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Western Division

Completion of this workbook is required for all candidates attending either the three or six day PSIA-W Level I Certification Module. Please deliver your completed workbook to the Examiner on day 1 of the Level I Module. In-House participants are required to complete and review this workbook with their resort trainer.
Failing Scores Candidates who fail to achieve a passing score (at least 80% correct) for the workbook are required to complete a second workbook and return it to the administrative office for scoring. In the event a candidate passes their on-hill assessment but fails the workbook. Level I status will not be granted until the replacement workbook is scored and passed.



Rev. November 2011

Introduction: Please Read

The information needed to answer the questions in this workbook can be found in the: PSIA-W Certification & Study Guide, the PSIA Alpine Technical Manual, the PSIA Core Concepts Manual, and the PSIA Children's Manual. The PSIA-W Certification & Study Guide is available online. The Manuals can be purchased online at in the Accessories Catalog. Some essay questions may require research among experienced instructors and supervisors. Feel free to work in groups when completing portions of the workbook. The rest of the workbook should not require more than some simple reading on your part, but go ahead and check for understanding with your peers. Have fun!
For all multiple choice questions, next to the best answer. 1. This workbook should help instructors a. b. c. d. e. prepare for future assessments become better ski instructors demonstrate their knowledge level identify information for further study all of the above

For true/false questions (or similarly formatted questions), next to the appropriate answer. 2. Certification assessments are really just a validation of knowledge and skills gained

through education and experience.



For essay and short answer questions, be thorough but as brief as possible. They should not require more than one to three sentences to complete. If any question seems confusing or appears to have more than one answer, blacken the circles next to both answers and write a brief explanation. Workbook personnel are not perfect and we will review the question for future changes! Your workbook comments:


1. Why do you want to teach?

2. What are some basic actions to make a positive first impression?

3. List the seven points of Your Responsibility Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


1. When questioning students, it is important to ask: a) b) c) d) 2. why they are there what they hope to accomplish what prior experience they=ve had all the above 8. What should be considered when planning a lesson? a) b) c) d) 9. a) b) c) d) 3. stick with your plan no matter what revise plan as needed keep your plan to yourself none of the above When is the next ski school party The snow conditions in the beginner area The type of skis you brought to the lesson How much the guest paid for the lesson.

As your lesson progresses: For students who are primarily visual learners: a) b) c) Balance and stance, rotary movements, and turn shape are basic elements of: a) b) c) d) movement analysis listening a teaching model none of the above d) blindfolding them or obscuring their goggles works demonstration is a good way to get the message across tapping a cadence with ski poles from behind is effective none of the above

10. In a beginner zone during the guided practice phase of the lesson, instructors should: a) b) c) d) allow each student to follow him/her allow time for structured independent practice on tasks let students practice and give them feedback all of the above


The best place to watch students is from: a) b) c) d) below above alongside as many vantage points as possible

11. Straight run exercises in beginner lessons are used for: a) b) c) stance and balance developing rotary skills to work on edging


Where do we want to go? Where are we now? How do we get there? Refer to: a) b) c) d) movement analysis time consuming redundant questions questions that help formulate a lesson plan a and c

12. If a student performs an exercise when you tell him/her to do so, it is _______ style teaching. a) b) c) d) task individual command problem-solving


One of your top priorities as a teach is to ensure that your students: a) are safe b) are challenged consistently c) feel safe d) a and c A lesson introduction should include: a) b) c) d) introducing yourself learning students names making sure your students are dressed for the weather all the above



13. Setting up several cone slalom courses for your wedge turn skiers and allowing each to practice on any one of the courses for the next 20 minutes is an example of ______ style. a) b) c) d) command task reciprocal none of the above 19. Children begin to question authority and try to prove that they are smarter at about the age of: a) b) c) d) 10 4 15 7

20. Using different methods to teach the same movement are ways to: a) b) c) d) increase student participation and understanding identify common dance styles resolve conflict increase resort revenue

