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PROLOGUE In a small, darkened room, on a planet far from Aruuliah, a solitary figure sat straightbacked and cross-legged on a table

before a large, dusty mirror propped up against the wall. Eyes closed in fierce concentration he deepened his breathing, feeling the cold air filling his lungs and expanding his chest, drawing him deeper and deeper into trance. His heart rate began to slow, the rhythmic beat becoming fainter and fainter with each passing moment. Unmoving, he waited for the dizziness that always accompanied these astral-walks, to pass. He was closeso close he could almost taste it. He could make it to his sanctuary now with no problems - a place he had created deep within his mind - a safe place from which he could explore his surroundings at leisure, always maintaining a connection just in case the unthinkable happened becoming cut off somehow from his body like an untethered balloon. His sanctuary was a large, luxurious room, built entirely from marble and granite in varying shades of dark brown and jet black. It was the absolute epitome of opulence and splendour, filled with plush sofas made from richly embroidered fabrics and various other furnishings constructed from deeply burnished woods. The walls were adorned with expensive-looking pictures in elaborate frames and a roaring fire burned brightly at one end of the room. The floor was covered from wall-to-wall in thick, blood-red carpet and a small set of marble steps led up to a throne, also carved from the finest marble, its surface inlaid with intricate patterns of gold and silver. He made no sound as he padded silently across the floor to the opposite end of the room. This wall, unlike the others, was bare. There were no adornments or wall-hangings to spoil its smooth, dark surface and no windows to interrupt the flat, even faade. The only aspect to this otherwise, featureless wall was a small door, nondescript and unassuming with a tarnished metal doorknob. He looked at the door thoughtfully for a moment. No matter how hard he tried, he had been unable to change its appearance to match the rest of the room. He did not know why and it vexed him greatly. His sanctuary should be perfect, and it would have been but for this doorbut no matter he had important work to do. It was almost time to forge ahead with his plan. She would be arriving within a matter of days and there was just one more thing he neededa personal item, something linked directly with her, and he knew just who to ask to get it for him

CHAPTER 1 A Holiday on the Beautiful Island of Nevis Agathea Fulstropp slammed the car door with unnecessary force and slumped across the back seat. She was hot, tired and miserable, her sulky expression accentuating the fact that she was in one of her extremely bad moods! But I dont want to go! she said for the third time, the oppressive heat inside the car only serving to increase her irritation. I told you - I want to go to the beach with Granddad! She was being forced to accompany her parents on yet another family outing but she felt she had seen enough historical buildings to last a lifetime. Her mum and dad, both of whom were archaeologists, had a natural fascination for such things and tried to encourage the same in their daughter, but with little success. They were on holiday on the beautiful island of Nevis in the Caribbean. A car had been hired for the day to take them into Charlestown, the islands capital, to watch the parade of troupes for the final day of Culturama, the annual carnival, but her grandfather had cried off, claiming to be too tired to go anywhere. Agathea, or Thea as she preferred to be called, did not want to go either. The twin islands of St Kitts and Nevis were steeped in history, much to her parents delight, so they had spent much of their time visiting various museums, old sugar-mills and fortresses, all with the reluctant and constantly complaining Thea in tow and she was definitely not impressed! There was only one thing she wanted to do and that was to be left alone to relive the exciting adventures she had experienced only a few short weeks ago. You see Thea had a secret a secret which only she and her grandfather shared. Approximately six weeks previously, unbeknownst to either of her parents, she had been enrolled in the Firestone Academy, an experimental school set on the planet of Aruuliah in which she was the only Earth pupil. It was here that she had had the adventure of a lifetime and managed, with the help of her new friends Annalije and Jojan, to inadvertently save the world. What made Theas newfound friends all the more special was that neither of them was human. Annalije was from a planet called Kittania, a beautiful, cat-like creature with exotically-slanting eyes, fiery-red hair and a matching tail while Jojan was from Aruuliah itself, a slender lad with a mop of thick, blond curls and green eyes set within a handsome face, every inch of which was covered in freckles. Of course Kuldarr had played a part too, but he was most definitely not a friend. He was from Schledvorg, tall with dark, leatherylooking skin, he had long black, unkempt hair and thick shaggy eyebrows from beneath which glowed piercing tawny eyes. Its just too hot! she griped stubbornly and swung open the car door, fully intending to exit the vehicle which, despite being stationed under the shade of a large palm-tree, had grown muggy and airless in the increasing heat of the day. You have been talking your poor grandfathers ears off ever since we got here, reasoned her mother patiently, he needs some time to himself to relax and take it easy. Thats the whole point of this holiday. Already half-way out of the car, Thea opened her mouth to retort that she did not care and she was not going anywhere, when she caught a glimpse of the warning expression on her fathers face, and hesitated. At his wifes insistence, Mr Fulstropp had taken a break from the Brazilian excavation site he had been working on to spend some quality time with his family, and was uncharacteristically short-tempered as a result. Anxious to return to his work, he too was irritable and tetchy and in no mood for his daughters shenanigans. Pinned beneath her fathers steely gaze, Thea sullenly collapsed back onto the hot, sticky, leather seat of the car without another word and furiously slammed the door again, even harder than before. Mrs Fulstropp glanced over at her husband and rolled her eyes, relieved that the full-scale argument that had been brewing had somehow been avoided.

