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Introduction: Tolerance is the most necessary quality of man. Tolerance is one of the conditions of good manners.

Intolerance leads to the worst disaster. So, we put so much importance on tolerance. Vices of intolerance: Intolerance leads to the worst kinds of disaster. In the mythology and history we can find many horrible acts of intolerance. Cain killed his elder brother Able, because he could not bear the importance of Able in the eye of God. The Catholic queen Mary of Great Britain burnt the Protestants alive, Because she should not tolerate the Puritanism. Aurangzeb killed Hindus under the feet of elephants, because he could not tolerate Hinduism. Sometimes we quarrel with others owing to such intolerance. Many of our enemies are the outcome of our intolerance. We cannot make justice, because we are intolerant to hearing the views which are different for ours. So, intolerance is a very bad quality. Usefulness of tolerance: Tolerance is really a very highly useful quality. It is one of the basic principles of good manners. We can do justice if we are tolerant to hearing the different views of others. If we are tolerant we can make the due assessment of the views of others. Tolerance as a quality is indispensable in the democratic countries. Tolerance is the first condition for the exercise of of all views. We must be tolerant of the views however bitter that may be. So, every student, every citizen and every individual culture the habit of tolerance. Conclusion: There is not doubt in it that tolerance is the most necessary quality of our every day life. If we culture tolerance we will be free from all the pain of envy within ourselves. Then our soul will live in peace and happiness. Children from their early childhood should develop the habit of tolerance. The elders should guide them in this respect.

Tolerance means accepting and valuing differences between people, appreciating that these differences enrich us. It recognizes that each of us has a limited perspective on the world and that together our tapestry of insights and virtues is greater than those of any one person, tribe or culture alone.

Tolerance acknowledges the vastness of Reality and cherishes the many human faces of that Reality. When we are tolerant we watch and listen and seek to discover how the many pieces fit together to make a wonderful whole. We are able to delight in the otherness of strangers and our intimate companions, knowing that our own lives would be less rich if everyone were more like us.

It simply means that the highest result of education is not mainly on having successful grades. You may be having successful grades and may have been getting very high education in life. But that's only in studies. What about interaction with people around you? There are some educated & rich people we may know of but their tolerance towards another person is low. I.e. they are close minded, unwilling to be open-minded and listen to other people's ideas. And that's a failure. So, the quote means, the highest result of education is not only about having good grades. But it's about having open-mind with the people around you during the process of your education, about how you much you have learned from others. As tolerance comes not only in studies but in handling people too YES! Tolerance goes beyond the absence of racial and religious bigotry, as important as that is in life.. Tolerance also means the ability to celebrate opposing ideas. This negotiation of inner resolutions of previously conflicting concepts and feelings is the basis for greater creativity. This kind of tolerance is the open-mindedness necessary for increased mental fluency and improved ideational flexibility both hallmarks of the creative spirit. This kind of creative tolerance promotes the ability to find unique associations, and see new links and make connections between previously disparate ideas. Tolerance also means the ability to persevere or to endure in difficult conditions. This perseverance of action is also a trademark of the artist, the change agent, and the crafter of a fulfilling life. Tolerance that brings both the openness of creative thought and perseverance of worthwhile actions are indeed the highest results of a trully superior education.

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