14. An open ended question: a) b) c) d) requires a yes or no answer is when everyone has their mouth open relies on more than a yes or no answer all of the above

15. The skill / hill / drill formula refers to: a) b) c) d) a game plan for small children a group handling method a way to organize activities / exercises a and c

21. When taking your students to the chair for their first lift ride, you should: a) b) c) d) get on the chair first and give them a good demonstration send the best student up first as a role model spend time discussing how to load and unload before riding make it experiential and let them figure it out as a team

16. Feelers, thinkers, watchers, doers@ refers to: a) b) c) d) teaching styles learning styles Piagets stages of development a and b

22. According to surveys, more than 2/3 of the people who do not return to a place of business is because: a) b) c) d) they cant afford to bring a family skiing they feel an attitude of indifference from the staff they have been injured or experienced altitude sickness they are switching to mega theme parks and cruises

17. For feedback to have the most impact, it must be: a) b) c) d) e) specific brief offer positive steps for improvement be judgmental a, b and c

23. According to the responsibility code, when passing others, you need to remember: a) b) c) d) to let them know if you are passing them on the right or the left that people ahead of you have the right-of-way click your poles together to alert them all of the above.

18. Explaining what you covered during the lesson are: a) b) c) d) lack of student understanding attitudes of slow learners elements of a good summary elements of a good introduction


24. The ABCs of Service are (these feelings create lasting memories) a) b) c) d) achievement, belonging, contribution activities, belonging, compliments actualization, betterment, cognition achievement, belonging, compliments 30. Experience, people skills, teaching skills and technical skills: a) b) c) d) are keys to teacher confidence can bring increased success with students can make teaching more fun all of the above

25. If one student is less skilled than the others, you should: a) b) c) d) go at the level of the less skilled student take care of the majority push the less skilled skier to keep up tell the weaker skier to get in another class

31. Sensory information related to movement comes from: a) b) c) d) visual senses auditory senses kinesthetic senses all of the above

26. The teachers role in managing risk can be partially summed up by the following: a) b) c) d) Reinforce The Code throughout the lesson conduct sessions in appropriate areas and use suitable terrain educate students about clothing, equipment, and fitness a, b and c

32. A childs center of mass is slightly higher than an adults because of: a) b) c) d) differences in the length of the femur differences in abdominal strength differences in hip muscles none of the above

27. Knowledge of local weather patterns will help you to: a) b) c) d) provide depth to shallow conversations help you plan your day to provide optimal comfort for your group help you to prepare students so they are comfortable when changes occur all of the above

33. The center of mass in adult humans standing erect is: a) b) c) d) near the navel in the forehead in the feet none of the above

34. During the initial stage of learning, the student: a) b) c) d) shows unfamiliarity with the movement looks at whatever body part is involved relies on coaching all of the above

28. Ultimately, your success as a teacher in any subject is dependent on your: a) b) c) d) technical knowledge ability to connect on a personal level ability to perform difficult tasks all of the above

35. Arrange the following levels of understanding from highest to lowest: Application Analysis Comprehension Evaluation Synthesis Knowledge ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

29. Piaget claims that are ___ stages of development a) b) c) d) 4 5 7 8


36. Discussing ski area organizational issues and sharing your own personal issues is a good way to get to know your students True False 48. As a lesson develops, group handling can be organized on a moving basis rather than a stationary line up. True True False 49. Feedback can destroy trust and feelings of selfworth. True True False 50. A good mental model works the same for everyone. True False False False 47. Instilling a good image of the task is critical to the teaching-learning process. True False

37. Recognizing personality styles (i.e., extroverts, introverts) is not relevant to how you teach a lesson.

38. Previewing is one of the best ways to establish trust with your students.

39. What the student wants to accomplish is always more important than what the teacher thinks the student should accomplish. True False

40. Physical maturation is a special consideration when observing children. True False

51. Good ski instructors dont rely on other departments in the resort to make the mountain experience a good one. True False

41. Physical needs, like safety, may distract from any learning situation. True False

52. Asking your students Where to look when merging with another trial is a good example of how to teach AYour Responsibility Code. True False

