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Gorgeous Geek Chapter XLVI: Mass Condemnation

Chapter XLVI: Mass Condemnation

Hi Jen. Hello Yang. Today, during lunchtime, Jennifer decided to check up on the football boys for information and photographs when she ran into the twins. Actually, it was more like they ran into her. It was obvious that they were looking for her. Knowing the twins though, they usually had some gossip to tell her about so she happily met up with them. We heard, started Robbie. About you and Santana, ended Jojo with a grin. Jennifer flushed red and placed her hands on her chest above her heart. It's nothing really... Faith and I are just friends. Just friends eh? asked the twins in unison. Yes! That's all! Robbie smirked at Jojo. Just friends as in Faith and Cerina or... Just friends as in Santana with any other girl? asked Jojo, returning the smirk. Faith told me that there's nothing going on between him and Cerina, said Jennifer, clasping her fingers together in front with an embarrassed look on her face. He already likes someone so there's no way I can be his girlfriend now. Faith likes... Someone? Jennifer nodded sadly. Yes, he does. Who is it? asked Robbie, stunned. Other than his weird relationship with Celestine? asked Jojo, gaping. Why her? asked Jennifer, groaning. Anyone but her. Who? Who? Who? Please tell, said Robbie and Jojo in unison, making similar puppy faces. Since Jennifer had a soft spot for cuteness, she couldn't escape the temptation, Jezebelle of course. Faith is so pure. Why does he have to like a bitch like her? First, she steals Jin from me and now Faith. She must hate me very much for whatever reason. Jez? asked Robbie, dropping his jaw. Belle? asked Jojo, looking at his brother. But, but, said Robbie, stuttering. Belle is ours, said Jojo, tearing up. Jennifer gaped at them. You guys like her too? We don't like her, said Robbie sadly, glancing at his brother. We love her, said Jojo, pouting.

We heart her, said both in unison. Okay then, said Jennifer, leaning toward them and holding up a singer finer. Name one positive trait about her. Before Robbie and Jojo answered, Jennifer added quickly, Besides her looks. Oh darn, said both of them. Go on, said Jennifer, frowning. She's really strong, said Robbie, starting off. Jojo nodded to the side. She can take down boys twice her size. She protected us enough times to prove that. She's also smart, said Jojo in a dreamy manner. It was Robbie's turn to nod. Like she remembers specific details and works them to her advantage. That's not smart, said Jennifer, curling the tip of her ponytail around her finger. And what do you mean by that? Like... said Robbie, thinking. Like when I accidentally told her that Jojo and I are allergic to fish. She threatened to use that against us if we don't listen to her! said Jojo, nodding proudly. Not that I mind dying by her hands by her cooking... Or being spanked by her... said Robbie quickly. Jojo beamed. Or kicked by her... Maybe, said Jennifer in interruption. You two are just masochists? Both of them blinked at Jennifer and gasped. Maybe! You're a genius! That was supposed to be a joke, said Jennifer, pouting. Still, why? Faith, why? Robbie! Jojo! There you are! I know that voice, said Robbie, groaning. Too well. Me too, said Jojo, copying his brother. Both of them were grabbed from behind and dragged away. It was none other than a furious Rin. Jennifer watched with a blank look on his face as the twins were being dragged away backwards by a much shorter Asian girl. Rin was merciless with both of them. The test for the new recruits for the science team is about to start, said Rin through gritted teeth. Why aren't you two there? Everyone's there already! Even Adrian! But like you said Rin... said Robbie, frowning. It's for new recruits. Jojo glanced up at her. We're already on the team. So? asked Rin in a humorless voice. As respected members of the team, it's your job to be there and supervise like the rest of us! You can't ditch! Give us a break Rin, said Robbie, sighing. We want to stalk Faith or Belle instead, Hamada, said Jojo, shaking his head. Definitely not! You guys are going to the science meeting now! Or else what? asked the twins in unison, releasing themselves from her grip. Or else... said Rin, thinking. Or else I'll kick you two off the team! You don't have that power, said Robbie in a cocky manner.

Only Arav does, said Jojo, happy as well. Rin smirked. We'll see... Wait a second, said Robbie, grabbing his brother. Then, he whispered, Doesn't the President like Rin? Obviously he does, said Jojo, rolling his eyes reminiscent of Jezebelle. Do you think he'll actually kick us off the team if Hamada ask him to? Shit, said both in unison, knowing the answer fully well. They turned and smiled innocently at Rin. We'll go! We can't wait to see the new recruits suffer during the test! I'm glad you two changed your minds, said Rin, walking on ahead. Robbie and Jojo turned to each other. She's so oblivious... Soon enough, they entered the classroom to find it full of students chatting among themselves. Some were eating. Some were cramming at the last minute. Rin smiled at Vance, who was sitting in the corner with a fantasy book at hand. It was so like him to read something else right before a test, Rin thought. The twins went inside and up to Lydia to demand why they have to be here. R-Rin H-Hamada, said Arav, dropping his stack of test papers at the sight of Rin Hamada in a skirt. The Indian boy tried to regain his composure as she blinked innocently at him. M-May you please pass out these papers? Oh, said Rin with a smile. Of course. With that, Rin reached for the papers on the floor and helped gather them up with her president. Arav tried to avoid any skin contact with Rin, who didn't notice a thing. While Rin and Arav did this, Rin noticed that Sidney was leaning against the desk and chatting with Lexi. The two seemed to be on good terms since Lexi kept giggling and Sidney kept laughing. Where's Sherry? asked Rin, interrupting Sidney and Lexi's conversation. Sidney gave Rin a stunning smile. Sherry pie is making more photocopies of the test paper since there are more people here than we expected. Shouldn't you help her carry them? asked Rin, lifting a brow. I wanted to, said Sidney innocently, stretching his muscular arms behind his neck. But Kristian insisted on helping her instead. Rin scowled. He's always like that. What a nice boyfriend you have there, said Sidney, observing Rin from head to toe. He always wants to help girls. I'm glad to have him around even if he's not trying out for the science team seriously. Stupid Kristian, said Rin under her breath. Aren't you jealous at all Sidney? Sidney was a bit taken aback. Why would I be jealous? I trust Sherry. Trust is rather important, said Rin, recalling what Sherry told her the other day. Getting up and handing Sidney the stack of papers instead, Rin smiled beautifully, You pass them out Sidney since you have nothing better to do. If you insist, said Sidney, passing the first one to Lexi. He couldn't say no to that baby face. You're looking fine there, Rin Hamada.

