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Chapter 1 B.F. Skinner - Behaviorism - psy only studies things that can be observed and measured. John B.

Watson - also behaviorism Cognitive Psy - step back from behaviorism. Brings into play the mental processes (process and remember information, develop language and solve problems.) Independent - what is known Dependent - what is seen and recorded. Chapter 2 Action Potential - electrical impulse by which information is transmitted along the axon of a neuron Synapse - point of communication between 2 neurons Temporal Lobe - primary auditory cortex Language and the left hemisphere - Paul Broca/KarlWernicke = cortical localization Chapter 3 Sensation - process of detecting a physical stimulus. ex - light, sound, heat or pressure etc Perception - process of integrating, organizing and interpreting sensations. Bling Spot - point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye, producing a small gap in the field of vision. Trichromatic theory of color vision - theory that the sensation of color results because cones in the retina are especially sensitive to red, green and blue light. Olfaction - the technical name for sense of smell. Gustation - the technical name for the sense of taste. Chapter 4 REM Sleep Sleep during which rapid eye movement and dreaming usually occur and voluntary muscle activity is suppressed accompanied by psychological arousal. Manifest Content dream that is consciously remembered by experienced by the dreamer. The Parasomnias acategory of sleep disorders characterized by arousel or activation during sleep or or sleep transition. Ex - sleep-ealking, sleep terrors, sleep sex, REM Sleep disorder. Hypnosis cooperitive social interactoin in which the hynotized person responds to the hynotists suggestions with changes in perception, memory and behavior. Chapter 5 Learning a process that produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of a past experience. Principles of Classical Conditioning process of learning associations between stimuli. - Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) natural stimulus that reflexively elicits a response without the need for prior learning

Unconditioned Response (UCR) the unlearned, reflexive response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus - Conditioned stimulus (CS) formerly neutral stimulus that aquires the capacity to elicit a reflexive response - Conditioned response (CR) learned, relexive response to a conditioned stimulus. Edward Thorndike / Law of Effect Learning principle proposed by Throndike that responses followed by a satisfying effect become strengthened and are more likely to recur in a particular situation. If a dissatifying effect follows a situation then responses will be weakened and less likely to recur. Operant Conditioning basic learning process that involves changing the probability that a response will be repeated by manipulating the consequences of that reponse. Chapter 6 Sensory Memory stages of memory that registers information from the enviroment and holds it for a very brief period of time. Short Term Memory - holds information for about 20 seconds. Maintenance rehersal will keep info for a longer period. Capacity of short term memory We chunk information together to remember. Past motto : seven plus or minus two. Current motto is : four plus or minus one. Implicit memory information or knowledge that affects behavior or task performance but cannot be consciously recollected. Explicit memory information or knowledge that can be conscioulsy recollected. Also known as feclarative memory. Flashbulb memory recall of very specif imagesw or details surrounding a vivid, rare, or significant personal event; details may or may not be accurate. Chapter 9 Erik Erickson - Each Stage in life has a conflict that one must overcome. Relationships are inportant in detirmining the outcome of the conflict. Conflict are found on Pg. 400 Jean Piaget - Stages of Cognitive Development - Sensorimotor Stage > Preoperational Stage > Concrete Opeational Stage > Formal Operational Satage The Formal Operational Stage beginning of adolescense. Much more systematic and logical than the concrete operational child. Developmental Psy Definition - study of how people change physically, mentally, and socially throughout the lifespan. Chapter 10 Id - irrational, illogical, impulsive dimension of personality Ego - rational, planful, mediating dimension of personality Superego - moralistic, judgmental, perfectionist dimension of personality.

Carl Rogers : Positive Regard -Self concept - set of perceptions and beliefs that you have about yourself including your nature, typical behavior, and personal qualities. -Conditional Positive Regard - sense that the child is loved and valued only when he or she behaves in a way that is acceptable to others. -Unconditional Positive Regard - refers to a childs sense of being unconditionally loved and valued, even if he or she doesnt conform to the standards and expectations of others. 5 Factor Model of Personality - Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openess to Experience, agreeablness, and conscientiousness. Oedipus Complex - A childs unconscious sexual desire for the opposite sex parent, usually accompanied by hostile feelings toward the same sex parent according to Frued. (EW?!) --- Penis Envy (girls) Castration Anxiety (guys) Chapter 11 Social Psychology - Branch of psychology that studies how a persons thoughts feeling and behaviorare influenced by the presence of other people and by the social and physical environment. Implicit Personality Theory - network of assumptions or beliefs about the relationships among various types of people, traits and behavior. Jigsaw Classroom Technique - Combination of ethnically different students all working on a mutual project. Philip Zimbardo : Stanford Prison Experiment - i dont know how to describe this... The Bystander Effect - when people are in a group they are less likely to act to help someone rather then someone who is a alone. Chapter 12 Hans Selye - p 505. Type A Behavior and Hostility - A behavioral and emotional style characterized by a sense of time urgency, hostillity, and competitiveness. Problem-Focused Coping Straregies Social Supoort - the resorces provided by other people in times of need. Pessimistic Explanatory Style - accounting for negative events or situations with internal, stable. and global expectations. Chapter 13 Psychological Disorder - a pattern of behavioral and psychological symptoms that causes significant personal distress, impairs the ability to function in one or more important areas of life. Phobia - persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - an axiety disorder in which the symptoms of anxiety and triggered by intrusive, repetive thoughts and urges to perform certain actions. Bipolar Disorder - a mood disorder involving periods of incapacitating depression alternating with periods of extreme euphoria and excitement; formerly known as manic depression Chapter 14 Carl Rogers: Client-Centered Therapy - type of psychotherpy developed by humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers in which the therapist is nondirective and reflective and the client directs the focus of each therapy session; also called person-centered therapy Cognitive-behavioral therapy - therapy that integrates cognitive and behavioral techniques and that is based on the assumption that thoughts, moods, and behaviors are interrelated Antipsychotic Medications - prescription drugs that are used to reduce psychotic symptoms; frequenly used in the treatment of schizophrenia; aka neuroleptics. Electroconvulsive Therapy - a biomedical therapy used to primarily in the treatment of depression that involves electrically inducing a brief brain seizure. aka electroshock therapy.

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