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Tolerance means being able to allow the existence of something that differs from one’s own
beliefs or opinions. In this sense, when something is tolerated its existence is accepted; but
that acceptance does not mean that you agree with what is tolerated.

It is a very common term in political and religious contexts, in which people often have
difficulty understanding and assuming that there are different opinions and beliefs that must
be respected. Tolerance is above all respect. Someone who tolerates a belief does not
necessarily follow it, only accepts the right of others to believe in other things. Tolerance
goes beyond if we consider the beliefs or opinions of other are right or wrong.

➢ In simple words tolerances means to bear something even when you have to power
the answer. The first meaning of the verb “to tolerate” is “To endure, sustain (pain or
hardship).” That usage is becoming obsolete, but it still surfaces today when we say
that a patient has a remarkable ability to tolerate the pain.
➢ The second meaning: “To allow to exist or to be done or practiced without
authoritative interference or molestation.
➢ In oxford English dictionary: To recognize and respect (others’ beliefs, practices,
etc.) without necessarily agreeing or sympathizing.
➢ (Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary: Tolerance does not mean that you have to
follow their beliefs or opinions; it is only the acceptance of the fact that like you they
also have the right to have their own opinions or beliefs.
➢ (American Heritage Dictionary: Tolerance does not mean that you have to follow
their beliefs or opinions; it is only the acceptance of the fact that like you they also
have the right to have their own opinions or beliefs.
➢ According to combridge Dictionary: The ability to something unpleasant or
annoying, or to continue exiting despite bad or difficult my tolerance of /heat is
considerably grater after having lived in the far east for a couple of years


➢ Helen keller : Tolerance is the ability to forgive those who tend to before thinking
(Catherine pulsifer).The highest result of education is tolerance .
➢ Prophet ( PBUH): A funeral procession passed in front of prophet ( PBUH) and he
stood up. when he told by the people that it was a coffin of jews He said ‘’Was he
not a human being‘’ (Bukhari book #23,hadith # 399 ).


➢ Hazrat Ali (R.A.): Beauty of relationship in tolerance if you start looking for
flawless people you will find yourself alone in the end.

Intolerance involves actions that go beyond conflicting opinions or beliefs. For example,
someone who does not accept Jehovah’s Witness visits at home is not intolerant. Why?
Because that person is in his right not to accept that someone enters his house (it is something
private). Now, if that person opposes not only Jehovah’s Witnesses visit their home, but also
those of others; that person is showing intolerance, since he is not respecting the right of

➢ Oxford dictionary: The fact of not being willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving
that are different from your own.
➢ intolerance is unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respectopinions
or beliefs contrary to ones own.
➢ Cambridge university / dictionary: Intolerance is the disapproving of or refusing
to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own.
✓ The root cause of intolerance is ignorance, lack of knowledge, understanding and a
tendency to see the world in black and white with no grey zones.
✓ Bias and prejudice are also reasons behind intolerance.
✓ Intolerance is fear of things we are not familiar with. Another cause is a threat to the
status quo, a threat to stability.
✓ Also, stress, due to some personal and family issues, makes a majority of the people
not only in Pakistan but also around the world become intolerant.



The term "culture" is quite broad. Not all culture is purely definitive. Culture can be
extremely generalized, and the lines between cultures quite gray.

Every country may have its own culture. And then every part of that country its own culture.
Every city may have its own culture, and then every neighborhood within that city. A certain
culture can have members scattered around a country or even the world.

In religious point of view our Islam does not bound people for their views on Islam. We must
respect people of other religion. For example if someone is Jew and one is Muslim they live
in same street, both follow their own religion. We should not fight with Jews and accept them
because they are also human beings. If their religions is same or not but they have to respect
each other . (Saeed, 1999)

