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Mc Donalds



Table of contents

Argument..3 Prcis.4 The history....5 Corporate Overview......7 Controversies........10 Products.......14 Advertising......23 Global operations..25 Conclusions26 Bibliography..27


The reason why Ive chosen to write about Mc Donalds is that I like the taste of fastfood very much. This corporation is an international one and the greatest fast-food company in the whole world. They are serving more than 58 million people every day , and I think that this is possible only because they have nice prices and offers. Their products are hamburgers, cheeseburgers , sandwiches and other types of food like those Ive presented below . At present I dont have access at a McDonalds, but every time when I visit one big city with a McDonalds shop Im buying something.


The paper is structured in 9 chapters : Argument , Prcis , The History , Corporate Overview , Controversies , Products , Advertising , Global Operations and Conclusions . The first chapter entitled The History is important because there Ive matched the evolution of McDonalds company , from the begin to present. Next chapter , Corporate Overview contains information about fact and figures , types of restaurants , playground , redesign and business model , in followed chapter called Controversies Ive wrote about the campaign of criticisms against McDonalds expansion and their fast-food products , but also Ive wrote about their reaction at this campaign. The forth chapter called Products contains information and images about their fast-food products , every product is detailed and contain one picture , for example I have wrote about that hamburger contains ketchup, mustard, a single dill pickle, re-hydrated onions, on a toasted bun. More , in this chapter Ive wrote about local or zonal special products like many countries and districts from SUA , in addition Ive added little history of their products , where it appeared , or where it was sold for first time. Next chapter called Advertising contains three sub-chapters entitled History , Controversies , Current campaign , every one of those contains details about McDonalds advertising evolution , and how it helped the company to evolve from a local shop in a international corporation. Last chapter , entitled Global Operations contains information about one fact called McDonaldization or how McDonalds company helped another markets to evolve.

Mc Donalds is the most popular fast-food corporation and this is possible only because it has been maintaining for decades an extensive advertising campaign. In addition to the usual media (television, radio, and newspaper), the company makes significant use of billboards and sign board, sponsoring sporting events ranging from Little League to the Olympic Games and making coolers of orange drink with their logo available for local events of all kinds. In addition to this, Mc Donalds is more than an international corporation , its a style of life for many people. In conclusion , I can say that Mc Donalds company will never die.

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