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MEETING GUIDE Relationship Building with Dining Services Administrator

Meeting Initiator: Deli Manager Team Supporter: Chapter President Support Materials: Sample agenda (below) Customizable Intro to FG PowerPoint Presentation* (add URL) Customizable leave-behind brochure* (add URL) What you need to know about FeelGood one-pager (Add URL)
*NOTE: Be sure to download the PowerPoint presentation as a .ppt file and the brochure as a .docx file so that you can customize them with your school logo and chapter information.

Suggested Dining Services Contact Go straight to the top! This means meeting with the Director* of Dining Services, or someone they designate, as they are most empowered to make any actual decisions about supporting FeelGood. Since these high-level administrators can be difficult to nail down, consider asking someone already invested in your success who has a relationship with dining services if they can help you make the connection (i.e. the Director of Student Life or your chapter advisor).
*NOTE: The director may be an employee of your school (if dining services are in house), or may be employed directly by a third-party service. If the latter, we recommend you seek support from Student Life to make outreach more effective and a positive outcome more likely.

Meeting Purpose and Goals An initial meeting is meant to lay a foundation for a supportive long-term relationship by: Gaining an understanding of their position and responsibilities. Sharing the vision of the FeelGood movement in general, and your chapter in particular. Getting their perspective on the lay of the land from a dining services point of view: The attitude, policies and contracts relevant to your objectives, and guidance on how you might best proceed. Ultimately, over time, your objective is enrolling them as an advocate and/or a resource you can go to with questions or for guidance, approval or input. Useful Tips for Before and After the Meeting... When requesting the meeting, be persistent and reach out in multiple ways (phone, email, inperson visit to their office) to demonstrate your commitment. Show up 5 minutes early for the meeting. Dress professionally. Have materials prepared, and review them in advance. Within 24 hours of the meeting, send a follow-up email summarizing the conversation and next steps. Within 72 hours, send a handwritten note of gratitude to them via campus mail.
[Note: The key to a successful relationship is passion plus follow-through! Be sure to follow up on all your action items in a timely manner so that your administrative contacts know you are serious. When they see you are serious, they will be more responsive.]


[Note: This agenda is based on an approximate 30-minute meeting. If you have more time, great. If you have less time, or if 30 minutes was not enough, remember that this 1st meeting neednt be your last. Ask for a follow -up meeting to continue the conversation.]

INTRODUCTIONS (5 MINUTES) 1. Introduce yourselves 2. Express gratitude for having the opportunity to meet with them 3. Acknowledge that they have many responsibilities; you know that they are busy and that their time is limited. PURPOSE OF MEETING (5 MINUTES) 1. State briefly why you are here 2. Ask them if they would mind telling you a little more about what they do. 3. Example: We are in the process of founding an on-campus chapter of a national organization working to end global hunger, and are hoping to get some information and guidance about how to best proceed. We have a short presentation that goes into more detail about our chapters mission and the larger national movement, but would really appreciate first learning more about your role at the university. It will help us better understand what questions to ask. Would it be okay to start there?
[Note: If their answer is short, dont be afraid to ask a few polite, probing questions what a typical day looks like, what their biggest challenges are, what is most rewarding about their job. Only ask if it feels natural and appropriate.]

FG INTRO AND CONVERSATION (15 MINUTES) 1. Thank them for sharing, and again express appreciation for their time 2. Consider stating that clearly you have much to learn from them 3. Now say youd like to tell them more about your student organization and why you are starting it, with the hope they can offer some advice and guidance. 4. Go through the presentation, the contents of which will lead into a dialogue with your dining services contact.
[Note: PowerPoint provided. Some customization is required so review before presenting!]

CLOSE (5 MINUTES) 1. Once your time has ended, quickly summarize action items and next steps. 2. If a follow-up meeting is needed or desired, ask to set it up. 3. End by reiterating your gratitude for their time, their knowledge, their generosity. The more sincerely appreciative you are, the more they will want to help you.


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