And so they set off, Thea ignoring her mothers light-hearted chatter as she gazed unseeingly out at the view, and her father, shooting her an occasional irritable glance in the rear-view mirror, thoroughly unimpressed with her attitude. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. While Theas parents drank in the fresh, clean air and the beauty of the landscape, fringed with palm-trees that bordered the deep blue sparkling waters of the Caribbean Sea, Thea remained oblivious to it all. There was only one place she wanted to be a place where the sun burned red-hot against the backdrop of a deep, violet sky and there was not another human being in sight! After a relatively uneventful drive, they arrived in the town centre. Thea got sulkily out of the car, still wearing a mutinous expression and dragged her feet after her parents, not quite daring to fall too far behind, but just enough to make her feelings clear. Normally, she was a pretty girl with warm, brown skin, dark brown eyes framed by long lashes and a headful of thick, black curly hair worn in a tight pony-tail to keep it tidy. Right now however, she looked most unattractive, an ugly scowl marring her features. There was no way she was going to enjoy herself, no matter what! In the quaint capital of Charlestown, music could be heard blaring in the distance, getting louder and louder as the Fulstropps approached the main street. An explosion of sound and colour hit them as they rounded a corner and found themselves right in the thick of the crowds out celebrating. There were steel bands, live bands and sound systems, all mounted on large trucks with a following of carnival troupes behind them wearing vibrantly-coloured costumes. Determined to appear bored and disinterested, Thea refused to allow herself to take any pleasure in the parade, but was forced to increase her pace in case she lost her parents in the milling throng. Everywhere she looked adults and children alike were dancing energetically, losing themselves in the pulsing rhythm of the soca and calypso music. Mr and Mrs Fulstropp, now some way up ahead, had joined a small group swaying to the beat of a steel band and Thea, having fallen way behind, was forced to come to a stop as the truck she had been following slowed to a crawl as it waited for the crowds and dancers ahead to move on. During this lull, she took the opportunity to watch some children performing a dance routine. She was just thinking how cute the younger children were, when she was momentarily distracted by a troupe of clowns wending their way through the crowd. Dressed in colourful costumes, complete with hats and masks, they began to dance for the amusement of the spectators. As Thea looked on, she found herself quite enjoying their performance. They cavorted and gyrated to the rhythmic beat in a way that was totally captivating and it was not long before one of the boys caught Thea staring. One of the few dancers without a mask, he gave her a mischievous grin, and approached her with outstretched arms, inviting her to join him. Flustered at being singled out this way, she shook her head quickly and backed away, but the crowd began to clap and cheer in encouragement and she was gently pushed forward so she had no choice but to join in or stand there looking awkward and embarrassed. To say he was an excellent dancer would have been an understatement. He writhed, wriggled and shook his hips, as he moved to the beat of the song and Thea began to thoroughly enjoy herself as she mirrored his movements with ease. Together, they swayed, spun and twirled around each other, spurred on by the roars of appreciation from the crowd, all of whom were now dancing alongside them. Then, all too soon the song faded as it came to an end and a shout went up from the front of the truck, signalling the dance troupes that it was time to move on. Nice moves, murmured the boy with admiration, releasing her hands reluctantly, here hold on a sec, and he shouted something up to one of his friends on the back of the truck who reached inside a large bag and tossed something down to him. He turned back to Thea and handed her a small ragdoll wearing a perfect replica of the clown costume he was wearing. She took it from him shyly, murmuring her thanks. No problem, he grinned, maybe Ill see you around, and then with a cheeky wink, he dived back into the crowd and was gone as the truck began to move off down the road.

