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Community Bible Study

At Western Branch

Engaging Ephesians
Lesson One

All Things Are United in Christ

The Apostle Pauls letters to churches often followed this outline: Christ has saved you and given

you a whole new life, which includes these benefits Now, heres what your new Christian life should look like in practical terms This pattern is seen more clearly in Ephesians than any of
Pauls other letters. The first three chapters: Paul emphasizes Christs eternality (1:5-6); His work of redemption (1:7-9); His supremacy (1:19-22); His grace (2:5,8); His ministry of reconciliation (2:11-19); His personal sacrifice (2:13); His centrality to the church (2:19-22); His riches (3:8); His role as the Agent of Gods purpose (3:11); His role as Mediator (3:12); and His being the Recipient of glory (3:21). Because of Christs sacrifice, four times Paul refers to believers being in or having access to heavenly places. Paul emphasizes that, together, these individual believers (regardless of their ethnic origin) who are in heavenly places make up one body the church. The final three chapters: Paul explains how believers should respond to the truth he expounded on in the first three chapters. These chapters are full of verbs: I urge; you must; put off; speak the truth; let no; do not; Let all; and the list goes on A verb he repeats throughout this section is walk (five times), referring to ongoing behavior. Paul emphasizes that, individually and corporately, believers need to live (walk) in the full power of the Holy Spirit so that when the world sees the diverse members of the church it sees One Christ. 1. Why do you thing Paul emphasized Christs work before advising the believers about their lifestyle choices?

2. What do you think Paul meant when he referred to heavenly places?

3. What does it mean to you to be a member of Christs body?

If you are doing this study in one of our groups, take time to pray for one another about your answers to question 3. Ask God to show you the depth of joy found in being a member of Christs body. If you are studying by yourself, write your prayer down and keep it where you can see it daily.

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