Rin flushed red and pouted. Keep your comments to yourself, Sidney. Yes, please do, said Arav, straightening up and tossing Sidney a stern look. I'm leaving it up to you and the twins to supervise by the way. Are you sure about that? asked Rin, amazed. I must insist I supervise too. Your boyfriend is here... said Arav, failing to keep his gaze on her face. You should go to the office and bring him back as soon as possible instead. I want to see how he does on my test. Rin was not convinced. But... I'll supervise too, said Adrian, who had been leaning on the wall behind them this entire time. He was keeping an eyes on Lydia and the twins in the corner. I'm sure you can trust me to catch any cheaters. Relieved, Rin said, All right then. I'll leave it you then. And I'll pass out the papers, said Adrian to Sidney, snatching the rest of the test papers from him. It's better to do it yourself after all. Sidney lifted a brow after Adrian went to the first row. He doesn't trust me. Adrian doesn't trust anyone, said Arav in a worn out voice. Smiling playfully, Sidney wrapped his arm across Arav's shoulder and said, Were you jealous at my comment toward Rin Hamada? I knew you were playing so no. Doesn't it suck that someone like her choose someone like Kristian Shiratori? asked Sidney, glancing at Lexi who knew she wasn't allowed to look at the test papers yet. I always thought that if she were to date in high school, she would go for either you or Adrian. I never thought she liked the bad boy type. It's her life... said Arav, sighing. Let her do what she wants. This is Rin Hamada we're talking about though, said Sidney, lifting a brow. Underneath that serious exterior is a very lovable and sweet girl, Sid, said Arav, slightly annoyed at Sidney's assumption. Have you seen her when she's napping in the back of the classroom during after school meetings whenever she pulls all-nighters? She is pretty cute, said Sidney, shrugging. Ignoring that, said Adrian, coming up to Lexi's row to pass out the papers. There's no need to worry about her and Shiratori for. Oh? asked Sidney curiously. What are you getting at? Intellectuals can never get along with someone who isn't up to their level, said Adrian confidently with a small smile. Once she gets into Harvard, she doesn't have to worry about meeting many bad influences like Shiratori anymore. Maybe I should aim for Harvard too, said Arav, frowning. My dream is Caltech but Rin Hamada says she doesn't want to go there... Sidney chuckled. How romantic Arav. What's so great about her anyway? asked Lexi, a bit annoyed at how the boys were discussing in front of her. She doesn't look that special to me.

Ask Kristian, said Sidney, eyeing Lexi closely. Lexi blushed. He should know. You liars, said Rin, stomping back in the classroom with her arms across her chest. I can't find them in the office! That was fast, said Sidney and Arav in unison. Rin scowled. I don't care about him anyways. I'm going to cheer for Vance instead. The three boys and Lexi watched Rin went to the back and talked to her pale friend. Lexi was obviously not pleased at Rin drawing so much attention onto herself without knowing it. Adrian excused himself by passing the last test paper to the first person in the last row in the room while Arav did the same about finding out exactly where Sherry and Kristian went. As for Sidney, he turned back and beamed at Lexi. So, said Sidney innocently. You want me to talk to Eugene for you? At the end of the row, Rin sat next to Vance and said, I'm sure you'll do well Vance. Have you studied much for it? I guess... said Vance, shrugging. Do I have to talk to the idiots? Rin laughed at Vance indicating at the giggling girls in the corner of the room who didn't look like they were here for any other reason than to see Sidney in the flesh. Of course, since the Korean hunk knew they were paying attention to him, he enjoyed it. Rin rolled her eyes and returned her attention to Vance. For the most part, said Rin, rocking back and forth on her chair. Most of the science team study by themselves or with a partner. Sometimes though, we do work together on some projects. It's nothing that bad. Vance thought about it. Are we partners then? If you want, said Rin with a pleasant smile. That's fine then, said Vance, gazing at Rin's watch around her wrist. Did anything happen between you and Jordan Greene yesterday? Rin was touched by Vance's concerns. No... nothing that bad. That bad? Flushing, Rin glanced away, I caught him petting me on the head by my bedside. Your black hair is shiny under the light, said Vance with the same apathetic look on his face. He returned his eyes to the fantasy book. I guess he wants to see how soft it is. Maybe he has a hair fetish, said Rin, frowning. You should still be careful though, said Vance in a lowered tone. Rin nodded. I know. If something ever happens to me, Rin bit her lip and shook her head. No, I shouldn't think that way. Continue, said Vance in a stern voice, elevating his eyes now. Well, if something ever happens to me, I'll tell you for sure. Vance's eyes widened, but then, he returned to normal and mattered, Whatever. It'll be very nice to see you on the science team, Vance, said Rin in a soft tone. Vance pretended not to care. I like talking to you. It'll be so much

with you around! There are times when we make trips around this area for fun. You'll love it. Heh. Sure. Right then and there, Rin was hugged from behind from the sociable Lydia. Lydia waved at Vance playfully before she dragged the young girl away to the corner. The twins were throwing a marble back and forth among themselves on top of Lydia's special desk in the corner. The half-Indian girl giggled and poked Rin in the shoulder. Is that the cutie you're cheating on Kristian with? asked Lydia, obviously happy. The twins heard this and turned to them. What? She's joking, said Rin quickly, which worked since the twins knew how Lydia was. And no! Definitely not! He's just a friend! Just a friend now, said Lydia, fluttering her long eyelashes. Lydia, said Rin, sighing in exasperation. There's nothing going on between Vance and I. I don't want Kristian to accidentally hear you say these things and misunderstand. So you do care about him, Rin Hamada dear! Rin shook her head frantically. I hate bad rumors that's all. I'll stop teasing you then, said Lydia, winking. There's something that's been bugging me this entire time though. For the first time, Lydia frowned and glanced over at Sidney. I wonder if Sid and Sherry are doing fine. Sid's been talking to that one girl in the front an awful lot. Sherry trusts him a lot and Sidney to her, said Rin, following Lydia's gaze. I don't see what's wrong with them. You're right, sweetie, said Lydia, giggling and sitting back on her chair. The twins jumped off and stood by her side. I'm overthinking things again. I just want something to happen since it's been so boring with our gang lately. Lydia tapped her fingers together. That's not bad is it? Rin shook her head, feeling slightly sleepy. Oh Lydia... Meanwhile, in the classroom next door, Kristian was helping Sherry with stapling the rest of the test papers. He would put the paper together and then hand it to her to staple them together. They were done at last as the two thanked each other for such a great job. Wait, Kristian, said Sherry when Kristian stood up to return to the actual classroom. I have a favor to ask you. What is it? asked Kristian, ready to help a girl in need. Sherry sighed and hugged the test paper to her chest. My piano partner for a recital this Sunday can't make it because his mother is in critical condition in the hospital. I do owe you for helping Rin-chan and I last time, said Kristian thoughtfully. You'll do it? asked Sherry excitedly, standing up now. Sure why not? asked Kristian, amused. He helped her carry the test papers. It's only a recital right? It's not like we're going on a date or anything like that. Kristian and Sherry headed toward the door. What instrument do