She stood staring after him, a wistful smile on her face and was only roused from her reverie when she heard someone calling her name. Thea! Thea! It was her father. Im over here Dad! she called, catching a glimpse of him in the crowd, and waved her arms so he could pinpoint her location. Spotting her quickly, he fought his way through the swarm of people with great difficulty as most of them were now moving in the other direction, but eventually managed to get to her side. He was not happy. For heavens sake Thea, would you stop sulking and stay close to us, he said clearly annoyed at having to come back to search for her, the last thing we need is for you to get lost and He went on and on for quite a while, not realising his words were falling on deaf ears. Thea, still reeling slightly from her dance with the mystery carnival-boy, had caught a sudden glimpse of a cloaked, hooded figure standing on the other side of the road and completely taken aback, was standing on tiptoe to get a closer look. She blinked rapidly in the bright sunlight and shaded her eyes with one hand, but whoever it was seemed to have vanished, mysteriously swallowed up by the crowd. Are you even listening to me? said her father in irritation. What are you staring at? What? Iumnothingsorry Dad, she muttered in confusion. For the briefest of moments, she had thought someone from the Academy had been standing right across the road, someone wearing the customary hooded-robes of the teaching staff, but surely she must have been mistaken what could they possibly be doing here in Nevis of all places? No, it was probably just somebody in costume. Mr Fulstropp looked down at his daughters disappointed face and not wanting to spoil their last day out together, he pushed his irritation to one side saying, Come on, lets go and find your mother. They walked together back down the main road, through the thinning crowd to where Mrs Fulstropp was waiting near the entrance to a large park. This was also the spot that marked the end of the carnival parade and as the procession of trucks slowed down to enter the gates Thea, realising she was thirsty and tempted by the wares of a local snow-cone vendor, asked for a drink. Looking at the mouth-watering array of flavours on display, each more brightly coloured than the next, they ordered mint, coconut and strawberry-flavoured snow-cones. Licking her lips in anticipation, Thea watched as the vendor deftly shaved ice from the large block into a plastic cup and then added the flavouring from one of the large cartons. Thanking him, she took a sip of the refreshing drink through the straw. Delicious! In fact, it was so good she completely forgot she was not supposed to be talking to her parents and asked if they could go into the park to watch the judging of the dance troupes. Pleasantly surprised at her sudden interest in the carnival, they agreed and they all wandered into the park to find themselves a seat. From a shaded spot in the stands, Thea sat with her parents watching the performers take to the stage to dance for the crowds and judges. She kept a sharp eye out for the boy who had asked her to dance, and happily accepted the barbecued-chicken and saltfish-cakes that her parents bought for her during the long waitand then suddenly, there he was! UmIm just going down to the front so I can see better, Thea announced a little breathlessly and her mother and father exchanged indulgent smiles, nodding their consent, relieved that their daughter had apparently snapped out of her earlier bad mood. She quickly left the stands and weaved her way through the crowd surrounding the stage, squeezing through the tiniest of gaps until she was at the front, eyes searching quickly until she spotted him. One of the tallest boys on the stage, he stood out from the other dancers, giving orders and taking the lead as the rest of the group followed his instructions, giving a great performance to the delight of the crowds. Thea, not wanting to miss a single second, held up her mobile

phone and recorded the whole thing, surreptitiously focusing on him, then all too quickly it was over and they left the stage to rousing applause. Following him with her eyes, Thea willed him to turn around as he disappeared backstage, laughing at something one of his friends had said, however he did not even glance her way. She was so eager to see him again, that she hung around for a while hoping he would reappear, but after about twenty minutes she realised she was waiting in vain. Sighing with regret, she turned and began to make her way back over to the stands where her parents were waiting to take her back to the hotel, completely unaware of the hooded figure hidden in the shadows, watching and waiting <><><> Titus spent the morning enjoying his own company on the balcony of the Grand Plantation House in which he, his daughter and her husband and his granddaughter, were staying. He took a sip of the fruit-punch he had ordered from the bar and closed his eyes, relaxing beneath the gentle swish of the ceiling-fan, which stirred the humid air into a cool, refreshing breeze. Elderly and grey-haired, he was a tall, thin, rather severe-looking man who did not look as if he smiled much, however, this had changed somewhat when Thea had entered his life fiveor-so weeks ago. Finding it difficult not to get caught up in her enthusiasm for her new school, her new friends, and the thrilling adventure shed had, Titus had smiled more in the last few weeks than he had in the last year. The past few days had gone by so fast, he had barely had enough time to catch his breath. First, Thea had returned from the Firestone Academy, full of tales of mystery and adventure, filling him in on all that had happened whilst at the school. Then just a couple of days later, out of the blue, his daughter, Theas mother had arrived announcing that they should pack immediately because she had them all booked on a luxury holiday to Nevis, and would be leaving first thing in the morning. Grumbling that he could not just drop everything to go on holiday at such short notice, she had insisted that she was not taking no for an answer, because it was the least she could do after he had very kindly agreed to look after Thea for the summer when she and her husband had to work. But now, alone with his thoughts at last and finally away from Theas non-stop chatter, he was able to sit and contemplate the last few weeks. Thea had literally exhausted him with her tales and plans for the next term, but to be honest, he was more than a little troubled about her impending return to Firestone. They had left England in such haste, that he had not had a chance to contact Xenn, the headteacher, to let him know where they were going, and he had no idea how or when exactly Thea was supposed to return to the Academy. There was also the added problem of Thea being enrolled in a boarding school in Surrey next term. All the arrangements had apparently been made by his daughter, and they were expecting Thea the day after they returned home. He gave a weary sigh and wondered how and why his life had suddenly become so complicated. After years of silence, he had spent more time in the company of his daughter and her family this summer than he ever had previously! Lost in thought, he did not even look up when a voice enquired politely whether the seat next to him was taken. He shook his head vaguely to indicate it was in fact free and went back to his thoughts. So, hows it going buddy? Is this place great or what? Titus looked up irritably to see who was speaking to him with such familiarity, not at all pleased with the interruption. Im sorry? he asked rudely, making it clear he was not in the mood to socialise. Taking in the appearance of the man seated next to him at the bar, Titus thought he looked like your typical run-of-the-mill tourist, pale-skinned, having probably just arrived on the island and wearing a pink, short-sleeved shirt, lime-green shorts and white socks with brown

