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Reading skills for academic tasks

IV. Underline the past perfect form and interpret the sentences to Spanish
1. No disease had been so deadly
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Half people had died from this terrible disease
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. He had brought in food and wine
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The prince had planned everything
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. He had chosen all the clothes
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. A masked figure who had not been there before
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. It had come like a thief in the night
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. Read the story The Mosque of the red death in the pages 7 10 and
answer the following.
1. Who or what is the red death?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. What is the prince Prospero`s attitude in the face the Red Death?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. How is described the prince`s castle in the paragraph II?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. What were the things that Prospero planned for the guests?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. What did Prospero and his friends do while people were dying in
the town?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. How many rooms the castle had and what color were they?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. What happened in the black room in the sixth month?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. What happened in the castle when the clock rang?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. What was the stranger wearing when he got to the castle?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. What did Prospero do when he saw the stranger in his party

Reading skills for academic tasks

11. What did happen to Prospero? And how did the people around him
12. How does the story end?

VI. Write your own version (paraphrases) in your notebook about one of
the following options.

a) From his grave, Prospero remembers what happened

b) The Red Death makes a summary about the things that happened in
the prince Prospero`s castle.
c) A journalist from an European newspaper or a magazine writes a
red note about what happened in this place

When you finish, read your version to the rest of the group
VII. Answer the following in teams
1. Who or what do you think the red death was?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Do you think this is real?
Yes/no _________________ Why? ________________________
3. With which actual situation can you match the text?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. What message did you get from the text?

Reading skills for academic tasks

Lection 1

Take a look of the text from the pages 7 10 and answer in pairs about:

1. Who do you think the author was?

a) An anthropologist
b) A scientist

2. What was his nationality?

a) American
b) Austrian

c) A Writer

c) British

3. In what century did he live in?

a) XX
b) XIX

d) Australian


4. Who do you think the author of this story is?

a) Julio Verne
b) Edgar Allan Poe
c) Mark Twain

5. Which of this works did he make?

a) Mona Lisa
b) The golden Beetle

d) An inventor

c) The Piety

d) XV

d) Ernest Hemingway

d) The four stations

6. What is the topic of the story? _______________________________________


In the story The Masque of Red Death appear some compound verbs.
Read the following
Recycling Compound Verbs

These verbs are made by a verb and a preposition or an adverb which modify its meaning. In order to have
the right interpretation you need to use a bilingual dictionary and consider the context in order to get the
right meaning.
For example:
GO ir
Go about viajar por
Go back Volver,Intentar
Go by
Guiarse por, pasar por
Hundreds died when the ferry go down = Cientos murieron cuando el ferry se hundio

Reading skills for academic tasks

1. Underline the compound verbs in the following sentences search for them in
the dictionary and choose the right meaning considering the context.
1. He had brought in food and wine, (P. III)
a) Imported
b) Brought

c) Produced

2. Happiness came into the castle again.(P.VII)

a) Enter
b) obtained
c) heritage
3. .take hold of him, and pull of f his mask (P.XII)
a) Accomplish
b) Remove

c) Get

4. The prince was close behind him, holding his sword up high... (P.XIV)
a) Assaulted
b) Standing
c) Showing
5. Angrily, they pulled away the clothes and mask.. (P.XV)
a) Take off
b) take away
6. And one by one they fell down dead. (P.XVI)
a) Fell to the ground
b) Failure

c) set aside

c) Fainting

7. And the Fires also died away... (PXVI)

a)They slowly disappeared b) They died a bit by bit c) they conclude, finish

Another topic used in the story, was past perfect. Read the following
information and pay attention to the examples.

Recycling Past perfect

This tense is made by HAD and the past participle of the main verb.
The red death had been in the country
La muerte roja haba estado en el pas
This is used for describing an action which was held before another action.
Although half the people of his country had already died from this terrible disease,
he continued to enjoy life to the full.
Aunque la mitad de la gente de este lugar haba muerto por esta enfermedad, el
continuo disfrutando de la vida

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