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A questioner: Free Write 1/24/13 Something I know about, but want to know more about is photography and blogging.

I want to know more about photography because it interests me. Is becoming a good photographer all in the film or camera you use, or do you need something more? I want to know more about blogging because I want to make my blog more interesting and find ways to get motivated to update it more often. Im fascinated by the cynical nature of todays teenagers. Is our environment making us cynical, or have teens always been this way? Im interested in this because I too am cynical. I like to think Im being realistic. But I always assumed I inherited this trait from my parents.

This free write demonstrates questioning because I am asking questions. But Im also thinking about these questions, Im not just expecting an answer to be thrust upon me. A Creative Thinker: Free Write 1/10/13 I am a sister, a blogger, a girlfriend, a best friend. I am hungry, tired, bored, uninspired. I am boring, unoriginal, lazy, and slow. I am an individual. I am a Sherlockian, a Homestuck, a Supernatural fan, a Marvel fan. I am dark, secretive, and sad. I am tired of this assignment. I am out of ideas of what to write. I am a music fan. I am terrible at spelling and have to use boring words because of this. I am a photographer and a writer.

An example of some of the doodles I drew during class. This entry demonstrates creativity because I write about some creative things I do along with things I am interested in. This entry also has doodles I did during class, which are another example of creativity.

An Analytic Thinker: Essay Outline: -intro -younger generation -what makes people/personalities popular, or just more appealing -scientific essays/studies already done -psychological standpoint -Conclusion: How do I feel? What did I learn? And my opinion

This entry shows analytical/logical thinking by demonstrating how I set up my essays. I create an outline and then work around it. I cross out what I end up writing about and leave out what I cannot elaborate on. This is an example of my thought process. A Reflective Thinker about a Reading Assignment: Friends with Benefits: 1. She shares a story w/ the reader. 2. You can have an argument w/o a thesis. 3. Having a big group of acquaintances is just as important as having a close group of friends. This is found in the third/fourth paragraph. 4. Yes, it also makes it more interesting to read. 1. Rebecca G. Adams, Shelly E. Taylor, James Fowler, Craig Ross, Diana Ross, Micheal J. Bugeja 2. 1. Paragraph 3 2. Paragraph 5 3. She does this to grab our attention again and carry on the discussion. 4. Distant friend, like someone you know only through online posts, that you knew in highschool/college/through an old job. Real friend, someone you interact w/ and talk to regularly.

5. towards the end. They ask the question: How many fb friends will show up when youre really in trouble? This entry shows reflection on the entry because I go through and answer the questions that came with the reading. For me, answering questions is easier than writing something open ended. Your Favorite Thinkbook Entry: This semester, in English, I felt unsatisfied and apathetic about my work. I didnt feel as if I was using my full writing potential with the assignments given, especially since I did not take much interest in what I was writing about. I also feel like I did not get much out of the class. Now that the semester is ending I wish I had chosen something more interesting to write about so Id want to revise my EIP and make my portfolio look good. I chose this entry because, while it may be a little negative it is the best representation of my personality and how I feel about the semester. I work too hard at the beginning of the semester and often end up burned out at the end. This entry is my favorite because it was the last one I had to write.

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