sandals. A straw-hat and shades completed the look although, Titus thought cynically, it would not be long before that pale skin turned lobster-red in the sun. Hows it going? repeated the man, smiling jovially. I saw you in the bar the other day. Excuse me? replied Titus icily, thinking the stranger must have had too much to drink. I think you must have me mistaken for someone else, and he picked up his own hat and got up to leave, in no mood to engage with this seemingly intoxicated stranger. Hey now, wait a minuteI was just being friendly, called the tourist, but Titus was already halfway across the room, and by the time he was gone the pink-shirted man had already ordered his third cocktail of the day. Two weeks would soon passand he wanted to make sure he got his moneys worth! <><><> Later that afternoon, there was a hive of activity in the luxury three-bedroomed villa. Theas parents were returning to Brazil having only been able to get ten days off for their break, but Thea and her grandfather were staying on for another week. When the taxi arrived to take them to the airport, Theas mother pulled her daughter to one side giving her a fierce hug. Im going to miss you, she said wistfully, kissing her on top of the head, make sure you enjoy the rest of your stay here, and be good for your grandfather, okay? Thea nodded and hugged her mother back tightly, realising with a pang how much she would miss her. Now everythings been arranged, said her mother stepping back and adopting a more business-like tone, youll fly back to your grandfathers next week, and Ive booked a taxi to pick you both up so he can escort you to your new school. I wont be able to get away for the half-term, but Im sure hell be glad to have you home for the week, and Ill see you at Christmas. Okay Mum, said Thea as the taxi horn blew and her father called out impatiently that they would miss their flight if they didnt hurry, see you at Christmas. Mrs Fulstropp gave her another quick hug, and turned to hurry down the steps of the hotels main building to the waiting taxi just as a particularly long blast on the taxis horn told them both that Mr Fulstropp was running out of patience. Then amidst much slamming of doors and promises to write and e-mail one another, the taxi sped off to the airport with Thea and her grandfather waving madly till they were out of sight. Still standing at the top of the steps and feeling a little lost and forlorn, Thea pulled the ragdoll, which she now carried around with her everywhere, from her bag. The miniature carnival outfit was a constant reminder of the boy from the parade, in fact even the doll itself looked like him, from the cheeky grin sewn onto its face to the mop of black dreadlocks hidden beneath the colourful, feathered hat. For the hundredth time she wished she had asked him his name and made up her mind to take the doll with her to Firestone. She could not wait to see Annalije, her new best friend and tell her all about it! Come on child, called her grandfather, already making his way back into the hotel, lets go and get something to eat, and clutching the doll tightly, she ran over to him linking her arm through his as they headed for the beach restaurant. <><><> After eating, Thea lay on the beach while her grandfather retired to the beach bar where he could keep a close eye on her. Protected from the rays of the blazing sun by an umbrella, Thea wiped the sweat from her brow. It was hot! Deciding to take a dip in the sea before she overheated, she removed her shades and ran nimbly across the scorching sand which had risen to intolerable levels in the afternoon sun.

