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Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:18-19) A book I read some years ago titled, How Full is Your Bucket? I read it during a particularly difficult time in my life. More about the book later. I felt all used up with no energy left. When I was young I held a romantic and innocent expectation of church and ministry. I think most of us left the seminary with an attitude of endless possibilities. After all, God can do all thingsright? I remember with sweet childlike innocence - or was it ignorance. I discovered no such church in Norman Rockwell painting. I hear many of my classmates discovered the same secret no one bothered to tell us: the church lacks confidence in God. Doug McLeod said it better with a twinge of humor: I still say a church steeple with a lightening rod on top shows a lack of confidence. When there is a lack of confidence there quickly follows an attitude of indifference or negativity. No wonder 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year. Now back to the book. Im not into self help books but I will often refer back to How Full is Your Bucket? It is based on the simple thought that everyone has an invisible bucket that holds their feelings. Here is a brief description of the Bucket-Dipper Theory: Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When its empty, we feel awful. Each of us also has an invisible dipper. When we use that dipper to fill other peoples buckets- by saying or doing thing to increase their positive emotions- we also fill our own bucket. But when we use that dipper to dip from others buckets- by saying or doing things that decrease their positive emotions- we diminish ourselves. Like the cup that runneth over, a full bucket gives us a positive outlook and renewed energy. Every drop in that bucket makes us stronger and more optimistic. But an empty bucket poisons our outlook, saps our energy, and undermines our will. Thats why every time someone dips from our bucket, it hurts us. So we face a choice every moment of every day: We can fill one another's buckets, or we can dip from them. Its an important choice- one that profoundly influences our relationships, productivity, health, and happiness. God has filled our buckets beyond our wildest dreams. He has filled us with love, grace and everything we need. So here is my challenge. Set a goal to dip into your bucket and offer a drink of love and grace to five others. It will transform your life and it will transform our congregation. Imagine what others outside our walls will say, What on earth are they doing with all those buckets? God bless your ministry, mike

Zion Lutheran Church Tel: 830-257-8411 Cell: (123) 456 7891

624 Barnett St.

Kerrville, TX. 78028

MEMORIALS Women of the Word

The Spring Style Show and Luncheon was a great success. JC Penney supplied the fashions which were modeled by Rheba Schwarz, Peggy Pease, Fran Turner, Donna Kelly, Missy and Halley Erlund, and Shelby and Amelia Balser. The luncheon was catered by Salada's. A big thank you to everyone who brought the many delicious desserts and to those who helped in every area. If you missed it, we are planning another similar event in the spring. The focus for Lutheran World Relief this coming year will continue to be the quilts, soap (8 oz bars) and fabric - (3 yards and a spool of thread). There will more about this is later bulletins. If you would like to start early, there is a box marked LWR in the Narthex for you donations. On May 20, quilts made by the quilting group were presented to the graduating seniors, Dustin Griffin, Kelly McKeon, Amber Rauhut, Daniel Gutz, and Keara Harrison. We are proud of you young men and women. Circles will continue to meet in June. Some are finishing their study for this year and choosing studies for next year. Now is a good time to consider joining a circle in the fall. Please call Carolyn Freeman, 8955876 for more information. June 4 Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 June 6 Ruth- Rebecca Circle - 9:30 , Lorine Treumer Hostess and Barbara Dierker. We will finish our study and choose material for next year. Esther Circle 2:00, Beryl Bjork, hostess Dorcas-Elizabeth - 2:00, Peggy Peese, hostess and Kathryn Chapman, Bible Study Leader Naomi Circle will not meet again until September. Friday, June 7 Mary-Martha Circle will meet in the conference room at 12:05.
Advertising In Honor of Lew Williams by Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau Media Sammie Krutsinger by Tony Elwood Louise Feuge by M/M Bruce Motheral, M/M Walden Freeman Building Fund Louise Feuge by Annis & Robert Marshall, M/M Wade Heimann, Dorothy Peschel Bereavement Louise Feuge by Dorothy Maurer

Zion Lutheran Childrens Center

Louise Feuge by M/M Milton Bernhard

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. (James 5:7)
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, age five and Ryan, three. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson so she said; "Now boys, if Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.'" Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus."

