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Club Tabby 7900 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40222

Flipped House 3006 Wedgewood Way Louisville, KY 40220

Brennan Hampton (9) Photo by Kelsee Bryant

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Alexis Williams (11) Photo by Matthew McCardwell

Brennan Hamptons (9) familys business gave him the opportunity for a

unique summer job: flipping houses. My dad bought a house so he was going to flip it; you buy a house and fix it up to sell, Hampton said. The process of flipping a house takes

several months of work and preparation. Hampton had a formula. Find a house for the right price. Determine what all you should do, he said. You dont want to overdo how much you fix it up, or put too much work into it. We had to pull out all the old appliances, pull out the carpet, bust out some of the ceiling, and take down a wall. We tore down the deck and the back of the house and we sanded walls. Make sure supplies and stuff doesnt cost much so that you still make a profit. Sell it.

cash rules everything

Words by Patchie Haertel, Zoe Schaver and Sarah Rohleder Design by Holly Gravenkemper
Exhausted after the homecoming football game, Rodney Furman (11, #45) walked off the field with more on his mind than the dance that would follow. He had the usual college-bound student worriesACT preparations, college-level classes, extra-curricular activities, and balancing a social lifebut he carried the additional burden of a job. We have football games on Friday nights, and then I have to get up early on Saturdays to work for nine hours, Furman said. By then, I dont have much of a weekend because I have to get my homework done. With the downturn in the economy, students had trouble finding jobsand some needed cash for more than weekend entertainment. The main reason I have to find a job is that I have to pay my own college application fees, Kim Irwin (12) said. Ive been able to get the applications... but Im limited to places that are close because I cant drive. Despite the tedium that often came with teen jobs, there were those who found satisfaction in working. Soccer referee Abby Schroering (11), realized her job required her to take on adult responsibilities for the first time. One time I was reffing a [five- and six-yearolds] game and, out of nowhere, I see a kid basically attacking another kid, she said. I had to kick the kid out, and I told the coach to talk to him about it. I was freaking out because Ive never had to deal with that before. But now, looking back, its really kind of funny.
Donning a hot pink tutu and accessories in rainbow colors, Alexis Williams (11) spent weekends at Oxmoor Malls Club Tabby, hosting birthday parties for young girls where she decorated their hair with glitter and gave them playful makeovers. Birthday girls at the store get to be the center of attention. They get to pick the music and different aspects of their makeover. When she first walks in, we make a big deal about her being therescream, yell and holler, Williams said. When we give out cake, she sits in a big leopard-print chair to eat, and she sits on stage to open her presents. At Club Tabby, not only do girls rock, they rule, Williams said.

Graeters Ice Cream 140 Breckinridge Lane Louisville, KY 40207

Left: Alyssa Collina (12), Right: Nicole Lockard (12). Photos by Kelsee Bryant

Often, working a teen job is a solo affair. But for Alyssa Collina (12), Emily Hall (12), Nicole Lockard (12) and Anna Johnson (12), it was an opportunity to both make money and hang out with friends. The four worked together at Graeters, but sometimes the combination caused scheduling conflicts. Its kind of annoying, Johnson said, because its hard for us to all get off when theres a Manual game. But there was a downside to working with friends. Its frustrating because now we dont get to meet new people, Johnson said. There are only two staff that dont go to Manual.


Gimme the

Lakeside Swim Club 2010 Trevilian Way Louisville, KY 40205

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There are ups and downs to any job, but for workers at Lakeside Swim Club, the variety of each days tasks made staff members occupations exciting, if not always enjoyable. Maintenance staff members like Evelynn Wyatt (10) and James Bowling (12) watched over the exercise room, scrubbed the bathrooms, picked up trash around the lake, measured water temperatureand cleaned up puke. The grossest part is, they call it code B for bodily fluid. We always joke about

Louisville Slugger Field 401 East Main Street Louisville, KY 40202

it, Bowling said. Lifeguards underwent regular training in which they had to save flailing victims and drag them to safety. When Im working and someone starts swimming, I always freak out, imagining everything that could possibly happen to them, lifeguard Elle Enander (12) said. Then I run through all the steps weve learned in my head. Its a really good job; I like it. I feel like I work with the type of people who can handle emergencies. Photos by Jared Rondinelli
Elle Enander (12)

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The crack of a bat echoed through Slugger Field as a Louisville Bats player sent a line drive into the outfield. Dean Bowling (12) leaped out of his seat in the dugout to sprint onto the field to retrieve the used bat. Everyone growing up has a dream to meet a star player, Bowling said. Although they arent my star players, I know in a few years, they could be famous athletes on ESPN or they at least have the potential to be stars, so its cool to be able to relate to them on a personal level.
Dean Bowling (12) Photos by Seth Fischer

Evelynn Wyatt (10)

James Bowling (12)

All the little kids I teach love martial arts too. Im just trying to help them.

Student Life Jobs


Jordyn Tucker (11)

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