you play anyways Sherry? The violin, said Sherry proudly. Cool, said Kristian, closing the door behind them with his free hand. Give me the details and I'll help you out. You're Rin-chan's friend so you're my friend too. Sherry bowed slightly. Thank you Kristian. No problem, said Kristian, licking his lips in anticipation. Now, time to ace this test that I hardly study for. ************************************************** Because Jin was team manager for the girls' home game, he had to help Coach carry things back and forth even before any of the girls arrive at the start of fifth period. Coach bought a cooler full of fruits, water bottles, and other drinks for the girls, but of course, it was Jin who had to carry all of that from his car to the cooler he left in his office. Jin didn't mind though since he liked to help out. Thanks to him losing his video game playing in school, he felt less lazy and more inclined to help out. Song, said Coach, resting in his chair under his usual sunglasses and baseball hat. Yes Coach? asked Jin, coming back from the office. You might want to play with Greene in the upcoming boys' season... I do Coach. But, said Coach, lowering his sunglasses and staring sternly at Jin. I need you Song to help our Kelly first. Kirk? asked Jin, surprised. What can I do? The same thing you did with Chanthachem. Frowning, Jin thought of Odette. And yet, I don't know what to do at times... Listen to me, Song, said Coach, gazing at Jin. Kelly has a few screws loose, but his case is not as terrible as Chanthachem. You should be able to handle it. He needs to know what it means to work with someone... to care about someone else's well-being. What's wrong with Kirk, Coach? Coach frowned and laid his head back. For the past year, Kelly had been jumping from team to team. He's super fast you see. He's useful on any team, especially as a running back on the football team. Jin nodded in understanding. But he cannot stick to a single team because he eventually gets bored. We need him on the tennis team, as singles or doubles I don't care. With him, there's a much higher chance of us winning league this year. Do you understand Song? I do Coach, said Jin, straightening up at his Coach's harsh tone. He needs to find someone who can understand him, to be close friends with him. Jin's eyes widened. Are you saying he keeps jumping teams because he can't find that someone? I'm not a hundred percent certain but, said Coach thoughtfully. I heard that he got into many fights with the other football members. He wasn't enjoying his stay there so he quit. He has no obligations to anyone but himself.

Doesn't this remind you of someone? Immediately, Jin thought of Jezebelle but he didn't say that. Yes, it does. He is quite a cocky one, said Coach, shaking his head. He knows he's talented and he knows he's in demand so he doesn't give a shit about his current team because he can just join another one. But think of it this way: if he hates working with other people so much, why does he keep joining sports team? That is contradictory. It is, said Coach, pulling his sunglasses back then. The only conclusion I can come up with is that he's seeking a sports team where he's not only needed, but he can get along with at least one other person. Coach chuckled. But you know how condescending and hateful that boy can be. You're the only one who can probably talk to him and understand him better. I understand, Coach, said Jin with a smile. I've been meaning to talk to Kirk for some time because I can't understand his mindset. He was raised to be Catholic, said Coach suddenly. Er... He hates it. Jin scratched the back of his head. How do you know this Coach? Because before he joined the team, he asked me a single question. And what may that be? Coach laughed and shook his head. He asked if I were Catholic. I'm Atheist you know so he was quite happy at my answer. Jin recalled Kirk asking other people that before. His mother is a devote Catholic, but she's also divorced which is unusual. How is it unusual? asked Jin since his views on Catholicism was limited. Marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman for Catholics, said Coach softly. They're not allowed to divorce. Of course, they also condemn gay marriage and the like. Yet, Kelly's mother is divorced... Jin frowned. I see... Even without Coach relying on him to get through to Kirk, Jin had many problems to think about. Because Jezebelle figured out a solution to help Odette, he had to help her to the best of his abilities as well. Also, Jordan had asked him to talk to Wendy about her relationship with Cash and to change her mind if possible. He didn't forget about this but he hadn't thought of a way to approach Wendy about this either. To add to that, Jin was depressed over what happened to him and Jezebelle earlier. Actually, he was so upset about that that Yvette had to scream at him several times to pay attention. You need to wash these towels! shrieked Yvette, throwing them to his head. Sighing, Jin went to the boys' locker room to wash the towels like he was instructed to. It was now the beginning of sixth period. The girls had been practicing for a while. Jezebelle wanted him to practice with her but he made a lousy excuse to escape. In the end, she had to practice with Roselle and Xuan

Lan instead. Inside the locker room, Jin went to the shower room to wash the towels. He kept sighing at the thought of Jezebelle. This was one area none of the boys would go in. He didn't know what it was like in the girls' locker room but over in the boys, this room was practically useless. Jin remembered in freshman year, this foreign exchange student didn't know better and went in the shower room to wash up. The Pimp Juice boys of that year took care of him. No one ever stepped into this room again. It was just not done. Jin? Jin glanced over at Jordan who poked his head in. Hey Jordan. I can hear you sighing from outside, said Jordan, coming in timidly. He didn't like to be here either. Do you know how loud this room echoes? I had no idea but thanks for telling me. What's the matter? asked Jordan, coming up to Jin and looking at the towels he was busy washing. Do you need help? No, I'm fine, said Jin with a forced smile. I'm team manager. It's my job. You shouldn't be late or else, Coach will make you run laps again. I'm used to it. What's up with you? Jin sighed for the hundredth time. I'm sad that's all. Sad? asked Jordan, surprised. About what? About Fi. At Jezebelle's pet name, Jordan was slightly unhappy. Did she abuse you again? I don't mind that, said Jin quickly, shaking his head. It's just that I think she might like my suppressed self more than me... You mean the really scary one that hates to lose? asked Jordan, frightened. Jin blinked. Is he really that scary? Blushing, Jordan shook his head. I mean, he's more aggressive than you that's all. It doesn't matter because, said Jin, dropping his eyes sadly. Jordan thought he saw tears in Jin's eyes. She likes him better. I'm nothing to her but this person who takes care of all her expenses after all. She'll never see me as a worthy boyfriend. I like you for who you are, said Jordan under his breath, trying hard to ignore the pounding in his ears. Jin turned to Jordan with a surprised look on his face. At Jin's eyes, Jordan added in a louder voice, I mean, I think you are fine just the way you are. Lots of people like you the way you are, I'm sure. You don't need to think too much on what she thinks of you. But I have to. Why? Because she's the girlfriend my parents assigned to me, said Jin, turning off the water and staring bitterly at the water. As long as I'm her boyfriend, I want to be there for her. I want to make her happy. Jin smiled weakly. I want to be the person most important to her. I don't want to let Fi or my parents down.

