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1 . G-20 of new beginning The world is div ided into different groups, asked dev eloped and dev eloping economics. G-8 is a group of eight countries which are economically most Edwards countries of the World. On the other hand, G-5 is a group of fiv e countries which are the dev eloping economics of the world. Ev ery y ear, the heads of the eight states meet informally in bun of the eight countries discussed the one issues. Since last fiv e y ears, whenev er this group meet, they inv ite G-5 also. The aim being ex changed ideas between their lov ed and lov ing nations to stop this y et to, the meeting of G-8 boss had in Italy the head of G-5 but also inv ited. G-8 Countries There are USA, Russia, UK, France, Germany , Italy , Japan and Canada. 2/9



G-5 Countries These are India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Mex ico. G-20 Countries It is now recognized as the main bottom to discuss key economic problems raised in the Ward. In addition to G-8 and G-5 countries, the other economic included in the group of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey , South Korea, Australia, Argentina and European Union. Last y ear the meeting was headed at Pittsburgh, USA on 24 September 2009. It was being debated by the West and ugly at that no solution can be found to the recession and other is of the economic rebound the participation of the dev eloping comics. The important the condition at the meet. Stimulus package to continue as the economic showing signs of recov ery . Dev eloping board succeeded in getting a higher order by 5% at the IMF. Foreign inv estment will be speed-ed up forbidding infrastructure as to what countries. The economic short discredit protectionism. The meeting was a great success. This had lifted in signs, showing recov ery in the economic of world. The outcome of the summit is v ery encouraging to India and dev eloping world. It is a good beginning that court late to major gains of the world community .

2. Generation gap Ev ery old man complaints of the growing deprav ity of the world, of the indifference and impatience of the rising generation. There has alway s been conflict within board and the y oung. The order people hav ing seen more y ears, write themselv es on their sy stem and the ex pedience and consider it their right to dictate to the Y oung. They forget that the world is a whole generation order and wiser than men the father was of his some stage. If this conflict has ex isted in the past, it is more announced and more acute today . Bey ond liv ing in times of speed. Changes are taking place at this base. The car model of 2000 is outmoded in 2003. They should be equally at the key board to our ideas and notions. The ornament failing to adjust himself to the rapidly changing env ironment rate on the new generation. As the amount the aging man of limited and get sensitiv e liv es, not in the public world of atomic phy sics, and conflicting allergies, of welfare states and supersonic speed but it in his sticky priv ate univ erse of phy sical weakness and mentally decay . Different generations Ev ery age and condition must be as free to act for itself in all cases as the Aegis and generations, which preceded it. The v anity and resumption of learning be in the grav e is the most ridiculous and innocent for all data needs. In our country , the pasta was ov er the y oung heads and their reward. Our social customs are moth-eaten and was be discarded like a thing of twice. After centuries of tiny , which we hav e unpredicted on the agent within, we hav e failed to relent to stop cost but it is his God in our social behav ior and the ordinance in question mov es along the world but, the y outh of today wish to hav e a clean break that is behav ior. They will organize himself to so the man, educate them make their own East Ina and more hy gienic, dy ing at them, that many them and giv e them feeding tube complete utility and connectiv ity . If the Ordov ician gets scandalized, afford is their own. The y oung men are only cleaning a stables. Then remov e the organ chords of defense because of these hav e been found wanting. Consider again our marriage customs. Manage, which is seldom agreement, and going in for life long partnership is made of business position. So much prescience money flows down the drain lav ished and busiest feasting, resulting in tremendous whiskey s or for, ex tra 3/9



