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MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEWORK APRIL 22nd, 2013 5th prep Longfellow Science Fair Thursday!

Finish any preparations including: bring any materials and information, practicing your presentation, etc. **Parents are invited to join and watch the presentation with the judges from 8am- 9:30 am. Students will be presenting ONE time during this time period, depending on when the judges arrive to their table. 5th prep Walter Scott Science Fair Thursday! Finish any preparations including: bring any materials and information, practicing your presentation, etc. **Parents are invited to join and watch the presentation with the judges from 8am- 9:30 am. Students will be presenting ONE time during this time period, depending on when the judges arrive to their table. 5th prep Pedro Mir Science Fair Thursday! Finish any preparations including: bring any materials and information, practicing your presentation, etc. **Parents are invited to join and watch the presentation with the judges from 8am- 9:30 am. Students will be presenting ONE time during this time period, depending on when the judges arrive to their table. 6th Neruda Lengua Materna: 1- Realizar ejercicio pg. 64 del libro de practica Villa Cuentos. Para el mircoles 24/4/13 Language Arts: 1. Read Narnia Chapters 9-12 (Due: Friday April 26, 2013) 2. Complete pages 208, 209, and 210 of the Practice Book. (Due: Tomorrow) 6th Bronte Lengua Materna: 1- Realizar ejercicio pg. 64 del libro de practica Villa Cuentos. Para el mircoles 24/4/13 Language Arts: 1. Read Narnia Chapters 9-12 (Due: Friday April 26, 2013) 2. Complete pages 208, 209, and 210 of the Practice Book. (Due: Tomorrow)

6th Keats Lengua Materna: 1- Realizar ejercicio pg. 64 del libro de practica Villa Cuentos. Para el mircoles 24/4/13 Language Arts: 1. Read Narnia Chapters 9-12 (Due: Friday April 26, 2013) 2. Complete pages 208, 209, and 210 of the Practice Book. (Due: Tomorrow) 7th Verne Lengua Materna: 1-Recordar leer cuadros pg. 134, transcribir y realizar ejercicios 2 y 3 pg. 135. Libro Sm. Para maana 23/4/13. (Recordatorio para los que an no la ha realizado) 2Recordar lectura de texto clsico cap. 2. Para el viernes 26/4/13. 3- Leer pgs. 174 y 175 del libro Sm. Para maana mircoles 23/4/13 8th Defoe Mandarin: Bring two more pages of the book about "ME", due Thursday, April 25. 8th Dickens Language Arts: 1. Begin working on the Anthology Book Finish the Ode Poem. 2.

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