42. It is critical to recognize the difference between challenge and fear. True False

53. An individuals preferred learning style is determined by how he or she processes and absorbs information. True False

43. Fear is one of the main reasons people choose not to continue in snowsports. True False

54. Call down is the only good method for assessing movement in your class. True False

44. It is important to avoid judgmental statements, try to focus on objective observations True False

55. Students should be told to keep wrist straps on when riding the chair lift to avoid dropping poles. True False

45. Good teachers talk with people, not at them. True False 56. You should plan a lesson to go from the easiest terrain in the morning to the most difficult at the end of the day. True False

46. Using a students sensory preferences helps achieve motivation and communication True False


57. Hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature falls below 95 degrees F. True False 68. May have difficulty reversing the sequence of directional instructions Adult True False 69. Participation, not the end result, is important 59. Being prepared for the weather may prevent injury. True False Adult Child Child 67. Can only follow one or two instructions at a time. Adult Child

58. Slope and trail conditions should not affect a students ability to perform.

70. Doesnt consider the consequences of actions Adult Child

60. You should ask beginners, especially children, to repeat what they are going to do when getting on and off a lift. True False

71. More aware of how personal behavior affects others Adult Child

61. Learning is almost impossible for a student who is scared. True False

72. Is more capable of involvement on a physical level than on a cognitive level. Adult Child

62. Emotion can be a powerful component in creating long term memory. True False

73. Tends to have a heavy emphasis on winning (hint: Little League parents). Adult Child

63 Gender differences can affect performance. True False

74. Draw a line linking the common behavior patterns of children to their age groups Age Groups 3-7 7-12 Behavior Patterns Starting to compete with others want to be an adult, but need guidance relate to fantasy and imagination

64. When a student can perform a movement without looking at the involved part of the body, but still has to concentrate on the movement, they are in the elementary stage of coordination development. True False

Teens 65. Easily follows rules: Adult Child

66. Can follow instructions with six to seven items. Adult Child

There are nine sets of four words listed below. Rank each set of words by assigning a 4 to the word which best characterizes your learning style, a 3 to the word which next best characterizes your learning style, a 2 by the next most characteristic word and a 1 by the word least characteristic of you as a learner. To make this test more relevant to ski teaching, associate your thoughts with learning a sport with an element of physical risk. Be sure to assign a different number to each word in each set.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A discriminating receptive feeling accepting intuitive abstract present-oriented experience intense __________________ add lines 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 tentative relevant watching risk-taker productive observing reflecting observation reserved __________________ add lines 1 3 6 7 8 9 involved analytical thinking evaluative logical concrete future-oriented conceptualization rational _________________ add lines 2 3 4 5 8 9 practical impartial doing aware questioning active pragmatic experimentation responsible ____________________ __________________ add lines 1 3 6 7 8 9

Add the numbers in each of the four columns as indicated by the numbers below the tally lines. A = Concrete Experience (Doer); B=Reflective Observations (Watcher); C=Abstract Conceptualization (Thinker); D=Active Experimentation (Feeler). Enter these values in their proper axis on the target Once totals have been entered on the target, you can determine your type of learning style.


This section is intended to give the instructor an understanding of the fact that people learn in different ways. This is important for developing your skills as an instructor. Because we often teach the way we learn, understanding our own learning style helps provide insight into how we teach. Likewise, being able to identify learning style traits in students helps us present our lessons in a more effective manner. For instance, a group lesson may be made up of four people who each possess a different dominant learning style. How do you structure a lesson and provide individual attention in a fashion that helps each member of the class? It=s important to note that although most people have a dominant learning style, they often exhibit other learning style characteristics as well. A. Concrete Experience (Doer): People in this category tend to be pragmatic, practical and functional; they are good problem-solvers and work well with others. These learners want to Ado@ and may become anxious with too much standing around. B. Reflective Observation (Watcher): These people like to get the picture and like to know the purpose of practice. They need to watch others, are good listeners, introspective and contemplative. Good demonstrations are important to this leaner and verbal communication needs to be imageoriented to be effective. C. Abstract Conceptualization (Thinker): Such people are analytical, logical, thorough and theoretical. They would rather read than listen to lecturers and are often loners or dreamers. At times they are meticulous to a level of obsessions. This person has read every ski magazine on the rack and is particularly receptive to technical dicussions on lift rides. D. Active Experimentation (Feeler): People of this nature are receptive learners; they learn predominantly through Agut@ intuition. They try many things to find a way, tend to be emotional and learn by doing and by evaluating on the way. These people are also Adoer@ oriented and tend to be kinesthetically aware, picking up movement patterns quickly and being bored with analytical talk.