Worship & Music

By Judy Johnson Today when Judy Sharp reminded the staff that tomorrow is the Tidings deadline, I replied that I was lost in the desert on a horse with no name,as the song goes, so will repeat some thoughts from an article I wrote years ago: How I used to look forward to the summer months, especially when I was teaching public school music! By the end of May, students and staff were tired and needed time to de-stress and relax. We all need that, dont we? Sundays used to be a day of rest when folks sat out on their front porches after church, sipped lemonade and visited with family or passers-by. Now we seem to keep up our hectic pace even on Sunday, running here and there, shopping or doing errands. And for me and others who are employed by the church, Sunday is a work day. Hopefully, we make time in our busy schedules to be still and know that [He] is God. (Psalm 46:10) We need that one-on-one time with our Creator to renew, reconnect and recharge. Without it, our spiritual batteries run down and we become ineffective. Jesus retreated to the wilderness to spend time with his Father, away from the cares and demands of the world. Take some time this summer to bask in the presence of our Awesome God, rest in His incredible love for you, and listen for His guidance in your life. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.--Matthew 11:28 * If any of you have hymn favorites, please let me know so I can include them in our services. Feel free to call me (895-5517) or leave your request in my box in the office. Also let me know if you wish to provide music during the summer while the choirs are on vacation.

Sarah Circle Plans New Bible Study Next fall Sarah Circle will begin a new adventure as bad girls. We will begin the new study Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn From Them, 2013 edition; available July 16th (book only). We will be introduced to 10 Bad Girls with a short video, discussion questions, and referring to scripture verses for enrichment of God's message to us. You can currently pre-order your book as follows: Barnes and Noble for $12.98, ships free with a $25 order; Amazon for $12.98, ships free with a $25 order ;Hastings for $13.49 We hope you will join us in this exciting new Bible study in September.

Trudys Bread Ministry

This ministry was started by Trudy Jarvis to provide bread for CAM. THIS NEED IS CONSTANT. CAM does not get bread from the Food Bank and must obtain it locally. Contributions can be made in cash or a check (to CAM), and put in the box marked BREAD MINISTRY in the Narthex.

Address Change
Bernie Bruns 226 Painted Rock Kerrville, TX 78028

Jaxyn Tyler Altmann-Banda

Louise Feuge Ardis Wright Mildred Larson (former member)

Zion Lutheran Childrens Center

Dear Congregation of Zion Lutheran Church, Spring Greetings from the Childrens Center! On February 14, 2013, ZLCC children sent handmade cards to all of the shut-in congregants of Zion Lutheran Church. ZLCC children also sent over 80 Valentines Day cards and care items to the Veterans at our local VA Hospital. ZLCC children made all the cards; parents and community members donated the items for the care packages. The children had a Valentines Day party in their classrooms in the afternoon; parents were invited and many attended fun was had by all. Thanks to a very generous, anonymous member of Zion Lutheran Church, we will be having the front entrance doors of the Center replaced with doors that meet todays safety standards. This is a large step toward completion of Kerrville Police Departments safety plan; to make our campus the safest possible for our children and families. In February, I sat down with Mrs. June Oehler to discuss putting together a Vacation Bible School for the pre-school children of ZLCC. We will continue discussions into the Spring; with the Vacation Bible School tentatively set for the first part of June. Thank you to Mrs. Oehler, Pastors Rauhut and Williams and all the volunteers helping with this project. I am sure it will be a memorable and fun experience for the children. Thank you for your continued support of Zion Lutheran Childrens Center! Sincerely, Stephanie Cash, Director and the Board of Directors Larry Cattran, Gus Schill, Wally Freeman, Dena Theis, Beverly Fischer, Sue Nelms

Celebrating Gods Work

Date & Time
June 2 9:00 a.m. June 2 11:00 a.m. June 9 9:00 a.m.

Communion Servers

Lay Readers
Arita Raso

Kendra Joines Arita Raso Holly Shirley

June 9 11:00 a.m.

June 16

9:00 a.m.

Fran Turner Mary Louise Leach Peggy Peese Donna Shirley Beth Murley Hailey Erlund

June 16 11:00 a.m. June 23 9:00 a.m.

June 23 11:00 a.m. June 30 June 30 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m. Tracy & Kaleigh Flowers, Linda Mamm, Beverly Fischer

Altar Flowers June 2 Dave & Barbara Weden June 9 Mike & Shari Borchers June 16 Don & Barbara Rauhut June 23 Donna Jenschke June 30

If you would like to provide altar flowers on June 30 or on any Sunday, please sign the flower chart in the narthex or call the church office at 2578411.

Altar Guild Linda Mann & Donna Shirley BellChoir Jim Abbatiello Chancel Choir Judy Johnson Communion Assistants Ward Jones Decorations Karen Kordzik

Lay Readers Evelyn Wilke Multimedia Misty Erlund Prayer Stations Rheba Schwarz Sacred Arts Judy Johnson TV/Radio Broadcast Gerd Rohleder Ushers Beverly Fisher Pam Raborn

June 2013

9:00am-noon Staff Mtg./ Wor Plg. 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 6:30 p.m. Origins 7:00 Sarah Circle 8:00 NA Mtg.

