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Exhibitionist a person who behaves in ways intended to attract attention or display his or her powers, personality, etc. Mortal subject to death; having a transitory life: all mortal creatures.

Sermon any serious speech, discourse, or exhortation, esp. on a moral issue Exhort Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Come on, you guys, exhorted Linda.

Impose Force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.

the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others

Narrative A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

The hero of his modest narrative

Phantasmagoria A sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream

what happened next was a phantasmagoria of horror and mystery

Premises A house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or
considered in an official context. Business premises. supplying alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises

Competent capable Improvisation to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation; extemporize:
to improvise an acceptance speech

Mislay To lose temporarily: He mislaid his keys Eccentric Uncommon/abnormal/irregular Garnish decorate/adorn Adorn to make more pleasing, attractive, impressive, etc.; enhance: Piety adorned Abigail's

Tenuous doubtful/weak/insubstantial Fatalism the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism
helped her to face death with stoic calm.

Endorse To approve, support, or sustain: to endorse a political candidate. Caucasus any group or meeting organized to further a special interest or cause. Understatement The presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than
it actually is
o o

a master of English understatement to say I am delighted is an understatement

Imperative An essential or urgent thing

free movement of labor was an economic imperative

Explicit Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt

the speaker's intentions were not made explicit.

Indefinite Lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time

they may face indefinite detention

Brazen Bold and without shame

he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance a brazen hussy!

Condemn Express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure

fair-minded people declined to condemn her on mere suspicion

Avail Use or take advantage of (an opportunity or available resource)

my daughter did not avail herself of my advice

Ominous Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen;
threatening; inauspicious o there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead

Avert Turn away. Prevent or ward of Concede Admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it contend struggle to surmount surmount overcome

gist real point of an action/speech etc assert State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully Soliloquy An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers,
esp. by a character in a play

Dubious Hesitating or doubting / Of questionable value Lurk (of a person or animal) Be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or

Intricate Very complicated or detailed Perplex Complicate or confuse (a matter) Bewilder Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused

she seemed frightened and bewildered his reaction had bewildered her

Baffle Totally bewilder or perplex

an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone

Aggravate make worse or more serious

Exasperation A feeling of intense irritation or annoyance o she rolled her eyes in exasperation

Burden the main responsibility for achieving a specified aim or task

the burden of establishing that the cost was unreasonable

Exacerbate Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse Exuberance the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience

a sense of youthful exuberance

Contemplate Think about Invigorating Making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy Brisk Active, fast, and energetic

a good brisk walk business appeared to be brisk

Comprehend Grasp mentally; understand

he couldn't comprehend her reasons for marrying Lovat I simply couldn't comprehend what had happened

Devour Eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly

he devoured half of his burger in one bite

Lucid Expressed clearly; easy to understand

a lucid account write in a clear and lucid style

Comeuppance A punishment or fate that someone deserves


he got his comeuppance

Rendezvous Meet at an agreed time and place Cursory Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed Desolate Feeling or showing misery, unhappiness, or loneliness Abrupt sudden and unexpected Jettison Abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted)

individuals are often forced to jettison certain attitudes and behaviours

Delirious In a state of wild excitement or ecstasy.

There was a great roar from the delirious crowd Loathe cruelty (loathe intense dislike), viciousness and vulgarity (socially unacceptable or offensive)

Phallus an erect penis Predecessor someones predecessor is a person who USE to do their job BEFORE. Meticulous doing things very carefully and with great attention to detail Conscientious being very careful to do their work properly Phoney FALSE and intended to deceive

ohhh Btw.... I've noticed people telling me.... Usually when i'm tired i LOOOOK depressedd as!! And people tend to get uncomfortable, cause I either look angry or depressed... maybe like the day u saw me at uni... LOOL I dunno i'm working on my facial expressions. Lol. And when i'm angry I tend to go offensive.. but me getting angry is quite a rare case I believe but there is a threshold.. haha :) Tell me how you would describe your self as? :P

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