Questions for Learning Style Inventory 1. What is your learning style preference?


What one thing (or several) contributed to a breakthrough in skill acquisition for you personally as a skier?


Relate the breakthrough catalyst to your learning style preference.


What are some of your favorite things to do with a Level 1 class?


How do those things reflect your learning style?





10. A six-foot basketball star arrives for a beginner class with chest height skis. The instructor should: a) Say Great, you have a chest height ski which makes learning to ski easier for beginners. move him to 200 cm traditional skis send him back for shaped skis that are roughly nose to forehead height faint because a star is in your class 15. Of the following choices, which rotary movement is generally the most effective under normal skiing conditions? a) b) c) d) arm rotation leg rotation upper body rotation none of the above

b) c) d)

16. During the initiation phase of the turn, the skier: a) b) c) d) guides the skis through the apex of the turn is most flexed and therefore lowest is changing edges and shifting weight from one ski to the other none of the above

11. Which of the following movements help you maintain balance? a) b) c) d) e) flexing and extending your ankles, knees and hips using fore and aft movements to shift your center of mass moving your heads and arms a and b all of the above

17. How do we register balance? From the selections below, pick the one that does not belong: a) b) c) d) pressure sensors in the hands and feet give feedback from the snow and equipment changing direction, size and shape of turns the eyes focus on the horizon and other visual cues proprioceptors in the muscles and joints give feedback about the limbs relative to each other and the surroundings the inner ear monitors motion, changes in speed, and position relative to gravity.

12. What factors will you consider when you decide to teach your beginner in a wedge progression instead of a parallel progression? a) b) c) d) e) the student=s comfort available terrain physical ability equipment all of the above


13. The Skills Concept refers to the movements of: a) b) c) d) balancing, rotary, edging, pressure control balancing, gliding, slipping, edging balancing, twisting, flexion, extension none of the above

18. Which piece of the following equipment has the most effect on the enjoyment of the student? a) b) c) d) e) boots skis poles bindings none of the above

14. A skier who is skiing parallel most of the time, or may use a small wedge to start the turn but finishes with a strong parallel, is in which of the PSIA skier zones? a) b) c) beginner/novice zone intermediate zone advanced zone

19. A slight increase in speed helps to match the skis in which type of turn: a) b) c) d) wedge turns wedge Christy turns open parallel turns dynamic parallel turns



20. Skidding is a combination of: a) b) c) d) e) slicing and carving sliding and slipping carving and slipping twisting and edging none of the above 26. A slight rising motion at the beginning of a wedge turn can facilitate: a) b) c) d) edge release guiding of the skis movement of the CM toward the new turn all of the above

21. The beginner / novice zone means the skier is: a) b) c) d) e) unfamiliar with skiing only comfortable on green terrain mastering green terrain and venturing onto easy blue runs all of the above b and c

27. To enhance skidding in a novice zone skier the instructor can: a) b) c) d) e) look for convex areas increase speed look for slightly steeper parts of the hill encourage a narrower wedge all of the above

22. The stepping stones concept exists because: a) b) c) d) PSIA needed a new model there is no single lesson plan that works for everybody tasks and progressions are obsolete instructors needed a linear lesson plan

