, study and Sabbath rest. Courage because we must be courageous in the ways we serve and love those whom others deem unlovable. Discipleship, for us, is being at the elbow of our Master, wanting to love just as he loves. I have often heard it said that we shouldnt want to just be like our heroes, but we shall want to see what our heroes see. So for us, as those who long to be at the elbow of our Master, we must learn what it means to see as Jesus sees. May it be our prayer that as we start to rub elbows with Jesus, we will learn to see other people as Jesus sees them, completely and utterly loved. And, as we stumble around the journey of our life, may we remember that there are people all around us putting their arm around our shoulder, slowly helping us see what they see - because after all, we all long to be at the elbow of our Master.

Growing closer to God through lifelong learning

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, discipleship is the action word used to convey the importance of studying and growing in our understanding of what it means to be a Christian today. The church wants to help you explore the good news of the Bible and deepen your understanding of the Scriptures. Regardless of age, you can make forward progress on your spiritual journey to be at the elbow of our Master. So, get plugged-in. Join a small group or participate in the next season of classes. Well provide the opportunities, you take the action. Rev. Jayne Rideout, Minister of Discipleship 407.644.2906x236

C o m m i t m e n t

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G e n e r o s i t y

A Year in Ministry Snapshot

ChristmasEve Eveworshippers; worshippers;843 843average averageweekly weeklyworship worshipattendance attendance Christmas

3,320 3,320 worshippers worshippers 150 children children

493 visits 493 visits

The Theyear yearMethodist MethodistSchool Schoolfor forEarly EarlyEducation Educationwas wasfounded founded

1954 1954 (the year)

Pre-k Pre-kto tograde grade5 5in inSunday SundaySchool Schooleach eachweek week

Hospital & home visits by pastors and care volunteers Hospital & home visits by pastors and care volunteers FY2012-13 Operating Budget to equip the ministry of and through FUMCWP FY2012-13 Operating Budget to equip the ministry of and through FUMCWP Adults and children singing in our choirs Adults and children singing in our choirs Average monthly hours our members are serving others Average monthly hours our members are serving others Holy Communion administered to homebound members Holy Communion administered to homebound members Lives transformed in Naivasha, Kenya through Panua Ministry Lives transformed in Naivasha, Kenya through Panua Ministry New members in 2012; 82 members moved or passed away New members in 2012; 82 members moved or passed away Average number of meetings held at church each week Average number of meetings held at church each week

$2,691,000 $2,691,000 628 hours 628 hours

240 singers 240 singers

400 youth & children 90 youth & children 107 new members

70 sacraments

70 sacraments

107 new members 278 meetings

278 meetings

a life worth giving

a commitment to generosity and service

Commitment Sunday | April 28, 2013

When we return a portion of our financial blessings to God through our tithes and offerings, we invest in Gods vision and mission and create an SANTA BOGDON DESIGN opportunity for worship and service to God through generosity. Stewardship is a way of life that recognizes that everything we have is Gods, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth. Our churchs fiscal year begins in July, and about this time each year we begin our planning and preparations for the upcoming year in ministry.
1425 C ardi n al Ro a d Or lan do , F lo r i da 32803 407-896-1844 FUMCW P Log o D esig n Mel ind a Cl a rk Ma rch 7, 2013 Stewa rd sh ip ca m pa ig n l og o: A Life Wor th Giving H ea r ts interl ink ing represent g enoristy a nd ser vice, th e cor nerstones of Ch ristia n stewa rd sh ip Col or sch em e 1: Na vy a nd Sk y Bl ue

At all three on April 28 you will have a life services worth giving a commitment to generosity and service the opportunity to place your 2013-14 financial commitment card in the offering plate, if you have not already returned it or completed the form online. Through our congregation here at First United Methodist Church Winter Park, we are the heart, spirit and hand of Gods outreaching love. With your support, the ministry of and through FUMC Winter Park is transforming lives within our congregation, community and into parts of the world.


ways to give






Financial Commitment 2013|2014

NAME_________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________________________________________________________________________ STATE________________ ZIP__________EMAIL_______________________________________________________ PHONE________________________________________________________________________________________ YES, I/we pledge to give $____________

weekly monthly quarterly one-time

Signed_________________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please complete and return this form to the church, or complete at I/we would like more information on how to provide for FUMCWP in my/our will.
For more information: Murray Wilton, Director of Operations 407.644.2906x268

First United Methodist Church WInter Park 125 N. Interlachen Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789

a life worth giving

a commitment to generosity and service

Dont go to church. Be the church.

a life worth giving
a commitment to generosity and service

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1425 C a rd i n a l Roa d Or la n d o, Flor i d a 32803 407-896-1844

FU MC W P Log o De s i g n Me li n d a C la r k Ma rch 7 , 2 0 1 3

St e wa rd s h i p ca mpa i g n log o: A Li f e Wor t h G i vi n g H e a r t s i n t e r li n k i n g re pre s e n t g e n or i s t y a n d s e r vi ce , t h e cor n e r s t on e s of C h r i s t i a n s t e wa rd s h i p C olor s ch e me 1 : Na vy a n d Sk y Blu e

Well take a moment to celebrate YOU and the many ways that you are the church. Hundreds of you sing, teach, care and serve others here at the church, in our community and beyond. A core commitment of this faith community is to serving, sharing ourselves and our resources in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are not already plugged-in to serving, there will be a ministry fair in the courtyard on April 21 after each service. You can speak with a representative from all of the areas in which we invite, welcome and encourage members to become involved, to get plugged-in, and be the church.

Volunteer Celebration & Ministry Fair Sunday, April 21, 2013

For more information: Carol Smith, Director of Lay Ministry 407.644.2906x288

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