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There is always the need to ensure orderliness in every formal, informal, social and religious body. In our society, religion has a great influence on all with respect to disposition and attitude to others. So there is the need to ensure some form of orderliness in the church. This gave birth to the churchwarden. Churchwarden is the title given to a member of the church who is not ordained as clergy, but formed by a board and is elected to perform a variety of responsibilities crucial to the church community on a volunteer basis. He or she is a layman hired or appointed to assist in the temporal administration of a parish. Churchwardens have key responsibilities to their churches and conduct a formal inspection of the church and anything on its grounds, such as church facilities, environs, gardens and parking lots. They also arrange for any necessary repairs and maintenance of heating and cooling systems, windows, lights or other physical elements. During Sunday services, Churchwardens greet visitors and ensure that everything required for the service is in place, such as seating and lighting. They also have jurisdiction to maintain orderliness on its ground both within the church and outside the church. To further fulfill this role effectively he or she must one who has certain ideal qualities. The warden must remember that he or she is a servant and not a law enforcement officer. He or she must be one who has a friendly face, good smile with a positive outlook. An ideal churchwarden must be people-oriented, be able to show love and respect to every person. The churchwarden should be interested in people and families. He or she must have sense of devotion during Mass. This sense of reverence is shown during the service, for example, listening carefully to the Word of God, and

then reverence for the Eucharist at communion time. A good Churchwarden should be charitable and polite. He or she might ask, could I help you?, or is there some way I can help? or is there anything you need? A good warden should be a problem solver especially in times of difficulty. He or she must ask questions rather than simply give commands, should suggest alternatives rather than just command one way to solve the problem. An ideal warden must be unbiased Non-judgmental, When someone seems to be in the wrong (wrongly dressed, or late for Mass). He or she must display a deep sense of love for the Church and a stronger desire to make the parish even stronger. going on, is alert and ready to assist when there are problems. Who is eligible to be Church warden? A communicant male or female member of the Catholic Church Has consented to serve God in truth and in spirit. He or she must be sensitive and alert, a good eye, overseeing and watching what is

Benefits: Some of the benefits include requiem mass for a deceased member in good standing. Attendance by members at any members social event like birthday anniversaries, child naming ceremonies, burials and other occasions by members or their close relations. Disqualification A person is disqualified from being a churchwarden on the following grounds Convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or deception Generally sexual or other offences relating to children

Finally, the doing the lords work requires peace and joy in its accomplishment. The role of the church warden can never be underestimated, being an ideal warden will generally lead to orderliness and organization in the church. Note that a sense of mission is peace and joy that comes as you help the Catholic family.

Comiskey, James A. The Ministry of Hospitality. The Liturgical Press, 1989.

Dictionary of Catholic Culture

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