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Presented by:

GAGAN GOEL Dy. Manager (Electrical)

World Environment Day & The theme for 2013

Every year, every where, everyone!
The World Environment Day celebration began in 1972 and has become one of the main vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action. It is also a day for people from all walks of life to come together to ensure a cleaner, greener and brighter

outlook for themselves and future generations.

The theme for this years World Environment Day celebration is

The Think.Eat.Save campaign of the Save Food Initiative is a partnership between UNEP, FAO and Messe Dsseldorf, and supports the UN Secretary- Generals Zero Hunger Challenge. It seeks to add its authority and voice to these efforts in order to galvanize widespread global, regional and national actions and catalyze more sectors of society to be aware of and to act on the growing scandal of food waste.

What is hunger?
For most people in developed countries, being hungry is the uncomfortable feeling you get if you skip lunch. But its very different if youre one of the hundreds of millions who dont get enough to eat every single day. Being malnourished means you dont have the strength or energy to do even the simplest tasks. Hunger makes you weak, tired and unable to concentrate. Work or study of any kind is exhausting. All you can think about is when you are going to eat.

Hunger effect

On average, a person needs about 1800 kcal per day as a minimum energy intake. If you dont get that you are likely to be suffering from chronic hunger and the human body will start to feed on itself: fat, muscle tissue and finally the organs. Death is inevitable although many starving people actually die from hungerrelated diseases such as tuberculosis, dysentery or typhoid which a weak body is unable to fight. Young children and old people are particularly vulnerable.

A young girl standing amid made graves of 70 children (Kenya). Many of them died of during an extensive drought in which began in July 2011.

the freshly in Dadaab malnutrition East Africa,

Cause of Hunger
Among the key causes of hunger are natural disasters, war (conflict), poverty, poor agricultural infrastructure, overexploitation of the environment & FOOD WASTE OR FOOD LOSS.

Food Loss & Food Waste

Food loss measures the decrease in edible food mass (excluding inedible parts and seed) "throughout the part of the supply chain that specifically leads to edible food for human consumption", that is, loss at the production, postharvest and processing stages. Food waste is food loss occurring during the retail and final consumption stages due to the behavior of retailers and consumers that is, the throwing away of food.

World Hunger Facts

While the planet is struggling to provide enough resources to sustain its 7 billion people (growing to 9 billion by 2050), One in seven people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of five die daily from hunger.

World Hunger Facts

Each minute 28 humans die from hunger & malnutrition 21 are children Equals a Hiroshima every 3 days Chronic Malnutrition: 10% of World Population 250,000 infants/small children die each week from dietrelated, easily preventable disease.

World Food Waste Facts

The irrigation water used globally to grow food that is wasted would be enough for the domestic needs of 9 billion people - the number expected on the planet by 2050. If we planted trees on land currently used to grow unnecessary surplus and wasted food, this would offset a theoretical maximum of 100% of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion. 10% of rich countries' greenhouse gas emissions come from growing food that is never eaten.

World Food Waste Facts

2.3 million tonnes of fish discarded in the North Atlantic and the North Sea each year; 40 to 60% of all fish caught in Europe are discarded either because they are the wrong size, species, or because of the ill-governed European quota system. An estimated 20 to 40% of UK fruit and vegetables rejected even before they reach the shops mostly because they do not match the supermarkets' excessively strict cosmetic standards. The bread and other cereal products thrown away in USA households alone would have been enough to lift 30 million of the world's hungry people out of malnourishment 4 million people in the UK, 43 million in the EU and around 35 million in the US suffer from food poverty. 24 to 35% of school lunches end up in the bin.

What we can do?

I am very hungry sister, please give me some food.

One Grain of Rice

When the Pandavas began their exile in the forest, Once at unexpectedly, Durvasa & Yudhishtra was despondent his inabilityrishi to feed several of his disciples arrived at the holy sages and others who accompanied him. At hermitage of Pandavas. this, Dhaumya, the the priest of the Pandavas, There no food to serve them counselled him to pray was to Lord Surya. Pleased with since Draupadi had already finished Yudhishtira's prayers, Lord Surya blessed him with eating whichwould made the Akshaya Patra, a vessel that give the nervous. finished The Pandavas unlimited food every Pandavas day till Draupadi knew rishi Durvasa could get eating. enraged easily and when angered could even curse them. Durvasarishi expressed his desire to first take a bath in the river Yamuna situated close by and then partake the food.

Lord Krishna then picked up that grain of rice, ate that, and said with a sense of contentment, Ek ann ka ye danna sukh dega mujko man mana

One Grain of Rice

Rishi Durvasa and his followers all of a sudden felt extremely full and decided not to return to her hut so that they didnt insult her food by not eating. Draupadi was saved of all the embarrassment, and of course, a potential curse!

It is ironic that a country with legendry stories like this one also has millions of people who are starving, kids who are malnourished and food grains that are rotting due to lack of a proper use, handling, storage and distribution system. India has a lot to learn from that One Grain of Rice. So has the world. Think about it.

Tip-1 to reduce your foodprint

Shop Smart- plan meals, use shopping lists and dont buy more food than you need due to offers. Though these may be less expensive per kg, they can be more expensive overall if much of that food is discarded. Order meals so that you can clean plates.

Tip-2 to reduce your foodprint

Buy Funny Fruits & vegetables- many fruits and vegetables are thrown out because their size, shape, or color are not right. Buying these perfectly good funny fruit, at the farmers market or elsewhere, utilizes food that might otherwise go to waste.

Tip-3 to reduce your foodprint

Say Freeze and Use Your Freezermany frozen foods remain safe indefinitely. Freeze fresh produce and leftovers if you wont have the chance to eat them before they go bad. But check shelf life of frozen food & consume before it go waste.

Shelf Life of Food

Tip-4 to reduce your foodprint

Use FIFO (First in First Out) as a kitchen rule. Check your pantry. Cook and eat first what you bought first. Store newly bought canned goods at the back of the cabinet. Keep older ones in front for easy access.

Tip-5 to reduce your foodprint

Donatenonperishable and unspoiled perishable food can be donated to local food banks, soup kitchens, pantries and shelters. Local and national programs frequently offer free pick-up and provide reusable containers to donors.

One single creative idea and action can reduce food wastage and many more. Just THINK.EAT.SAVE. Think about right consuming in each step. Eat without wasting even single pinch of food. Save food, save environment and save life of many hungry people around you. Lets join our hands to save our environment by saving our food and finally saving many human lives.

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Thoughts about the Future

The world has enough for man's need, but not for man's greed.
--Mahatma Ghandi

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