There were very few people on the beach and she entered the water, floating lazily on her back, revelling in the cool, freshness of the water against her skin. Shading his eyes against the glare of the sun, Titus watched her for a while. The heat, combined with his late lunch, was making him sleepy and he felt his eyelids drooping. Just as he was on the verge of drifting off, a shadow fell over him and his eyes snapped open, thinking Thea had returned from her swim. Sitting up a little straighter, ready to argue that he was not sleeping, he was just resting his eyes, he was surprised to see the strange tourist from the bar standing there. What the? Are you following me? he asked angrily. The man stared back at him holding up his hands comically. Whoa there, easy fella, he said, slightly slurring his words, Ive got a message for you. Titus stared back at him in exasperation. He had no clue who this man was or what he wanted with him, and he glared at him impatiently waiting for him to get to the point. Some guy came looking for you in the bar after you left - told me to give you this, said the stranger looking around furtively as he handed Titus a folded piece of paper, bit of a weirdo if you ask me, all wrapped up in this heat, but hey, Im not judging! Again, he put his hands up in a warding-off gesture. Titus raised an eyebrow and looked at the man suspiciously. He had clearly had far too much to drink and was well on the way to getting completely sloshed. What guy? he asked sceptically. I dont even know anybody here! Me neither! exclaimed the man, his face brightening. Say, how about a drink? No thank you, said Titus stiffly. Hey, your loss pal! said the man and he made his way unsteadily to a barstool to order another cocktail. Shaking his head in disgust, Titus unfolded the note and read it quickly, then frowned and read it again, this time more slowly. He re-folded it and put it in his pocket, drumming his fingers on the table as he digested the information. He seemed to be in two minds as to what to do. He stood and shaded his eyes for a moment as he looked out towards the beach. Thea was now out of the water and lying on a sun-lounger with a book. Putting on his hat, he headed down onto the sand and informed her he was just going back to their villa for something and would be back shortly. She nodded, assuring him she would stay put, and he hurried off. When he arrived at the villa, he removed his keycard from his pocket and taking a deep breath, opened the door and entered the room. The interior of the villa was painted the palest of blues with a spotless, white-tiled floor. The wicker-furniture complemented the dcor with its bright, blue-and-white-flowered upholstery and matching cushions. At first glance, the room appeared to be empty, but as his eyes adjusted to the relative gloom of the villa after being in the bright sunshine outside, he caught a movement, just on the periphery of his vision, and saw that someone was standing in a corner, admiring a colourful painting of a carnival parade on the wall. Blinking rapidly, he approached with some apprehension. Hello? As the figure came forward out of the shadows, Titus stared, stunned and open-mouthed and would have remained that way had the stranger, not slowly lowered his hood, revealing the familiar smiling features of Xenn, his childhood friend and headteacher of The Firestone Academy. Over six feet tall, he had a smooth, bald head that bore strange purple and silver markings that stretched from his brow, trailing a path across the top of his head and down the back of his neck where they disappeared into the folds of his cloak. His chin, however, was covered in a neatly-clipped black beard, threaded through with streaks of silver. What? But how? was all Titus managed to force out of his mouth. Xenn grinned back at him saying, It is a long story my friend let us just say that after I could not contact you through the Interactive Messaging System, and did not find you at your home, we had to go through the long process of tracing your whereabouts. Do not worry, I

have been discreet and had the portal go straight to your room did your friend give you my message? I was a little worried he seemed to be inebriated. He is most certainly not my friend! retorted Titus, incensed at being linked in any way to the drunken stranger who had somehow managed to cross his path, not once, but twice today already. My apologies, said Xenn inclining his head, I saw the two of you in the bar and assumedbut no matter. Where is Thea? Shes on the beach, said Titus staring wonderingly at Xenn. It seemed so strange seeing him here on the other side of the world, so much so that the situation felt totally surreal. He forced himself back to the present. Did you come to talk about arrangements for the new term? Yes, Xenn replied, Thea needs to be ready to leave for the Academy in two days time. I will come to collect her as before. Well that wont be possible, said Titus frowning, were staying here on Nevis for another week so she wont be back in time. She wont be able to leave before then. Hmmm, that does present a problem, said Xenn thoughtfully. Titus looked at him and waited for him to elaborate. You see, portals have such an adverse effect on Earths atmosphere that only a limited amount can be opened per year, each of which has to be sanctioned by the appropriate authorities. We have almost used up our allocation for this year and only have enough left to take Thea out to the Academy and return her home at the end of term. Oh, responded Titus dejectedly as he sank down onto the comfy three-seater sofa, well, speaking of problems weve got a much more serious one. Theas mother has her enrolled in a boarding school after the holiday. Its been arranged for her to start a week late but theyll be expecting her, and I dont know what to do about it. If she doesnt show up theyll call her mother for sure, and how are we to explain her absence? They both remained silent for a moment, each thinking hard about the obstacles that seemed to be presenting themselves one after the other. Eventually Titus spoke. Look, he began a little awkwardly, Thea had a great adventure and even managed to help you all out of yourermsituation, but nowwell maybe its time for her life to get back to normal. When Xenn did not immediately respond, Titus, warming up now with the speech he had been toying with for a couple of days now, continued. I mean its an impossible situation. Thea cant continue to attend a school on another planet without her parents or the authorities finding out. And besides, all the lies and secrecy arent doing my health any good! Is that how you really feel? asked Xenn quietly, lowering himself into the chair opposite the sofa. Titus looked away from his piercing gaze uncomfortably, and shrugged his shoulders. And Thea? asked Xenn, head on one side. Does she feel the same? Again, Titus shrugged, but admitted he had not actually discussed it with her. Well, reasoned Xenn, I think she should have a say in the matter, dont you? After all, she made a lot of progress at the Academy in the short time she was there. It would be a shame to take this opportunity away from her because of a few minor difficulties. Titus looked at Xenn wondering if he had heard right. Minor difficulties? Was he serious? He was not the one who had to spend all his time worrying about Theas safety and lying through his teeth about where she was. Shaking his head, he told Xenn to wait in the room and headed down to the beach to fetch his granddaughter. <><><> Thea was thoroughly enjoying herself and was secretly glad her parents had left. Much as she loved them, she had been getting tired of them dragging her here, there and everywhere during their stay. If they were not taking her off to see the sights or taking a boat-trip over to