In our culture we do not tolerate other's behavior specially on the basis of our religion point
of views. Like many people murder on the basis of religion.
On Christmas, christian are free to celebrate their custom and go to church. No one should
stop them to follow their belief and it is not in Islam that we stop other to following their
religions but we fight on the basis of Firka like Sunni ,Wahabi and Shia because their belief
are not same. We do not tolerate other people on their basis of custom . Like if we talk about
majority of people live in Pakistan is Shia Muslim 16.5 million according to 2012 research.
(Ahmed, 2017)
Pakistan is a multilingual country with six major and over 57 small languages. However, the
languages of the domains of power---government, corporate sector, media, education etc---
are English and Urdu. The state’s policies have favored these two languages at the expense
of others. These have resulted into the expression of ethnic identity through languages other
than Urdu. It has also resulted in English having become a symbol of the upper class,
sophistication and power. The less powerful indigenous languages of Pakistan are becoming
markers of lower status and culture shame. Some small languages are also on the verge of
extinction. It is only by promoting additive multilingualism that Pakistani languages will gain
vitality and survive as cultural capital rather than cultural stigma. We always fight with each
other on the basis of different language like Punjabi, Balochi, Pashto and feel proud in our
own languages.

It’s actually a very positive sign that Pakistan has been ranked as very tolerant country when
it comes to Racism. The statistics are based on people’s attitudes towards the other races,
being a national of this country I have always observed that Pakistani people very rarely
discriminate among different races, they actually do not care about the races as humanity
and personal character is more important to them.

Specially, I have always seen locals here warmly welcoming the foreigners, and even giving
them more preference in terms of hospitality and care as compared to their own countrymen.

Pakistan back in the 50s and 60s was a secular but highly racist country but in some places
race is also show like Intolerance we face many problem like in our culture we prefer white
colour peoples on their basis of color we respect them .For example if people go for
marriage proposal they prefer white color women or men. People ignore the Islamic rules.
Our Prophet Muhammad showed great tolerance:

‘NO one is superior due to its color or race’


Since every member of society is anxious and depressed, the tolerance level has been going
down with every passing day. Since the local individuals have been suffering number of
problems around, they cannot concentrate on things which they need to work on.
The minds are struck in problems like inflations, terrorism and others.
People talking about problems but nothing else. People are afraid and worried about the
future of the children and a scared mind cannot innovate anything. A young man gets
frustrated when he does not get a proper job. A poor gets frustrated when he does not find
any food for his kids.
Moreover, there are several other issues like load shedding, unemployment, pollution,
corruption and many others which one can’t even count.
The community pinned a lot of hopes on the present government after the national elections
in February 2008. Yet, the politician could not come up to the expectations.
These problems are making local people upset and consequently tolerance has been fading
A simple example of lack of tolerance in the society was the recent protests against load
Despite registering a non-violent protest, the men and woman came out on the roads and
destroyed everything that appeared in their way.

If we want ourselves to compete with the world in the field of technology or science, we have
to give our people a healthy environment.


The role of schools and universities in Pakistan becomes crucial towards contributing to the
promotion of tolerance among students, staff, faculty, different ethnic groups, sects, civil
society and the national environment of the country.

Like 1f they behave gently with staff so they taught tolerance . Like if someone is on high
post like professor and other is little low post like peon and professor does not behave good
with peon in front of student so he taught intolerance to his student mostly in Pakistan if
someone has power they become proudly and think that every one is lower then him but in
our culture does not teach that no one is superior because he has a wordly knowledge .
Muhammed Ali Jinnah show tolerance ‘ you are free; you are free to go to your temple
you are free to go to your mosque or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan
you may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business .we
are standing in the days where there is no discrimination ,no distinction between one
community and another no discrimination on the basis of caste or creed and another (Dobras,

Tolerance is very important in religious point of view and others . If we do not tolerate
eventually we will destroy our culture. If we want enhance our culture we have to be
more tolerate we should respect other people believes, ideas and mindsets. If we do not
believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we do not believe in it at all.


Ahmed, Z. S. 2017. National Identity Formation in Pakistan: Analysis of the Anti-Secular Narrative.
Citizenship and globalisation research papers, 1:63-73.
Dobras, R. J. 2008. Is the United Nations Endorsing Human Rights Violations: An Analysis of the
United Nations' Combating Defamation of Religions Resolutions and Pakistan's Blasphemy
Laws. Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L., 37:339.
Saeed, A. 1999. Towards religious tolerance through reform in Islamic education: The case of the
state institute of Islamic studies of Indonesia. Indonesia and the Malay World, 27:177-191.

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