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Government of the District of Columbia

Executive Office of the Mayor


Contact: Erica Stanley
April 20, 2009

Fenty Names New Department of Parks and Recreation Director

WASHINGTON, DC—Mayor Adrian M. Fenty today announced that Dr. Ximena Hartsock has
been named acting director of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR).

Dr. Ximena Hartsock

Director, Department of Parks and Recreation
Dr. Ximena Hartsock began her service in the Fenty Administration when she joined Chancellor
Rhee's transition team in July 2007. As a member of the transition team for District of Columbia
Public Schools (DCPS), she collaborated with the school system in the areas of school
leadership, bilingual education, foreign language, and out-of-school time.

Dr. Hartsock most recently served as the Deputy Chief for the Office of Teaching and Learning.
While deputy chief, she created the DCPS Office of Out- of -School Time to provide strong
programs to thousands of children and teens in the District through afterschool, summer school
and Saturday school programs. Under her direction, the Office of Out-of-School Time created
the first vetting process for out-of-school time providers and expanded afterschool, Saturday
School and Summer School at the secondary level.

In addition to her duties as deputy chief, Dr. Hartsock headed the Office of Bilingual Education,
the Office of Language Programs and directed the New Heights Program, a support program for
teen parents.

In 2005, she served as assistant principal at Tubman Elementary, and in 2006 she was principal
at Ross Elementary. While principal, Ross ES posted significant gains in reading and math on
the District of Columbia Comprehensive Assessment System (DC CAS). Dr. Hartsock has also
served as adjunct faculty at American University School of Education. Her publications include
The Relationship between Parent Involvement and Homework and the Mathematics Achievement
of Hispanic English Language Learners (International Journal about Parents in Education,
She has presented her research concerning Parent Involvement and Student Achievement in
national and international conferences and also presented her work on best practices in Service
Learning at the National Conference for Service Learning 2007.

After receiving a BA in Philosophy and Spanish Instruction, Dr. Hartsock taught high school in
Chile and elementary school in Virginia. She went on to receive a MA in Education and a
Doctorate in Administration Leadership and Policy.


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