the neighbouring island of St Kitts to see, the wonderful fortress at Brimstone Hill - youll love it! then she was being forced to visit distant relatives she had never heard of! Here, alone with her grandfather, Thea had enjoyed herself more in the last few hours than she had in the whole of the ten-days when her parents were with her. She was also trying to come up with a plan to try and bump into the boy from the carnival againperhaps a trip into Charlestown again tomorrow? She would have to try to persuade her granddad though. She was just getting ready to take a nap beneath her shady umbrella, when she spotted her grandfather coming towards her. I need you to come back to the villa with me, he said quickly as he approached, we have a visitor. Thea, having just made herself comfortable, was not ready for her afternoon on the beach to end just yet. It sounded to her as if another obscure relative had been found and she was not prepared to sit in a room being bored out of her mind while they all talked about the good old days again. Do I have to? Im really tired Granddad, she pouted plaintively. Yes you do, he said pointedly, hes come especially to see you. He gave her a meaningful look as though waiting for Thea to grasp the significance of his words. Me? she asked uncertainly. Why would one of your relatives want to see me? Who said anything about a relative? asked her grandfather raising his eyebrows in surprise. Lets just say its someone you met recently and he really wants to talk to you about plans for the next few days. It took a moment for these words to sink in, but when they did, Theas heart leapt. No, it couldnt becould it? Had the boy from the carnival actually come looking for her? Come on, said her grandfather impatiently, hes waiting up at the villa, and he turned abruptly and began walking back in the direction of the hotel. Hastily grabbing her things, Thea caught up with Titus as he strode back to the villa. She wished she had time to change and do her hair, but she was far too excited to be really concerned. When they arrived at the villa, Titus took out his keycard and opened the door, gesturing for Thea to go inside ahead of him. Smoothing back her hair, she stepped over the threshold in anticipation and stopped short, the smile fading from her lips. There was someone in the room alright, but unfortunately it was not the boy from the carnival as she had hoped. Xenn? He smiled back at her benevolently. Well this is a surprise, she said in real astonishment, what on earth are you doing here? If he had noticed her less-than-enthusiastic greeting, he made no mention of it. Instead, he greeted her warmly and after enquiring politely after her health, began to explain the issues that Titus was concerned about as well as the matter of having to leave for Aruuliah within the next two days. Well, Im definitely going back! said Thea at once. Theres no way Im going to any stupid boarding school in Surrey! Okay, sighed Titus tiredly. Deep down, he had known she would never agree to give up her place at Firestone. Well, wouldnt it just be easier for me to go with you right now? asked Thea. That would save me having to travel all the way back to England first. Xenn shook his head. No, think about it. It will look very suspicious if you do not leave Nevis the same way you arrived. Not only can you not just mysteriously disappear from the island but we cannot afford to have any unwanted attention drawn to you. The three of them sat and pondered the situation until eventually Titus spoke up. Well, I guess well just have to leave earlier than planned, he sighed, looking most put out, lets see, your parents will probably call this evening to let us know theyve arrived safely and to check on you and then theyll go straight back to work, so we wont hear from them again. Ill make arrangements to change our flight and well leave first thing in the morning.

Thea shrugged and nodded in agreement. She realised sadly that this probably meant she would never see the boy from the carnival again, but on the other hand, she could not help but feel a spark of excitement as she realised that she would soon be back at Firestone. That night Thea snuggled down in her bed to sleep, glad that she would soon be reunited with her new friends. <><><> The flight back to England was relatively uneventful. Although Thea was glad to be returning to England because it meant that she would return to the Academy all the sooner, she regretted the fact that she had not been able to see the mystery boy from the carnival one more time. It was such a shame, but the fact that he had taken the trouble to give her a souvenir meant he must have liked her too. She hugged the ragdoll that looked so much like him against her chest and soon fell asleep, her dreams filled with images of his handsome, smiling face. <><><> The two days prior to Xenns anticipated arrival passed in a blur. Thea had to unpack and then re-pack her suitcase, ensuring she had the uniforms issued by the Firestone Academy during her first stay. Titus had readily agreed to keep these for her hidden in his trunk away from Shirley, his housekeepers prying eyes. He brought these to Thea in her bedroom, and she crammed them on top of the rest of her things, wondering idly how on earth she was going to get the case shut. Her bag of toiletries, hair and skin products, make-up and a selection of books were still spread across her bed waiting to be packed, not to mention several packets of her favourite sweets to tide her over till Christmas. Do you really need both of these? asked her grandfather, eyebrows raised as he held up two enormous bottles, one of shampoo and the other of conditioner. This shampoo already has conditioner in it. Why do you need a separate bottle? Because I do! replied Thea indignantly, snatching them from his hands and throwing them back into the suitcase. If I dont condition my hair properly, its impossible to comb. You dont want me walking around with my hair in a state do you? Titus pursed his lips and muttered something unintelligible under his breath. Theas bedroom was in an absolute state and bore no resemblance whatsoever to the neat and tidy, pale, green-and-yellow room that had greeted her on her arrival at the beginning of the summer. The pretty pink-and-yellow, flowered-quilt was hidden beneath the stacks of assorted possessions on her bed, still waiting to be packed in her overflowing suitcase and the carpet was strewn with the clothes that had been discarded because they were too small, too big, too tight, too babyish and too gross, to take with her. Well, what about all those books? asked Titus impatiently. I thought you said they have a library at the Academy? Yes, but they dont have these books, argued Thea, their books are all a bit strange and I want something that reminds me of home. And so the bickering went on. In the end, it took both of them to sit on the suitcase in order to secure the contents inside, and it was only after a quick survey of her room before leaving that Thea realised she had forgotten to pack the ragdoll, which she had nicknamed, Kojo. Not wanting to arrive at the Academy with it in her hand, Thea stuffed it inside her already full-to-bursting backpack just as Titus shouted out to her that Xenn was arriving. Thea gave her backpack a final pat and ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time, full of excitement and anticipation at the prospect of seeing her friends again. She threw open the door to the living room but stopped short, her happiness fading as she entered. There was no sign of Xenn instead a stranger stood there wearing the hooded-robes that she had begun to associate with the staff at the Academy.

