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*Differences bet groups. Distinguishing characteristics. No diversity PROTISTA Unicellular Microscopic No germ layer present No organs or tissue.

or tissue. Only specialized organelles Locomotion by pseudopodia, flagella, cilia Most are naked Nutrition of all types Free-living or symbiotic mode of life Asexual reproduction Division of labor between cells

ANNELIDA Segmented or metameric Bilaterally symmetrical Annuli and septa Setae: Tiny chitinous bristles (except in leeches) Prostomium and Peristomium (two part head) Pygidium (terminal portion bearing an anus) Hydrostatic skeleton Clitellum (reproductive structure) Asexual reproduction by fission and fragmentation Nephridia for excretion EX. Earthworms, freshwater worms, clamworms, tube worms, leeches

MOLLUSKA Consists of a head-foot portion (more active) and a visceral portion Has mantle and mantle cavity Radula: o Tongue-like structure for feeding o Found in most mollusk except for bivalves Bilaterally symmetrical Unsegmented, usually with a definite head Open circulatory system Presence of a shell EX. Chitons, tusk shells, snails, slugs, clams, octopus, squid, cuttlefish

ARTHROPODA/ INSECTS Cuticular exoskeleton composed of chitin Segmentation and appendages for efficient locomotion Highly efficient tracheal system of air tubes Highly developed sensory organs Complex behavioral patterns Undergoes metamorphosis Tagmatization (groups of segments) Complete digestive system Sexes are usually separate with paired reproductive organs Respiration by body surface, gills, trachea, or book lungs Open circulatory system with dorsal contractile heart EX. Insects, crustaceans

ECHINODERM No heart and brain Hemal system (blood vascular system) Water vascular system Spiny endoskeleton plates Radial symmetry Pentamerous Presence of pedicellariae (keeps the surface free of debris) Radiating grooves Regeneration Tube feet Fragmentation External fertilization EX. Starfishes, brittle stars, sea lilies, sea urchins, sea cucumbers

OSTEICHTHYES/ BONY FISH External and internal fertilization but usually external Cartilage and bones Have cranial bones and rooted teeth Have lungs or swim bladder Endochondral bone (replaces the cartilage) Swims forward and backward Operculum covers the gills Smooth overlapping scales EX. Ray-finned fish, lobe finned fish, clownfish, piranhas, sea horses

* Closest to human beings in terms of the structure

CHONDRICHTHYES/ CARTILAGINOUS FISH Endoskeleton is entirely cartilaginous No bones With notochord Almost all are marine Mouth is ventral With placoid scales or naked J-shaped stomach Respiration by 5-7 gills leading to gill slits No swim bladder or lung High concentration of urea and trimethylamine oxide in the blood Sexes separate Internal fertilization EX. Sharks

* Difference between reptiles and amphibians Tough dry leathery skin Better developed lungs Stronger jaws Higher pressured cardiovascular system More complex nervous system AVES/ BIRDS Similar to reptiles Barbules are found in their wings Wings are constantly aerated. They always have oxygen in their lungs thats why they have high metabolism Forelimbs modified into wings Hindlimbs for walking Keratinized beaks Lay eggs Four chambered heart Migration for adaptation

AMPHIBIA Skeleton mostly bony Usually have four limbs Forelimbs usually with four digits Heart= two atria and one ventricle Double circulation Skin is smooth, moist and grandular Cutaneous respiration Buccal pumping for respiration Respiration through the skin Ectothermic (Cold blooded) Has eyelids and lachrymal glans to protect and wash the eyes Separate sexes External fertilization Tongue is attached at the front of the mouth EX. Salamanders, frogs, toads,

MAMMAL Body mostly covered in hair Integument with sweat, scent, sebaceous and mammary glands Mouth with diphyodont teeth Lower jaw is a single enlarged bone Movable eyelids Fleshy external ears Four chambered heart Respiratory system consists of lungs with alveoli and larynx Excretory system with ureters Highly developed brain Endothermic (warm blooded) Separate sexes Internal fertilization Young is nourished by milk from mammary glands Highly sociable With opposable thumb

REPTILA Ectothermic/ cold blooded Body covered with keratinized epidermal scales Two paired limb, usually with five toes Skeleton are well ossified Ribs with sternum Respiration by lungs No gills Sexes separate Internal fertilization Eggs are covered with leathery shells o No aquatic larval stage EX. Turtle, lizards, snakes, tuataras, crocodiles, alligators

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