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Key Stage 1 English Reading Information text: Leonardo da Vinci

Set D

Leonardos early life Leonardo da Vinci was a very famous artist who came from Florence in Italy. He was born in 1452 to a peasant woman. His father was a wealthy man. Leonardos mother and father were not married when he was born, which was very unusual at the time. When he was fourteen he went to work in the studio of an artist called Andrea di Cione. Here he learned to work with metal, leather and wood as well as learning how to draw, paint and make sculptures. He also learnt about anatomy. Leonardo learnt lots of things about peoples bones and muscles. He did lots of drawings of these, which helped him to draw peoples bodies later on. Leonardo as an adult When Leonardo was twenty, he started painting a picture of Jesus Christ. When his master saw it, he realised that Leonardo was a much better painter than he was himself and decided he would never paint again! As well as painting, Leonardo was also interested in designing and making things. One of the things he made was a bobbin winder. Leonardos invention allowed the bobbin to turn by itself, so that you could wind or unwind the cotton on it. He also designed bridges and helicopters. He was very interested in how these things were made. People have said that Leonardo cared a great deal about animals. He was thought to be a vegetarian, which was unusual at the time. There are also stories about him buying caged birds and then releasing them!

Leonardos famous paintings Leonardo painted many famous paintings, including the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and The Creation of Adam. The Last Supper was painted in 1495. It shows Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples around a table at the moment when Jesus tells them that he knows one of them has betrayed him. This was painted in a monastery and covers a whole wall. Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa in 1503. It was also known as La Gioconda, which means the laughing one. The Mona Lisa was painted in oil paints and has become very famous. Leonardo painted during a time called the High Renaissance. Around the same time, two other painters were very famous and painting similar paintings to Leonardo da Vinci. Their names were Michaelangelo and Raphael. Leonardo began to make good money from his paintings, which meant that he could support his mother, who did not have very much money. Leonardos death Leonardo died a few weeks after his 67th birthday. He left all his manuscripts, drawings, instruments and tools to his pupil, Francesco Melzi. To his other pupil, Salai, he left the paintings in his studio. One of these painting was the Mona Lisa.

artist someone who paints pictures peasant a poor person sculptures anatomy designing bobbin vegetarian monastery oil paints manuscript pupil 3D art works made out of materials such as metal, clay or wood the study of the human body drawing something that you want to make an object that stores cotton or wool someone who does not eat meat a place where monks live paints made from oils something that has been hand-written someone who learns from somebody else 1 mark

What was Leonardo da Vinci famous for?

1 mark

What was unusual about his parents?

1 mark

Name two things he learnt to do in the studio of the artist, Andrea di Cione:
1. 2. 1 mark

What is anatomy the study of?

1 mark

What made Leonardos master, Andrea di Cione, want to stop painting?

1 mark

Two of these sentences about the bobbin winder are true. Tick the correct ones:
The bobbin could turn by itself The bobbin winder made Leonardo very famous A bobbin stores cotton or wool

1 mark

Name one more thing that Leonardo designed:

1 mark

Why did Leonardo release birds from cages?

1 mark

Where was The Last Supper painted?

1 mark

What was the other name for the Mona Lisa?

1 mark

What were the name of the two other famous painters who painted around the same time as Leonardo?
1. 2. 1 mark

Who did Leonardo leave his paintings to when he died?

1 mark

Which of these sentences about Leonardo da Vinci are true? (Tick three)
He painted a picture of a helicopter in a monastery He painted the Mona Lisa He was famous for being a vegetarian His mother was a poor peasant woman He liked designing things as well as painting

What do you use a glossary for?

1 mark

Reading: Information text LEONARDO DA VINCI - answers

What was Leonardo da Vinci famous for? Painting pictures / he was an artist What was unusual about his parents? They were not married when he was born Not: His mother was poor and his father was rich. Name two things he learnt to do in the studio of the artist, Andrea di Cione: Any two of the following: Work with leather / work with metal / work with wood / draw / paint / make sculptures. What is anatomy the study of? The human body What made Leonardos master, Andrea di Cione, want to stop painting? (He saw a painting of Leonardos and) he realised Leonardo was a much better painter than him. Two of these sentences about the bobbin winder are true. Tick them: The bobbin could turn by itself The bobbin winder made Leonardo very famous A bobbin stores cotton or wool Name one more thing that Leonardo designed: Accept any one of the following: bridges / helicopters Why did Leonardo release birds from cages? Because he cared about animals. Where was The Last Supper painted? On the wall of a monastery.

What was the other name for The Mona Lisa? La Gioconda What was the name of the two other famous painters who painted around the same time as Leonardo? Michaelangelo and Raphael Who did Leonardo leave his paintings to when he died? His pupil (Salai) Which of these sentences about Leonardo da Vinci are true? (Tick three) He painted a picture of a helicopter in a monastery He painted the Mona Lisa He was famous for being a vegetarian His mother was a poor peasant woman He liked designing things as well as painting What do you use a glossary for? Looking up the meanings of words you dont know / to find out what certain words mean.