Who are you? she blurted out rudely. Wheres Xenn? The stranger lowered his hood, revealing rather long, slicked-back hair, a face with elongated features and a mouthful of huge teeth that seemed to spring out when he grinned. He reminded Thea a little of a donkey and she was soon to discover that he had an annoying habit of clearing his throat noisily before he spoke. Argh-hem! Good morning to you, my name is Aargonthwick Thaazbeld, the new Teacher of the Sciences at The Firestone Academy, he said with a formal bow. Xenn sends his apologies, but he has been called away on unexpected business and since it is imperative that you travel today, I have been sent in his place to escort you to Aruuliah. I believe he sent you a message via your IMS? Titus immediately dug into his pocket for the Interactive Messaging System device Xenn had given him when Thea had first attended Firestone. It was used to send and receive messages to and from the Academy. Switching it on, he saw that there was indeed, a recorded message waiting to be collected. It turned out to be a brief, hurried explanation from Xenn saying that he had been unavoidably detained and would be sending somebody else to accompany Thea to the Academy. Thea looked uncertainly at her grandfather who was looking equally troubled. He was not sure he liked the look of this stranger at all with his huge toothy-grin and formal manner. Well, this is all a bit sudden isnt it? he said, clearly put out. Aargonthwicks grin grew even wider, teeth splaying out of his mouth at all angles, as he nodded understandingly. Argh-hem! Believe me, I do appreciate your position, he simpered, after all, Im a perfect stranger to you, however please try to see it from my point of view too. All of this had to be arranged at the very last minute and since all other members of staff are already at the Academy dealing with a full quota of students over two hundred at the last count it was decided that I should collect Thea on my way to the Academy rather than someone having to leave there and pick her up. He glanced across at Thea, saying earnestly, You know what a long and complicated journey we have to take there and back dont you? This was simply the easiest option. He grinned toothily again, at the same time, glancing a little anxiously at his watch. I would probably feel exactly the same in your position, he said quickly, but we really should be on our way if we are to catch the transport to the Academy in time. He looked at the bulging suitcase standing next to the sofa and attempted to lift it. Arghhem! Wellyou certainly cannot fit any more in there can you my dear? he brayed with a throaty chuckle, sounding remarkably like a donkey. But not to worry, I have just the thing. Are you ready to leave my dear? Thea looked from Aargonthwick to her grandfather who had decided to keep his misgivings to himself, leaving the decision up to her. She was well aware that if she did not go now, she would not get to go to Firestone at all this term, and there was no way she was going to let that happen. She zipped her backpack shut and put it firmly over her shoulder. Ready when you are, she replied decisively. She went over to her grandfather and hugged him tightly, promising to stay in touch. And try to stay out of trouble this time young lady, he said gruffly, hugging her back. Aargonthwick was busying himself with a small circular device which he had removed from his pocket and was now securing to her overstuffed suitcase. The red light that had been showing on it immediately flashed green as he activated it, and it rose a few inches off the ground. Gravity inhibitor, he explained as he grabbed the handle of the suitcase as if it now weighed no more than a feather and moved to stand next to Thea. He pulled a small hand-held device from the same pocket and pressed a button on it, causing the air in front of them to ripple. Argh-hem! Shall we? he said with a huge, goaty grin. She nodded warily, and turned to give her grandfather a beaming smile, clearly excited to be leaving at last.