Your parents assigned her to you? asked Jordan, speechless. Never mind, said Jin, squeezing the water out of the towels now. I wonder if she'll be truly happy if I just listen to my desires all the time. Jin... I don't know, said Jin, shaking his head. I don't like him. I don't like his selfish desires. I don't want to be him all the time. Jin bit his lip. But he's the one Fi wants and I want to make Fi happy so... Jin shook his head and went past Jordan. I don't know what to do. I'll have to think about it. Wait Jin, said Jordan, chasing after the other boy. Yo, said Bo, standing at the entrance of the locker room right when Jin and Jordan came out. Hey, said Jin in response with a weak smile. Long time no talk, Bo. I know, said Bo, rubbing his chin. Then, he beamed at Jordan. Hey beautiful. Jordan paled and turned to Jin frantically. J-Jin! Oh, the game is about to start, said Jin, noticing how the girls were lining up from afar. Jin tossed Jordan an apologetic look. Sorry Jordan and Bo but I have to go. After Jin left in a hurry with the towels, Bo wrapped his arm around Jordan, It's only you and me now, Jordan. Jordan jerked away quickly. D-Don't t-touch me! Bo chuckled and moved up to Jordan. Why not? Because, said Jordan, taking a few steps away. I don't like it! What's up with Jin? asked Bo, suddenly switching to his more serious voice. Sighing, Jordan told Bo everything Jin told him in the locker room. Bo listened with interest and a twinkle in his eyes. At the end, Bo nodded several times. I don't understand, said Jordan, frowning. What does he means by assigned? I wonder if I should tell you this, said Bo, grinning broadly. I'm sure Jin would tell me if I ask him. At that line, Bo agreed, He would. He's a pretty open person. Well, you see. The thing with Jin and Fi-Fi is that... After Bo explained the circumstances in which Jin and Jezebelle were a couple, Jordan dropped his jaw, You mean they're not together because they love one another? Yup, said Bo with a grin. Fi-Fi is Jin's father's boss's daughter. Since Mr. Tilly is gone until August of next year, Fi-Fi has to live with Jin and his family. Once the year is up, I'm sure Jin will be back to his normal lifestyle and Fi-Fi will return to her former high school. So this is only temporary... Bo was amused now. Why do you look relieved, Jordan Greene? I am not relieved, said Jordan defensively. It's just that they really do act like a real couple sometimes. And remember how Jin played that match against Jezebelle to win her back? And what he told me just now? Maybe he

does love her after all. I don't know about now but Jin loves his parents more than anything else in the world, said Bo slowly. He'll do anything for his parents. If his parents were to sell him off as a slave in some foreign country, he'll obey without hesitation. It's just how he's been brought up. Why is he like that? asked Jordan to himself more than Bo. However, Bo answered anyways, It's because Jin's mother nearly killed herself for him. Jordan gasped. I heard this from Hamada-sama but during Mrs. Song's pregnancy, she was in critical condition. The doctors advise her to save herself. She refused. She wanted them to save the baby instead. Miraculously, both the mother and Jin was saved. I never knew... said Jordan sadly. Jin really loves his mother, said Bo softly. He has a strong sense of duty to his parents and others around him. I also believe that it's because of his mother's selfless act to bring him into this world that helped form his own selfless personality. He feels lucky to even be alive so he wants to live to help as many people as he can. That's just the way he is and that's the way I met him as well. He's helped me a lot, said Jordan, muttering under his breath. I haven't met anyone who cared about me more than he did. Even my parents... Jordan laughed. Even my parents went on a cruise and left me here with my sister. They probably don't even think about me. I didn't know that, Jordan Green. Sorry to hear that. It's nothing new, said Jordan, shrugging. I'm used to it I guess. But after hearing what you said, I am more determined to make sure Jin stays true to himself. He shouldn't give in to anything, not even Jezebelle. And this is also why you and Hamada-sama should get along already. Jordan blinked. What? Bo chuckled. You and Hamada-sama need to get along so we can figure out a plan to save Jin. Tiffany and I are waiting for you two. Oh that, said Jordan, remembering. Okay. I'll work things out with her. Leaning toward Jordan unexpectedly, Bo said, Seriously Jordan Greene, what do you do to get such smooth skin? I'm envious. I have to go! squeaked Jordan, maneuvering around Bo and running toward the tennis courts. The minute Jordan left Bo chuckled to himself and said, Oh Roselle. This really is so much fun! Over at the tennis courts, while the tennis girls were busy introducing themselves to their opponents, Kirk gazed intently at one of the prettier girls on the other school's tennis team. The other tennis boys were all around him, comparing girls. They were in luck since the other team were made up of mostly skinny, good-looking Asian girls. Right when the introductions end, the one girl Kirk had been staring at the entire time went up to him. Hey, said Kirk with a playful smile. Hey, what's your name? asked the girl in a carefree manner.

After they talked for around ten minutes, the other girls called the prettiest one over. The pretty girl said bye to Kirk before she left to join her friends. Once she was gone, all the other boys except for Jordan who was running surrounded Kirk and demanded how he did it. Kirk sat back with his arms wrapped behind his neck. Jin was watching Kirk this entire time from inside the courts. He was also curious but he didn't ask like the other boys. There was no trick to it really, said Kirk, amused at the attention. You must have done something, said Patrick in awe at Kirk's skills. However, even after they pestered him to death about it, Kirk refuse to tell them. Of course, the boys soon grew bored of talking to Kirk and went off to play basketball. This was when Jin got off the courts and went to the cooler to grab water bottles for Doubles One who were playing first on one of the courts. It's the same way I met your girlfriend, said Kirk suddenly to Jin. Jin widened his eyes. Fi? The dark-haired boy clicked his tongue. She's hot so I stared at her for a while in second period. She didn't say anything and she pretended not to notice but of course, she was already intrigued by me. It was easier to strike up a conversation later. It's the same as that girl over there. Kirk glanced at the pretty girl who was now giggling with her friends. Jin lifted a brow. When someone as cool as me has eyes for someone, they have this strange need to return it because how many chances do you have when someone like me suddenly taken an interest in you first? Is that how you dated all those cheerleaders too? asked Jin, remembering. Kirk snickered. The slaps are worth it. Fucking bitches. You don't date Catholic girls do you? asked Jin, feeling confident all of a sudden. Amused, Kirk said, I don't date ugly hags. Anyone else is fine for fucking. Jin frowned. Kirk, that's wrong. What's wrong? asked Kirk innocently, spreading his arms out. Boys are not supposed to mate with girls? Isn't it in our biology? Biology or not, said Jin sternly. It's wrong to date multiple girls and treat them like that. Jin frowned and glanced at Jezebelle once. You're supposed to be with a single person you like. That's how it's supposed to be. Says who? asked Kirk in a challenging voice. Says my mother... said Jin weakly. No, said Kirk, pulling his lips into a cruel smile. Says the fucking church. Society. It's not like that originally. Did you know that marrying for love didn't even exist a few centuries ago? Kirk laughed and threw his head back. You sound so Catholic, Jin Song. I'm actually a Christian, said Jin softly. A lousy one but I still am. You people think you know everything, said Kirk, getting up and jumping off the bench. But you people don't know shit. I don't play by the rules, Jin Song. Play with someone else who fucking cares.

