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Table of Contents

Casting Call

[1] | Casting Call (Table of Contents)

[2] | Carry On! (Introductory Letter)

[3] | The Fashion Spread (About Me/Contact Information)

[3] | Make it Work! (Areas of Strength & Improvement)

[4] | Getting to Fashion Week (Group & Personal Goals)

[4] | The Monetary Prize (Financial Support)

[5] | Road to the Runway (Conference & Leadership Experience)

[6] | Let’s Meet the Judges! (Letters of Support)

Carry On!
Introductory Letter
March 12, 2009

Dear WHIL CCs, WCCs, and WURHA Directorship:

It is with great excitement, confidence, and enthusiasm that I submit to all of you my bid for the 2009-2010 WHIL Chair
position. Since the end of my freshman year, WHIL has been a major part of my identity as a leader. While others spend their
time working, playing sports, or practicing for the next musical, I have the pleasure of conferencing. It is something I absolutely
love and has had a sizeable impact on my leadership and personal development. Shortly after my induction to WHIL, I was
appointed to the NRHH CC position, which created quite the learning curve for me! I took that year to take in everything I could
- the boardroom culture, the networking opportunities, new ways of communicating my ideas, and making new friends. At the
end of my sophomore year, I was re-elected into the full CC position and entered my first WURHA boardroom. I was shocked at
how different the experience was from the regional boardroom to which I had grown accustomed. Wisconsin really is like one
big family, and it is to this environment that I am drawn.

My first conference was WURHA 2007 Leadership is Sweet at UW-Stout and it jumpstarted my conferencing career. I had a
phenomenal experience, quickly becoming a conference junkie, and I have looked forward to WURHA conferences ever since. I
am thrilled to have the opportunity to start a new chapter in my conferencing career at French Dip 2009 Saturday Night
Leadership again at UW-Stout.

I began seriously considering bidding for WHIL Chair this past October after attending my first BLT and have been working
actively toward fulfilling this dream ever since. I am constantly seeking opportunities for self-improvement and this position
would offer that. I believe this to be the new frontier in leadership for me, as running a statewide organization will allow the
further development of my administrative skills and provide the chance to test my creativity. It would also allow me to continue
my involvement in an organization that is near and dear to my heart. My priority is to be of service to this wonderful group that
has given so much to me. I used to be afraid to express my new ideas for the organization for fear of misperception, but now I
am so much more confident in my ability to be expressive without being resented. WURHA has given that gift to me.

My next step was selecting a theme that represented me and would be applicable to this position. I chose Project WHILChair
as my bid theme, based on Project Runway. For those of you that have not seen the show, it is a reality series hosted by Heidi
Klum in which a group of fashion designers are brought together to compete for a monetary prize, a spread in Elle magazine,
and ultimately display their collection at New York Fashion Week. The competitions test their innovation and creativity when
forced to use materials not generally utilized in clothing design. I strive to be innovative as a leader, always looking for ways to
improve and develop my skills, which I believe will be an asset to this rather young and growing organization. And trust me, my
ideas are fierce!

WHIL is a powerful, growing organization and I have confidence in my ability to be innovative and push this organization
forward. As you read on, please take into consideration my dedication and enthusiasm for WHIL, WURHA, and the boardroom
experience. Words cannot accurately express how excited I am at the prospect of working with each one of you in working
toward our mutual goal of making WHIL as vibrant an organization as it can be! I’m ready to “Make it work!”

Auf Wiedersehen,

Josh Vanden Busch

UW-Green Bay WHIL CC

The Fashion Spread
About Me /Contact Information
Name: Josh Vanden Busch
School: University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Year: Junior
Major: Psychology & Human Development
GPA: 3.90 and 3.75, respectively
Address: Campus Box 3203
3304 UVHI Court
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: (920) 562-5093

Current Involvements: Commitments Next Year:

NRHH “Phoenix Flame” Chapter - Communication Coordinator No Frills 2010 Conference Co-Chair
No Frills 2010 Conference Co-Chair NRHH “Phoenix Flame” Chapter Member
Student Government Association (SGA) - Academic Affairs Chair 4 Classes per semester (12-13 credits)
SGA Executive Board Representative to RHAA
Student Representative to 4 Faculty Committees
Teaching Assistant

Make it Work!
Areas of Strength & Improvement

Areas of Strength: Areas of Improvement:

Management Experience (SGA and No Frills Chair) Saying “No” directly
Boardroom and CC Experience Budgeting time for myself
Enthusiasm for the organization Overly self-critical
Collaboration with other leaders
Dedication to the improvement and expansion of WHIL
Creating opportunities for recognition
Methods of Improvement:

I am already working on saying “No” when I know I have too much on my plate. In fact, I said no to more than 7 leadership
opportunities to allot a proper amount of energy to this potential position. Knowing my priorities has helped immensely.