Key Stage


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Key Stage 1 English Reading Story text: Leonardos studio Set D

Lottie held her Mums hand tightly as they walked up to the big, glass pyramid. They had arrived in Paris yesterday and Lottie had not been able to sleep the night before. She couldnt believe she was finally here after hearing so much about it. Inside was an art gallery called the Louvre and a very famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci called the Mona Lisa. What do you think, Lottie? said her dad, smiling. Lottie frowned. She was a bit confused. The glass of the pyramid was transparent and it looked like there was nothing inside. Where were all the paintings and sculptures? Once they got inside the pyramid she realised you had to go down some steps to get to the underground art gallery. As they walked around Lottie was amazed at what they saw. There were stone sculptures of people with their arms missing, beautiful paintings that covered whole walls, huge vases painted in great detail and mosaics made of millions of tiny pieces. Eventually they came to the room where the Mona Lisa was kept. Lottie held her breath as they walked in. She could see it at the far end of the room. As she got closer she felt the lady in the painting was looking at her. If you walk from side to side, it seems as though she is still watching you, said her mum. Lottie practised doing this. She walked several steps to her left and looked at the painting. The lady was still looking at her. She walked several steps to her right and looked again. Her mum was right! Lottie shuddered. Suddenly, she wanted to move away from the picture. She turned away and shut her eyes. When she opened them the gallery suddenly seemed very quiet. She couldnt see her mum and dad. In fact, she couldnt see anyone. Spinning around, Lottie realised the room was completely empty.

Lottie, said a voice behind her. She spun round. No-one was there except the painting. She looked very hard at Mona Lisas beautiful face. She wasnt sure, but she seemed to see the edges of her mouth turning up very slightly. Lottie, said the Mona Lisa. Lottie froze. The Mona Lisa was speaking to her! Would you like to come and meet the man who painted me? she said in a quiet, calm voice. Then, she extended her hand out of the painting, towards Lottie. Lottie wasnt sure what to do. The woman seemed to have a very kind smile, but she had been told not to talk to strangers. Nervously, she put her hand forward. The Mona Lisas hand was soft and warm. She felt herself being pulled into the painting. In a matter of seconds, she was in the middle of the countryside. It was very, very hot. Mona Lisa was still holding her hand. Now she looked like a real person rather than a painting. Lets go and meet Leonardo! she said happily to Lottie. Lottie and Mona Lisa walked down a dusty track towards the town. Everybody was dressed in old-fashioned clothes but Lottie was surprised to see that they didnt seem to notice her, wearing her jeans and trainers and not really fitting in at all. They arrived at a small cottage. Mona Lisa knocked on the door. Come in! said a voice. Lottie and Mona Lisa walked in. Leonardo was sat at a table drawing something. You can have a look at my things, but you mustnt disturb me, said Leonardo, hardly looking at Lottie. Lottie thought he was very rude not to say hello to her. She walked around the room. There were paints in jars and paintbrushes on all the surfaces, which were smeared with paint. Pieces of paper were scattered all over the floor. Obviously, Leonardo wasnt a very tidy man.

Lottie picked some of them up and looked at the beautiful, detailed drawings. One was of a persons arm, first as it would normally look and then the same arm underneath, drawn as a skeleton. Another was of a strange flying object. There was a picture of a baby, curled up in a ball. Lottie gasped in amazement. She thought she would love to see Leonardo actually painting something. She looked up to say this to him, but realised she wasnt in his cottage anymore, she was back in the gallery. Her mum and dad were beside her and the room was full of people again. What do you think, Lottie? said her Dad, pointing at the painting. I think shes amazing! Lottie said, smiling at the painting. She looked at it again for a while, waiting for the face to move or for Mona Lisa to speak to her again. Nothing happened, the Mona Lisa just kept on smiling her mysterious smile.

What is the name of the gallery Lottie is visiting with her parents?
1 mark

Which words tell you that Lottie is excited about visiting the gallery?
1 mark

Why was Lottie confused when she first saw the Louvre?
1 mark

Name two things that Lottie saw as they walked around:

1 mark

Which words tell you Lottie was excited as she entered the room the Mona Lisa was in?
The lady in the painting was looking at her Lottie held her breath as they walked in She could see it at the far end of the room

1 mark

How is the Mona Lisa described? Find two descriptive words or phrases:
1 mark

Where does Lottie find herself after she gets pulled into the painting?
1 mark

What is Lottie surprised about as she walks down the dusty track?
1 mark

What kind of building is Leonardo found in? a church a large house a shop a small cottage
1 mark

Why does Lottie think Leonardo is quite rude?

1 mark

What makes Lottie think Leonardo is not a very tidy man?

1 mark

Name two of the things Lottie sees Leonardo has drawn.