widget illuminations in an env ironment of secular power crisis. The y oung man of today cannot put up with this organized silliness and would grasp this Saudi scheme of things to check that it to bits. It is a different matter that he would draw the rate of his elders. People and the nation in generation All y oung people born to kick up their heels and defy conv ention and crusty traditions. And that brings about the confrontation between the y oung and the board that charge them with lack of ideas. They forget that y ou itself is an ideal, a way of looking at things in a freshly unfettered by the conceptions and prejudices. They must be allowed to rev ert the world into their hearts desire and it really be a much more beautiful, much happier, much more peaceful world. Conclusion It is indeed one of the technical tragedies of y outh and it is the time of the tragedy that y oung are thrown mainly that adults. 3. Sex education and its Merits Imparting sex education in schools of India has remained a new table issue. Like many believ e that it should be taken up in the schools, other field that being a delicate subject, that ensured he be dead children's in this regard. The children's fault that 20,000 to the I more of that than more decadence but at the same age or to see and the Mas media. The onslaught of the foreign Legion general has farther led the y oungest is adopted the use. The patterns hav e fretted the negativ e impact of the foreign media propagation among the children's. Serv ice indicate that on an av erage ev ery of unsorted watches telev ision for two hours daily . The ov erdose of 1 30 and crudity predicted in the Indian cinema and v ideo albums could make the fondness blush with shame. Sex and diseases Sex education to the y ounger generation was fired because of the alarming increase of the human immunity v irus (HIV ) to its in India. The major cause of the spread of this disease to a healthy person is to the phy sical listener ship that and its v ictim. Hav ing once this disease, science cannot prov ide remedy to the v ictim, because no cure has been discov ered so far. The human immune v irus causing it gradually went and woke and the party immune sy stem. The patient suffer from CV S loss and weakness, battier, pneumonia and of host of other diseases. The diseases has sev en series attracted to it, hence the patient are generally not get for by the familiar and lack of guidance by the patient and the society at large, lead with their debt of such v ictims. Sav e the life of sev en liberal y oungsters from contracting the disease, the v eteran short field than the to attribute their children. They showed be ex plained the importance of appointing moral v alue and apply ing once in choosing partners. Carrier of diseases Another reason at for imparting sex education in school is the spot in incident of phy sical resorts on the minors. According to the WHO study , one in ev ery 1 0 children sex ually abused. Such incidents takes place because v eterans showed that the authorities of educating their children against such abuse by the editors. It has also been noted that the most of the time the person found guilty of as art on loan to the v ictims. Children being nativ e, fall v ictim with the adv ances of the editors. They are forced to liv e with a coma on their liv es in are unable to recov er from it. So when the child is minor, and should educate them to av oid talking to the stranger and not to y ield by street and chocolates. At home they showed be asked to maintain unreserv ed behav ior. Simple adequate off dev eloping one's behav ior, and it isn't and how to sit and world oneself in the company of us, should be incarcerated at and ev ery age. Children should nev er be left off guard by their 4/9



parents. The per teens and a bit of ev idence seems in the time when children's ex pedience changes, mental and phy sical. They begin to see the world in the much mature of it. And at this stage, treat them as children, why did they want to assert that age. The div ision gap between their size and their parents widens at the stage of that action. This is an undercurrent of hesitancy among the bad and disgusting the problems faced by their teenage children. The children being inquisitiv e done to their friends. They are gained access to the misinformation through cheap photographic look at it on ideas, which instill them but present ideas.

Sources of adults Bands, in India on loan hide debt affection towards each other, in front of their children stop date resort distinct lack of emotions which is a tradition of the British when it comes to display s of lov e for their spouse in that presence of their children. The children grow up to believ e that lov e is to dabble and is resolv ed to display once affection in public. Hence, display of prox imity by a black Oracle shaking hands, looking hands enhance or ev en talking becomes an object of attention are ridiculed. This makes the children the city is dev eloping friendship but that was it six , and it worked means being defend to the norm laid down by the society . That ensured understand the psy che of their children. Subjects, which are cost of as taboo by them, would be pursued by the children who break the Orthodox v ideos. Bands short intimate that children in the meaning of lov e. The lov e they display for the children, by giv ing gifts, shading and getting for them, can be shown for each of the two by behav ing like perfectly normal friends. Such a way of conduct of the patterns words that each other would instill of them the feeling that lov e not only means sharing and getting fought each other, it also means accepting and supposedly be of the other. Problems for children Giv ing the time of the lenses, that ensured befriend their children to hav e them pull up it the changes they undergo dealing disputed. A secure family atmosphere, getting that going y es, Woodard made them whenev er and immoral acts. That ensured talk with their children more often will giv e them the feeling of the security in the family . This would make the children open up their problems and had the patterns totaled out the cause. Interaction with the friends of their children also would giv e an idea about their background and the minds of the y ounger lot. The band shoot it in children's as confident and bomb them again dev eloping friendship with immoral friends. They should also not it that misadv enture, and does in my y ounger, because of improper items. They should be taught about the justifications of such misadv enture in later life, who had them face their life properly . Children should also be pulled that lov e off life abov e some sort begin off distorted life, as education would giv e them letters and the maturity to handle for responsibilities. They must be made to understand that ev ery stage in life comes at a sucking age and stay s for it at. Intensity preceded school life, which gav e way to college life and late that the pursuit of an occupation. Most day s in life repeats itself and giv es v ague to the nex t stage. Rather than turning their backs to the sponsor release, if bands in concerted the crew essence of lov e in their children, there would be a reduction in sev eral kinds. That ensured ex cept that responsibly these, which would make the job of the school authorities sex education in schools, less cumbersome.

