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The figured world I am observing is the Student Union. The Student Union is used for numerous activities.

As for rules for the Union, they are very lenient. For example, In the Union, people are free to do whatever they please as long as it is within the social norm. But these rules do change depending on the location. The Student Union has 3 and one half floors, these floors having different environments, atmospheres and different people. As for the upper floors, a quieter environment is more appropriate (excluding Crown Complex). These upper floors can be used for relaxation, breaks, study, or reading. At the dining areas such as Wendys, Mama Leones, Einsteins Bagels, and Crown, people are allowed to eat as well as do their school work. These areas stray from the quiet ones and it is appropriate to be loud most of the time. At the chairs in the main areas, mostly on the first floor, people are allowed to do things such as nap, socialize, and do any type of writing. In any area however, food can be eaten whether it is in the food area, or in the quiet sections. In the Union, people should not be un-ordinarily loud. For example, in any area screaming or yelling should not take place unless in emergency conditions. The types of discourse communities I expect to find are communities of study, social, and food and beverage communities. These are the abundant things I have seen happen before and think is what is typical for a place like this. Also I may expect business as there are workers working the facilities as well as communication offices. The Student Union will be a community that I think will be a great place of interest and believe good observation will take place. The days I did were Monday at 5:30pm and Tuesday at 9:00pm. My Monday notes are as follows: 5:30 pm: Actors play social roles and have conversations throughout Union 5:32 pm: People participate in literacy practices such as reading, studying, and writing throughout the main floor of the Union. 5:34 pm: The workers have the Literacy of making the food for students. These workers start slowing down creating a larger line and more actors playing an impatient role because food time is taking longer. 5:34pm: Some people simply just walk through the Union 5:40pm: The 2nd and 3rd floors have Actors being quiet and respectable to others 5:44pm: Back areas such as the side entrances and office areas are mostly quiet.

My Tuesday notes are as follows: 9:00 pm: Workers no longer on duty, food places closed except Wendys 9:03 pm: Since the Actors that were working are gone, people seem to just walk by. 9:05 pm: The food artifacts being only Wendys creates the smaller atmosphere 9:08 pm: Outtakes is open, just observed an Actor paying for an Artifact (The Actor being the customer, the artifact being the product he purchased) 9:10 pm: Actors socialize less almost as if they were on the 2nd floor during the day 9:10 pm: More people sleeping in chairs Workers seem to be going at a slower pace

I also had my interview with a man named Chris with black, short hair, and scruffy but well maintained facial hair. I recorded: Had a literacy in Reading 50 Shades of Grey In the main area He had a book being his artifact He plays the role of many people throughout the day. He sits and reads, contributing to the seats being taken up, also volume. He said he has been in the Union for 3 hours He said he ate Wendys (artifact) earlier Socialized with friends earlier at the same spot

My third observation took place on Thursday night at 6:30pm 6:30 pm: Artifacts I observe in the main area include: Backpacks, writing utensils, food, garbage, liquid bottles, clothes and more that I probably didnt pick up on. 6:32 pm: Actors present a breakdancing literacy and are performing, a small crowd watches 6:35 pm: Food lines become enormous as the Actors working become quick in doing sales 6:36 pm: Actors eat food, while others take food to go. 6:38 pm: Crown Commons becomes extremely packed 6:39 pm: An actor drops her papers, a gentleman has the literacy of helping her pick it up while others watch (including me.) 6:40 pm: The food lines become smaller and Actors working slow their pace down 6:42 pm: An actor drops his wallet; this time I took the initiative to grab it and give it back to him.

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