Wait, Kirk, said Jin, stopping the boy from leaving. Why do you hate Catholics so much? You were raised to be one. You're funny, said Kirk, turning around and smirking. You're a riot. Why do you fucking care what happens in my shitty life? Because, said Jin in a determined voice. We're Doubles' partners. I work alone, baby, said Kirk, shaking his head. Sleep with Jordan Greene instead. I'm not desperate. Kirky, said Jezebelle, interrupting their conversation. She wasn't playing first so she had been putting lotion on her bodies. Kirk laughed to himself before he paid attention to her. If you're going to flirt, be useful and get some info on their playing style. Aren't you better at that than me? asked Kirk, sweeping his hand through his hair. I usually have Spring keep tabs on them, said Jezebelle in a humorless voice. But Coach wanted to talk to her so you do it. Make me, said Kirk, tossing Jin a look. I'll get my opponent's phone number for you, said Jezebelle with a sweet smile. Kirk laughed to himself. Good enough. I was going to talk some more to her anyways. You didn't have to ask me to do it. I would have done it for the hell of it. Content, Jezebelle left before she gave Jin a weird look. Like Jordan, Jezebelle noticed that he wasn't exactly happy as usual. Though unlike Jordan, Jezebelle was too busy to figure out why. She had to concentrate before the match after all. If not, she would lose focus and lose the match if she wasn't careful. I guess I'm more reliable than you, said Kirk suddenly before he headed to the other team's side of the area. She didn't ask you to do it. I wonder why. Jin lowered his eyes. Because she hates me like this... Kirk snickered. Not surprised. Later. Sighing, Jin sat in Kirk's original spot and stared blankly at the courts for a few seconds before Yvette screamed at him for not getting their water bottles. Quickly, Jin recovered and picked up two water bottles for Yvette and Venus. Once he was done, he went back to the exact same spot and sighed several times. Did Jezebelle hate him so much that she had to ignore him in front of Kirk? Was the only way for Jezebelle to be happy was for him to be more like his other self? More importantly, how was he supposed to do what Coach asked of him if he couldn't stop thinking of Jezebelle? Are you okay? Why are you so sad? What happen? Soon enough, Jin found himself surrounded by JV girls from the other team. A couple of Varsity girls were also there. They had their eyes from the beginning when he was running around and sweeping the courts with that heavy machine. Now that Jin was alone, they decided to come and talk to him,

only to find him depressed. Happy to have company, Jin smiled and told them he was fine. This led to them a bunch of personal questions. Tilly, said Coach, motioning for Jezebelle to come over. Jezebelle had been sitting against the fence by herself with her racket in hand. She was focusing. Tilly, let's talk. Jezebelle obeyed and came up to him, Yes? I kept the teams the same for this game, said Coach, holding up the card with all the matches listed on it. But what do you think of switching Doubles Two and Doubles Three? What about Singles? My most honest opinion? Coach nodded. That's what I expect from you Tilly. With his permission, Jezebelle grabbed a hold of the notepad Yvette left behind. She ripped out a page, borrowed a pen from Coach, and started scribbling on the paper quickly. Coach watched in amusement before Jezebelle handed the paper back to Coach with all the necessary corrections. You at Singles One, said Coach, laughing. I'm better than that poodle girl, said Jezebelle, flinging her hair back confidently. What is this supposed to mean? asked Coach, pointing at something Jezebelle wrote. Jezebelle leaned in closer to look. Who's Spring? Oh, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. Xuan Lan. What about her? She's getting there, said Jezebelle with a firm nod. She should be ready in two games, I guarantee you. Let's see if I read your writing correctly, said Coach, holding the paper up close to his eyes. You as Singles One. Chanthachem at Singles Two. Young at Singles Three. Stevens at Singles Four. Kwan and Hermosa still at Doubles One. Cheng and Fang at Doubles Two. And Lexi and Spring at Doubles Three. What happen to Bautista? She's not mentally strong enough to play competitive tennis, said Jezebelle coldly. She's been crying less at least, said Coach modestly. Jezebelle smirked. She's a hindrance to the team. If you show this to bossy Yvette, I'm sure even she agrees with me. But why Bautista, not Lexi? asked Coach, interested. Giggling evilly first, Jezebelle answered, Because at least Lexi has a competitive side. We just need to find a way to bring it out. I'll leave that to you then. Sure thing, Coach, said Jezebelle, smiling sweetly at the older man. Think it over. My arrangement. I'll discuss it with Kwan and get back with you on that. Good. One more thing, Tilly, said Coach, pointing at the girls chatting around Jin. Are you really fine with Song interacting with so many pretty girls at once over there? None of them are as hot as me, said Jezebelle confidently to her

Coach. Still, she went over to where the other girls were talking to Jin. Without warning, Jezebelle placed herself on Jin's lap and glared at them. My property. Thanks. Bye? What a bitch, said the girls, leaving. The competition in Jezebelle was too fierce. You're saying it like it's a bad thing, said Jezebelle after them. Fi, said Jin with a happy look on his face. Jezebelle groaned. She could recite his words by now. So you do care! If I lose my match today, said Jezebelle with a threatening voice. She bit the top of his ear as well. It's all your fault! Jin flinched slightly. I'm sorry. You should concentrate on your match instead. So servile, said Jezebelle, annoyed. She indicated at Kirk talking to the one tennis player on the other team. You talked to Kirk about his immoral ways or something? How do you know? asked Jin, surprised. It's you and him. What else would you guys talk about? Jin thought of his personality and then, Kirk's. Good point Fi. The thing with people like him, said Jezebelle suddenly in a calm tone. Is that you know what to expect. Jin tilted his head, confused. Jezebelle groaned since he was so helpless without her. He does things to purposely go against anything Catholicism teaches. That's why he has piercings all over his body and tattoos too. He sleeps around and he purposely ditches school. It's his way of pissing off his parents. Jezebelle noticed the look on Jin's face. The opposite of someone I know. You're telling me he does these things because he's rebellious? It's pretty obvious from the way he talks shit about his parents in class. Jin widened his eyes. I don't understand why someone would do such a thing. Why not? asked Jezebelle, lifting a brow. I mean... said Jin, looking down. Without your parents, you wouldn't be here. They help bore and raise you to who you are. They spend so much money on you. You cost a fortune to even be alive and standing. Why would you try to oppose someone who has done so much for you? Not everyone is like you, orange chicken, said Jezebelle in dismay. What about you, Fi? asked Jin, panicking at this news. You care about your father right? Even if he's living so far away? Jezebelle glanced away. Who cares about him. He's gone anyways. Fi... said Jin sadly. Suddenly, Jezebelle thought of an idea. Actually, Churros, you should go tell Kirky why he shouldn't defy them in the first place! How dare he does that! You're right, said Jin with determination now. I'll explain it to him! Surely, he'll listen to reason! Go on then! said Jezebelle, urging him on.