I will make sure to keep my priorities straight, break down large tasks into small, manageable chunks, and take breaks when
necessary. Also, I will hold myself accountable to get at least 6 hours of sleep per night.

I have made some strategies to reward myself for a job well done and not focus on the little things that may go wrong, instead
taking them as learning experiences.

Getting to Fashion Week
Personal & Group Goals

Maintain a 3.5 GPA while serving on the Directorship
Respond to all communication within one business day
Hold between 6-8 online office hours per week
Strengthen knowledge of parliamentary procedure
Transition projects from the current WHIL Chair (e.g., the point system)
Work with the CTC to update the website regularly
Maintain organizational transparency via detailed monthly reports
Respond to all WHIL CC monthly reports with encouragement and useful feedback
Utilize connections made as a CC to network with leaders in similar positions
Recruit at least 2 new WHIL Chapters
Make at least 2 site visits during the year to interested chapters
Get to know each WHIL CC and President to foster a sense of belonging and ownership
Send out reminders of deadlines for WHIL-related items (OTMs, monthlies, etc.)
Fulfill duties detailed in the constitution
Facilitate a fun, collaborative, and friendly boardroom environment

Begin an archived resource of member chapter practices, the “WHIL Archive”
Monthly chats with CCs and WHIL members to increase feedback and communication
Build a stronger WHIL Conference by having specific programming or business for CCs
and working with the conference chairs to develop new ideas
Create recognition for writers of winning OTMs
Through developing personal relationships with chapters, ensure that bids for all
awards are written
Encourage involvement by extending committee opportunities to the WHIL Presidents
and general membership, in addition to bid and legislation authorship
Chapter usage of the WURHA OTM database
Transition past OTMs into database
Update OTM resources on the WHIL website

The Monetary Prize

Financial Support

The UW-Green Bay Office of Residence Life has agreed to sponsor the following: Printing/Copies, postage and mailing, office
supplies, telephone calls, other miscellaneous costs, university vehicle usage, and travel to all conferences along with chapter
site visits. I will pay for any apparel.

Road to the Runway
Conference & Leadership Experience

Conference Attendance

WURHA 2007 University of Wisconsin-Stout Delegate

GLACURH 2007 Saginaw Valley State University NRHH CC
No Frills 2008 Illinois Wesleyan University NRHH CC
WHIL 08 Conference University of Wisconsin-Platteville Delegate
French Dip 2008 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater WHIL CC elect
BLT 2008 Lion’s Camp - Rosholt, WI WHIL CC
GLACURH 2008 Indiana University NRHH CC
WHIL 09 Conference University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point WHIL CC
Spirit Award
WURHA 2009 University of Wisconsin-Platteville WHIL CC
Co-author WCC OTY bid
Large School Roll Call
No Frills 2009 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville NRHH CC
No Frills 2010 bid
French Dip 2009 University of Wisconsin-Stout WHIL CC
NACURH 2009 University of Arizona NRHH CC (anticipated)

Leadership Experience

National Residence Hall Honorary (Inducted Spring 2007) Residence Hall & Apartment Association (Fall 2006-Present)
Communication Coordinator (2007-Present) Building Rep (2006-2008)
Chapter Recognition Committee (2007-2008) Programming Committee (2006-2007)
Chapter OTM “Guru” (2008-Present) SGA Senate Rep (2007-2008)
Dream Out Loud Day 2007-2009 (Leadership Conference) SGA Exec Rep (2008-2009)
Planning Committee (2008)
Program Presenter (2009) Student Government Association (Fall 2006-Present)
Outstanding Leadership & Service Pin (Spring 2008) Academic Affairs Chair (2008-Present)
Presented/co-authored 3 pieces of legislation (BLT 2008) Senator (2006-2008)
State OTM Committee (2008-Present) Academic Affairs
Regional Legislation Committee (2008-Present) University Governance
State OTM Database tester; presented at WURHA 2009

Other Experience/Awards:
No Frills 2010 bid (June 2008-Present)
WHIL Silver Award (WURHA 2009)
S.T.A.R. Pin (WURHA 2009)
First-Year Planning Committee (2007-Present)
General Education Council (2007-Present)
Intro to Psych Teaching Assistant (Spring 2009)
Psi Chi: Psychology Honor Society (Inducted Spring 2009)
Dean’s List – Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008

Let’s Meet the Judges!
Letters of Support

[7] | Letter of Good Standing (Michael Herrity, Registrar)

[8] | Joanie Dovekas (NRHH Advisor, Assist. Director of Res Life)

[9] | Lindsay Gustin (Area Coordinator, No Frills 2010 Advisor)

[10] | Krystal Born (NRHH President)

[1 1] | Glenn Gray (Director of Residence Life, RHAA Advisor)

[12] | Jessica Knox (Past RA & Past NRHH President)

April 6, 2009

Dear WHIL CCs, WCCs, WURHA Directorship and Advisors,

I am pleased to submit this recommendation for Josh Vanden Busch, candidate for the 2009-10 WHIL
Chair position. As the advisor of the Phoenix Flame Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at
the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay for the past six years, I feel that I am in a great position to
advocate on Josh’s behalf.

