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It was a school year of trends, finales

and debuts. Wizards waved (their wands) goodbye, the odd behavior known as planking and hair feathers came and went, and some divorce or other was the talk of nearly every media outlet. Meanwhile, a musical artist made a name for himself when he won his first MTV award, while another performed concerts featuring lollipops and multi-colored hair.
Words by Sarah Rohleder and & Schaver Design by Meagan Anderson Photos by Jared Rondinelli



e (12) Perdu Leigh

Kyle Peterson (12)

To the delight of thousands of teenage fans, pop musician Katy Perry came to Louisville in October along with brightlyOnly 72 days after their colored wigs and dramatic stage antics. My mom went and so did Hollys mom, Sydney Barnett (11) said, referring to Holly Gravenkemper (11). They dressed up more than me, and Holly wore a blue wig. It was so embarrassing people were asking to take pictures with them.

role-playing game ever made. The video game was so popular that some students did whatever they could to get the coveted Skyrim experience. I spent hours on Skype watching my boyfriend play it. He kept bragging about it, Mai Nguyen (10) said. I would give up my first born child to get it. Video games are life.


Fans waited in the cold for hours in anticipation of the release of Skyrim on Nov. 11. The video game was the fifth installment of the best-selling Elder Scrolls series. Ive already logged over 100 hours on the game and its only been out for a few weeks, Kyle Peterson said. Its the most profound, content-packed,

When third-generation iPhones dropped to $50 and became available through three major cell phone carriers, iPhone game apps became more popular than ever. Several viral apps were introduced, some of which evolved into a new distraction for students. I found out about Angry Birds and immediately got addicted, Leigh Perdue (12) said. I bought

their vocabulary in a Scrabbleesque competition. The best word Ive ever played was like 63 points, Emily Hall (12) said. I feel like out of all the games, its something you actually have to use your brain for because its like Scrabble. Temple Run was a popular game in which the player was chased through a series of paths until they fell from the path or were caught by their predator. Its so easy to die, so you keep playing again and again, James Miller (10) said. The longest continuous time Ive ever spent playing is like two hours.

The final installment of Harry Potter arrived on July 15. Snapes, snitches and Dobbys were all present to say their farewells to the series, packing theaters for the premiere. In the Potter spirit, Mathin Kukkala (11) and a friend devised a plan to bring the movie to reality at the premiere. I had beach balls that we spray painted gold and
Rebecca Guan (9)

Wedding: A Kardashian Event, is rumored to have cost upwards of 10 million dollars. She looked absolutely radiant. The train of the dress was as long as my love for her, Anthony Springate (10) said. Media outlets speculated that the union might have been a publicity stunt. The divorce was a crying shame, Springate said. They were a gorgeous couple and I wanted to see their kids.

marriage, reality show celebrity Kim Kardashian announced she was filing for divorce from basketball player Kris Humphries. The divorce didnt really shock me because I knew from watching the show that they had problems, and she was selfish, Natalie Bomar (12) said. I was more sad for Kris than her because he

them and the managerial staff took them away. We were really disappointed. We thought it was a good idea. However the Wizards of Hogwarts werent the only wizards to say their final spellsWizards of Waverly Place
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the costume, and Im glad Ive gotten use out of it because it was $50. Words With Friends was an interactive two-player game where people could show off
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aired its last new episode. It took my childhood with it, Talia Brown (10) said. Every show I grew up with is gone. Its kind of a sad thing to let go of your childhood, but I guess its just Disneys own way of telling me Im growing up.

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attached wings like a golden snitch, Kukkala said. We took them to the theater to throw around, but someone complained about

album, and from there I just got sucked into the rest of the groups music, Luke Stevens (11) said. Tyler, the Creator beat out Wiz Khalifa and a number of other hopefuls at the MTV Video Music Awards for the title of best new artist. I like Tyler, the Creator because hes so much different than any other

deserved more. The wedding, which aired on E! under the title Kims Fairytale

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Troll faces, nyan cats, and casually-pepper-spray-everything cops were ubiquitous Internet memes, or concepts (usually jokes) that spread rapidly via the web, becoming youth jargon virtually overnight. I can play Nyan Cat on the xylophone. Problem? Neil Rao (11) said. Popular memes were often the product of a recorded accident, weird product, or unintentionally funny moment, eventually broadening to punchlines that made it into everything from Facebook status updates to even hip corporate product commercialswhere they would then become pass. I like memes because they take one joke and apply it to a bunch of different situations, and then you get a lot of irony, Nolan Anderson (11). I learn about most of my memes on memebase-dot-com or on Facebook.

The hip hop group Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All sprang onto the scene when the frontman, known as Tyler, the Creator, released his second studio album Goblin in spring of 2011. With its controversial, satirical lyrics and do-it-yourself attitude, the group attracted fans of every kind. I heard about Odd Future when one of my friends told me to download [band member] Earl Sweatshirts



A fan accused teen pop star Justin Bieber of fathering her child after a concert while he was still underage. I was thinking that it was
Baird (1 2

Beliebers didnt accept or appreciate the claims. I knew from the beginning that it wouldnt be true. I wasnt that surprised though; people are really desperate to get famous or make money, Elizabeth McGarvey (11) said. When she made the accusation, it was around the time that he had just started dating Selena, so I just didnt think hed do anything like that. Because she dropped the charges, it was obvious that she was lying in the first place.

Danielle Dorsey (10)

Traditional hair extensions received a makeover: feathers. A lot of my friends on the soccer team were getting themI had five in my hair at one time, Danielle Dorsey (10) said. The hair trend grew steadily, and some people even began to see the trend in media outlets. I just saw it in a magazine, and I thought it was really

cute. I called like fifty hair salons trying to find one that did it, Emma Smith (11) said. Only like two were doing it at the time so I found out the times and got them. The fashion grew so popular that it actually lost fans. I got annoyed when little kids got them so I took mine out, Smith said.

rapper, Ciara Cosby (11) said. Hes not scared to say what he wants or feels.
Luke Ste vens (11 )

not true, because she was way too ugly for him and he has a girlfriend so he would never do that, Kathleen Baird (12) said. I think shes kind of pathetic because she tried to use Justin Bieber to solicit his money when hes really more than just money.




Wiz has swag; hes bringing back old trends. My friends call me Khalifaman because I rock Chuck Taylors, camo shorts, and snapbacks.

Student Life Pop Culture


Darnell Gardner (12)

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