28. A student who is learning linked wedge turns on mild terrain should incorporate a) b) c) d) active guiding of both skis with feet and legs balancing on the whole foot balance that is oriented more toward the outside ski all of the above

23. Observing and describing cause and effect are elements of a) b) c) d) guided discovery teaching style movement analysis the skills concept

29. Shaped skis are generally a) b) c) d) easier to turn than conventional skis have a good edge grip have more side cut than conventional skis all of the above

24. The wedge offers beginners: a) b) c) d) e) balance at slow speeds a wider base of support an edge by virtue of the position all of the above b and c

30. Shaped skis may feel awkward and pose difficulties for skiers who have not learned to a) b) c) d) twist their feet to start the turn use rolling motions of the ankles and legs to start the turn use aggressive unweighting to start the turn all of the above

25. Speed control in the novice zone can be encouraged through a) b) c) d) turn completion turn shape skidding all of the above

31. Hinge joints are found in a) b) c) d) e) the ankle the knee the hip a and b b and c



32. The ACL is a) b) c) d) e) a ligament in the ankle protecting your civil rights a ligament in the knee a cartilage in the shoulder a and c 42. Too much edge can make turning in a wedge difficult True False

43. Good skiing balance is an activity rather than a stance True False

33. Pressure control movements only involve fore- aft movements True False

44. When teaching beginners, we must always teach a wedge progression True False

34. Skidding should never be taught True False 45. Students will learn to make decisions best in a follow me situation (class arrangement) True False

35. Rotary movements (or rotational) involve turning some part of the body relative to other parts of the body True False

46. Smooth, moderately firm snow presents ideal learning conditions True False

36. Increased width in the wedge produces increased edge angle True False

47. Side stepping teaches edge control movement True False

37. The fundamental idea behind stepping stones is to individualize lessons. True False

48. Scootering and stepping around on one ski can help develop both balance and turning/stepping skills True False

38. The stepping stones concept gives you a specific set of drills to use with all of your beginning students True False

49. The experienced instructor will create a strong game plan before discussing the students= needs and goals. True False

39. Gentle terrain allows for gliding and fewer defensive movements True False

50. Angulation involves forming angles between body segments True False

40. In the stepping stone model, simulation is listed as a good way for students to copy an instructors turns while following in their tracks on skis. True False

51. Students who have become comfortable with a new movement are generally not excited about trying new things. True False

41. The intermediate zone means that the skier is making parallel turns on most runs True False



52. Flexion and extension are effective ways to maintaining balance while turning, especially during changes in terrain or snow conditions. True False 58. Shaped skis are only meant for carving and cannot skid. True False

53. Beginning students should be taught a centered stance rather than an exaggerated forward lean. True False

59. Shaped skis may allow skiers to make good carved turns at ___________ speeds than with conventional skis.

54. Edge release and engagement is fundamental to turn initiation True False

60. Shaped skis are recommended to be skied at _________________ lengths than conventional (Astraight@) skis.

55. Guiding of the inside ski should be introduced at a wedge turn level True False

61. The shape formed by the difference in width of the ski tip (shovel), waist, and tail is called the ski=s ___________________________________

56. Skis for beginners should generally have a softer flex than skis for expert skiers. True False

62. Name the three phases of a turn: ______________________________

57. A wide body ski is only good for carving ______________________________ True False ______________________________





4. A teaching cue@ conveys to the student a desired behavior or movement in an easy-to-understand and remember way. Teaching cues generally help the student understand a sensation, a movement, or visualize a concept. For instance, touch your shins to the fronts of your boots is a simple way to help people keep moving forward with their skis. In the table below, briefly describe three different teaching cues that will encourage each of the following skiing behaviors for Beginner / Novice zone skiers.
Encourage guiding the skis with foot and leg movements Encourage movements that release the old ski to start turns

Encourage balance over the whole foot










5. Write a three step progression in the space below on one of the following teaching assignments: Teach a beginner skier how to make their first gliding wedge Teach a beginner skier how to make their first wedge stop Teach a beginner skier how to make their first turn




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