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Valentino lvarez Pamela Hernndez Grissel Quiroz Alejandro Zavala

English 6010

Teacher: Gabriela Rodrguez


Setting (Place and time) General: USA, Boston Masachussets Specific: Harvard, bars, park with lake, students residence, psychologists office

Character Main: Will, Sean, Skylar, Professor Lambeau. Secondary: Chuck, secretary, friends, psychologists. Round: Will, Sean, Skylar, Chuck. Flat: Professor Lambeau, friends, secretary.

Plot Good Will hunting is about an orphan boy called Will who is around 20 years old and who is very intelligent and has a photographic memory but he doesnt go to school so he chooses to work as a cleaner in Harvard. Will likes to spend his free time with his friends, especially with Chuck. One day while he was cleaning he saw a math problem written on the blackboard in the hallway and he decided to solve it, but the professor Lambeau sees when he is solving it, he tells Will to go away and then the professor realizes that Will had solved the problem. After this the professor starts looking after Will. Will is going in prison because he punched a guy on the street. The professor Lambeau takes Will out from the prison, but the professor has two conditions. The first one is that will has to go a math class, and the other one is that he has to see a therapist. Will refuses the therapy, but he wants to go out of prison so he goes anyway. At the beginning they tried with many different therapist, but nobody gets how Will feels. The professor calls Sean Maguire, a therapist that he thinks can help Will because this therapist had the same background as Will. But Will still dont take it seriously and just think its a waste of time. After a few sessions, Will begins to talk more about himself with the therapist. One night, Will meet a girl in a bar and she gives him her number and the next day Will calls her and they decide to have a date. The have a good time and they fall in love. After this, they start a relationship. Lambeau organized job interviews for Will because he thinks he can do a lot of things because of his knowledge in math but Will doesnt want to go. Sean tell Lambeau not to push Will too hard because he doesnt know about what he really wants.

One day when Skylar asks Will to move to California with her, he panics and pushes her away, revealing that he is an orphan and that his foster father physically abused him. Skylar tells Will that she loves him, but he denies loving her and then leaves her. After this, Will refuses to work anymore with the professor Lambeau and Will tell his friend Chuck that he wants to be laborer but his friend tells him that he cant was his potential and abilities on math and he also tells him that he deserves more. In a session Will realizes that his therapists were also victim of child abuse and Sean helps Will to accept what he suffered when he was child. In the end Will is writing a letter to the therapist about that he is going to go after the girl he loves and that he also is going to find a job.

Message moral We should never waste our potential, we must use it to make great and positive things to become a better person each day of our lifes.

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