Josh has been an outstanding Communication Coordinator for our chapter and our university. He has
done more in his CC position than any other student leader in my time with NRHH. He has very involved
in the development of our young chapter by bringing current issues, discussions and suggestions from
other campuses into our executive board and general membership meetings. Josh has helped our small
campus have a stronger voice within the state. I believe that he has helped UWGB’s chapter get a lot of
recognition that we previously had not experienced. This two way communication, facilitated mainly by
Josh, has pushed and prompted our chapter into stepping up in its new role within the state.

Josh is capable of handling the administrative responsibilities of the WHIL Chair position. He is
administratively strong. He has good organizational skills, delegation skills, and communication skills. He
is capable of running meetings and following up with officers’ responsibilities. He knows how to delegate
and how to respectfully confront. He is learning how to balance all of his commitments, his schoolwork
and his personal life. Like every college student, there is some growth in these areas yet to happen, but I
have no problem encouraging Josh to take this next step. Our Residence Life Office is committed to
helping him be successful at the WHIL Chair position and all the other things he loves at UWGB.

Josh’s passion for NRHH stands unquestioned. HE JUST LOVES NRHH!!! Every word from Josh’s mouth
is a promotional commercial for leadership development, collaboration, mentoring students and promoting
the pillars of our organization. To Josh, these are not just words, he is living and breathing these
important concepts congruently in his life every day. Josh wants every person to know and love NRHH as
he does. His enthusiasm, his tenacity, and his passion are ever present in our meetings and activities.

Please call with any questions you may have about Josh. I would treasure an opportunity to brag a little
more about this outstanding young leader. I can be reached at the number listed below. It has been a
pleasure to be associated with NRHH in Wisconsin!

Joanie Dovekas

NRHH Phoenix Flame Chapter Advisor

Assistant Director of Residence Life

direct line 920.465.2844

Office of Residence Life

2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
Phone: (920) 465-2040 ~ Fax: (920) 465-2771 ~ E-Mail:
April 7, 2009

Dear WHIL-CCs, WCCs, and WURHA Directorship:

It is with much pride that I write this letter of support for Josh Vanden Busch’s bid to be the
2009-2010 WHIL Chair.

I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Vanden Busch throughout this academic year in his
role as the No Frills 2010 Co-Chair. During this academic year Josh has proven himself to be an
outstanding, passionate leader who is never hesitant to go the extra mile to get the job done.
One of Josh’s greatest strength is his commitment to leadership and his involvements. Josh
gives every involvement he has 125% and is always willing to put his nose to the grind stone
and get the job done in the greatest way possible. Not only is Josh committed to his
involvement he is also committed to his academics, has an excellent grade point average, and
holds himself to a very high standard. Josh also has shown the ability to pay close attention to
detail. This is a great strength because nothing gets by Josh. You can clearly see his attention to
detail in this bid and I assure you that this strength is something that will only benefit your

As a past NRHH Chair for the WURHA organization I believe that I know the commitment,
attention to detail, and passion that this position takes. Josh Vanden Busch is a man that is
committed, pays attention to every detail, and has a passion for involvement and leadership
that I have not seen matched by any other student. Josh cares, he cares about WHIL, he cares
about leadership, and most of all he care about the growth and success of the WURHA
organization. I believe this is very evident in the goals that he has for the WHIL organization.

I urge you to give this bid your full consideration and I assure you that Josh Vanden Busch is one
student that will surely succeed!


Lindsay Gustin

Lindsay Gustin
Area Coordinator
No Frills 2010 Advisor
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Residence Life
April 8, 2009

Dear WHIL CCs, WCCs, WURHA Directorship, and Advisors,

I am proud to write this letter on behalf of the National Residence Hall Honorary, University of
Wisconsin – Green Bay Phoenix Flame Chapter. As a one of Josh Vanden Busch’s co‐residents at UW-
Green Bay, I have had the opportunity to get to know him over the past two years. In 2007, I was
honored to be inducted into our campus’ chapter of NRHH. I have seen Josh in action as a leader and
also as a mentor as he has helped new members transition into NRHH.

Josh possesses many valuable leadership qualities, but one his biggest strengths is his ability to motivate
others to get involved and become strong leaders as well. He continually encourages other members to
get involved in our existing activities, as well as start new activities they are passionate about to better
the organization.