All right! Waiting until Jin was out of earshot, Jezebelle muttered, He actually fell for that. ***************************************** Since Cory and Gary didn't get to hang out with Kristian a lot these days, they tracked him down. He just left his sixth period class when he noticed his two friends waving at him from the end of the hallway. Even though Kristian knew he had to get to his workplace in thirty minutes, he thought a chat with his best friends wouldn't hurt. After all, they were always patient with him whenever he got together with a new girl. He hated to leave them out of his life but he had girls to be with. Cory, said Kristian, punching Cory immediately. What's up? We thought of a great idea, said Cory excitedly. What? asked Kristian, curious. We both got into detention to be with you! Oh, about that, said Kristian, smiling innocently. I'm not going to detention. You're not? asked Cory, astonished. Gary looked surprised too. I have a job now so I can't afford to party in detention anymore. You got a job? asked Cory loudly, gaining a couple of stares from people leaving the hallways to go home. Gary grumbled something to himself. But you said you hate working! And that you'll never work until you get into the Navy or the Marines! I need money and I'm not begging my old man for it, said Kristian, pocketing his hands and walking down the hallway with his two friends. I have to earn it myself so I got a job. Why do you need money, Kristian? asked Cory suspiciously. Your parents left you with money to take care of Jinx after all. I can't use that money, said Kristian in disbelief. Gary said something in his accent that no one but Cory and Kristian understood. Kristian sighed. It's necessary. I'm working five days a week now. Leave me alone. At least tell us where you're working at and why you're working! insisted Cory, frowning at how secretive his best friend was being. Fine, said Kristian, giving in and wrapping his arm across Cory's shoulders. I'll tell you because you're my bitch. Cory told Kristian otherwise but the half-Japanese male smirked and added, I'm working at a bar. I'm the guy at the counter. My Uncle landed me a job there with his wide connection. Address? Kristian took out his cell phone. I'll text it to you. Cool, and why do you need the money again? Sex. Both Gary and Cory did a double take. Sex? Licking his lips, Kristian went on, Rin-chan refuses to do it until we're engaged so I'm getting her an engagement ring.

Those things are expensive, said Cory, frowning. I know, said Kristian, groaning. But if that's what she wants, then fine. So be it. Even if you start working now, said Cory, elevating his eyes and calculating in his head. It'll probably take almost a year or so to get that much money for a ring. Gary muttered a few words in addition to Cory's comment. I know, said Cory in agreement with the giant. He has to live without it for almost twelve months. Kristian tried hard to ignore them. How the heck are you going to do it Kristian? You're not going to cheat are you? At the words, Kristian's face darkened. You think I of all people will do such a thing, Cory? Cory was afraid of being beat up so he hid behind Gary for protection. Kristian looked mad now. How am I going to do it? I'm going to fucking wait. That's what I'll do. I'm sorry Kristian... said Cory in a lowered tone. I... can do it... said Kristian in a weak voice. Shaking his head, Kristian smirked at them. Yeah. I can do it. Anyways, if I don't leave now, I'll be late for my second day at work. I'll text you both later. After Kristian left the hallway, Cory turned to Gary, Do you think he can do it? Gary shrugged, unsure. I think he can do it if he takes extreme measures. The African American had a thoughtful look on his face and said two words. Yeah, extreme measures, said Cory in response. Like think of himself as a priest? Meanwhile while Cory and Gary pondered on Kristian's decision to be faithful to Rin, Kristian was rushing to his car when he noticed a couple making out against a tree near where he parked his car. He ignored them and went in his car. For whatever reason, his radio station was playing a love song. Hastily, Kristian changed stations and released a sigh of relief at the rap music. Then, he started the engine and checked the time. Sex is not everything... I can live without it for a while... **************************************************** Although Jin wanted to talk to Kirk about his rebellious ways, he had to return to his team manager duties instead, which meant passing out towels during breaks, handing water bottles to the girls, and picking up tennis balls on any of the courts he happened to be on. Right now, it wasn't going well for Wilson High at all. Not only were these girls from that other school pretty, they were skilled in tennis too. After all, only Doubles One won so far. Of course, Jin didn't expect them to lose... ever. I'm so worthless... said Joyce, crying in the corner with Jin. Jin patted her on the shoulder lamely. I can't concentrate on the match at all... I don't even know why... Joyce, it's okay, said Jin in a comforting manner. Tasha lost her match too. It's not her fault though, said Joyce sadly. She has a bad

stomachache... I have no excuse whatsoever... Jin Song! said Yvette, glaring at Jin. We need you to write down the scores! Oh sorry, said Jin, getting up and tossing Joyce a sympathetic look. I have to go, Joyce. I hope you feel better soon. The Filipino girl nodded in indication that she was all right. Hurriedly, Jin ran over to take the score card from Coach and wrote down the scores before they changed it back to default. Tasha lost by two games. Joyce lost by three. Yvette and Venus won their game by three. Running outside the gate, Jin noticed that Roselle and Doubles Three were on their respective courts already. However, Joyce's previous court was still empty. Tilly, said Coach, ignoring the anticipation on both Sophronia and Lexi's face. You're on. Time to make her run, said Jezebelle, wearing her visor and flicking Jin a look. Come with me, strawberry pizza. I never tried strawberry pizzas before, said Jin, following Jezebelle obediently. It's good, said Jezebelle before she stopped inside her tennis courts. Her opponent was already there, waiting with her racket and water bottle. Remember that birthday present you promised me? Fi, said Jin in a soft voice, lowering his eyes on the ground. If I were to listen him and let him do whatever he wants, would you be happier that way? Jezebelle jerked a brow up but she quickly recovered. Because if it's you... I... Jin bit his lip. I'm willing to be him all the time except when I'm around my parents of course... I'll be happy, said Jezebelle, straying her eyes away from Jin. I see... But, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes now. It'll be so fucking annoying. Jin didn't expect this answer, What? How do I put this? asked Jezebelle to herself. Then, she leaned toward him and poked him in the shoulder several times. Who would make dinner for me then? Who would make the hot bath for me? Who would make my bed in the morning? Drive me to school? Buy all the mochi ice cream I want? Do whatever I say? Then... said Jin with a bright smile. Then... said Jezebelle, pouting innocently. Everything's good between us? asked Jin with a broad smile. It's all in your geeky head, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. Jin nodded. Now, that good luck kiss. With the other girl watching curiously, Jezebelle went up to Jin with her eyes closed. All this time, Jin thought it would end up being a more romantic setting where he would have his first kiss with Jezebelle. He didn't want to do it with a couple of the tennis boys staring and that stranger in the back. Right before he kissed Jezebelle though, he noticed Kirk heading the opposite direction of the tennis courts all by himself.

