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Mass Media Pre-Internship

MMC 3990
Summer Semester 2013
Professor: Office: Office Hours: Telephone: E-mail: Dr. Paula Horvath-Neimeyer Building 14, Room 2007 Fridays 10 a.m. to noon or by appointment (Office) 904-620-3865 Learning Objectives At the successful completion of this course: Students will be able to articulate the mechanics of locating internships and behaving professionally; Students will have produced the tools necessary to secure an appropriate internship; Students will have created a professional online portfolio that highlights their mass mediated accomplishments. Required Materials All Work, No Pay, by Lauren Berger, Ten Speed Press Weekly Expectations Students are expected to attend each once-a-week class meeting. Attendance may be taken. In addition, during some class meetings group or individual assignments may be undertaken; these assignments cannot be made up. Homework will also be assigned at certain points during the class and students are expected to turn in assignments as instructed. Failure to meet a deadline will result in a zero for that assignment. Online ePortfolio This is to be a professional document that you can use upon graduation to introduce and "sell" yourself to prospective employers. It should never be chatty, never be just "pretty," never be inappropriate (pink is not a professional color and a picture of you at the beach is not appropriate). It is professional. Keep that in mind as you're re-working these. The landing pages should be clean, professional and to the point. You welcome people and invite them to explore your site. No chattiness. In fact, all pages should be

professional. The template chosen should "look" professional. This is like a "business card" that you can hand to someone and should reflect you as a career person. This is not a "souvenir album" or a "creative project." This is strictly professional. The ePortfolio will also be one of the main components of your professional internship in this program. You will create it in this pre-internship class and populate it with work youve completed in other classes or in other contexts. Youll also create a special tab or page in the ePortfolio that will eventually showcase the products or activities youve undertaken as part of your internship. More information on the ePortfolio is listed on the Blackboard menu under ePortfolio. Internship Preparation Skills You are also expected to create a well-crafted print resume as well as a cover letter. Information on how to create these documents will be presented in class with additional readings online. Grading Your grade in the course will be based upon a 100-point scale: 90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, and below 60 is an F. The final grade components will be added as follows: Online Portfolio Class Attendance Homework* 50 percent 25 percent 25 percent

*Includes resume, cover letter, dream list and any other assignments. Accessing Information The MMC 3990 course syllabus and information is available online on your Blackboard. All information communicated regarding the internship course will be delivered via email and placed under Announcement on Blackboard. For this reason, it is important to have a viable email address. If your email inbox is full or not accepting course informational emails at any point during the semester it is solely your responsibility to meet all internship deadlines and follow-up as needed. Academic Integrity Accuracy is important for all assignments whether theyre written for your instructor or your site supervisor. Points will be deducted for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and fact errors. You are expected to use AP style for all assignments. All work submitted for credit must be the product of your own effort without any unauthorized assistance. Academic dishonesty will result in the failure of this course.

UNF places high priority on and strives to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity while protecting the rights of students and faculty. Should any instructor find evidence of cheating, plagiarism or other inappropriate assistance in work presented by a student, the instructor should inform the student of the actions taken. Any student who becomes aware of misconduct related to academic integrity should inform the instructor or other proper authority (UNF Catalogue). If any evidence of cheating, plagiarism or inappropriate assistance is found in this class, the student(s) may receive a grade of F for this course. Personal Responsibility You are expected to take responsibility for the success of this class and your success academically. I have high expectations of you. I am responsible for conveying those expectations to you. You are responsible for ensuring that you meet your course obligations.

Date May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 June 7 June 14 Topic Introduction/Finding an Internship Branding/Wordpress Remaking tools/Social media Interviewing/Legal Issues Review ePortfolios Preparing for Internships Reading/Assignment Chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 3 Turn in Dream List Chapter 4 Turn in Brand Graph Chapters 5 & 6 Turn in Resume In-class critique Turn in Cover Letter Chapters 7-9 Upload final resume and ePortfolio/ Turn in Thank You Letter

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