I know Josh’s enthusiasm for WHIL will rub off on others. He can do a superb job answering questions
and telling people information, but it is the example he sets for new leaders that they will truly benefit

I know that Josh will flourish in this position. His optimism and intense devotion to student organizations
will allow him to be successful in all of the duties outlined for the WHIL Chair. He will not only fulfill
these duties, but also, as it is natural for Josh, improve upon them and leave WHIL better than it already
was when he got there.


Krystal Born, President

National Residence Hall Honorary
University of Wisconsin – Green Bay Phoenix Flame Chapter
April 3, 2009

Dear Wisconsin Honorary of Involved Leaders Communication Coordinators, Wisconsin

Communication Coordinators, Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association Directorship and

It is with much enthusiasm that I submit this letter of recommendation in support of Joshua Vanden
Busch’s candidacy for Chair of the Wisconsin Honorary of Involved Leaders (WHIL). My association
with Josh is as director of Residence Life and advisor for the Residence Hall and Apartment
Association at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

As his bid for WHIL Chair indicates, Josh has been very involved in the Student Government
Association and the Residence Hall and Apartment Association at the University of Wisconsin Green
Bay; as well as the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Chapter of the National Residence Hall
Honorary (NRHH). Josh has also been involved in the Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
(WURHA), the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH), and the
Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (GLACURH). Josh’s involvement in
these various associations has prepared him well to do an outstanding job fulfilling the positional
duties of the WHIL Chair.

As an aside, I must say that recent assessment at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay shows a
historic high number of students residing on campus, historic high resident satisfaction levels, and
historic high retention rates among freshmen living on our campus in comparison to their peers
living elsewhere. I believe this due in part to the significant contributions and achievements realized
on our campus by outstanding student leaders like Josh.

I began this letter by saying that I submit it with much enthusiasm. I did so because it is both a
pleasure and a privilege to support Josh’s academic, extracurricular, and paraprofessional
endeavors. In closing, I strongly encourage you to give your most serious consideration to Josh’s
candidacy for Chair of the Wisconsin Honorary of Involved Leaders.


Glenn Gray

Glenn Gray

Office of Residence Life

2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
Phone: (920) 465-2040 ~ Fax: (920) 465-2771 ~ E-Mail:
March 28, 2009

Dear WCCs, WHIL CCs, and WURHA Directorship,

It is with great honor that I write this letter of support for Josh Vanden Busch in his bid for WHIL
Chair. Throughout the past three years I have had the opportunity to watch Josh grow as a
leader and as a person. He has taken great strides in his leadership abilities and after seeing
these strides and his strong involvements in student organizations, I am fully confident that he
would excel in the WHIL Chair position.

When you look at Josh’s involvements, there are two important things to note. First, there is a
good variety of student organizations on his list, but, more importantly, he always puts an
astounding amount of effort and passion into each of these orgs. Josh is always willing to lend a
helping hand to whoever needs it and has truly earned every position he holds. His involvement
in our Student Government shows that he genuinely cares about what happens on his campus
and is proactive about having the students’ voice heard. As you can see, his involvement in our
NRHH chapter has also brought about significant changes. Josh pushes our chapter to expand
our ideas and to work with other chapters to find what will work best for our campus. He has
made use of the resources that WURHA provides more than any other WHIL CC from our campus
has, especially the resource he finds in his boardroom peers. He also takes the time to examine
our chapter and look at how we can improve specifically in the area of the four pillars, which
has strengthened our chapter as a whole. Josh’s efforts as WHIL CC have significantly impacted
our chapter and have helped us become a better known organization on our campus and on
the state level.

Josh’s ability to always push his organizations to be better is one of the many qualities that make
him a great leader and asset to anyone who has the opportunity to work with him. Not only is
he able to examine his organizations to look for areas of improvement, but he is also able to
examine his own skills and abilities to look for areas that he can grow in. He takes time to look at
himself and also to have the hard conversations with others to get the constructive feedback
that will make him a better leader. Right now I have the opportunity of watching Josh learn to
really prioritize and have continually been impressed through that process. Though it’s an area
he’s still working very hard to grow in, I have complete confidence that he will learn this skill and
pass it on to others.

As I said in the opening of this letter, it is with great honor that I write this. This is because I have
had the opportunity to watch Josh grow since his first year on campus and to see the amazing
impact he has made on our campus and in the lives of others through everything he does. He is
fully prepared to handle this position and to help WHIL continue to excel as an organization. I
hope you are able to see these things as well and will put your support behind Josh as your next
WHIL Chair. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Jessica Knox
Josh’s Past RA (2006-2007)
Past UWGB NRHH President (2007-2008)

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