You said you're good right? asked Jin suddenly, smirking at Jezebelle. Jezebelle opened her eyes and frowned. Yeah? Then you don't need a good luck one, said Jin with a quick chortle, turning his back on her. You only need a good job one. I'll be right back, sweetie. I have a game to win with a certain someone. Running off, Jin turned his head back at Jezebelle and winked once before he left the area. Jordan was on his way to cheer for Roselle when Jin bumped into him and left him, speechless without another word. At the sight of that, Jezebelle giggled evilly to herself and went up to her pretty opponent with her right palm out. I'm Jezebelle Phoebe Tilly and I guaranteed you'll be very sore tomorrow morning. Without much effort, Jin managed to catch up to Kirk and punched the boy to the face without warning. Kirk fell a step backwards at the impact. Usually, he wouldn't be caught this off-guard but he had a lot on his mind right now. The two went to the back of the boys' gym together. You called that a, said Kirk, punching Jin back in the cheek. Punch? Jin licked his lips before he did an uppercut on Kirk. This is for hitting on Fi-Fi. Jin paused and winked. Pun unintended. Since Kirk didn't like to lose, he returned the motion, And this is for being a useless boyfriend. Laughing, Jin smirked at Kirk, Says the boy who cheats on his girlfriends. What do you know about me? asked Kirk, angry. Jin provoked him first. A lot actually, said Jin, widening his playful smirk. You're willing to hurt others just to prove a point to your Catholic folks. You're such a tool. Kirk threw his head back and laughed. Me? Bull shit. Then what is it? asked Jin, daring Kirk on. What would a Momma's boy know? asked Kirk, holding one hand against the nearest wall and the other against his jaw. What would a parent hater know? Kirk spit in the ground and growled, I'm not a fucking parent hater. Sure, I hated how they baptized me and raised me as a Catholic. I hate how they're both devote, hypocritical Catholics but, Kirk kicked the wall grumpily. I'm not doing this because of them. I'm doing this because of the Catholics in general. Why do you hate Catholicism if it's not because of your parents? asked Jin warily and suspiciously. I never said it's not because of them, said Kirk, offended. He proceeded to punch the wall with his hands one at a time. It's not only because of their inconceivable raising ways. There were... other reasons. Suddenly, Jin blinked and went into worry mode. Like what? Did something happen with you and the Church? Kirk made a rude noise. The Church. Oh, how much I love them. Even someone as uninformed as Jin could tell Kirk was being sarcastic. You know what's so great about Catholics? They can do any shit they want and it's okay as

long as they ask for God's fucking forgiveness and crap and look, they can still go to heaven and be happy with all of God's fucking loving graciousness. Jin knew Kirk was ranting now. Kirk? They can be all smug about it because the rest of us can go suck all we want in hell for choosing the fucking wrong religion because of our damn parents who didn't know any better. Who gives a fuck about leading a good life? Since Jin was back to normal, he was slightly afraid of Kirk's hatred. Er... Kirk momentarily forgot Jin was there as he went on, Moreover, those religious motherfuckers throw my stupid, devoted mother out of the Church because she divorced a man under their teaching who cheated on her multiple times. What does it matter that she donated endlessly to the Church and attend mass every Sunday? Who fucking cares that she followed every other lousy rule in the book? She divorced so she should go to hell. Kirk, is that why you hate Catholicism so much? asked Jin weakly. The other Jin in his head was laughing at him and asking if he wanted to switch back. Shaking his head, Jin continued, Is it because of what happened to your mother? Fuck no, said Kirk, hiding his head behind his extended arm. He was putting all his weight against the wall now to calm himself down. They're hypocrites. The lot of them. My parents. The church. The Pope. I hate every single person in that mind controlling religion. Mind fucking is their doctrine I swear. But Kirk, said Jin with enough courage now. I don't think that's fair. What's not fair? asked Kirk, glaring at Jin now. Jin gulped and continued bravely, You can't group people up like that. Kirk moved up to Jin with hard eyes. Like for example, I didn't get along with some African Americans in my freshman year. They made jokes I didn't understand and used words foreign to me. Eventually, I get to know them and get along with them. It's the same with any group of people. There are both good and bad people everywhere, even in Catholicism. Sure, said Kirk, laughing darkly to himself. If there are things video games teach you about, said Jin, walking back and forth in front of Kirk now. You must never underestimate the weakest member in the team. They may turn out to be traitorous or the strongest warriors in the long run. Then there are those rival characters who keep getting in your way but end up joining your party later on and be awesome. Jin frowned and shook his head. And even if Bowsers people do some terrible things, Bowser himself is simply looking for a wife... Kirk lifted a brow. I thought we were talking about religion and people. Oh yeah, said Jin, back on track. The point is there's always some good in the darker side and some bad in the lighter side. Well duh, said Kirk, rolling his eyes. Isn't it the same for Catholicism? asked Jin with a smile. Maybe there

are lots of Catholics who look down on people from other religion and mentally think of them going to hell but I'm sure there are as many Catholics who truly believe in their religion, as imperfect as it may be. You cant just place all of them in the same category. Are you making me like these people or some shit like that? asked Kirk suspiciously. No, not at all, said Jin quickly, shaking his head. I'm just saying that I don't think it's fair to those girls you've hurt in the past and all those sports teams you let down because of it. If you have to take it out on someone for all this... The Pope? asked Kirk hopefully. Jin laughed darkly. No, I mean me. Now, Kirk was giving Jin the strangest look. Let's be rivals on the tennis courts from now on. Partners and rivals. If I must, I'll pretend to be a Catholic so you can feel like beating me in tennis. How about that? No thanks, you crazy mofo, said Kirk, laughing now. He punched the wall and looked at his red knuckles. I'll give you this though- I'll only fuck with crazy Catholic bigots if I meet one. I'll try to go somewhat easy on the rest of you religious nutcases since Im feeling generous. You got that, Jin Song? Good enough, said Jin, showing his palm out to Kirk. Let's still be rivals on the courts though. You have to say yes after you try to flirt with my girlfriend all the time. I can't fucking help it, said Kirk, punching Jin's hand instead. The Korean boy retreated it quickly. She's smoking hot. She is I guess, said Jin, scratching the back of his head and ignoring the pain. Then, Jin gaped at Kirk. Wait, was that a yes? I won't lose to a righteous, idealistic fool like you in tennis or in any other crap for the matter, said Kirk, turning his back to Jin and leaving the area. I'll stay on this shitty team to pay you back to what you did to this money-making face. I look forward to it, said Jin after Kirk took a few steps out of the shade already. But you can't ever win me at F-Zero! That's for sure! Kirk waved lazily behind him. We'll see about that. After Kirk was close to the gate to leave school, he said to himself, That geek punched me. He. Punched. Me. And yet, Kirk went up to his car, cackling the entire time. ****************************************** Since Lexi knew it was going to be a while until it was her turn to play, she sat with the Track team and watched the other teams out in the field. The football team was working harder than ever since their first game was coming in two days. The soccer girls were in their own area, practicing as well. Everyone was practicing for their respective teams. Lexi admired athletes a lot. Then, she noticed the baseball team against the fence, taking turns batting. Out of the boys, Sidney stood out the most to Lexi. Soon after she noticed them, the baseball team took a water break. They and the Track team left their water in the same area so it was not long