10:00 ZLCC Chapel 6:30pm Youth JAM 8:00 pm CA Mtg.

8:30am Prayer Cell 10:00am Prayer Communion Cell CAM Donation Sun

9am LWR Sewing Noon Brown Bag 9:30 Ruth-Rebecca 2:00 Esther Circle 2:00 DorcasElizabeth Circle 6:30pm Band Practice 8:00 pm N A Mtg.


9:00am-noon Staff Mtg./ Wor Plg. 9:30 ZLCC VBS 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 6:30pm Origins 7:00pm Council 8:00 NA Mtg.

9am Wmn's Brk 9:30 ZLCC VBS 6:30 Youth JAM 8:00 pm CA Mtg.



Newsletter Deadline

9:30am ZLCC VBS 8:30am Prayer Cell 10:00 Prayer Cell 10:30 Communion at Plaza Chapel 2:00 WOW Brd Mg

9am LWR Sewing 9:30 ZLCC VBS 9:30 ZLCC VBS 6:30pm Band 5:15 pm ZLCC Practice VBS Closing 8:00 pm N A Mtg.

16 Fathers Day 17 18 8:30 am Prayer Cell 8:30am & 1:00pm 8:30am Quilt Guild Communion Quilt Guild 9:00am-noon Staff 10:00 Prayer Cell Mtg./ Wor Plg. 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers 1:30pm Knitters 2:30 Shawl Ministry 6:30pm Origins 8:00 NA Mtg. 23 24 25
8:30 am Prayer Cell 10:00 Prayer Cell 9:00am-noon Staff 6:55pm Men's BSF Mtg./ Wor Plg. 10:00 Prayer Cell 12:15 & 5:15 pm Weight Watchers _______________ 6:30pm Origins 8:00 NA Mtg. 30 8:30 am Prayer Cell





10:00am ZLCC 9am LWR Sewing Chapel 6:30pm Band 6:30 pm Youth JAM Practice 8:00 pm C A Mtg. 8:00 pm N A Mtg.

6:30 Youth JAM 8pm CA Mtg.

9am LWR Sewing 6:30pm Band Practice 8:00 pm N A Mtg.



Curtis Clute Daniel Haverlah Kathleen Roehl Megan Motheral Cynthia Faust Mark Bigott Rachel Taylor Helen Kelly Rebecca Priess Gladys Rock Arnold Bohn John Flowers Rick Rauhut Milton Shaw Lawrence Hagen Lexi Callcott Rachel Erlund A.J. Raso Cathy Itz Marley Michel Martin Noyd Robert Wilke Sara Brown O.J. Erlund Donna Jenschke Bill Emshoff T. Beck Gipson

6/1 6/1 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/5 6/5 6/7 6/8 6/8 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/11 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/14 6/14 6/15 6/15 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/17 6/17

Pam Raborn Bernice Klein Roger Lampman Jr. Gerd Rohleder Adrianne Pfiester Edith Widner Kaleigh Flowers Donald Rauhut Bethany Brown Mildred Evans Tannie January Jennifer Lagundino Thomas Myers June Oehler Ann Blackburn L. Cox Jr. William Widner Jr. Evelyn Johnson Sherri Walters

6/17 6/18 6/19 6/19 6/20 6/20 6/21 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/27 6/27 6/27 6/29 6/29

Web page: Email: Office: Pastor: Youth: Church Council: Media Center: Judy Johnson: Misty Erlund: Childrens Center: Please notify the church office if your email address changes.

Staff Pastor-Michael Williams Assisting Pastors - Barbara Dierker, Rev. Donald Rauhut Office Secretary - Judy Sharp Financial Secretary - Mindy Williams Organist/Choir Director - Judy Johnson Contemporary Service Director - Misty Erlund Choir Accompanist - Jimmy Abbatiello Bell Choir Director - Jim Abbatiello Childrens Ctr. Director - Stephanie Cash Nursery Attendant - Katherin McCoy Superintendent - Steve Griffin Church Council Officers President Kent Bressler Vice President Bruce Motheral Secretary Nikki Kordzik Treasurer Sara McKeon Representatives: Benevolence Martha Kies Childrens Center Larry Cattran Evangelism Tim Sasman Fellowship Gay Klaerner Parish Ed June Oehler Property - John Dennis Stewardship - Mary Vestuto Worship & Music - Ward Jones Youth Ministry - Jess Erlund

Zion Lutheran Church 624 Barnett St. Kerrville, TX. 78028 830-257-8411 Fax: 830-896-3266 Office:

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