Education and Child School being the second home of the child, should also field responsibility towards him. Though the niche of 5/9



seats of learning are sold at home, school life remains and indeed a part of ev ery choice that dev elopment. If bands rise up to their sponsor ladies, the mission of the school in propagating sex education, and the students would be achiev ed. Bands might find it difficult to come to terms with the growth of their child. But in some schools, they would be collectiv ely educated with the help of special features, psy chologists are medical considers. Fans may sometimes find it impossible to resort their children's writers, these would be looked after by an ex pert. Sex education in schools would dispel many of the mites they wouldn't among children. This would also discredits them from gaining access to magazines. Many of the micro conceptions would only do it out from society if sex education in school is taken up for the benefit of students and the community at large. Health education The best way to tackle the problem is to introduce a subject called Health education rather than the sex education. This is also because the Indian mindset would alway s think of some thing fishy in the subject. The subject would be immense with help who these children and would fulfill the needs of classified information regarding their phy sical changes. It would in done be of immense help to our country as we would be able it will sav e a lot y ou make from being v anished.

SSB Interview:
Interview-Ten Golden Tips To Top In The Interviews:
Appreciate the wisdom of being clean, neat and tidy when you present yourself before the interview panel Interview Board: See that you have good haircut and that your nails are clean. Comb your hair well. Remove sweat, oil, dirt, etc., from your face and forehead. Make sure that no bad odor or smell emanates from your face. But you can certainly do a lot to improve it. Your appearance should show that you are an orderly person. Therefore, do take care of your grooming. Mind your clothes: You should dress well suited to the occasion. Your clothes should not be gaudy or showy. You must present yourself in a suit, preferably of dark or somber colors. Your collar must be clean, well pressed and starched. Similarly, your shirt handcuffs should also be clean. They should not be frayed in the ends. You must wear socks and shoes. See that the socks are pulled up. Shoes must be well polished. You make the first impression with your clothes and the way you dress yourself up. If your clothes create an initial unfavorable impression you will be hard put to neutralize it during the interview. Similarly, with some care for your clothes you can begin the interview with your right foot forward. It is therefore very essential that you turn up for the interview, smartly dressed. Etiquette, manners and courtesy can help you a great deal in tilting the interview in your favor: Before entering the room, gently knock at the door and announce yourself. You can politely inquire whether. You could go in. You must enter only when you are bid to do so. Enter calmly with confidence. After entering, greet those present according to the time of the day, e.g. 'Good morning, Sir,' 'Good afternoon, Sir', and so on. It would be ideal if you could stand to attention while greeting them. While paying compliments and later while addressing the Chairmen, or the Members. Generally address yourself to the Chairmen as he represents the entire Board. Wait till you are offered a seat. Then thank the person who asks you to sit down before you are offered a seat. Then thank the person who asks you to sit down before you take your seat. If you are not offered a seat, continue to stand and answer the questions from that position.




Avoid mannerisms: Sit straight and look up. Do not keep shaking your knees, tapping on the floor and so on. Stop coughing or adjusting your throat every now and then. Atop playing with your tie, collars or coat buttons. Do not lean on the table and rest your elbows there. In fact, you should cur out all unnecessary movements. You can and must be relaxed. Smile and be cheerful: While entering the room, while greeting the Chairman and Members, while thanking them and while listening to them keep your smile on. See that you do not start yawning during the interview. You should look keen, interested, pleasant and enthusiastic. A smile helps you in all these. Speak distinctly and audibly: Do not either shout or mumble. Pronounce your words full and give emphasis to the syllable where required. Speak in such a way that all those present could hear you without straining themselves. Speak with interest and enthusiasm. Your voice must sparkle and vibrate with spirit. Do not drag or sound monotonous. Speak to the Chairman or to the Members and not to the floor, roof, table or wall. In other words, look into their eyes while you speak. Be attentive and look attentive when the Chairman or the Members speaks to you: Listen carefully to what they say and do not ask them to repeat themselves often. Do not close your eyes while you want to concentrate. Also do not interrupt while they talk. Allow them to complete the question or remarks before you give your reply or comments. You must avoid arguments: Do not challenge the opinion of the Board Members or the correctness of their statements. Express your views with tact and consideration. Avoid criticizing others. Do not find fault with others. If you are in the wrong, admit it and apologise immediately. Never give excuses. While giving your conclusions, proceed in a logical manner and adduce valid reasons. Do not be self-opinionated. Do not bluff, boast vainly and shoot lions: State the fact accurately and be modest while describing your achievements. When you do not know the answer, be frank and tell them so. Never generalize or make vague guesses. See that you do not waffle. While you speak, you must be able to hold the attention of your listeners with interest. You should never become a bore. Act with confidence, hop and assurance: Be positive and optimistic in your outlook. Remember, it is not so much what you say, but how you say, that mostly determines your success in the interview.

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