1. 2. 1 mark

At the end, Lottie says she thinks the Mona Lisa is amazing. Why do you think she says this? Explain as fully as you can.

1 mark

Reading: Story text Leonardos studio - answers

What is the name of the gallery Lottie is visiting with her parents? The Louvre Which words tell you that Lottie is excited about visiting the gallery? She held her Mums hand tightly / she couldnt sleep the night before / she couldnt believe she was finally there. Why was Lottie confused when she first saw the Louvre? There was nothing inside the pyramid / She couldnt work out where the gallery was. Name two things that Lottie saw as they walked around: Any two of the following: stone sculptures / beautiful paintings / huge vases / mosaics. Which words tell you Lottie was excited as she entered the room the Mona Lisa was in? The lady in the painting was looking at her Lottie held her breath as they walked in She could see if at the far end of the room How is the Mona Lisa described? Find two words or phrases: Any two of the following: beautiful face / quiet, calm voice / kind smile / soft, warm hand. Where does Lottie find herself after she gets pulled into the painting? In the middle of the countryside. What is Lottie surprised about as she walks down the dusty track? No-one notices her even though she is wearing different clothes to them / wearing jeans and trainers / wearing modern clothes. What kind of building is Leonardo found in? a small cottage

Why does Lottie think Leonardo is quite rude? He hardly looks at Lottie / he doesnt say hello to her. What makes Lottie think Leonardo is not a very tidy man? Jars and paintbrushes smeared with paint / paper scattered on the floor. Name two of the things Lottie sees Leonardo has drawn. Any two of the following: a persons arm / a skeleton arm / a strange flying object / a baby At the end, Lottie says she thinks the Mona Lisa is amazing. Why do you think she says this? Explain as fully as you can. Mention of any two of the following things: - The Mona Lisa is a beautiful painting - The Mona Lisa has come alive and spoken to her - The Mona Lisa has taken her back to the past - The Mona Lisa has shown her Leonardo da Vincis studio

Key Stage


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Key Stage 1 English Writing Assessment Set D

Writing Assessment
Imagine that you have gone to see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. She has started talking to you and invited you into the painting like she did with Lottie in the story. Write a story about what happens. Plan your story on this sheet and then write your story up on lined paper.

Describe what the Mona Lisa looks like.

What does she say to you?

The Mona Lisa

Where do you go once you step inside the painting? How do you get back?

Key Stage


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Key Stage 1 English Spelling Set D

Spelling test part 1: The classroom

Note to parents: Give the picture sheet on the next page to your child. For each picture say what the word is (listed below) and then let them write it in the box provided.

Paper Book Board Pen Tick Chair Window Pencil Bag Desk

When marking the spelling paper, award one mark to each word your child spells correctly.

The classroom

Spelling Test: Part 2

Note to parents: Keep the Parents sheet (on the next page) and give your child the Childs sheet. Let your child follow the words on their sheet as you read the whole passage on your sheet (including the words in bold) once, all the way through. Now read the words on your sheet again, pausing after each word in bold, so that you child can write the missing word in the blank space on their sheet.

KS1 SATs Spelling test Parents sheet

Charlie woke up to find himself staring out of a round window at a black sky dotted with stars. This wasnt his bedroom! He looked around him. He was in a room with bright, white walls. There was an open door opposite him and he could see it lead to a control room where all the walls were covered in buttons. Two little blue men were sat with their backs to him, and appeared to be working some levers, while they looked out of a window at the darkness ahead. Charlie stood up quickly and started walking towards them. When he arrived in the control room, he tapped one of them on the shoulder. Excuse me, he said. Im not really sure what Im doing here. I just went to bed last night and now I have no idea where I am! The little blue man smiled. Dont worry. Youre perfectly safe here. Then he turned back and carried on operating the levers and buttons in front of him. Charlie thought he might as well investigate. He began to walk up and down different corridors. He passed a door and stood on tiptoes to look through the round window. Four little blue men were sat around a table with very serious expressions on their faces.

KS1 SATs Spelling test Childs sheet

Charlie ___________ up to find himself staring out of a __________ window at a black sky dotted with stars. This wasnt his bedroom! He ____________ around him. He was in a room with ____________, white walls. There was an open door opposite him and he could see it lead to a control room where all the walls were covered in buttons. Two little __________ men were sat with their backs to him, and appeared to be working some levers, while they looked out of a window at the darkness ahead. Charlie stood up quickly and started walking towards them. When he arrived in the control room, he tapped one of them on the shoulder. Excuse me, he said. Im not ___________ sure what Im doing here. I just went to bed last night and now I have no idea ___________ I am! The little blue man smiled. Dont worry. Youre perfectly __________ here. Then he turned back and carried on operating the levers and buttons in front of him. Charlie thought he might as well investigate. He began to walk up and down ______________ corridors. He passed a door and stood on tiptoes to look through the round window. Four little blue men were sat around a ___________ with very serious expressions on their faces.

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