before Sidney noticed Lexi sitting there by herself in her tennis uniform. She had her hair up in a ponytail, ready for her match. Sidney smiled at the sight of her. Hey there, said Sidney in greeting. Hey! said Lexi, flushing bright red. So you have a game today, said Sidney, indicating at the uniform. Good luck. Thanks a lot! Sidney glanced in the direction of the tennis courts. Did you play and win yet? Not yet, said Lexi shyly, clasping her hands together. It's great being on a sports team isn't it? Lexi thought about it. I guess so. Even if you don't like each other at first, said Sidney, stretching his arms back. You'll grow to depend and be friends with one another. Sometimes, your teammates are even closer to you than your classmates. You can be with people of different grades and not feel awkward at all. Sidney smiled gently. It's nice. I really like it. I hope you're right, said Lexi quickly. I don't really get along well with my team. Let's see, said Sidney thoughtfully. There's Yvette. She's a good team captain I think. I know she's really tough but she thinks well of the team. Lexi nodded even though she used to dislike Yvette a lot. Venus's fun. She's hilarious. Tasha and Sophronia are pretty damn cool as well. They're all pretty nice girls. Girls... said Lexi, remembering the conversation before the science test. At the thought, Lexi looked around and noticed Rin playing the saxophone. I really wonder why boys like girls like Rin Hamada. I don't understand it. At that comment, Sidney went around and sat next to Lexi. Since I have nothing to do, should I explain it to you? Oh, said Lexi, reddening. They were sitting so close to one another. Please! Let's see... said Sidney, looking up and thinking. For as long as I've known her on the science team, she has a very strong presence. What does that mean? asked Lexi, lost. Like there are twenty or something members on the team so usually some members stand out more than others. Everyone knew who Rin Hamada was even though she was only a freshman that year. I'm sure I'll be the same once I join the team, said Lexi confidently. Sidney laughed. I'm sure. But there are other things too. Like what? I don't see it. Like how she takes things very seriously, said Sidney, brightening up. For example, the boys on the team like to make jokes about taking some of the girls home with them after the meeting was over. It's dirty and it's fun. Most of the girls usually play along with it but never her. Never Rin Hamada. Lexi

frowned. You can tell that she's not like any other girl. She doesn't flirt and she doesn't joke around. She's the type that's never clingy or boy crazy. She won't give in easily or chase boys either. In other words, Sidney returned his attention at Lexi. She's a girl to be respected so boys like that. Is it really wrong to, said Lexi, looking down after hearing all these things to someone Lexi considered a rival. Chase after a boy you like? No, there's nothing wrong with that. So there's nothing wrong with that but there's something wrong with trying to win him over with what you have? At her shaky tone, Sidney paid careful attention to her now. Lexi was in tears. He didn't mean to make her cry but somehow, he did. He didn't know what to do when a girl started crying. He was no Jin. Soon, he had to go back to practice and she back to her tennis game. Some of us are not that lucky, said Lexi, trying to wipe her tears away frantically. We don't have what it takes to have guys chase after us. We have to do the chasing instead. Does that make us easy? Unable to say anything, Sidney gave her a close hug and after a while, told her that it was all right. Everything was going to be okay so it was best if she calmed down for now. Soon enough, Sidney's Coach came to tell him to hurry to the field since practice was not yet over. By then, Lexi had stopped crying as much. I'll talk to Eugene for you, said Sidney, rubbing her shoulder affectionately. He got up now. He has a hard time giving girls a chance but once he gets to know you, I'm sure he'll change his mind. I'll help you guys get together. Lexi gathered all her courage. Sid... I... I can't talk anymore but if you need anything, said Sidney, leaving the Track team area. Call or e-mail me. It's written in the science team sheet we handed out earlier. Everyone's phone numbers and e-mails are on there so yeah. Later. I like you... said Lexi softly, finishing up her sentence. Once Lexi got up herself, she noticed Sophronia running to where she was from a distance. Blinking and trying to hide her red eyes, Lexi went up to her Doubles partner and frowned at the sight of her anxiety. What's wrong Sophronia? asked Lexi carefully. Jezebelle won her match already. That's good then! said Lexi, trying to sound cheerful. That's not all, said Sophronia worriedly, grabbing Lexi's arm and dragging her back to the tennis courts. Roselle's losing right now. She's two games behind the other girl. May and Mai are playing a tiebreaker right now. Lexi's eyes widened. We're starting now. If both Roselle and May and Mai lose their matches, we lose. But if May and Mai win and Roselle lose... Lexi gasped. You mean it's up to us? Yes... I... said Lexi, breaking her arm away from Sophronia's grip. I don't know if I can do this! I don't work well under pressure! Why do we have to go


Sophronia approached the younger girl. Lexi... calm down... I only joined the team to meet boys, said Lexi plainly, glancing over at the baseball field where Sidney was at. I didn't think I'm good enough to be on Varsity! I don't want to be here! Lexi crouched on the ground. I don't want to play and lose and have everyone hate me! Gently, Sophronia placed her hand on Lexi's head. Lexi... we can at least try. Yet, despite how much Sophronia pleaded the younger, Asian girl to recover from her gloom, Lexi continued to sulk in that exact same spot. Why must all the pressure be on her? It was obvious earlier that Coach could have let them went first but he purposely put them last, after Jezebelle. Lexi didn't want to play right now, especially not after the conversation she had with Sidney about how Rin Hamada was so much better than her. In the meantime, over at the tennis courts, May and Mai gaped at one another as they lost another point. Off the courts and outside the fence, Jezebelle watched them with narrowed eyes. She was not going to allow them to lose... not with her on this team.

Author's Note
I wanted to wrap this day in two chapters but I fail so I'll probably have to either add extra scenes to the next chapter to extend it to 19+ pages or write some of the following day as well. I'll figure it out. Anyways, I'll get that chapter done soon, though I somehow pile a ton of work on myself these past few days. I feel exhausted but I'll still try to get GG chapters done since I have a deadline in December to make. :P I don't think I will do the fun profile thingies on the bottom anymore until I have more free time to look for anime portraits for more minor characters. Haha. Until then, please vote and comment~

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