Love you Granddad, see you at Christmas, she said, raising a hand in farewell., then she turned back to Aargonthwick to indicate she was ready, and stepped through the portal with him, immediately disappearing from view. Titus stared at the, now empty, space before him, never failing to be amazed at the way in which travel between their worlds was so understated, and then he sat in his rocking-chair with a sigh of satisfaction. Looking forward to three months of peace and quiet in his own home, he closed his eyes, savouring the silence broken only by the ticking of his new wooden clock, shaped like the island of Nevis.

CHAPTER 2 Aargonthwick Thaazbeld Teacher of the Sciences Arriving on Aruuliah, Thea was surprised to find herself in the main city of Utopia at the Inter-Planetary Transport Terminal. Aargonthwick explained there was no longer any need for the temporary portal they had used the first time she and her grandfather had come to the planet and that in future, this is where she would arrive and depart from when she attended the Academy. He led her from the Transport Terminal, down the steps and out into the bustling streets of the city where a group of about fifty children from a variety of different planets were waiting to be taken to Firestone. As Thea searched among them for any familiar faces, a small, harried-looking man, wearing a dazzling, yellow-and-green striped suit and matching shoes on his enormous feet, squeezed his way through the crowd of chattering children and climbed to the top of the steps so he could clearly be seen. Firestone Academy! Firestone Academy! Passengers for Firestone Academy, your transport will arrive in approximately ten minutes. Please be ready to board the vehicle immediately, he bellowed. Thea stifled a giggle. His deep, booming voice was definitely at odds with his diminutive stature and somewhat comical appearance. Argh-hem! Come along my dear, this wayquickly now, it looks like its going to rain, said Aargonthwick briskly as he took her arm, hurrying her down the steps and across the street, away from the group of waiting students. Surprised, Thea allowed herself to be led down the street and through a narrow alley-way to a much smaller street on the other side. UmAargonthwick, where are we going? Thea panted as she struggled to keep up with him. They just said the transport to Firestone was arriving in ten minuteswont we miss it? Now dont you worry about that, he replied smoothly, the official transport from Firestone seats up to twenty passengers but Ive arranged for some private transport separately for us. Well be much more comfortable. He grinned at her in what was supposed to be a reassuring manner, making all his teeth jump out at her at once. Thea recoiled slightly, wishing fervently they were at Firestone already so she did not have to spend any more time in his company. Meanwhile, the sky overhead had deepened to a dark, plum colour, and there was an ominous rumble of thunder just as Thea felt the first droplets of rain begin to fall. They were sparse at first, but within seconds began to come down more heavily. Aargonthwick led her through the rain about halfway up the street and stopped outside a small, slightly seedylooking caf, called RuffnReddy. He quickly opened the door and ushered her inside out of the now, torrential downpour. Well, I dont know about you but I could certainly do with some refreshment, he said squeezing water out of his sodden cloak, and he led the way through the tiny establishment, commandeering a table in a far corner. Argh-hem! Now, what would you like to drink? he asked solicitously. Chilled by the sudden change in weather, and soaked to the skin having brought only a light jacket, Thea shivered and asked for a Molten Lava Shake, a beverage she had grown quite fond of when she was last at the Academy. As Aargonthwick placed their order, she looked out of the window. A full-blown storm appeared to be developing outside and Thea watched in fascination as the sky was streaked with multi-coloured bolts of lightning, first red, then blue and finally green. When her drink arrived she sipped it slowly, feeling the immediate effects as heat blossomed throughout her body, warming her from head to toe. Drowsily, she continued drinking, trying hard to focus on Aargonthwicks conversation. He had not stopped talking from the moment they had sat down and she could hear his voice droning on and on in her head. With eyes half-closed, she tried to concentrate, propping her head up with her elbows

on the table and nodding in what she hoped were the right places. She was not sure why, but for some reason she just could not keep her eyes open! Ill just rest them for a minute, was her last coherent thought as she leaned back in her chair and her head drooped onto her shoulder. Seconds later she had entered a deep, dreamless sleep, completely oblivious to the now, raging storm outside. <><><> When she awoke, darkness had fallen. Thea felt light-headed and totally disorientated, her eyelids felt heavy as though weighted down, and as she tried to force them open she found she was lying on a tiny bed in a dark corner of a small, dimly-lit room. She lay still for a moment, feeling lethargic, then sat up gingerly. She could not understand why she felt so groggy. The last thing she remembered was sitting in a caf with Aargonthwick, drinking a Chocolate Molten Lava Shake. Feeling the faint stirrings of panic, she gazed around the room in confusion. Where was she? It certainly did not look like Firestone. What had happened and where was Aargonthwick? She called out tentatively. Hello? Aargonthwick? Hello? Her words were met with an ominous silence. Looking around the room, she wondered how long she had actually been asleep. It was dark, so it must have been a while. Well, she decided, she was not going to get anywhere just sitting here, so swinging her feet down from the bed, she stood up on trembling legs and headed for the only door she could see, but when she tried turning the handle, it would not open.

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